姓 名 潘哲君 性 别 男
出生年月 1974年4月 籍贯
民 族 汉族 政治面貌
最后学历 博士研究生 最后学位
技术职称 教授 导师类别 博导
行政职务 无 Email
工作单位 邮政编码
2016年获得澳大利亚地质科学局CAGS III人才交流奖
2014 SCI期刊Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering优秀审稿人奖
2013澳大利亚联邦科学与工业研究组织与中国科学院人才交流奖(CSIRO-CAS Exchange Scheme Award)
2012澳大利亚联邦科学与工业研究组织朱丽叶斯****科学家奖 (CSIRO Julius Career Award)
2011 美国岩石力学学会岩石力学研究奖 (ARMA Rock Mechanics Research Award)
2008 澳大利亚维多利亚州政府的维多利亚优秀青年科学家奖 (Victoria Fellowship)
其它 2014英国帝国理工大学访问****,为期3个月
2011年出席澳大利亚科协举办的科学家会见澳大利亚国会议员活动。是本活动中澳大利亚联邦政府资源能源部部长Martin Ferguson邀见的三名与会科学家之一。
2011年鉴于在煤层气渗流研究领域的突出贡献,受国际煤地质期刊(International Journal of Coal Geology, 影响因子3.3)主编C. Ozgen Karacan邀请纂写关于煤的渗透率的综述文章“Modelling permeability for coal reservoirs: A review of analytical models and testing data”,文章发表在2012年3月第92期。发表至今已经被SCI引用132次。
2011和2012连续两个年度,一作论文“A Theoretical Model for Gas Adsorption-Induced Coal Swelling” 是国际煤地质期刊(International Journal of Coal Geology,影响因子3.3)分别是2006-2011年度和2007-2012年度里发表的所有论文中被引用次数最高的论文。该论文首次在国际上提出了煤吸附气体后膨胀的机理及数学模型,解决了20多年来该领域只能使用经验公式去认识和描述这个现象的问题,此膨胀现象是煤层气生产中重要的一个问题。论文自2007年发表后受到国际同行的高度重视,迄今被SCI引用171次,目前在该期刊创刊迄今30多年来发表的2000多篇论文中SCI引用次数排名前20。
2010年发表论文“Laboratory characterisation of coal reservoir permeability for primary and enhanced coalbed methane recovery” ,是国际上第一次系统的提出煤层气储层的实验室测量气体赋存和流动的实验方法和数据分析方法的论文。是国际煤地质期刊(International Journal of Coal Geology,影响因子3.3)在2010年发表的100余篇论文中引用次数最高的论文之一。目前被SCI引用113次。
2011年受邀担任罗马尼亚国家科研基金评委。 联合培养15名中国籍博士生,其中约10名已毕业并均取得国内外大学的教研岗位。 担任几十份国际著名期刊审稿人,包括:Fuel, Energy and Fuels, International Journal of Coal Geology, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, SPE Journal, Transport in Porous Media, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences等著名能源及地质类期刊 受邀在Imperial College London(帝国理工大学), Tokyo University(东京大学), Shell International (壳牌荷兰总部), 中国石油大学,中国地质大学,中石油,中石化等国内外著名高校及大型能源公司做学术报告20余次。并受邀在国际学术研讨会上做keynote发言2次。 迄今为止发表论文130余篇,其中80余篇被SCI收录,其中8篇为ESI 1%高引论文。SCI被引用次数1930余次,H-index为23。论文发表及引用情况见:http://www.researcherid.com/rid/A-3157-2011。
2016年期担年起担任国际SCI期刊Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering高级副主编(Senior Editor),有终审权。期刊2016年最新影响因子为2.047
2016年12月担任Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering代理主编
2014年起担任国际SCI期刊Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering副主编(Associate Editor)。期刊2014年最新影响因子为1.406
2014-2017 中国科学院海外评审专家
非常规天然气研究(包括页岩气及煤层气的成藏机制,资源评估,储层评价以及气藏工程和产量预测),煤矿安全与瓦斯抽采,注气提高煤层气采收率 ,气体在煤层和页岩中的存储和流动特性研究,二氧化碳封存非常规天然气生产模拟软件开发。
?New gravimetric isotherm research rig (2015-2016) (新型重力法气体等温吸附仪研发项目) ? 项目负责人。项目总经费21万澳元 ?
