姓 名 陈兴 性 别 男
出生年月 1984年11月 籍贯 安徽巢湖市
民 族 汉族 政治面貌 民盟
最后学历 博士研究生毕业 最后学位 理学博士
技术职称 教授 导师类别 博、硕导
行政职务 副院长 Email xingchen@cumt.edu.cn
工作单位 中国矿业大学 邮政编码 221116
通讯地址 江苏省徐州市大学路1号中国矿业大学南湖校区
个人主页 http://www.escience.cn/people/xingchen/index.html
陈兴,中国矿业大学教授、博士生导师(均31岁时直接破格,2016-至今),2019、2020年连续当选科睿唯安全球高被引科学家,2017年全球排名前十万科学家(排名全球第12060位),斯坦福大学发布的世界前2%科学家,中国矿业大学人工智能研究院副院长,中国矿业大学生物信息研究所所长,中国矿业大学人工智能研究院大数据研究中心主任,中国矿业大学首批越崎****,江苏省六大人才高峰高层次人才,中国工业与应用数学学会数学生命科学专业委员会秘书长,中国计算机学会生物信息学专业委员会委员,中国人工智能学会青年工作委员会委员,中国自动化学会智能健康与生物信息专业委员会委员,江苏省双创团队核心成员。担任中科院一区杂志IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics(影响因子5.223)、JCR一区杂志Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine (影响因子4.658)、中科院二区杂志BMC Bioinformatics(影响因子2.213)、中科院二区杂志BMC Systems Biology(影响因子2.605)、SCI杂志Interdisciplinary Sciences-Computational Life Sciences(影响因子0.796)四家SCI杂志副主编,担任International Journal of Molecular Sciences(影响因子4.183)、International Journal of Biological Sciences(影响因子4.067)、Briefings in Functional Genomics(影响因子3.133)、Scientific Reports(影响因子4.122)、Current Protein & Peptide Science (影响因子2.696)、Current Gene Therapy(影响因子2.218)、Current Proteomics (影响因子0.606)、Current Bioinformatics(影响因子0.54)八家SCI杂志编委,担任JCR一区杂志Frontiers in Microbiology(影响因子4.019)、International Journal of Molecular Sciences(影响因子3.687)、Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry(影响因子3.374)等六家SCI杂志首席特约编委。担任国际生物信息学会议ISB 2012, ISB 2013, ISB 2014, TBC 2014, ISB 2016, ISBRA 2017, ISB 2017, ISBRA 2018, ISBRA 2019, BIBM 2019, CBC 2019, APBC 2020,ISBRA 2020, BIBM 2020的程序委员会成员。陈兴从事生物信息学和系统生物学领域的相关研究,主要研究工作集中在开发和利用复杂网络、机器学习、深度学习、图论、组合数学等方法对于复杂疾病、非编码RNA和网络药理学方面的系统生物学领域的多个重要问题进行探索和研究,并取得一系列重要进展。研究方向包括致病基因识别、microRNA与疾病关系预测、疾病相关的非编码RNA-环境因子组合作用预测、lncRNA与疾病关系研究、非编码RNA大规模功能类似性网络构建、疾病-微生物关联预测研究、药物靶点预测、药物组合研究、蛋白质相互作用预测等。这些研究方向是近年来数学、计算机科学和生命科学等诸多领域交叉研究的前沿和热点,具有很重要的理论意义和实际指导意义。至今在Bioinformatics (影响因子5.481,5篇,数学与计算生物学中科院一区,4篇第一作者,5篇通讯作者)、PLoS Computational Biology(影响因子4.428, 6篇,数学与计算生物学中科院一区,4篇第一作者,5篇通讯作者)、Nucleic Acids Research (影响因子11.561, 2篇,生物大类中科院一区,生化与分子生物学中科院一区,1篇通讯作者) 、Briefings in Bioinformatics (影响因子9.101,9篇,生物大类中科院一区,数学与计算生物学中科院一区,生化研究方法中科院一区,均为通讯作者,7篇第一作者)等国际期刊发表SCI论文119篇,其中第一作者55篇, 通讯作者99篇。以一作或通讯发表中科院一区论文21篇,以一作或者通讯发表中科院二区以上论文61篇。发表论文被Nature Reviews Genetics、Nature Chemistry、Nature Reviews Endocrinology等国际著名杂志引用共计3050次,14篇论文入选最新一期ESI高被引论文,其中被影响因子5以上杂志他引400余次,H-因子为29,20篇论文引用次数超过50,8篇论文引用次数超过100,单篇最高引用次数为441,曾获教育部高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖自然科学奖二等奖、江苏省科学技术奖三等奖、江苏省教育教学与研究成果奖高校自然科学研究类一等奖、中国自动化学会自然科学奖二等奖、2019和2020年连续两年的科睿唯安全球高被引科学家、2017年全球排名前十万科学家(排名全球第12060位)、斯坦福大学发布的世界前2%科学家、中国矿业大学首批越崎****、江苏省第十四批“六大人才高峰”高层次人才、国际网络博弈论大会最佳论文奖、第七届图论与组合算法国际研讨会"青年论文奖" 二等奖、第四届世界华人数学家大会新世界数学奖、第六届淮海科学技术奖—科技英才奖、2016—2017年度徐州市自然科学优秀学术论文二等奖、2018沈阳市自然科学学术成果奖二等奖、第六届徐州市优秀科技工作者、2018-2019年度中国矿业大学“科研育人”先进个人、中科院数学院院长奖学金等荣誉,主持或以骨干身份参与国家自然科学基金重点项目(2项,1项为子课题负责人)、国家自然科学基金重大研究计划、国家自然科学基金面上项目(主持2项)、国家自然科学基金青年基金、国家自然科学基金专项基金项目数学天元基金、江苏省第十四批“六大人才高峰”高层次人才项目、江苏省“双创计划”团队项目、中国科学院国家数学与交叉科学中心数学与生物医学交叉研究部重大专项、中国矿业大学越崎****人才引进项目、中国矿业大学重大项目培育专项、中国矿业大学学科前沿科学研究专项面上项目、中国矿业大学优秀****专项、广东省移动互联网应用中间件工程技术研究中心开放课题、深圳大学大数据系统计算技术国家工程实验室开放课题、深圳大学深圳移动互联网应用中间件技术工程实验室开放课题等21项重要项目。担任国际知名生物信息学杂志《Nature Communications》、《Nucleic Acids Research》、《Bioinformatics》、《PLoS Computational Biology》、《Briefings in Bioinformatics》、《Chemical Communications》、《EBioMedicine》、《European Journal of Human Genetics》、《Journal of Molecular Biology》、《Molecular Therapy》、《RNA》、《RNA Biology》、《Oncotarget》、《BMC Genomics》、《Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling》、《Molecular Therapy-Nucleic Acids》、《Scientific Reports》、《Knowledge-Based Systems》、《IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics》、《Frontiers in Microbiology》、《Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine》、《Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy》、《International Journal of Biological Sciences》、《Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology》、《International Journal of Oncology》、《Frontiers in Genetics》、《Molecular BioSystems》、《PLoS ONE》、《BMC Bioinformatics》、《BMC Systems Biology》、《International Journal of Molecular Sciences》、《Journal of Biomedical Informatics》、《IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics》、《Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal》、《Carcinogenesis》、《Molecular Genetics and Genomics》、《Genes》、《Expert Opinion On Drug Metabolism and Toxicology》、《Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine》、《Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems》、《Molecular Therapy - Methods & Clinical Development》、《Cells》、《Artificial Intelligence in Medicine》、《Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology》、《IEEE Transactions on NanoBioscience》、《Molecular Omics》、《International Journal of Molecular Medicine》、《Journal of Theoretical Biology》、《Journal of Molecular Structure》、《IEEE Access》、《Current Gene Therapy》、《Cancer Management and Research》、《Current Genomics》、《Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics》、《RSC Advances》、《BioMed Research International》、《Cell Proliferation》、《Phytomedicine》、《Molecules》、《FEBS Letters》、《Biomarkers in Medicine》、《Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering》、《OncoTargets and Therapy》、《Chemical Biology & Drug Design》、《Physica A-Statistical Mechanics and its Applications》、《Journal of Central South University》、《Oncology Letters》、《Cancer Biology & Therapy》、《Oncology Reports》、《The Scientific World Journal》、《The Computer Journal》、《Interdisciplinary Sciences-Computational Life Sciences》、《Neurocomputing》、《IET Systems Biology》、《Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine》、《Current Bioinformatics》、《Bulletin of Mathematical Biology》、《Computational Biology and Chemistry》、《Molecular Medicine Reports》、《Theory in Biosciences》、《Biophysical Chemistry》、《BioSystems》、《Complexity》、《Quantitative Biology》、《Current Proteomics》、《Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics》、《Journal of Biological Systems》、《Computers in Biology and Medicine》、《Computational Intelligence》、《Clinical and Translational Medicine》、《Journal of Computer Science and Technology》、《Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine》、《Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica》、《Biomedical Engineering》、《Chinese Journal of Biochemistry Molecular Biology》、《Machine Vision and Applications》和国际会议ISB2012, ISB 2013, ISB 2014, TBC 2014, InCoB2014, ISB 2016, ISMB/ECCB 2017, RECOMB 2020, ICIC2020等的审稿人。担任北京青少年科技俱乐部活动委员会学术指导导师和《2012-2013运筹学学科发展报告》编写组成员。
第六届徐州市优秀科技工作者, 2018
中国矿业大学2018年度高质量通识教育公选课(大数据时代的人工智能算法及其应用), 2018
Best Paper Award of the 2014 5th International Conference on Game Theory for Networks, 2014.
