刘佳明, 郑锐中国医科大学附属盛京医院呼吸与危重症医学科, 沈阳 110022
刘佳明(1987-),女,医师,硕士.关键词: 肺血栓栓塞, YEARS法, PEGeD法, WELLS评分, D-二聚体
Abstract: Objective To evaluate the diagnostic value of the pulmonary embolism graduated D-dimer (PEGeD) and YEARS algorithms for acute pulmonary embolism. Methods Data on disease history,clinical manifestations,and auxiliary examinations of 454 patients with suspected pulmonary embolism were collected. All patients were assessed using the Standard,PEGeD,and YEARS algorithms. Computed tomography pulmonary angiography was considered as the gold standard for acute pulmonary embolism diagnosis. The sensitivity and specificity of the three algorithms in diagnosing pulmonary embolism were calculated and compared. The receiver operating characteristic curves were then constructed,and the area under the curves (AUCs) were calculated and compared. Results The sensitivity and specificity of the Standard algorithm,the YEARS algorithm,and the PEGeD algorithm were 95.28% and 37.65%,82.76% and 52.16%,and 90.76% and 64.50%,respectively. The AUC of the Standard,YEARS,and PEGeD algorithms was 0.665 (95% CI:0.620-0.709),0.672 (95% CI:0.627-0.715),and 0.776 (95% CI:0.735-0.814),respectively. The AUC of the PEGeD algorithm was larger than that of the Standard and YEARS algorithms,and the difference was statistically significant (P < 0.001). Conclusion The diagnostic value of the PEGeD algorithm for pulmonary embolism is superior to that of the Standard and YEARS algorithms.
Key words: pulmonary embolism, YEARS algorithm, pulmonary embolism graduated d-dimer algorithm, WELLS score, D-dimer