页岩气赋存及流动机理的实验、建模及产量预估 (2013) 项目负责人。中国工业界项目,项目总经费31****民币 ?
CSIRO Julius Career Award (2012-2014) (CSIRO朱丽叶斯杰出中青年科学家基金) 项目负责人。澳大利亚科学与工业研究组织人才基金项目,项目总经费15万澳元 ?
JCG ECBM project “Optimal practices for CO2 enhanced coalbed methane production for Chinese coals” (2010-2012) (CO2 注入提高中国煤层气采收率的优化研究) 项目负责人。澳大利亚政府能源资源部项目,项目总经费39.9万澳元 ?
APP CO2-ECBM field project(2010-2012) (CO2 注入提高煤层气采收率的现场项目) 项目第二负责人。中澳合作合资项目,项目总经费1000万澳元 ?
Gas sorption and coal swelling/shrinkage dynamics(2010-2011) (吸附与煤膨胀收缩的动力学研究) 项目负责人。CSIRO战略研究项目,项目总经费11.6万澳元 ?
Gravimetric isotherm research rig (2010-2012) (新型重力法气体等温吸附仪研发项目) 项目负责人。澳大利亚工业界项目,项目总经费30万澳元 ?
ACARP project C16012, The effects of water within the coal matrix on gas drainage (2007-2009) (煤基质中的水分对瓦斯抽放的影响) 项目负责人。澳大利亚煤炭研究基金项目,项目总经费7万澳元
近期参与的重要项目: ?SHARC 2 Shale Gas Research (2013-2016) (CSIRO与国际页岩气工业界联合研究项目),项目总经费240万澳元
页岩储层工程子项目负责人 ?Microbially Enhanced Coal Seam Gas (2012-2017) (CSIRO与澳大利亚煤层气工业界联合研究项目,生物增产煤层气),项目总经费300万澳元
负责生物增产煤层气的建模和储层模拟编程和计算 ?Bioregional Assessment (2013-2016) (澳大利亚联邦政府项目,煤矿与煤层气工业对水资源环境影响的评估),项目总经费2000万澳元
1.Lu, M., Pan, Z., Connell, L.D., Lu, Y., A New Method for the Estimation of Lost Gas During the Measurement of the Gas Content of Coal. SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering, in press, 2016. SPE 176976-PA.
2.Qu., H., Liu, J., Pan, Z., Peng, Y., Zhou, F., Simulation of coal permeability under non-isothermal CO2 injection. International Journal of Oil Gas Coal Technology, accepted, 2016.
3.Zhao, X., Liu, S., Sang, S., Pan, Z., Zhao, W., Yang, Y., Hu, Q., Yang, Y., Characteristics and generation mechanisms of coal fines in coalbed methane wells in the southern Qinshui Basin, China, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, in press, 2016
4.Liu, J., Yao, Y., Elsworth, D., Pan, Z., Sun, X., Ao, W., Sedimentary characteristics of the Lower Cambrian Niutitang shale in the southeast margin of Sichuan Basin, China, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, in press, 2016
5.Chen, D., Pan, Z., Shi, J-Q., Si, G., Ye, Z., Zhang, J., A novel approach for modelling coal permeability during transition from elastic to post-failure state using a modified logistic growth function, International Journal of Coal Geology 163, 132-139, 2016.
6.Danesh, N.N., Chen, Z., Amiossadati, S.M., Kizil, M.S., Pan, Z., Connell, L.D., Impact of creep on the evolution of coal permeability and gas drainage performance. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 33, 469-482, 2016
7.Qu, H., Pan, Z., Peng, Y., Zhou, F., Controls on matrix permeability of shale samples from Longmaxi and Niutitang formations, China, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 33, 599-610, 2016
8.Zhang, S., Tang, S., Li, Z., Pan, Z., Shi, W., Study of hydrochemical characteristics of CBM co-produced water of the Shizhuangnan Block in the southern Qinshui Basin, China, on its implication of CBM development, International Journal of Coal Geology 159, 169-182, 2016
9.Ma, Y., Pan, Z.*, Zhong, N., Connell, L.D., Down, D.I., Lin, W., Zhang, Y., Experimental study of anisotropic gas permeability and its relationship with fracture structure of Longmaxi Shales, Sichuan Basin, China, Fuel 180, 106-115, 2016.