副主编:Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine(SCI, 影响因子4.658,2020-至今) 、Frontiers in Genetics (SCI, 影响因子4.151,2018-2019)、Frontiers in Plant Science (SCI, 影响因子3.678,2018-2019)、BMC Bioinformatics(SCI, 影响因子2.213,2019-至今)、BMC Systems Biology (SCI, 影响因子2.050,2017-至今)、Interdisciplinary Sciences-Computational Life Sciences (SCI, 影响因子0.796,2018-至今)
杂志编委:International Journal of Molecular Sciences(影响因子4.183,2019-至今)、International Journal of Biological Sciences(影响因子4.067,2020-至今)、Briefings in Functional Genomics(影响因子3.133,2020-至今)、Scientific Reports (SCI,影响因子4.122,2017-至今)、Current Protein & Peptide Science (SCI, 影响因子2.696,2017-至今)、Current Gene Therapy(影响因子2.218,2020-至今)、Current Proteomics(SCI, 影响因子0.606,2018-至今)、Current Bioinformatics (SCI, 影响因子0.54,2019-至今)
杂志首席特约编委: Frontiers in Microbiology (SCI, 影响因子4.019, Special issue on Bioinformatics in Microbiota,2017-2019); Current Medicinal Chemistry (SCI, 影响因子3.469, Special issue on Computational Methods for drug discovery,2017-2018); International Journal of Molecular Sciences (SCI, 影响因子3.687, Special issue on Computational Models in Non-Coding RNA and Human Disease,2018-2019); Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry (SCI, 影响因子3.374, Special issue on Application of Computational Techniques in Pharmacy and Medicine, 2017-2018); Current Protein & Peptide Science (SCI, 影响因子2.696, Special issue on Identifying drug–target interactions based on heterogeneous biological data,2014-2018); BioMed Research International (SCI, 影响因子2.583, Special issue on Current Computational Models for Prediction of the Varied Interactions Related to Non-Coding RNAs, 2016); Protein & Peptide Letters (SCI, 影响因子1.039, Special issue on Current Computational Models for Prediction of the Varied Interactions Related to Protein, 2017-2019).
国际会议程序委员会成员:The 6th IEEE International Conference on Systems Biology (ISB 2012), The 7th International Conference on Systems Biology (ISB 2013), The 8th International Conference on Systems Biology (ISB 2014), The 4th Translational Bioinformatics Conference (TBC 2014), The 10th International Conference on Systems Biology (ISB 2016), The 13th International Symposium on Bioinformatics Research and Applications (ISBRA 2017), The 11th International Conference on Computational Systems Biology (ISB 2017), The 14th International Symposium on Bioinformatics Research and Applications (ISBRA 2018), The 15th International Symposium on Bioinformatics Research and Applications (ISBRA 2019), 2019 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM 2019), The Fourth CCF Bioinformatics Conference (CBC 2019), The 18th Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC 2020), The 16th International Symposium on Bioinformatics Research and Applications (ISBRA 2020), 2020 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM 2020)
国际杂志和国际会议审稿人:Nature Communications、Nucleic Acids Research、Bioinformatics、PLoS Computational Biology、Briefings in Bioinformatics、Chemical Communications、EBioMedicine、European Journal of Human Genetics、Journal of Molecular Biology、Molecular Therapy、RNA、RNA Biology、Oncotarget、BMC Genomics、Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling、Molecular Therapy-Nucleic Acids、Scientific Reports、Knowledge-Based Systems、IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics、Frontiers in Microbiology、Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine、Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy、International Journal of Biological Sciences、Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology、International Journal of Oncology、Frontiers in Genetics、Molecular BioSystems、PLoS ONE、BMC Bioinformatics、BMC Systems Biology、International Journal of Molecular Sciences、Journal of Biomedical Informatics、IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics、Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal、Carcinogenesis、Molecular Genetics and Genomics、Genes、Expert Opinion On Drug Metabolism and Toxicology、Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine、Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems、Molecular Therapy - Methods & Clinical Development、Cells、Artificial Intelligence in Medicine、Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology、IEEE Transactions on NanoBioscience、Molecular Omics、International Journal of Molecular Medicine、Journal of Theoretical Biology、Journal of Molecular Structure、IEEE Access、Current Gene Therapy、Cancer Management and Research、Current Genomics、Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics、RSC Advances、BioMed Research International、Cell Proliferation、Phytomedicine、Molecules、FEBS Letters、Biomarkers in Medicine、Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering、OncoTargets and Therapy、Chemical Biology & Drug Design、Physica A-Statistical Mechanics and its Applications、Journal of Central South University、Oncology Letters、Cancer Biology & Therapy、Oncology Reports、The Scientific World Journal、The Computer Journal、Interdisciplinary Sciences-Computational Life Sciences、Neurocomputing、IET Systems Biology、Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine、Current Bioinformatics、Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 、Computational Biology and Chemistry、Molecular Medicine Reports、Theory in Biosciences、Biophysical Chemistry、BioSystems、Complexity、Quantitative Biology、Current Proteomics、Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics、Journal of Biological Systems、Computers in Biology and Medicine、Computational Intelligence、Clinical and Translational Medicine、Journal of Computer Science and Technology、Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine、Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica、Biomedical Engineering、Chinese Journal of Biochemistry Molecular Biology、Machine Vision and Applications和国际会议ISB2012, ISB 2013, ISB 2014, TBC 2014, InCoB2014, ISB 2016, ISMB/ECCB 2017, RECOMB 2020, ICIC2020
现代分子系统生物学倡导人Lee Hood 教授将未来医学描述为以系统生物学为核心的P4 医学(预测、预防、个性化和参与性为特点的医学的简称),早在2005年当时的卫生部长陈竺教授也著文“系统生物学——21世纪医学和生物学发展的核心驱动力”.对于复杂疾病和药物治疗而言,传统的基于单靶点的药物设计、生物标志物的发现以及治疗方案,逐渐显得无能为力.当今转化医学、个性化医学和大数据的时代为系统生物学在医学中的应用提供了条件和挑战.
本人从事生物信息学和系统生物学领域的相关研究,主要研究工作集中在开发和利用复杂网络、机器学习、深度学习、图论、组合数学等方法对于复杂疾病、非编码RNA和网络药理学方面的系统生物学领域的多个重要问题进行探索和研究,并取得一系列重要进展.研究方向包括致病基因识别、miRNA与疾病关系预测、疾病相关的 非编码RNA-环境因子组合作用预测、lncRNA与疾病关系研究、非编码RNA大规模功能类似性网络构建、疾病-微生物关联预测研究、药物靶点预测、药物组合研究、蛋白质相互作用预测等.这些研究方向是近年来数学、计算机科学和生命科学等诸多领域交叉研究的前沿和热点,具有很重要的理论意义和实际指导意义.
