报告题目:Fracture flow simulation with Lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM) for coalbed methane recovery
报告人:Professor Geoff Wang (王国雄教授)
报告人简介:Geoff Wang王国雄, 澳大利亚昆士兰大学化工学院教授,昆士兰大学工程及建筑设计和电子、信息学部科研与合作 (中国区)主任,宝钢-澳大利亚联合研发中心执行主任。1989年毕业于东北大学获博士学位后就职于武汉科技大学讲师、副教授,曾任中国金属学会炼铁学会理事。1995年2月澳大利亚新南威尔大学访问教,1996年12月加入昆士兰大学。

王国雄教授主要从事化工、冶金能源及环境方面的开发与研究工作,包括煤(气)转化和煤层气开发与利用、二氧化碳减排、冶金新技术开发、及相关的数值模拟和模型、软件开发。王国雄教授已出版专著(高炉煤粉喷吹技术)一部,在各类国际期刊杂志发表论文120余篇,会议论文近100篇, 以及2项专利技术。除与东北大学,中南大学和武汉科技大学在冶金材料和冶金节能减排领域合作外,他还长期与中国矿业大学(徐州)/西安交通大学/河南理工大学在煤和煤层气开发利用及二氧化碳减排与存储科学研究领域建立了广泛的合作。
最近几年, 王国雄教授通过宝钢-澳大利亚联合研发中心成功地与中国大型工业企业开展了约。项合作还将持续府和昆士兰地方政府配套的研发基金超过600ds , and 40个项目的合作, 获得工业企业直接的研发投资超过2,000万澳元, 以及澳洲联邦政府和昆士兰地方政府配套的研发基金近800万澳元。
Seminar Abstract:This seminar will present a lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) based fracture model which was developed to compute permeability of coal at the microscopic level. Factors that influence permeability of coal will also be investigated using this model. Two methods to be discussed to generate the fracture structure of coal for modelling. For method one, a multi-parameter random generation-growth method will be introduced to construct the complex microstructure of coal. The other method uses non-destructive measurements such as scanning electron microscopy (SEM) or micro-computed tomography (μCT) scanning to describe the interior structure of coal. With this LBM model the fluid flows in the coal fracture can be simulated. As a result, the velocity and pressure distributions of the flow through the pores or fractures in coal rock at the different stages can be obtained accurately. The simulation results also provide the numerical information for investigating the permeability of porous materials, both locally and in the overall, which could not be measured even by costly experiments otherwise.