10.Ye, Z., Chen, D., Pan, Z., Zhang, G., Xia, Y., Ding, X., An improved Langmuir model for evaluating methane adsorption capacity in shale under various pressures and temperatures, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 31, 658-680, 2016.
11.Cai, Y., Liu, D., Pan, Z., Che, Y., Liu, Z., Investigating the Effects of Seepage-Pores and Fractures on Coal Permeability by Fractal Analysis, Transport in Porous Media 111, 479-497, 2016.
12.Chen, D., Pan, Z., Ye, Z., Hou, B., Wang, D., Yuan, L., A unified permeability and effective stress relationship for porous and fractured reservoir rocks, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 29, 401-412, 2016.
13.Ma, Y., Zhong, N., Cheng., L., Pan, Z., Dai, N., Zhang, Y., Yang, L., Pore structure of the graptolite-derived OM in the Longmaxi Shale, southeastern Upper Yangtze Region, China, Marine and Petroleum Geology, 72, 1-11, 2016.
14.Sun, X., Yao, Y., Liu, D., Elsworth, D., Pan, Z., Interactions and exchange of CO2 and H2O in coals: an investigation by low-field NMR relaxation, Scientific Reports 6, 19919, 2016.
15.Wang, H., Yao, Y., Liu, D., Pan, Z., Yang, Y., Cai, Y., Fault-sealing capability and its impact on coalbed methane distribution in the Zhengzhuang field, southern Qinshui Basin, North China, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 28, 613-625, 2016
16.Connell, L.D., Mazumder, S., Sander, R., Camilleri, M., Pan, Z., Heryanto, D., Laboratory characterisation of coal matrix shrinkage, cleat compressibility and the geomechanical properties determining reservoir permeability, Fuel 165, 499-512, 2016.
17.Zhang, S., Tang, S., Li, Z., Guo, Q., Pan, Z., Stable isotope characteristics of CBM co-produced water and implications for CBM development: The example of the Shizhuangnan block in the southern Qinshui Basin, China, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 27, 1400-1411, 2015.
18.Bai, T., Chen, Z., Aminossadati, S.M., Pan, Z., Liu, J., Li, L., Characterization of coal fines generation: A micro-scale investigation, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 27, 862-875, 2015.
19.Peng, Y., Liu, J., Pan, Z., Connell, L.D., A sequential model of shale gas transport under the influence of fully coupled multiple processes, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 27, 808-821, 2015.
20.Li, S., Tang, D., Xu, H., Pan, Z., Huang, W., Zhu, X., Comparative analysis on water movability in pores of different reservoir rocks by nuclear magnetic resonance, Energy, Exploration & Exploitation, 33 (5), 689-705, 2015.
21.Cai, Y., Liu, D., Pan, Z., Yao, Y., Li, C. Mineral occurrence and its impact on fracture generation in selected Qinshui Basin coals: An experimental perspective. International Journal of Coal Geology, 150, 35-50, 2015
22.Chen, T., Feng, X.-T., Pan, Z., Experimental study of swelling of organic rich shale in methane, International Journal of Coal Geology, 150, 64-73,2015
23.Zhang, J. Liu, K., Clennell, M.B., Dewhurst, D.N., Pan, Z., Pervukhina, M., Han, T., Molecular simulation studies of hydrocarbon and carbon dioxide adsorption on coal. Petroleum Science, 12(4), 692-704, 2015
24.Pan, Z.*, Ma, Y., Connell, L.D., Down, D.I., Camilleri, M., Measuring anisotropic permeability using a cubic shale sample in a triaxial cell. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 26, 336-344, 2015.
25.Ye, Z., Chen, D., Pan, Z., A unified method to evaluate shale gas flow behaviours in different flow regions. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 26, 205-215, 2015.
26.Wan, Y., Pan, Z.*, Tang, S., Connell, L.D, Down, D., Camilleri, M., An experimental investigation of diffusivity and porosity anisotropy of a Chinese gas shale. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 23, 70-79, 2015.
27.Pan, Z. *, Connell, L., Reservoir simulation of free and adsorbed gas production from shale. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 22, 359-370, 2015.
28.Ma, Y., Zhong N., Li, D., Pan, Z., Cheng, L., Liu, K., Organic matter/clay mineral intergranular pores in the Lower Cambrian Lujiaping Shale in the north-eastern part of the upper Yangtze area, China: A possible microscopic mechanism for gas preservation. International Journal of Coal Geology, 137, 38-54, 2015.
