

本站小编 Free考研考试/2024-01-21

摘要: 目的 探索母婴分离3 h (MS180)和15 min (MS15)两种分离方法对雌性大鼠行为的影响,探索跑轮运动是否可以改善母婴分离造成的雌性大鼠行为异常。方法 随机将雌性仔鼠分为对照组(Control组)、MS15组和MS180组,在仔鼠出生后2~14 d,将MS15组和MS180组的仔鼠从母鼠身边取出,分别放在单独的饲养笼进行15 min或3 h的母婴分离,操作结束后将仔鼠放回母鼠身边。在仔鼠出生后22~35 d,Control组、MS15组和MS180组均再细分为跑轮运动组和非跑轮运动组,即对照非跑轮运动组(Control+non-RW组)、对照跑轮运动组(Control+RW组)、MS15非跑轮运动组(MS15+non-RW组)、MS15跑轮运动组(MS15+RW组)、MS180非跑轮运动组(MS180+non-RW组)、MS180跑轮运动组(MS180+RW组),其中Control+RW组、MS15+RW组、MS180+RW组大鼠进行每天30 min的跑轮运动。结果 旷场实验结果显示,MS15+non-RW组大鼠进入中心的次数显著高于Control+non-RW组(P < 0.05),MS180+RW组大鼠进入中心的次数显著高于MS180+non-RW组(P < 0.05)。高架十字迷宫实验结果显示,MS180+non-RW组大鼠进入闭合臂的时间显著高于MS180+RW组(P < 0.05)。结论 跑轮运动能显著纠正MS180引起的雌性大鼠焦虑水平升高,但母婴分离不影响雌性大鼠的记忆行为。


张蕴曦, 陈鑫钊, 王家钰, 赵蓓莹, 韩芳
中国医科大学基础医学院组织胚胎学教研室, 沈阳 110122

关键词: 母婴分离, 行为学, 跑轮运动
Abstract: Objective To explore the effects of maternal separation for 180 min (MS180) and 15 min (MS15) on the behavior of female rats and whether running wheel (RW) can reverse the behavioral abnormalities caused by maternal separation in female rats. Methods Female pups were randomly divided into control, MS15, and MS180 groups. The pups of MS15 and MS180 groups were removed from the home cage, placed in an isolated cage for 15 min or 180 min, and then returned to their home cage from postnatal day (PND) 2 to PND 14. From PND 21 to PND 35, the control, MS15, and MS180 groups were subdivided into RW and non-RW groups, that is, control + non-RW, control + RW, MS15 + non-RW, MS15 + RW, MS180 + non-RW, and MS180 + RW groups, all of which were included in this study. Pups in the control + RW, MS15 + RW, and MS180 + RW groups underwent RW exercise for 30 min every day. Results In the open-field test, entries in the center among pups in the MS15 + non-RW group were significantly higher than those among pups in the control + non-RW group (P < 0.05), and entries in the center among pups in the MS180 + RW group were significantly higher than those among pups in the MS180 + non-RW group (P < 0.05). In the elevated plus-maze, the time spent in closed arms among pups in the MS180 + non-RW group was significantly higher than that among pups in the MS180 + RW group (P < 0.05). Conclusion MS15 can reduce the anxiety level of female rats and improve the desire to explore new environment. RW can significantly reverse anxiety and depression caused by MS180, but maternal separation does not affect the memory of female rats.
Key words: maternal separation, behavior, running wheel exercise


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