

本站小编 Free考研考试/2024-01-21

摘要: 目的 明确小鼠创伤性脑损伤(TBI)后脑血流的动态变化,及其与运动功能受损和修复的相关性。方法 构建小鼠中度TBI模型。通过激光散斑成像技术监测活体脑血流;通过转棒、悬绳和壁架实验分析小鼠运动协调能力,并评估脑血流与运动功能损伤和恢复的相关性。结果 脑血流在TBI急性期显著减少,TBI后6 h、1 d和3 d分别减少了69.8%、62.9%和67.8%,TBI后3 d开始恢复,至TBI后14 d恢复到正常水平。TBI导致小鼠运动协调功能障碍,TBI后3 d运动功能损伤最严重,TBI后28 d基本恢复到正常水平;TBI后脑血流恢复和运动功能恢复呈显著正相关。结论 TBI导致小鼠脑损伤部位脑血流下降和运动功能障碍,此后脑血流和运动功能逐渐恢复,二者的恢复有相关性,且脑血流的恢复早于运动功能的恢复。提示TBI后通过改善脑血流能够促进运动功能的恢复。


李坤航1, 张旭东1, 赵丹2, 梁宇2, 钟诗雨1, 赵伟东2, 包义君1
1. 中国医科大学 附属第四医院神经外科, 沈阳 110032;
2. 中国医科大学 生命科学学院发育细胞生物学教研室, 沈阳 110122

关键词: 脑血流, 激光散斑成像, 创伤性脑损伤
Abstract: Objective To explore dynamic changes in cerebral blood flow (CBF) after traumatic brain injury (TBI) in mice and its correlation with the impairment and recovery of motor function. Methods A mouse model of moderate TBI was established. CBF was monitored in vivo by laser speckle imaging. The motor coordination ability of the mice was analyzed by rotating rod,string suspension,and ledge assays. The correlation between CBF and motor function were then evaluated. Results CBF decreased significantly in the acute phase of TBI,with decreases of 69.8%,62.9%,and 67.8% at 6 hours,1 day,and 3 days after TBI,respectively. CBF began to recover 3 days after TBI and was at near normal levels 14 days after TBI. Motor coordination ability deteriorated after TBI,especially on day 3,and recovered to the normal level after 28 days. The recovery of CBF was positively correlated with the recovery of motor function. Conclusion TBI may lead to decreases in CBF in injured lesions accompanied by the deterioration of motor function. CBF and motor function both recover gradually,with motor function following the quicker recovery of CBF. The recovery of CBF is also correlated with the recovery of motor function. The improvement of CBF might promote the recovery of motor function.
Key words: cerebral blood flow, laser speckle imaging, traumatic brain injury


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