需要解释的是,我们课题组的优势在于模型和算法, 我们主要解决的是生物大数据的分析、处理和预测问题,所以计算机和自动化出身的同学不要有任何的顾虑,我们的生物问题很明确,不需要任何的已知生物基础,我们的数据也很齐全,我们只是将我们的技术方法应用到生物医学这样一个重要的领域!当然啦,我们也非常欢迎生物的人的加入,大家互相补充交叉合作
在Bioinformatics (影响因子5.481,5篇,数学与计算生物学中科院一区,4篇第一作者,5篇通讯作者)、PLoS Computational Biology(影响因子4.428, 6篇,数学与计算生物学中科院一区,4篇第一作者,5篇通讯作者)、Nucleic Acids Research (影响因子11.561, 2篇,生物大类中科院一区,生化与分子生物学中科院一区,1篇通讯作者) 、Briefings in Bioinformatics (影响因子9.101,9篇,生物大类中科院一区,数学与计算生物学中科院一区,生化研究方法中科院一区,均为通讯作者,7篇第一作者)等国际期刊发表SCI论文119篇,其中第一作者55篇, 通讯作者99篇。以一作或通讯发表中科院一区论文21篇,以一作或者通讯发表中科院二区以上论文61篇。发表论文被Nature Reviews Genetics、Nature Chemistry、Nature Reviews Endocrinology等国际著名杂志引用共计3050次,14篇论文入选最新一期ESI高被引论文,其中被影响因子5以上杂志他引400余次,H-因子为29,20篇论文引用次数超过50,8篇论文引用次数超过100,单篇最高引用次数为441,引起国内外相关研究人员的广泛兴趣.
论文如下,按照时间顺序, *表示通讯作者,#表示共同第一作者,标注影响因子均为发表当年杂志因子
Xing Chen (陈兴)*,Lian-Gang Sun, Yan Zhao. NCMCMDA: miRNA–disease association prediction through neighborhood constraint matrix completion. Briefings in Bioinformatics. 2020 Advance Access(SCI,影响因子9.101,数学与计算生物学中科院一区,生化研究方法中科院一区, JCR 1区).
Xing Chen (陈兴)*, Na-Na Guan, Ya-Zhou Sun, Jian-Qiang Li*, Jia Qu. MicroRNA-small molecule association identification: from experimental results to computational models. Briefings in Bioinformatics.2020 21(1): 47-61(SCI,影响因子9.101,数学与计算生物学中科院一区,生化研究方法中科院一区, JCR 1区,入选ESI高被引论文).
Xing Chen (陈兴)*, Tian-Hao Li, Yan Zhao, Chun-Chun Wang, Chi-Chi Zhu. Deep-belief network for predicting potential miRNA-disease associations. Briefings in Bioinformatics. 2020 Advance Access (SCI,影响因子9.101,数学与计算生物学中科院一区,生化研究方法中科院一区, JCR 1区).
Chun-Chun Wang, Yan Zhao, Xing Chen (陈兴)*. Drug-pathway association prediction: from experimental results to computational models. Briefings in Bioinformatics. 2020 Advance Access (SCI,影响因子9.101,数学与计算生物学中科院一区,生化研究方法中科院一区, JCR 1区).
Yan Zhao,Chun-Chun Wang, Xing Chen (陈兴)*.Microbes and complex diseases: from experimental results to computational models. Briefings in Bioinformatics. 2020 Advance Access (SCI,影响因子9.101,数学与计算生物学中科院一区,生化研究方法中科院一区, JCR 1区).
Yan Zhao, Xing Chen (陈兴)*,Jun Yin, Jia Qu. SNMFSMMA: using symmetric nonnegative matrix factorization and Kronecker regularized least squares to predict potential small molecule-microRNA association. RNA Biology.2020 17(2): 281-291(SCI,影响因子5.477,生物大类中科院二区,生化与分子生物学中科院二区, JCR 1区).
Xing Chen (陈兴)*, Shao-Xin Li, Jun Yin, Chun-Chun Wang. Potential miRNA-disease association prediction based on kernelized Bayesian matrix factorization. Genomics.2020 112(1): 809-819(SCI, 影响因子3.16).
Xing Chen (陈兴)*,Hongsheng Liu, Qi Zhao*. Editorial: Bioinformatics in Microbiota. Frontiers in Microbiology. 2020 11: 100(SCI,影响因子4.259,生物大类中科院二区,微生物学中科院二区, JCR 1区).
Xing Chen (陈兴)*,Chun-Chun Wang, Na-Na Guan. Computational Models in Non-Coding RNA and Human Disease. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2020 21(5):1557(SCI,影响因子4.183,生物大类中科院二区).
Li-Hong Peng, Li-Qian Zhou*, Xing Chen (陈兴)*, Xue Piao*. A computational study of potential miRNA-disease association inference based on ensemble learning and kernel ridge regression. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology. 2020 8:40 (SCI,影响因子5.122,JCR 1区).
Xing Chen (陈兴)*, Qi Zhao*. Current Computational Models for Prediction of the Varied Interactions Related to Protein - PART 2. Protein & Peptide Letters. 2020 27(5):347-347 (SCI, 影响因子 1.168) .
Xing Chen (陈兴)*, Di Xie, Qi Zhao, Zhu-Hong You. MicroRNAs and complex diseases: from experimental results to computational models. Briefings in Bioinformatics. 2019 20(2):515-539 (SCI, 影响因子9.101,生物大类中科院一区,数学与计算生物学中科院一区,生化研究方法中科院一区,JCR 1区,入选ESI高被引论文).
Xing Chen (陈兴)*, Ya-Zhou Sun, Hui Liu, Lin Zhang*, Jian-Qiang Li*, Jia Meng. RNA methylation and diseases: experimental results, databases, web servers and computational models. Briefings in Bioinformatics. 2019 20(3):896-917 (SCI,影响因子9.101,生物大类中科院一区,数学与计算生物学中科院一区,生化研究方法中科院一区,JCR 1区).
Xing Chen (陈兴)*, Chi-Chi Zhu, Jun Yin. Ensemble of decision tree reveals potential miRNA-disease associations. PLoS Computational Biology. 2019 15(7): e** (SCI, 影响因子4.428,数学与计算生物学中科院一区, JCR 1区).
Yan Zhao, Xing Chen (陈兴)*, Jun Yin. Adaptive boosting-based computational model for predicting potential miRNA-disease associations. Bioinformatics. 2019 35(22): 4730-4738 (SCI, 影响因子5.481, 数学与计算生物学中科院一区,生化研究方法中科院一区,生物工程与应用微生物中科院一区,JCR 1区).
Lei Wang#,Zhuhong You#,*, Xing Chen (陈兴)*, Yang-Ming Li, Ya-Nan Dong, Li-Ping Li, Kai Zheng. LMTRDA: Using logistic model tree to predict MiRNA-disease associations by fusing multi-source information of sequences and similarities. PLoS Computational Biology. 2019 15(3):e** (SCI, 影响因子4.428,数学与计算生物学中科院一区, JCR 1区).
Jia Qu, Xing Chen (陈兴)*, Ya-Zhou Sun, Yan Zhao, Shu-Bin Cai, Zhong Ming*, Zhu-Hong You*, Jian-Qiang Li. In Silico Prediction of Small Molecule-miRNA Associations Based on the HeteSim Algorithm. Molecular Therapy-Nucleic Acids. 2019 14:274-286 (SCI, 影响因子 5.919,医学大类中科院二区,医学:研究与实验中科院二区, JCR 1区).
Na-Na Guan, Yan Zhao, Chun-Chun Wang, Jian-Qiang Li*, Xing Chen (陈兴)*, Xue Piao*. Anticancer Drug Response Prediction in Cell Lines Using Weighted Graph Regularized Matrix Factorization. Molecular Therapy-Nucleic Acids 2019 17:164-174 (SCI, 影响因子 5.919,医学大类中科院二区,医学:研究与实验中科院二区, JCR 1区).
Xing Chen (陈兴) *,Ya-Zhou Sun, Na-Na Guan, Jia Qu, Zhi-An Huang, Ze-Xuan Zhu, Jian-Qiang Li. Computational models for lncRNA function prediction and functional similarity calculation. Briefings in Functional Genomics. 2019 18(1):58-82 (SCI,影响因子3.783,生物大类中科院二区,生物工程与应用微生物中科院二区, JCR 1区).
Chun-Chun Wang, Xing Chen (陈兴)*, Jun Yin, Jia Qu. An integrated framework for the identification of potential miRNA-disease association based on novel negative samples extraction strategy. RNA Biology. 2019 16(3):257-269 (SCI,影响因子5.477,生物大类中科院二区,生化与分子生物学中科院二区, JCR 1区).
Li Zhang, Xing Chen (陈兴)*, Jun Yin. Prediction of Potential miRNA–Disease Associations Through a Novel Unsupervised Deep Learning Framework with Variational Autoencoder. Cells. 2019 8(9):1040 (SCI, 影响因子 5.656, 生物大类中科院二区, JCR 1区).