29.Chen, D. Pan, Z.*, Ye, Z., Dependence of gas shale fracture permeability on effective stress and reservoir pressure: Model match and insights. Fuel, 139, 383-392, 2015.
30.Li, S., Tang, D., Pan, Z., Xu, H, Guo, L., Evaluation of coalbed methane potential of different reservoirs in western Guizhou and eastern Yunnan, China, Fuel, 139, 257-267, 2015.
31.Zhang, S., Tang, S., Tang, D., Huang, W., Pan, Z., Determining fractal dimensions of coal pores by FHH model: Problems and effects. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 21, 929-939, 2014.
32.Shi, J.-Q., Pan, Z., Durucan, S., Analytical models for coal permeability changes during coalbed methane recovery: Model comparison and performance evaluation. International Journal of Coal Geology, 136, 17-24, 2014.
33.Zhang, S., Tang, S., Qian, Z., Pan, Z., Guo, Q., Evaluation of geological features for deep coalbed methane reservoirs in the Dacheng salient, Jizhong depression, China, International Journal of Coal Geology, 133, 60-71, 2014.
34.Peng Y., Liu, J., Wei, M., Pan, Z., Connell, L.D., Why coal permeability changes under free swellings: New insights. International Journal of Coal Geology, 133, 35-46, 2014.
35.Li, S., Tang, D., Pan, Z., Xu, H., Influence and control of coal facies on physical properties of the coal reservoirs in Western Guizhou and Eastern Yunnan, China, International Journal of Oil, Gas and Coal Technology, 8(2), 221-234, 2014.
36.Yuan, W., Li, X., Pan, Z*, Connell, L.D., Li, S., He, J., Experimental investigation of interactions between water and a lower Silurian Chinese shale, Energy and Fuels, 28(8), 4925-4933, 2014.
37.Sander, R., Connell, L.D., Pan, Z., Camilleri, M., Heryanto, D., Lupton, N., Core flooding experiments of CO2 enhanced coalbed methane recovery, International Journal of Coal Geology, 131, 113-125, 2014.
38.Cai, Y., Pan, Z*, Liu, D., Zheng, G., Tang, S., Connell, L.D., Yao, Y., Zhou, Y., Effects of pressure and temperature on gas diffusion and flow for primary and enhanced coalbed methane recovery, Energy Exploration & Exploitation, 32(4), 601-619, 2014.
39.Peng, Y., Liu, J., Zhu, W., Pan, Z., Connell, L., Benchmark assessment of coal permeability models on the accuracy of permeability prediction, Fuel, 132, 194-203, 2014.
40.Cai, Y., Liu, D., Yao, Y., Li, Z., Pan, Z., Partial coal pyrolysis and its implication to enhanced coalbed methane recovery, Part I: An experimental investigation, Fuel, 132, 12-19, 2014.
41.Connell, LD., Pan, Z., Camilleri, M., Meng, S., Down, D., Carras, J., Zhang, W., Fu, X., Guo, B., Briggs, C., Lupton, N., Description of a CO2 enhanced coal bed methane field trial using a multi-lateral horizontal well, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 26, 204-219, 2014.
42.Qu, H., Liu, J., Pan, Z., Connell, L., Impact of matrix swelling area propagation on the evolution of coal permeability under coupled multiple processes, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 18, 451-466, 2014.
43.Cai, Y., Liu, D., Pan, Z., Yao, Y., Li, J., Qiu, Y., Pore structure of selected Chinese coals with heating and pressurization treatments, Science China – Earth Sciences, 57(7), 1567-1582, 2014.
44.Cai, Y., Liu, D., Mathews, J.P., Pan, Z., Elsworth, D., Yao, Y., Li, J., Guo, X., Permeability evolution in fractured coal - Combining triaxial confinement with X-ray computed tomography, acoustic emission and ultrasonic techniques, International Journal of Coal Geology, 122, 91-104, 2014.
45.Yuan, W., Pan, Z.*, Li, X., Yang, Y., Zhao, C., Connell, L.D., Li, S., He, J., Experimental study and modelling of methane adsorption and diffusion in shale, Fuel. 117, 509-519, 2014.
