

本站小编 Free考研考试/2024-01-21

摘要: 目的 探讨Ⅰ型胶原蛋白α1(COLIA1)调控神经细胞迁移活动对小鼠神经管闭合的作用。方法 利用全反式维甲酸(ATRA)诱导建立神经管畸形(NTDs)小鼠模型。采用Western blotting检测COLIA1,上皮细胞间质转化(EMT)相关指标E-cadherin、Snail、Vimentin表达情况。在C17.2神经干细胞中沉默COLIA1后,Western blotting检测COLIA1对E-cadherin、Snail和Vimentin表达的调节作用,通过Transwell细胞迁移实验和细胞划痕实验观察细胞迁移生物学活动变化。结果 在ATRA诱导的NTDs小鼠模型中,COLIA1表达下调,迁移相关的EMT指标Snail、Vimentin表达下调,E-cadherin表达上调。在C17.2神经干细胞中,沉默COLIA1表达后,EMT指标Snail、Vimentin表达下调,E-cadherin表达上调,细胞迁移能力降低。结论 COLIA1通过影响细胞迁移抑制NTDs的形成。


黄天楚, 黄琬淇, 顾卉, 袁正伟
中国医科大学附属盛京医院卫生部小儿先天畸形重点实验室, 沈阳 110004

关键词: Ⅰ型胶原蛋白α1, 神经管畸形, 细胞迁移, 上皮细胞间质转化
Abstract: Objective To explore the effect of collagen typeⅠα1(COLIA1) during neural tube closure in mice by regulating neurocyte migration. Methods The pathogenesis of neural tube defects (NTDs) induced by all-transretinoic acid (ATRA) was studied in mouse models. The expression of COLIA1 and epithelial mesenchymal transition (EMT) markers (E-cadherin, Snail, and Vimentin) were detected by western blotting. After COLIA1 was silenced in C17.2 neural stem cells, the regulatory effects of COLIA1 on the expression of E-cadherin, Snail, and Vimentin were detected by western blotting. The changes in the biological activities of cell migration were observed through Transwell and cell scratching experiments to explore the regulatory effects of COLIA1 on neurocyte cell migration. Results In ATRA-induced NTDs in mice, COLIA1 expression was down-regulated and the related EMT markers Snail and Vimentin were down-regulated, while E-cadherin was up-regulated. In C17.2 neural stem cells, when the expression of COLIA1 was silenced, the EMT markers were changed correspondingly:Snail and Vimentin were down-regulated, E-cadherin was up-regulated, and the migration ability of the cells was decreased. Conclusion COLIA1 inhibits NTD formation by affecting cell migration.
Key words: collagen typeⅠα1, neural tube defects, cell migration, epithelial mesenchymal transition


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