Jia Qu, Xing Chen (陈兴)*, Jun Yin, Yan Zhao, Zheng-Wei Li. Prediction of potential miRNA-disease associations using matrix decomposition and label propagation. Knowledge-Based Systems. 2019 186:104963 (SCI, 影响因子 5.101, 工程技术大类中科院二区,计算机:人工智能小类中科院二区,JCR 1区).
Jun Yin, Xing Chen (陈兴)*, Chun-Chun Wang, Yan Zhao, Ya-Zhou Sun. Prediction of small molecule-microRNA associations by sparse learning and heterogeneous graph inference. Molecular Pharmaceutics. 2019 16(7):3157-3166 (SCI, 影响因子4.556,医学大类中科院二区,医学:研究与实验中科院二区,药学中科院二区, JCR 1区).
Chun-Chun Wang, Xing Chen (陈兴)*, Jia Qu, Ya-Zhou Sun, Jian-Qiang Li. RFSMMA: A New Computational Model to Identify and Prioritize Potential Small Molecule–MiRNA Associations. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling. 2019 59(4):1668-1679 (SCI, 影响因子3.804 , 化学大类中科院二区,药物化学中科院二区,计算机:信息系统中科院二区,计算机:跨学科应用中科院二区, JCR 1区).
Chun-Chun Wang, Xing Chen (陈兴)*.A Unified Framework for the Prediction of Small Molecule-MicroRNA Association Based on Cross-Layer Dependency Inference on Multilayered Networks. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling. 201959(12):5281-5293(SCI,影响因子3.966, 化学大类中科院二区,药物化学中科院二区,计算机:信息系统中科院二区,计算机:跨学科应用中科院二区, JCR 1区).
Ya-Wei Niu, Guang-Hui Wang*, Gui-Ying Yan, Xing Chen (陈兴) *. Integrating random walk and binary regression to identify novel miRNA-disease association. BMC Bioinformatics. 2019 20:59 (SCI, 影响因子2.213, 数学与计算生物学中科院二区, JCR 1区) .
Qi Zhao*, Haifan Yu, Mingxuan Ji, Yan Zhao, Xing Chen (陈兴)*. Computational Model Development of Drug-Target Interaction Prediction: A Review. Current Protein & Peptide Science. 2019 20(6):492-494 (SCI, 影响因子2.696).
Xing Chen (陈兴)*, Lei Wang, Jia Qu, Na-Na Guan, Jian-Qiang Li. Predicting miRNA-disease association based on inductive matrix completion. Bioinformatics. 2018 34(24): 4256-4265 (SCI, 影响因子7.307, 数学与计算生物学中科院一区,JCR 1区,入选ESI高被引论文).
Xing Chen (陈兴)*, Di Xie, Lei Wang, Qi Zhao*, Zhu-Hong You, Hong-Sheng Liu. BNPMDA: Bipartite Network Projection for MiRNA-Disease Association prediction. Bioinformatics. 2018 34(18): 3178-3186 (SCI, 影响因子7.307, 数学与计算生物学中科院一区,JCR 1区,入选ESI高被引论文).
Xing Chen (陈兴)*, Jun Yin, Jia Qu, Li Huang. MDHGI: Matrix Decomposition and Heterogeneous Graph Inference for miRNA-disease association prediction. PLoS Computational Biology. 2018 14(8): e** (SCI, 影响因子3.955, 数学与计算生物学中科院一区, JCR 1区,入选ESI高被引论文).
Xing Chen (陈兴) #,*, Li Huang#, Di Xie, Qi Zhao.EGBMMDA: Extreme Gradient Boosting Machine for MiRNA-Disease Association prediction. Cell Death & Disease. 2018 9: 3 (SCI, Nature旗下,影响因子 5.965, 生物大类中科院二区,JCR 1区,入选ESI高被引论文).
Hui Liu#, Huaizhi Wang#, Zhen Wei#, Songyao Zhang, Gang Hua, Shao-Wu Zhang, Lin Zhang, Shou-Jiang Gao, Jia Meng*, Xing Chen (陈兴) *, Yufei Huang *. MeT-DB V2.0: elucidating context-specific functions of N6-methyl-adenosine methyltranscriptome. Nucleic Acids Research. 2018 46(Database issue): D281-D287 (SCI, 影响因子 10.162, 生物大类中科院一区,生化与分子生物学中科院一区, JCR 1区).
Xing Chen (陈兴)#, *, Zhihan Zhou#, Yan Zhao. ELLPMDA: Ensemble learning and link prediction for miRNA-disease association prediction. RNA Biology. 2018 15(6): 807-818 (SCI, 影响因子5.216, 生物大类中科院二区).
Xing Chen (陈兴)#, *, Jun-Yan Cheng#, Jun Yin. Predicting microRNA disease associations using bipartite local models and hubness aware regression. RNA Biology.2018 15(9): 1192-1205(SCI, 影响因子5.216, 生物大类中科院二区).
Xing Chen (陈兴)*, Chun-Chun Wang, Jun Yin, Zhu-Hong You*. Novel Human miRNA-Disease Association Inference Based on Random Forest. Molecular Therapy-Nucleic Acids. 2018 13:568-579 (SCI,影响因子 5.660,医学大类中科院二区,医学:研究与实验中科院二区, JCR 1区).
Xing Chen (陈兴)*, De-Hong Zhang, Zhu-Hong You*. A heterogeneous label propagation approach to explore the potential associations between miRNA and disease. Journal of Translational Medicine. 2018 16:348 (SCI, 影响因子 4.197,医学大类中科院二区,医学:研究与实验中科院二区, JCR 1区) .
Jia Qu, Xing Chen (陈兴) *, Ya-Zhou Sun, Jian-Qiang Li, Zhong Ming. Inferring potential small molecule-miRNA association based on triple layer heterogeneous network. Journal of Cheminformatics. 2018 10: 30 (SCI,影响因子4.22,计算机:信息系统中科院一区, JCR 1区).
Hui Liu, Yan Zhao, Lin Zhang, Xing Chen (陈兴) *. Anti-cancer drug response prediction using neighbor-based collaborative filtering with global effect removal. Molecular Therapy-Nucleic Acids. 2018 13:303-311 (SCI,影响因子 5.660,医学大类中科院二区,医学:研究与实验中科院二区, JCR 1区).
Xing Chen (陈兴) *, Jia Qu, Jun Yin. TLHNMDA: Triple Layer Heterogeneous Network Based Inference for MiRNA-Disease Association Prediction. Frontiers in Genetics. 2018 9:234 (SCI, 影响因子4.151,生物大类中科院二区, JCR 1区).
Yan Zhao, Xing Chen (陈兴) *, Jun Yin. A novel computational method for the identification of potential miRNA-disease association based on symmetric non-negative matrix factorization and Kronecker regularized least square. Frontiers in Genetics. 2018 9:324 (SCI, 影响因子4.151,生物大类中科院二区, JCR 1区).
Xing Chen (陈兴)*, Na-Na Guan, Jian-Qiang Li*, Gui-Ying Yan. GIMDA: Graphlet interaction-based MiRNA-disease association prediction. Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine. 2018 22(3):1548-1561 (SCI, 影响因子4.499, 医学大类中科院二区, JCR 1区) .
Xing Chen (陈兴) #, *, Yao Gong#, De-Hong Zhang, Zhu-Hong You, Zheng-Wei Li. DRMDA: deep representations-based miRNA–disease association prediction. Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine. 2018 22(1): 472-485 (SCI, 影响因子4.499, 医学大类中科院二区, JCR 1区) .
Xing Chen (陈兴) #, *, Le-Yi Wang#, Li Huang. NDAMDA: Network distance analysis for MiRNA-disease association prediction. Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine. 2018 22(5): 2884-2895 (SCI, 影响因子4.499, 医学大类中科院二区, JCR 1区) .
Xing Chen (陈兴)*, Jing-Ru Yang, Na-Na Guan, Jian-Qiang Li. GRMDA: Graph Regression for MiRNA-Disease Association Prediction. Frontiers in Physiology. 2018 9: 92 (SCI, 影响因子4.134, 医学大类中科院二区,生理学中科院二区, JCR 1区).
Lin Zhang, Xing Chen (陈兴)*, Na-Na Guan, Hui Liu and Jian-Qiang Li. A hybrid interpolation weighted collaborative filtering method for anti-cancer drug response prediction. Frontiers in Pharmacology. 2018 9:1017 (SCI, 影响因子3.831, 医学大类中科院二区,药学中科院二区, JCR 1区).