46.Chen, Z., Liu, J., Kabir, A., Wang, J., Pan, Z., Impact of Various Parameters on the Production of Coalbed Methane, SPE Journal. 18(5), 910-923, 2013.
47.Zheng, G., Pan, Z., Tang, S., Ling, B., Lv, D., Connell, L.D., Laboratory and modeling study on gas diffusion with pore structures in different-rank Chinese coals, Energy Exploration and Exploitation. 31(6), 859-877, 2013.
48.Chen, Z., Liu, J., Elsworth, D., Pan, Z., Wang, S., Roles of coal heterogeneity on evolution of coal permeability under unconstrained boundary conditions, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering. 15, 38-52, 2013.
49.Li, S., Tang, D., Pan, Z.*, Xu, H., Huang, W., Characterization of the stress sensitivity of pores for different rank coals by nuclear magnetic resonance, Fuel. 111, 746-754, 2013.
50.Zhang, J., Pan, Z.*, Liu, K., Burke, N., Molecular simulation of CO2 solubility and its effect on octane swelling, Energy and Fuels. 27(5), 2741-2747, 2013.
51.Cai, Y., Liu, D., Pan, Z., Yao, Y., Li. J., Qiu, Y., Petrophysical characterization of Chinese coal cores with heat treatment by nuclear magnetic resonance, Fuel. 108, 292-302, 2013.
52.Chen, D., Pan, Z.*, Liu, J., Connell, L.D., An Improved Relative Permeability Model for Coal Reservoirs, International Journal of Coal Geology. 109-110, 45-57, 2013.
53.Cai, Y., Liu, D., Pan, Z., Yao, Y., Li, J., Qiu, Y., Pore structure and its impact on CH4 adsorption capacity and flow capability of bituminous and subbituminous coals from Northeast China, Fuel. 103, 258-268, 2013.
54.Qu, H., Liu, J., Chen, Z., Wang, J., Pan, Z., Connell, L., Elsworth, D., Complex evolution of coal permeability during CO2 injection under variable temperatures, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control. 9, 281-293, 2012.
55.Chen, D., Pan, Z.*, Liu, J., Connell, L.D., Characteristic of anisotropic coal permeability and its impact on optimal design of multi-lateral well for coalbed methane production, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. 88-89, 13-28, 2012.
56.Zhang, J., Di Lorentzo, M., Pan, Z., The effect of surface energy on carbon dioxide hydrate formation, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B,116(24), 7296-7301. 2012.
57.Zheng, G., Pan, Z.*, Chen, Z., Tang, S., Connell, L.D., Zhang, S., Wang, B., Laboratory study of gas permeability and cleat compressibility for CBM/ECBM in Chinese coals. Energy Exploration and Exploitation. 30(3), 451-476, 2012.
58.Chen, D., Pan, Z.*, Liu, J., Connell, L.D., Modeling and simulation of moisture effect on gas storage and transport in coal seams. Energy and Fuels. 26, 1695-1706, 2012.
59.Chen, Z., Liu, J., Pan, Z., Connell, L.D., Elsworth, D., Influence of the effective stress coefficient and sorption-induced strain on the evolution of coal permeability: Model development and analysis. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control. 8, 101-110, 2012.
60.Pan, Z.*, Connell, L.D., Modeling permeability for coal reservoirs: A review of analytical models and testing data. International Journal of Coal Geology. 92, 1-44, 2012. (invited review)
61.Chen, Z., Pan, Z.*, Liu, J., Connell, L.D., Elsworth, D., Effect of the effective stress coefficient and sorption-induced strain on the evolution of coal permeability: Experimental observations. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control. 5(5), 1284-1293, 2011.
62.Connell, L.D., Sander, R., Pan, Z., Camilleri, M., Heryanto, D., History matching of enhanced coal bed methane laboratory core flood tests. International Journal of Coal Geology. 87(2), 128-138, 2011.
63.Zhang, J., Pan, Z., Effect of potential energy on the formation of methane hydrate. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. 76(3-4), 148-154, 2011.
64.Pan. Z.*, Connell, L.D., Modelling of anisotropic coal swelling and its impact on permeability behaviour for primary and enhanced coalbed methane recovery. International Journal of Coal Geology. 85(3-4), 257-267, 2011.
65.Pan. Z.*, Connell, L.D., Impact of coal seam as interlayer on CO2 storage in saline aquifers: A reservoir simulation study. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control. 5(1), 99-114, 2011.
