

本站小编 Free考研考试/2024-01-21

摘要: 目的 探讨超声清洗对钛种植体表面阳极氧化TiO2纳米阵列涂层不同深度氟元素含量的影响。方法 配制NH4F、乙二醇溶液作为阳极氧化电解液,以纯钛为阳极,以铂为阴极,在40 V的直流电下形成100 nm管径的TiO2纳米阵列涂层。分为清洗组(NT-W组,制备好的TiO2纳米阵列涂层经过丙酮、乙醇、去离子水顺次清洗10 min)和未清洗组(NT-UW组,不做清洗处理,制备好的TiO2纳米阵列涂层室温下自然干燥)。应用X射线光电子能谱(XPS)检测2组不同深度氟元素的含量分布。沿纳米管长轴方向每500 nm深度刻蚀分析得到NT-W组和NT-UW组的不同深度XPS能谱。截选氟元素重叠峰值数据片段,比较2组氟含量及各组不同深度氟含量。结果 XPS结果显示清洗组与未清洗组纳米管管口至管底都有氟元素分布。NT-UW组氟含量显著高于NT-W组(P < 0.001)。NT-W组内管口位置氟含量显著低于其他深度(F=25.231,P < 0.01)。NT-UW组内不同深度氟含量无统计学差异(F=1.967,P=0.086)。结论 超声清洗能明显减少纳米管氟元素含量,但不能彻底清除纳米管内部氟元素。超声清洗针对纳米管表层氟元素去除更为有效。


刘莹1, 赵祥宇2, 吴刘中3, 曹灿1
1. 北部战区总医院口腔科, 沈阳 110016;
2. 沈阳市口腔医院综合急诊科, 沈阳 110002;
3. 沈阳市口腔医院牙周科, 沈阳 110002

关键词: 超声清洗, 钛种植体, 阳极氧化, TiO2纳米阵列涂层, 氟元素
Abstract: Objective To study the effects of ultrasonic washing method on the fluoride content of anodized TiO2 nanotube implant coatings at different depths. Methods NH4F and ethylene glycol solution were prepared as anodizing electrolyte, pure titanium was used as anode, platinum was used as cathode, and a 100 nm diameter TiO2 coating was formed under 40 V direct current. By the treatment of ultrasonic washing, the prepared TiO2 nanotube arrays were separated into NT-W group and NT-UW group. Every depth of 500 nm across the nanotube were etched. Select the fluoride intensity range. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) were used to analyze the fluoride distribution of nanotubes at different depths. Results The fluoride was distributed from the all length of the nanotubes in the both groups. Compared with NT-UW group, the fluoride of NT-W group was significantly reduced (P < 0.001). The fluoride of superficial NT-W group was significantly reduced compared with other depths (F=25.231, P < 0.01). There were no differences of different depth of NT-UW group significant (F=1.967, P=0.086). Conclusion The ultrasonic washing method can reduce the fluoride content of nanotubes. After washing treatment more fluoride was remained in the deeper part. The fluoride content of superficial was removed more efficient by ultrasonic washing.
Key words: ultrasonic washing, titanium implant, anodization, TiO2 nanotube array coatings, fluoride


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