Na-Na Guan, Ya-Zhou Sun, Zhong Ming, Jian-Qiang Li*, Xing Chen (陈兴)*. Prediction of Potential Small Molecule-Associated MicroRNAs Using Graphlet Interaction. Frontiers in Pharmacology. 2018 9:1152 (SCI, 影响因子3.831, 医学大类中科院二区,药学中科院二区, JCR 1区).
Dongqing Guo, Colin E. Murdoch, Tianhua Liu, Jia Qu, Shihong Jiao, Yong Wang*, Wei Wang*, Xing Chen (陈兴)*. Therapeutic Angiogenesis of Chinese Herbal Medicines in Ischemic Heart Disease: A Review. Frontiers in Pharmacology. 2018 9:428 (SCI, 影响因子4.4, 医学大类中科院二区,药学中科院二区, JCR 1区) .
Xing Chen (陈兴)*, Qi Zhao*. Developing Novel Computational Techniques for Medicine and Pharmacy. Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry. 2018 18(12):947-948 (SCI, 影响因子 3.374)
Xing Chen (陈兴) *. Identifying Drug–target Interactions Based on Heterogeneous Biological Data - PART 1. Current Protein & Peptide Science. 2018 19(5):428-429 (SCI, 影响因子 2.576) .
Xing Chen (陈兴) *. Identifying Drug–target Interactions Based on Heterogeneous Biological Data - PART 2. Current Protein & Peptide Science. 2018 19(6):524 (SCI, 影响因子 2.576) .
Ya-Zhou Sun, De-Hong Zhang, Shu-Bin Cai, Zhong Ming*, Jian-Qiang Li*, Xing Chen (陈兴) *. MDAD: a special resource for microbe-drug associations. Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology. 2018 8:424 (SCI, 影响因子 3.520,微生物学中科院二区) .
Li-Hong Peng#, Chuan-Neng Sun#, Na-Na Guan, Jian-Qiang Li, Xing Chen (陈兴) *. HNMDA: heterogeneous network-based miRNA–disease association prediction. Molecular Genetics and Genomics. **(4):983-995(SCI, 影响因子 2.979).
Lei Wang#, Zhu-Hong You#, *, Xing Chen (陈兴) *, Xin Yan, Gang Liu, Wei Zhang. RFDT: A Rotation Forest-based Predictor for Predicting Drug-Target Interactions using Drug Structure and Protein Sequence Information. Current Protein & Peptide Science. 2018 19(5):445-454 (SCI, 影响因子 2.576) .
Yu-An Huang#, Zhu-Hong You#, *, Xing Chen (陈兴) *. A systematic prediction of drug-target interactions using molecular fingerprints and protein sequences. Current Protein & Peptide Science. 2018 19(5):468-478 (SCI, 影响因子 2.576) .
Xing Chen (陈兴)*, Qi Zhao*. Current Computational Models for Prediction of the Varied Interactions Related to Protein - PART 1. Protein & Peptide Letters. 2018 25(9):806-806 (SCI, 影响因子 1.039) .
Qi Zhao *, Di Xie, Hongsheng Liu, Fan Wang, Gui-Ying Yan, Xing Chen (陈兴) *. SSCMDA: spy and super cluster strategy for MiRNA-disease association prediction. Oncotarget. 2018 9(2):1826-1842 (SCI, 影响因子5.168, 医学大类中科院二区, JCR 1区) .
Lei Wang#, Zhu-Hong You#, *, Xing Chen (陈兴) *, Shi-Xiong Xia, Feng Liu, Xin Yan, Yong Zhou, Ke-Jian Song. A Computational-Based Method for Predicting Drug–Target Interactions by Using Stacked Autoencoder Deep Neural Network. Journal of Computational Biology. 2018 25(3): 361-373 (SCI, 影响因子 1.032,the fifth most-read paper from the journal).
Bin Yu#, *, Shan Li#, Wenying Qiu, Minghui Wang, Junwei Du, Yusen Zhang, Xing Chen (陈兴). Prediction of subcellular location of apoptosis proteins by incorporating PsePSSM and DCCA coefficient based on LFDA dimensionality reduction. BMC Genomics. 2018 19:478 (SCI, 影响因子 3.729,生物大类中科院二区,JCR 1区).
Hui-Juan Zhu, Zhu-Hong You*, Ze-Xuan Zhu, Wei-Lei Shi, Xing Chen (陈兴), Li Cheng. DroidDet: Effective and robust detection of android malware using static analysis along with rotation forest model. Neurocomputing. 2018 272:638-646 (SCI, 影响因子 3.317,工程技术大类中科院二区,JCR 1区).
Lei Wang, Zhu-Hong You*, Shi-Xiong Xia, Xing Chen (陈兴), Xin Yan, Yong Zhou, Feng Liu. An improved efficient rotation forest algorithm to predict the interactions among proteins. Soft Computing. 2018 22(10):3373-3381 (SCI, 影响因子 2.472).
Xing Chen (陈兴) #,*, Yu-An Huang#, Zhu-Hong You*, Gui-Ying Yan, Xue-Song Wang*. A Novel Approach based on KATZ measure to Predict Associations of Human Microbiota with Non-Infectious Diseases. Bioinformatics. 2017 33(5):733-739 (SCI, 影响因子 5.766, 数学与计算生物学中科院一区, JCR 1区).
Xing Chen (陈兴) #,*, Li Huang#. LRSSLMDA: Laplacian Regularized Sparse Subspace Learning for MiRNA-Disease Association prediction. PLoS Computational Biology. 2017 13(12): e** (SCI, 影响因子 4.542,数学与计算生物学中科院一区, JCR 1区,入选ESI高被引论文).
Zhuhong You#, Zhi-An Huang#, Ze-Xuan Zhu*, Gui-Ying Yan, Zheng-Wei Li, Zhenkun Wen, Xing Chen (陈兴)*. PBMDA: A novel and effective path-based computational model for miRNA-disease association prediction. PLoS Computational Biology. 2017 13(3): e** (SCI, 影响因子 4.62,数学与计算生物学中科院一区, JCR 1区,入选ESI高被引论文).
Xing Chen (陈兴)#, *, Chenggang Clarence Yan#, Xu Zhang#, Zhu-Hong You*. Long non-coding RNAs and complex diseases: from experimental results to computational models. Briefings in Bioinformatics.2017 18(4):558-576(SCI,影响因子9.617,生物大类中科院一区,数学与计算生物学中科院一区,生化研究方法中科院一区, JCR 1区,入选ESI高被引论文).
Xing Chen (陈兴) #,*, Qiaofeng Wu#, Gui-Ying Yan. RKNNMDA: Ranking-based KNN for MiRNA-Disease Association prediction. RNA Biology. 201714(7): 952-962(SCI, 影响因子 4.076, 生物大类中科院二区).
Xing Chen (陈兴) *, Ya-Wei Niu, Guang-Hui Wang*, Gui-Ying Yan. MKRMDA: multiple kernel learning-based Kronecker regularized least squares for MiRNA–disease association prediction. Journal of Translational Medicine. 2017 15:251 (SCI, 影响因子 3.786 ,医学大类中科院二区,医学:研究与实验中科院二区, JCR 1区).
Xing Chen (陈兴)*, Ya-Zhou Sun, De-Hong Zhang, Jian-Qiang Li*, Gui-Ying Yan, Ji-Yong An, Zhu-Hong You. NRDTD: a database for clinically or experimentally supported non-coding RNAs and drug targets associations. Database. 2017 2017: bax057 (SCI,影响因子3.290,生物大类中科院二区, JCR 1区) .
Xing Chen (陈兴)*, Ya-Wei Niu, Guang-Hui Wang*, Gui-Ying Yan. HAMDA: Hybrid Approach for MiRNA-Disease Association prediction. Journal of Biomedical Informatics. 2017 76(2017): 50-58 (SCI, 影响因子 2.753, 计算机:跨学科应用中科院二区, JCR 1区) .
Ya-Zhou Sun, De-Hong Zhang, Zhong Ming, Jian-Qiang Li*, Xing Chen (陈兴)*. DLREFD: a database providing associations of long non-coding RNAs, environmental factors and phenotypes. Database. 2017 2017:bax084 (SCI, 影响因子3.290,生物大类中科院二区, JCR 1区) .
Zhu-Hong You #, Luo-Pin Wang #, Xing Chen (陈兴) *, Shanwen Zhang, Xiao-Fang Li, Gui-Ying Yan, Zheng-Wei Li. PRMDA: Personalized Recommendation-based MiRNA-Disease Association prediction. Oncotarget. 2017 8(49):85568-85583 (SCI, 影响因子 5.168 , 医学大类中科院一区, JCR 1区) .