66.Kiyama, T., Nishimoto, S., Fujioka, M., Xue, Z., Ishijima, Y., Pan. Z., Connell, L.D., Coal swelling strain and permeability change with injecting liquid/supercritical CO2 and N2 at stress-constrained conditions. International Journal of Coal Geology. 85, 56-64, 2011.
67.Connell, L.D., Lu, M., Pan. Z., An analytical coal permeability model for tri-axial strain and stress conditions. International Journal of Coal Geology. 84, 103-114, 2010.
68.Pan, Z.*, Connell, L.D., Camilleri, M., Connelly, L. Effects of matrix moisture on gas diffusion and flow in coal. Fuel. 89, 3207-3217, 2010.
69.Wu, Y., Liu, J., Elsworth, D., Chen, Z., Connell, L., Pan, Z., Dual poroelastic response of a coal seam to CO2 injection. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control. 4, 668-678, 2010.
70.Pan, Z.*, Connell, L.D, Camilleri, M., Laboratory characterisation of coal reservoir permeability for primary and enhanced coalbed methane recovery. International Journal of Coal Geology. 82, 252-261, 2010.
71.Clarkson, C.R., Pan, Z., Palmer, I., Harpalani, S., Predicting Sorption-Induced Strain and Permeability Increase with Depletion for Coalbed Methane Reservoirs, SPE Journal, 15(1), 152-159, 2010.
72.Chen, Z., Liu, J., Elsworth, D., Connell, L.D., Pan, Z., Impact of CO2 injection and differential deformation on CO2 injectivity under in-situ stress conditions. International Journal of Coal Geology. 81, 97-108, 2010.
73.Zhang, S., Tang, S., Tang, D., Pan, Z., Yang, F., The characteristics of coal reservoir pores and coal facies in Liulin district, Hedong coal field of China. International Journal of Coal Geology. 81,117-127, 2010.
74.Pan, Z.*, Connell, L.D., Comparison of Adsorption Models in Reservoir Simulation of Enhanced Coalbed Methane Recovery and CO2 Sequestration in Coal, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control. 3(1), 77-89, 2009.
75.Lu. M., Connell, L.D., Pan Z., A Model for the Flow of Gas Mixtures in Adsorption Dominated Dual-porosity Reservoirs Incorporating Multi-component Matrix Diffusion – Part II Numerical Algorithm and Application Examples, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. 62(3), 93-102, 2008.
76.Pan, Z.*, Connell, L.D., A Theoretical Model for Gas Adsorption-Induced Coal Swelling, International Journal of Coal Geology. 69(4), 243-252, 2007.
77.Fitzgerald, J.E.; Pan, Z.; Sudibandriyo, M.; Robinson, Jr., R.L.; Gasem, K.A.M.; Reeves, S., Adsorption of Methane, Nitrogen, Carbon Dioxide and Their Mixtures on Wet Tiffany Coal, Fuel. 84, 2351-2363, 2005.
78.Goodman, A.L., Busch, A., Duffy, G.J., Fitzgerald, J.E., Gasem, K.A.M., Gensterblum, Y., Krooss, B.M., Levy, J., Ozdemir, E., Pan, Z., Robinson, R.L., Schroeder, K., Sudibriyo, M., White, C.M., An Inter-laboratory Comparison of CO2 Isotherms Measured on Argonne Premium Coal Samples, Energy & Fuels. 18(4), 1175-1182, 2004.
79.Fitzgerald, J.E., Sudibandriyo, M., Pan, Z., Robinson, Jr., R.L., Gasem, K.A.M., Modeling the Adsorption of Pure Gases on Coals with The SLD Model, Carbon. 41, 2203-2216, 2003.
80.Sudibandriyo, M., Pan, Z., Fitzgerald, J.E., Robinson, Jr., R.L., Gasem, K.A.M., Adsorption of Methane, Nitrogen, Carbon Dioxide and their Binary Mixtures on Dry Activated Carbon at 318.2 K and Pressures to 13.6 MPa, Langmuir. 19(13), 5323-5331, 2003.
81.Gasem, K.A.M., Gao, W., Pan, Z., Robinson Jr., R.L., A modified Temperature Dependence for the Peng-Robinson Equation of State, Fluid Phase Equilibria. 181, 113-125, 2001.
