孙智颖, 倪冬姝, 马宏飞, 常宇琨, 孙旖旎, 马晓春中国医科大学附属第一医院重症医学科, 沈阳 110001
辽宁省科学技术计划(2020JH2/10300010)关键词: 危重症, 谵妄, 危险因素
Abstract: Objective To analyze the risk factors for delirium in critically ill patients in the intensive care unit (ICU). Methods We retrospectively collected the general data of 301 critically ill patients at our department, including past history (cardiovascular disease, ce- rebrovascular disease, hypertension, smoking, alcoholism, and diabetes mellitus), age, sex, diagnosis, operation status, and patient source (emergency or non-emergency). Other delirium-related factors, such as length of sedative medication, Richmond agitation-sedation scale score, family visits, ventilator use duration, use of vasoactive drugs, placement of an indwelling drainage tube, length of ICU stay, C-reactive protein and procalcitonin levels, leukocyte count, body temperature, and acute physiology and chronic health evaluationⅡ (APACHE Ⅱ) and sequential organ failure assessment scores within 24 h, were also evaluated. Delirium was assessed according to the confusion assessment method for the ICU. Thereafter, univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses were performed to determine the risk factors for delirium. Results The results of the univariate logistic analysis of 24 factors showed that 16 risk factors were closely related to delirium. Multivariate logistic analysis showed that absence of family visits, history of diabetes mellitus, emergency department as the patient source, post-operation status, long ICU stay, history of smoking, and high APACHE Ⅱ score were independent factors for predicting delirium in the ICU. Conclusion Sufficient attention should be paid to ICU patients with history of diabetes me- llitus and smoking, post-operation status, high APACHEⅡ score, and emergency department transfer to the ICU. More strategies, such as increasing the family visit time and establishing a flexible visiting system, should be implemented for the early intervention and prevention of delirium, to decrease its incidence in the ICU.
Key words: critical illness, delirium, risk factor