Lei Wang#, Zhuhong You#, *, Xing Chen (陈兴) *, Jian-Qiang Li, Xin Yan, Wei Zhang, Yu-An Huang. An ensemble approach for large-scale identification of protein- protein interactions using the alignments of multiple sequences. Oncotarget. 2017 8(3):5149-5159 (SCI, 影响因子 5.008 , 医学大类中科院一区, JCR 1区) .
Zheng-Wei Li#, Zhu-Hong You#, *, Xing Chen (陈兴) *, Li-Ping Li, De-Shuang Huang, Gui-Ying Yan, Ru Nie, Yu-An Huang. Accurate prediction of protein-protein interactions by integrating potential evolutionary information embedded in PSSM profile and discriminative vector machine classifier. Oncotarget. 2017 8(14):23638-23649 (SCI, 影响因子 5.008 , 医学大类中科院一区, JCR 1区) .
Jian-Qiang Li#, Zhi-Hao Rong#, Xing Chen (陈兴) *, Gui-Ying Yan, Zhu-Hong You. MCMDA: Matrix Completion for MiRNA-Disease Association prediction. Oncotarget. 2017 8(13):21187-21199. (SCI, 影响因子 5.008 , 医学大类中科院一区, JCR 1区) .
Dongqing Guo, Qiyan Wang, Chun Li, Yong Wang*, Xing Chen (陈兴) *. VEGF stimulated the angiogenesis by promoting the mitochondrial functions. Oncotarget. 2017 8(49):77020-77027. (SCI, 影响因子 5.008 , 医学大类中科院一区, JCR 1区) .
Zhi-An Huang#, Xing Chen (陈兴) #, *, Ze-Xuan Zhu *, Hongsheng Liu, Gui-Ying Yan, Zhu-Hong You, Zhenkun Wen. PBHMDA: Path-Based Human Microbe-Disease Association prediction. Frontiers in Microbiology. 2017 8:233 (SCI, 影响因子 4.165, 生物大类中科院二区,微生物学中科院二区, JCR 1区) .
Yu-An Huang, Zhu?Hong You*, Xing Chen (陈兴)*, Zhi-An Huang, Shanwen Zhang, Gui-Ying Yan. Prediction of microbe–disease association from the integration of neighbor and graph with collaborative recommendation model. Journal of Translational Medicine. 2017 15:209 (SCI, 影响因子 3.786, 医学大类中科院二区,医学:研究与实验中科院二区, JCR 1区) .
Fan Wang#, Zhi-An Huang#, Xing Chen (陈兴) *, Zexuan Zhu*, Zhenkun Wen, Jiyun Zhao, Gui-Ying Yan. LRLSHMDA: Laplacian Regularized Least Squares for Human Microbe-Disease Association prediction. Scientific Reports. 2017 7:7601 (SCI,影响因子4.259, 综合性期刊大类中科院二区, JCR 1区) .
Xing Chen (陈兴) #,*, Zhi-Chao Jiang#, Di Xie, De-Shuang Huang*, Qi Zhao, Gui-Ying Yan, Zhu-Hong You. A novel computational model based on super-disease and miRNA for potential miRNA–disease association prediction. Molecular BioSystems. 2017 13(6):1202-1212 (SCI, 影响因子 2.829).
Li-Hong Peng#, Ye-Qing Chen#, Ning Ma, Xing Chen (陈兴) *. NARRMDA: Negative-Aware and Rating-based Recommendation algorithm for MiRNA-Disease Association prediction. Molecular BioSystems. 2017 13(12):2650-2659 (SCI, 影响因子 2.781).
Jian-Qiang Li, Zhu-Hong You*, Xiao Li, Ming Zhong, Xing Chen (陈兴) *. PSPEL: In Silico Prediction of Self-interacting Proteins from Amino Acids Sequences using Ensemble Learning. IEEE-ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics. 2017 14(5):1165-1172 (SCI, 影响因子 1.609, JCR 1区).
Fan-Rong Meng, Zhu-Hong You*, Xing Chen (陈兴)*, Yong Zhou, Ji-Yong An. Prediction of Drug–Target Interaction Networks from the Integration of Protein Sequences and Drug Chemical Structures. Molecules. 2017 22(7): 1119 (SCI, 影响因子 2.861).
Zhengwei Li #, Pengyong Han#, Zhu-Hong You*, Xiao Li*, Yusen Zhang, Haiquan Yu,
Ru Nie, Xing Chen (陈兴). In silico prediction of drug-target interaction networks based on drug chemical structure and protein sequences. Scientific Reports. 2017 7: 11174 (SCI, 影响因子 4.259 , 综合性期刊大类中科院二区, JCR 1区).
Yanbin Wang#, Zhuhong You#, *, Xiao Li*, Xing Chen (陈兴), Tonghai Jiang, Jingting Zhang. PCVMZM: Using the Probabilistic Classification Vector Machines Model Combined with a Zernike Moments Descriptor to Predict Protein–Protein Interactions from Protein Sequences. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2017 18(5), 1029 (SCI,影响因子 3.257).
Yan-Bin Wang#, Zhu-Hong You#, *, Xiao Li*, Tong-Hai Jiang, Xing Chen (陈兴), Xi Zhou and Lei Wang. Predicting protein–protein interactions from protein sequences by a stacked sparse autoencoder deep neural network. Molecular BioSystems. 2017 13(7):1336-1344 (SCI,影响因子 2.781).
Lei Wang, Zhu-Hong You*, Shi-Xiong Xia*, Feng Liu, Xing Chen (陈兴), Xin Yan, Yong Zhou. Advancing the Prediction Accuracy of Protein-Protein Interactions by Utilizing Evolutionary Information from Position-Specific Scoring Matrix and Ensemble Classifier. Journal of Theoretical Biology. 2017 418:105-110 (SCI, 影响因子 2.113, JCR 1区).
Yu-Ting Wen#, Hai-Jun Lei#, Zhu-Hong You*, Bai-Ying Lei*, Xing Chen (陈兴), Li-Ping Li. Prediction of protein-protein interactions by label propagation with protein evolutionary and chemical information derived from heterogeneous network. Journal of Theoretical Biology. 2017 430:9-20 (SCI, 影响因子 2.113, JCR 1区).
Lei Wang#, Zhu-Hong You#, *, Xing Chen (陈兴) *, Shi-Xiong Xia, Feng Liu, Xin Yan, Yong Zhou. Computational Methods for the Prediction of Drug-Target Interactions from Drug Fingerprints and Protein Sequences by Stacked Auto-Encoder Deep Neural Network. ISBRA 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 10330:46-58 (EI检索).
Xing Chen (陈兴) #, *, Chenggang Clarence Yan#, Xiaotian Zhang, Xu Zhang, Feng Dai, Jian Yin, Yongdong Zhang. Drug–target interaction prediction: databases, web servers and computational models. Briefings in Bioinformatics. 2016 17(4):696-712 (SCI, 影响因子 9.617, 生物大类中科院一区,数学与计算生物学中科院一区,生化研究方法中科院一区, JCR 1区,入选ESI高被引论文).
Xing Chen (陈兴) #, Biao Ren#, Ming Chen, Quanxin Wang, lixin Zhang*, Guiying Yan*. NLLSS: Predicting Synergistic Drug Combinations based on semi-supervised learning. PLoS Computational Biology. 2016 12(7): e** (SCI, 影响因子 4.62 , 数学与计算生物学中科院一区, JCR 1区,入选ESI高被引论文)
Xing Chen (陈兴) #, *, Yu-An Huang#, Xue-Song Wang, Zhu-Hong You*, Keith Chan. FMLNCSIM: Fuzzy Measure-based lncRNA functional similarity calculation model. Oncotarget. 2016 7(29):45948-45958 (SCI, 影响因子 6.359 , 医学大类中科院一区, JCR 1区) .
Xing Chen (陈兴) *, Zhu-Hong You*, Gui-Ying Yan, Dun-Wei Gong. IRWRLDA: Improved Random Walk with Restart for LncRNA-Disease Association prediction. Oncotarget. 2016 7(36):57919-57931 (SCI, 影响因子 6.359 , 医学大类中科院一区, JCR 1区) .
Xing Chen (陈兴) #, *, Chenggang Clarence Yan#, Xu Zhang, Zhu-Hong You, Yu-An Huang, Gui-Ying Yan*. HGIMDA: Heterogeneous Graph Inference for MiRNA-Disease Association prediction. Oncotarget. 2016 7(40): 65257-65269 (SCI, 影响因子 6.359 , 医学大类中科院一区, JCR 1区) .