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姓名杨晓光性别男出生年月1964年7月籍贯民族汉族政治面貌中共党员最后学历最后学位技术职称教授导师类别博导行政职务无Email工作单位邮政编码通讯地址单位电话个人主页个人简介个人简历:1981-1986年清华大学应用数学系本科,获理学学士(应用数学);1986年-1988年,安徽大学数学系任教;19 ...中国矿业大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-03-28中国矿业大学导师教师师资介绍简介-胡义华
姓名胡义华性别男出生年月1981年8月籍贯江苏建湖县民族汉族政治面貌中共党员最后学历博士研究生毕业最后学位工学博士技术职称教授导师类别博、硕导行政职务无Emailhuyihuacumt@126.com工作单位中国矿业大学电气与动力工程学院邮政编码221116通讯地址江苏省徐州市大学路1号单位电话个人 ...中国矿业大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-03-28中国矿业大学导师教师师资介绍简介-陈雯
姓名陈雯性别女出生年月1965年9月籍贯民族汉族政治面貌中共党员最后学历博士研究生最后学位工学博士技术职称教授导师类别博导行政职务所长Emailchen_wen@vip.sina.com工作单位长沙矿冶研究院/中国矿业大学邮政编码221116通讯地址江苏徐州大学路1号单位电话**个人主页个人简介陈雯 ...中国矿业大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-03-28中国矿业大学导师教师师资介绍简介-吴素芹
姓名吴素芹性别女出生年月1963年11月籍贯民族政治面貌最后学历最后学位技术职称教授导师类别博、硕导行政职务Emailmssuqinwu@gmail.com工作单位环境与测绘学院邮政编码通讯地址单位电话个人主页个人简介无 ...中国矿业大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-03-28中国矿业大学导师教师师资介绍简介-AnthonyJohnSpencerSpearing
姓名AnthonyJohnSpencerSpearing性别男出生年月1956年10月籍贯民族外国血统政治面貌最后学历最后学位技术职称教授导师类别博导行政职务Emailajsspearing@yahoo.com工作单位邮政编码通讯地址单位电话个人主页个人简介1 ...中国矿业大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-03-28中国矿业大学导师教师师资介绍简介-冯昱清
姓名冯昱清性别男出生年月1969年4月籍贯山东冠县民族汉族政治面貌群众最后学历博士研究生最后学位工学博士技术职称教授导师类别博导行政职务Email工作单位化工学院邮政编码通讯地址单位电话个人主页个人简介冯昱清,男,1969年4月,教授,国家自然科学基金海外****,200 ...中国矿业大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-03-28中国矿业大学导师教师师资介绍简介-CHB
姓名CHB性别男出生年月籍贯民族政治面貌最后学历博士研究生最后学位哲学博士技术职称教授导师类别博导行政职务无Emailheshengyu@cumt.edu.cn工作单位中国矿业大学邮政编码221116通讯地址江苏徐州中国矿业大学南湖校区化工学院单位电话个人主页 ...中国矿业大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-03-28中国矿业大学导师教师师资介绍简介-张久俊
姓名张久俊性别男出生年月1958年6月籍贯安徽宿州市民族汉族政治面貌最后学历博士研究生毕业最后学位技术职称教授导师类别博导行政职务无Emailgaoqy@cumt.edu.cn工作单位中国矿业大学邮政编码221116通讯地址徐州单位电话**个人主页个人简介加拿大皇家科学院院士(TheAcademyo ...中国矿业大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-03-28中国矿业大学导师教师师资介绍简介-王永贵
姓名王永贵性别男出生年月1964年12月籍贯民族汉族政治面貌中共党员最后学历博士研究生最后学位法学博士技术职称教授导师类别博导行政职务Email工作单位南京师范大学邮政编码通讯地址江苏南京单位电话个人主页个人简介王永贵,南京师范大学马克思主义学院二级教授,博士生导师,教育部****&r ...中国矿业大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-03-28中国矿业大学导师教师师资介绍简介-PathegamaGamageRanjith
姓名PathegamaGamageRanjith性别男出生年月1968年8月籍贯民族政治面貌最后学历博士研究生最后学位工学博士技术职称教授导师类别博导行政职务无Emailranjith.pg@monash.edu工作单位邮政编码通讯地址单位电话个人主页个人简介RanjithPathegamaGama ...中国矿业大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-03-28