冷旭, 潘伯臣, 孙陆中国医科大学附属盛京医院生殖中心男科, 沈阳 110004
冷旭(1980-),男,主治医师,硕士.关键词: Y染色体微缺失, 无精子症因子, 无精子症, 少精子症, 男性不育
Abstract: Objective To catalog the types of Y chromosome microdeletion in male infertility patients,and explore the relationship of each with sperm production. Methods Primers were designed for 12 Y chromosome specific sequence tag sites,and were used for a PCR based assay for Y chromosome microdeletions. Patients in which deletions were found were assessed for sperm production. Results One hundred and sixty five patients with Y chromosome microdeletions (4%) were detected among 3 720 male infertility patients. Detection rates for AZFa and AZFb microdeletions were 0.24% and 0.99%. In these patients no sperm was present. Detection rates for AZFc and AZFd microdeletions were 2.66% and 0.24%,respectively,and 63% and 89% of these patients produced sperm. The Y chromosome microdeletion ratios were AZFabcd 5.45%,AZFa 5.45%,AZFb 6.67%,AZFbcd 16.98%,AZFc 60.00%,and AZFd 5.45%. Conclusion AZFc is the most common Y chromosome microdeletion. Approximately 2/3 of patients with the AZFc microdeletion have sperm,and more sperm may be found after treatment. The microdeletion sites should properly increase but cannot be over-interpreted. Some uncommon site deletions will be unavoidably transmitted to male offspring. Partial microdeletions can expand to complete microdeletions,affecting male infertility.
Key words: Y chromosome microdeletion, azoospermia factor, azoospermia, oligospermia, male infertility