Yu-An Huang#, Xing Chen (陈兴) #, * , Zhu-Hong You*, De-Shuang Huang, Keith Chan. ILNCSIM: improved lncRNA functional similarity calculation model. Oncotarget. 2016 7(18):25902-25914 (SCI, 影响因子 6.359 , 医学大类中科院一区, JCR 1区) .
Xiaoqiang Sun*, Jiguang Bao, Zhuhong You, Xing Chen (陈兴) *, Jun Cui*. Modeling of signaling crosstalk-mediated drug resistance and its implications on drug combination. Oncotarget. 2016 7(39):63995-64006 (SCI, 影响因子 6.359 , 医学大类中科院一区, JCR 1区) .
Jiyong An#, Zhuhong You #, *, Xing Chen (陈兴) *, Deshuang Huang *, Zhengwei Li, Gang Liu, Yin Wang. Identification of self-interacting proteins by exploring evolutionary information embedded in PSI-BLAST-constructed position specific scoring matrix. Oncotarget. 2016 7(50): 82440-82449 (SCI, 影响因子 6.359 , 医学大类中科院一区, JCR 1区) .
Xing Chen (陈兴) #, *, Chenggang Clarence Yan#, Xu Zhang, Zhu-Hong You, Lixi Deng, Ying Liu*, Yongdong Zhang, Qionghai Dai. WBSMDA: Within and Between Score for MiRNA-Disease Association prediction. Scientific Reports. 2016 6:21106 (SCI, 影响因子 5.578,综合性期刊中科院二区, JCR 1区,入选ESI高被引论文) .
Xing Chen (陈兴)*. miREFRWR: a novel disease-related microRNA-environmental factor interactions prediction method. Molecular BioSystems. 2016 12(2): 624-633 (SCI, 影响因子3.21).
Zheng-Wei Li#, Zhu-Hong You#, *, Xing Chen (陈兴) *, Jie Gui, Ru Nie. Highly Accurate Prediction of Protein-Protein Interactions via Incorporating Evolutionary Information and Physicochemical Characteristics. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2016 17(9): 1396 (SCI, 影响因子3.257).
Ji-Yong An, Zhu-Hong You *, Xing Chen (陈兴) *, De-Shuang Huang, Guiying Yan, Da-Fu Wang. Robust and accurate prediction of protein self-interactions from amino acids sequence using evolutionary information. Molecular BioSystems. 2016 12(12): 3702-3710 (SCI, 影响因子3.21).
Yu-An Huang#, Zhu-Hong You#, *, Xing Chen (陈兴) *, Keith Chan, Xin Luo. Sequence-based Prediction of Protein-Protein Interactions Using Weighted Sparse Representation Model Combined with Global Encoding. BMC Bioinformatics. 2016 17:184 (SCI, 影响因子 2.576, 数学与计算生物学中科院二区, JCR 1区).
Yu-An Huang#, Zhu-Hong You#, *, Xing Chen (陈兴) *, Gui-Ying Yan. Improved Protein-Protein Interactions Prediction via Weighted Sparse Representation Model combining Continuous Wavelet Descriptor and PseAA Composition. BMC Systems Biology. 2016 10(Suppl 4):120 (SCI, 影响因子 2.213, 数学与计算生物学中科院二区, JCR 1区).
Xing Chen (陈兴) *, Hui-Ming Peng, Zheng Yin. Current Computational Models for Prediction of the Varied Interactions Related to Noncoding RNAs. BioMed Research International. 2016 2016: ** (SCI, 影响因子 2.134).
Ji-Yong An, Fan-Rong Meng*, Zhu-Hong You*, Xing Chen (陈兴), Gui-Ying Yan, Ji-Pu Hu. Improving protein–protein interactions prediction accuracy using protein evolutionary information and relevance vector machine model. Protein Science. 2016 25(10): 1825-1833 (SCI, 影响因子3.039).
Leon Wong, Zhu-Hong You*, Zhong Ming, Jianqiang Li, Xing Chen (陈兴), Yu-An Huang. Detection of Interactions between Proteins through Rotation Forest and Local Phase Quantization Descriptors. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2016 17(1): 21 (SCI, 影响因子2.862).
Xiaoqiang Sun*, Jiajun Zhang, Qi Zhao, Xing Chen (陈兴), Wenbo Zhu*, Guangmei Yan, Tianshou Zhou*. Stochastic modeling suggests that noise reduces differentiation efficiency by inducing a heterogeneous drug response in glioma differentiation therapy. BMC Systems Biology. 2016 10:73 (SCI, 影响因子 2.213, 数学与计算生物学中科院二区, JCR 1区).
Liang Li#, Chenggang Clarence Yan#, Xing Chen (陈兴), Chunjie Zhang*, Jian Yin, Baochen Jiang, Qingming Huang. Distributed Image Understanding with Semantic Dictionary and Semantic Expansion. Neurocomputing. 2016 174:384-392 (SCI, 影响因子 2.083,工程技术大类中科院二区,JCR 1区).
Yu-An Huang, Zhu-Hong You*, Xiao Li*, Xing Chen (陈兴), Pengwei Hu, Shuai Li, Xin Luo. Construction of reliable protein–protein interaction networks using weighted sparse representation based classifier with pseudo substitution matrix representation features. Neurocomputing. 2016 218:131-138 (SCI, 影响因子 2.392,工程技术大类中科院二区,JCR 1区).
Xing Chen (陈兴) *. KATZLDA: KATZ measure for the lncRNA-disease association prediction. Scientific Reports. 2015 5:16840 (SCI, 影响因子 5.578, 综合性期刊中科院二区, JCR 1区) .
Xing Chen (陈兴) *. Predicting lncRNA-disease associations and constructing lncRNA functional similarity network based on the information of miRNA. Scientific Reports. 2015 5:13186 (SCI, 影响因子 5.578, 综合性期刊中科院二区, JCR 1区) .
Xing Chen (陈兴) #, *, Chenggang Clarence Yan#, Xiaotian Zhang, Zhaohui Li, Lixi Deng, Yongdong Zhang, Qionghai Dai. RBMMMDA: predicting multiple types of disease-microRNA associations. Scientific Reports. 2015 5: 13877 (SCI, 影响因子 5.578, 综合性期刊中科院二区, JCR 1区) .
Xing Chen (陈兴) #, *, Chenggang Clarence Yan#, Cai Luo, Wen Ji, Yongdong Zhang, Qionghai Dai. Constructing lncRNA functional similarity network based on lncRNA-disease associations and disease semantic similarity. Scientific Reports. 2015 5:11338 (SCI, 影响因子 5.578, 综合性期刊中科院二区, JCR 1区) .
Xing Chen (陈兴) * and Gui-ying Yan*. Semi-supervised learning for potential human microRNA-disease associations inference. Scientific Reports. 2014 4:5501 (SCI, 影响因子 5.078, 综合性期刊中科院二区, JCR 1区) .
Xing Chen (陈兴) #, Riao Ren#, Ming Chen, Ming-xi Liu, Wei Ren, Quan-xin Wang, Li-xin Zhang* and Gui-ying Yan*. ASDCD: Antifungal Synergistic Drug Combination Database. PLOS ONE. 2014 9(1): e86499 (SCI, 影响因子 3.73, JCR 1区).
Ming-xi Liu, Xing Chen (陈兴), Geng Chen, Qing-hua Cui* and Gui-ying Yan*. A computational framework to infer human disease-associated long noncoding RNAs. PLOS ONE. 2014 9(1): e84408 (SCI, 影响因子 3.73, JCR 1区).
Liang Li, Chenggang Yan, Xing Chen (陈兴), Shuqiang Jiang, Seungmin Rho, Jian Yin, Baochen Jiang, Qingming Huang. Large Scale Image Understanding with Non-convex Multi-task Learning. The 2014 5th International Conference on Game Theory for Networks. 2014 (Best Paper Award).
Xing Chen (陈兴) * and Gui-ying Yan*. Novel human lncRNA–disease association inference based on lncRNA expression profiles. Bioinformatics. 2013 29(20): 2617-2624 (SCI, 影响因子 5.323, 数学与计算生物学中科院一区, JCR 1区,入选ESI高被引论文).
Geng Chen #, Zi-yun Wang #, Dong-qing Wang #, Cheng-xiang Qiu, Ming-xi Liu, Xing Chen (陈兴), Qi-peng Zhang, Gui-ying Yan* and Qing-hua Cui*. LncRNADisease: a database for long-non-coding RNA-associated diseases. Nucleic Acids Research. 2013 41(Database issue): D983-D986 (SCI, 影响因子 8.026, 生物大类中科院一区, JCR 1区,入选ESI高被引论文).
