

本站小编 Free考研考试/2024-01-21

摘要: 目的 探讨锌指蛋白703(ZNF703)在卵巢上皮性浆液性肿瘤组织中的表达及其与患者临床病理参数及预后的关系。方法 免疫组化SP法检测81例卵巢组织(卵巢浆液性恶性肿瘤组45例、卵巢浆液性交界性肿瘤组12例、卵巢浆液性良性肿瘤组13例和正常卵巢组织组11例)中ZNF703的表达情况,分析其表达与临床病理参数的关系及对卵巢浆液性癌患者生存预后的影响。结果 ZNF703主要表达于细胞核,细胞质少量表达。结果显示,ZNF703在卵巢浆液性癌表达明显增加,高于浆液性交界性肿瘤组、浆液性良性肿瘤组及正常卵巢组织组。ZNF703的高表达与患者分期相关(P<0.01),但与分化及淋巴结转移无明显相关,ZNF703高表达的患者生存时间明显缩短(P=0.011)。结论 ZNF703为卵巢癌的预后因素,有望作为卵巢癌的生物标志物,监测并指导卵巢癌患者的治疗。


王爽1,2, 汪彩霞3, 李潇1,2, 刘鸥萱1,2, 胡悦欣1,2, 勾睿1,2, 聂鑫1,2, 郭骞1,2, 朱连成1,2, 林蓓1,2
1. 中国医科大学附属盛京医院妇产科, 沈阳 110004;
2. 辽宁省母胎医学重点实验室, 辽宁省妇产科学重点实验室, 沈阳 110004;
3. 四川大学华西第二医院妇产科, 成都 610041

关键词: 卵巢上皮性浆液性肿瘤, 免疫组织化学, 锌指蛋白703
Abstract: Objective To investigate expression of zinc finger protein 703(ZNF703)in ovarian epithelial serous tumor tissue, and its relationship with clinical pathological parameters and patient prognosis. Methods ZNF703 was probed for by immunohistochemical SP in 81 ovarian tissues(45 cases of ovarian serous malignant tumor, 12 cases of ovarian serous borderline tumor, 13 cases of ovarian serous benign tumor, and 11 normal ovarian tissue samples). The relationship between ZNF703 expression and clinicopathological parameters, and its influence on survival and prognosis of patients with ovarian serous carcinoma were assessed. Results ZNF703 was mainly expressed in nuclei, with a small amount of cytoplasmic expression. ZNF703 expression was significantly increased in ovarian serous carcinoma relative to expression in serous borderline tumors, serous benign tumors, and normal ovarian tissue. High ZNF703 expression was related to the patient's stage(P<0.01), but not significantly related to differentiation or lymph node metastasis. Survival time of patients with high ZNF703 expression was significantly shortened(P=0.011). Conclusion As a prognostic factor for ovarian cancer, ZNF703 is expected to be useful as a biomarker for ovarian cancer to monitor and guide treatment of ovarian cancer patients.
Key words: ovarian epithelial serous tumor, immunohistochemistry, zinc finger protein 703


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