

中国矿业大学 免费考研网/2018-05-13

Title:Context acquisition and embedding for recommendation

Abstract:Contextual factors can benefit music recommendation and retrieval tasks remarkably. However, how to acquire and utilize the contextual information is still challenging. In this talk, we propose our study on deriving and embedding context factors into music recommendation by leveraging emotion from social media and listening sequence, which can improve music recommendation substantially. Experiment results have justified our finding.




Bio:Dr Guandong xu is an Associate Professor(Reader) and PhD advisor, and the Director of data Science & Machine Intelligence lab at the Advanced Analytics Institute, University of Technology Sydney. His research interests cover Data Mining and Data Analytics, Behavioral modelling, NLP & Text Mining, Recommender Systems, Social Network Analysis and Social Media Mining. His research has gained grant funding from Australian and Chinese governments and projects from industries amounting A$2. 5M in past three years. In past years, he has had over 180+ publications including TIST, TOIS, TNNLS, TIFS, TSC, Inf sci, IEEE-IS, KBS, IJCAL, AAAL, WWW, ICDE, ICDM, and CIKM. He served in IEEE Computational Intelligence Society Technical Committee of Data Mining, is the Assistant EiC of www Journal and guest editors for several international journals. He was recipients of 2016 Australian Big Insight Data Analytics Award and 2017 Marketing Excellence in Data aw





个人简介:中国科学院大学博导,中国科学院电子学研究所研究员,中科院“****”入选者并获优秀人才项目择优支持。研究领域为数据挖掘与可视化,自组织网络。黄廷磊研究员长期从事信息技术领域研究工作,在数据管理和移动自组织网络领域取得了多项创新成果,为我国空情管理、 应急救援领域做出了重要贡献。 黄廷磊研究员带领团队围绕国家高分重大专项,开展了数据组织管理与可视化技术的研究,在多源数据的组织方法、关联分析和高效智能检索方面取得了突破性进展。主持和参加多项国家重大专项项目,解决了地理空间信息多源异构数据的管理和应用难题,取得了良好成绩。

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