刘先锋1, 王丹2, 李小寒1中国医科大学1. 护理学院基础护理学教研室, 沈阳 110122;
2. 附属盛京医院宁养病房, 沈阳 110004
辽宁省教育厅服务地方项目(LFWR201701)关键词: 终末期癌症患者, 死亡质量, 护士, 安宁疗护
Abstract: Objective To explore the quality of death of terminal cancer patients from nurses’ perspective and to identify influencing factors. Methods A questionnaire was used to survey 236 nurses in Shengjing Hospital of China Medical University from July 2020 to December 2020. The questionnaire included two parts: (1) a basic information questionnaire,including nurses’ basic information (length of work,age,sex,nationality,marital status,education,professional title,position,religion,and other details ) and deceased patients’ basic information (cancer types,sex,age,hospitalization time,nationality,religion,occupation,main caregivers,the presence or absence of other chronic diseases,and other details) and (2) a quality of death questionnaire,the total score of which was used to indicate the quality of death of patients. Results The quality of death score for terminal cancer patients was 52.71±17.51,with a median score of 54.91,which was a low to moderate level. The influencing factors of the quality of death were the position of the nurses,hospice education,and the sex of the patients. Conclusion The overall quality of death of patients with terminal cancer was at a low to medium level. There is still a need to strengthen the systematic training of nurses in terms of hospice knowledge and skills,to take into account the cultural characteristics of the patients themselves,and to take effective measures to improve the quality of death and enable these patients to comfortably make the final journey of their lives.
Key words: terminal cancer patients, the quality of death, nurse, hospice care