Xing Chen (陈兴), Ming-xi Liu and Gui-ying Yan*. Drug-target interaction prediction by random walk on the heterogeneous network. Molecular BioSystems.2012 8(7): 1970-1978 (SCI, 影响因子 3.825, Top ten most accessed articles in June 2012, Featured in the top 10% of the most highly cited articles published in the latest Impact Factor window (2011-2012)).
Xing Chen (陈兴), Ming-xi Liu and Gui-ying Yan*. RWRMDA: predicting novel human microRNA–disease associations. Molecular BioSystems.2012 8(10): 2792-2798 (SCI, 影响因子 3.825).
Xing Chen (陈兴), Ming-xi Liu, Qing-hua Cui* and Gui-ying Yan*. Prediction of disease-related interactions between microRNAs and environmental factors based on a semi-supervised classifier. PLoS ONE. 2012 7(8):e43425 (SCI, 影响因子 4.092, JCR 1区).
Xing Chen (陈兴) *,Gui-ying Yan and Xiao-ping Liao. A novel candidate disease genes prioritization method based on module partition and rank fusion. OMICS: A Journal of Integrative Biology.2010 14 (4):337-356 (SCI, 影响因子 3.17).
陈兴* 王勇 吴凌云 闫桂英 朱伟. 多阶段多目标多部门应急决策模型. 系统工程理论与实践.2010 30(11):1977-1985 (EI, 影响因子 0.896).
Xing Chen (陈兴) * and Gui-ying Yan. NRWRH for drug target prediction. The 4th International conference on computational Systems Biology, Lecture Notes in Operations Research. 2010 13:219-226 (ISTP).
Xing Chen (陈兴) *, Gui-ying Yan, Wei Ren and Ji-bin Qu. Modularized random walk with restart for candidate disease genes prioritization. Optimization and Systems Biology. 2009 11:353-360 (ISTP).
一种药物增效组合预测方法及实验验证. 8.0 闫桂英 张立新 陈兴 任彪 陈明 王令新 刘明熹 正式授权
2018.7-2020.7主持中国矿业大学2018年在线课程建设项目《大数据时代的人工智能算法及其应用》 2018ZX20
教授1人: 陈兴
副教授5人:赵琪 管娜娜 李政伟 刘辉 张林
博士后2人:郭昌放 陈凯
赵岩(荣获2018年研究生国家奖学金、2020年研究生国家奖学金、2019第九届江苏省生物信息学学术会议暨生物医学大数据论坛青年****优秀报告二等奖 、2017-2018学年度中国矿业大学研究生“校级优秀学生”、2019-2020学年度中国矿业大学研究生“校级优秀学生”、主持2019年江苏省研究生科研创新计划项目《基于机器学习的疾病与miRNAs之间关联的预测研究》、主持2019年中国矿业大学博士创新专项基金项目《基于机器学习方法的药物小分子与miRNA相互作用预测研究》)
李天皓 (荣获2020年研究生国家奖学金、2019-2020学年度中国矿业大学研究生“校级优秀学生”)
孙连刚 (荣获2020年研究生国家奖学金、2019-2020学年度中国矿业大学研究生“校级优秀学生”)
冯思度 韩晨迪 王淑灏 吴大凡 周赤
张德宏 (硕士,已毕业,共发表SCI论文5篇)
赵岩17篇 博士二年级
瞿佳16篇 博士已经毕业
殷俊15篇 硕士已经毕业
王纯纯13篇 博士二年级
管娜娜11篇 博士后已经出站
孙亚舟11篇 博士后已经出站
张德宏5篇 硕士已经毕业
朴雪4篇 博士四年级
张立3篇 博士一年级
王磊2篇 硕士已经毕业
朱迟迟2篇 硕士已经毕业
李绍鑫1篇 硕士已经毕业
孙连刚1篇 硕士三年级
李天皓1篇 硕士三年级
本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-03-28
姓名叶继红性别女出生年月1967年1月籍贯锦州民族汉族政治面貌中共党员最后学历博士研究生最后学位技术职称教授导师类别博、硕导行政职务院长Emailjhye@cumt.edu.cn工作单位力学与建筑工程学院邮政编码221116通讯地址江苏省徐州市大学路1#单位电话**个人主页个人简介叶继红,1967年 ...中国矿业大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-03-28中国矿业大学导师教师师资介绍简介-王绍荣
姓名王绍荣性别男出生年月1964年4月籍贯民族汉族政治面貌九三最后学历最后学位技术职称教授导师类别博、硕导行政职务Email工作单位邮政编码通讯地址单位电话个人主页个人简介王绍荣,男,1964年生,教授。江苏省双创人才,创新团队首席。成都科技大学化学系79级本科83级硕士,1998年日本横滨国立大学 ...中国矿业大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-03-28中国矿业大学导师教师师资介绍简介-刘日成
姓名刘日成性别男出生年月1986年3月籍贯烟台市民族汉族政治面貌最后学历博士研究生毕业最后学位工学博士技术职称研究员导师类别博、硕导行政职务Emailliuricheng@cumt.edu.cn工作单位深部岩土国重邮政编码221116通讯地址泉山区大学路1号单位电话**个人主页http://cace ...中国矿业大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-03-28中国矿业大学导师教师师资介绍简介-杨敬轩
姓名杨敬轩性别男出生年月1986年1月籍贯安徽濉溪县民族汉族政治面貌中共党员最后学历博士研究生最后学位技术职称副教授导师类别博、硕导行政职务无Emailjxyangcumt@126.com工作单位中国矿业大学邮政编码221116通讯地址江苏省徐州市大学路1号单位电话**个人主页个人简介杨敬轩,198 ...中国矿业大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-03-28中国矿业大学导师教师师资介绍简介-周楠
姓名周楠性别男出生年月1988年2月籍贯砀山县民族汉族政治面貌中共党员最后学历博士研究生最后学位工学博士技术职称副教授导师类别博、硕导行政职务无Emailzhounanyou@126.com工作单位中国矿业大学矿业工程学院邮政编码221116通讯地址江苏徐州单位电话**个人主页个人简介 周楠,男, ...中国矿业大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-03-28中国矿业大学导师教师师资介绍简介-李伍
姓名李伍性别男出生年月1987年3月籍贯寿县民族汉族政治面貌中共党员最后学历博士研究生最后学位工学博士技术职称副教授导师类别博、硕导行政职务无Emailliwu@cumt.edu.cn工作单位中国矿业大学邮政编码221116通讯地址江苏省徐州大学路1号单位电话05**个人主页个人简介于中国矿业大学取 ...中国矿业大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-03-28中国矿业大学导师教师师资介绍简介-江红祥
姓名江红祥性别男出生年月1987年4月籍贯江苏滨海县民族汉族政治面貌中共党员最后学历博士研究生最后学位工学博士技术职称副教授导师类别博、硕导行政职务无Emailjianghongxiang@cumt.edu.cn工作单位中国矿业大学邮政编码221116通讯地址机电工程学院单位电话**个人主页个人简介 ...中国矿业大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-03-28中国矿业大学导师教师师资介绍简介-王虹
姓名王虹性别女出生年月1991年1月籍贯民族汉族政治面貌最后学历最后学位技术职称教授导师类别博、硕导行政职务Email工作单位邮政编码通讯地址单位电话个人主页个人简介王虹,女,1991年1月生,教授,AppliedMaterialsToday期刊编委,中国微米纳米技术学会微纳执行器与微系统分会理事。 ...中国矿业大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-03-28中国矿业大学导师教师师资介绍简介-俞和胜
姓名俞和胜性别男出生年月1984年7月籍贯南京市民族汉族政治面貌无党派最后学历博士研究生最后学位哲学博士技术职称教授导师类别博、硕导行政职务无Emailheshengyu@cumt.edu.cn工作单位中国矿业大学邮政编码221116通讯地址徐州大学路1号中国矿业大学南湖校区单位电话个人主页个人简介 ...中国矿业大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-03-28中国矿业大学导师教师师资介绍简介-李增科
姓名李增科性别男出生年月1988年2月籍贯青岛民族汉族政治面貌中共党员最后学历博士研究生毕业最后学位工学博士技术职称副教授导师类别博、硕导行政职务无Emailzengkeli@yeah.net工作单位中国矿业大学邮政编码221116通讯地址江苏徐州单位电话个人主页个人简介李增科,男,1988年2月出 ...中国矿业大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-03-28