

本站小编 Free考研考试/2024-01-21

摘要: 目的 了解我国社会公众心肺复苏(CPR)掌握现状与施救意愿,分析其影响因素。方法 应用问卷星对社会公众进行调研,共1 609人完成一般资料、心脏病发作症状认知、CPR知识掌握情况、为他人实施CPR的意愿、CPR培训经历等信息的填写。结果 本次调研的社会公众中,58.88%学习过CPR,紧急情况下68.51%愿意为他人实施CPR。logistic回归分析结果显示,从事的工作性质、接受CPR培训频率、对心脏病发作症状的认知和CPR相关知识掌握程度是社会公众实施CPR意愿的影响因素(P < 0.05)。结论 公众为他人实施CPR的意愿较高,但目前CPR知识相对缺乏,应多途径、多方式为社会公众开展心脏病发作症状及CPR操作技能的培训,提高社会公众自救互救能力。


索婷婷1,2, 栗娟1,3, 高凤琪1, 沈永青1,4, 冯会玲4,5
1. 河北中医学院护理学院社区护理教研室, 石家庄 050200;
2. 郑州工业应用技术学院医学院内科护理教研室, 郑州 451100;
3. 安康职业技术学院护理学院内科护理教研室, 陕西 安康 725000;
4. 河北省中医药康养照护研究重点实验室, 石家庄 050200;
5. 河北中医学院护理学院外科护理教研室, 石家庄 050200

关键词: 社会公众, 心肺复苏, 应急救护, 影响因素
Abstract: Objective To understand the situation of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and the willingness to perform it among the Chinese public, and analyze their influencing factors. Methods A questionnaire was employed for the investigation. A total of 1 609 participants provided data about their general information, cognition of heart attack symptoms, knowledge of CPR, willingness to perform CPR for others, CPR training experience. Results A total of 58.88% of the participants in this survey had learned CPR. In case of emergency, 68.51% of the participants were willing to perform CPR for others. A logistic regression analysis showed that the nature of the work, frequency of CPR training, awareness of heart attack symptoms, and degree of CPR-related knowledge were the influencing factors of the participant's willingness to perform CPR (P < 0.05). Conclusion Although the public has a high willingness to perform CPR for others, their knowledge of CPR is relatively lacking. Therefore, the public should be trained on heart attack symptoms and CPR operation skills in multiple ways to improve their self-help and emergency first-aid skills.
Key words: public, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, first aid, influencing factors


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