

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-03-28

姓 名 路平 性 别 女
出生年月 1983年7月 籍贯
民 族 汉族 政治面貌 中共党员
最后学历 博士研究生毕业 最后学位 工学博士
技术职称 副教授 导师类别 硕导
行政职务 Email luping_cumt@126.com
工作单位 环境与测绘学院 邮政编码 221000
通讯地址 江苏省徐州市大学路1号中国矿业大学





1. Ping Lu, Xiangyu Bai, Qiyan Feng, and Hui Zhang, (2007). Experimental Study on Denitrification by SBR-ANAMMOX. Chinese Journal of Environmental Science and Technology. 30 (z1): 175-177, (in Chinese).
2. Ping Lu, Qiyan Feng, Xiangdong Li, Tao Yuan, and Yue Sun, (2009). Improvement in Electrokinetic Remediation of Chromium Contaminated Soil with Polarity Exchange Technology. Chinese Journal of Environmental Engineering. 3(2): 354-358, (in Chinese).
3. Ping Lu, Qiyan Feng*, Qingjun Meng, and Tao Yuan, (2012). Electrokinetic Remediation of Chromium- and Cadmium-Contaminated Soil from Abandoned Industrial Site. Separation and Purification Technology, 98 (19), 216-220.
4. Ping Lu, Qiyan Feng, and Tao Yuan, (2012). Electrokinetic Remediation of Chrromium and Cadmium Contaminated Soil. Advanced Science, Engineering and Medicine, 4 (4): 329-333.
5. Yan Zhang, Qiyan Feng, Qingjun Meng, Ping Lu, and Lei Meng, (2012). Distribution and Bioavailability of Metals in Subsidence Land in a Coal Mine China, Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 89 (6), 1225-1230.
6. Ping Lu, Tao Yuan, Qiyan Feng, Aiqin Xu, and Jiayuan Li, (2013). Review of Swimming-Associated Cryptosporidiosis and Cryptosporidium oocysts Removals from Swimming Pools. Water Quality Research Journal of Canada, 48 (1) 30-39.
7. Tao Yuan, Baoping Han, and Ping Lu, (2013) Modeling of Particle Stability and Coagulant Dosage in Conventional Water Treatment, Journal of Food Agriculture and Environment, 11 (2), 1098-1100.
8. Tao Yuan, Ping Lu*, Qiyan Feng, Ting Li, Yue Sun, (2013). Evaluation of swimming pool water chemical characteristics and polydimethyldiallylammoniumchloride coagulation with inactive Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts in pool water. Asian Journal of Chemistry, 25 (18): 10482-10484.
9. Ping Lu, Tao Yuan, Qiyan Feng, Yue Sun (2014). Environmental concerns of shale gas production in China. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 36(6): 638-642.
10. Ping Lu, Tao Yuan, Qiyan Feng, Jing Li (2014). Using of polydiallyldimethylammonium chloride for removal Cryptosporidium from the public recreational water venue. Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research, 6 (6): 39-43.
11. Ping Lu, Tao Yuan, Qiyan Feng, Jing Li, Yue Sun, Ting Li (2014). Pilot-scale studies on Cryptosporidium oocysts surrogate removal from swimming pool. Chinese Journal of Environmental Engineering, 8 (7): 2822-2826, (in Chinese).
12. Ping Lu, Tao Yuan, Qiyan Feng, Jing Li (2015). Review on Shale Gas Produced Water Chemical Characteristic and Treatment Techniques. Nature Environment and Pollution Technology, 14 (1).1. Ping Lu, Xiangyu Bai, Qiyan Feng, and Hui Zhang, (2007). Experimental Study on Denitrification by SBR-ANAMMOX. Chinese Journal of Environmental Science and Technology. 30 (z1): 175-177, (in Chinese).
2. Ping Lu, Qiyan Feng, Xiangdong Li, Tao Yuan, and Yue Sun, (2009). Improvement in Electrokinetic Remediation of Chromium Contaminated Soil with Polarity Exchange Technology. Chinese Journal of Environmental Engineering. 3(2): 354-358, (in Chinese).
3. Ping Lu, Qiyan Feng*, Qingjun Meng, and Tao Yuan, (2012). Electrokinetic Remediation of Chromium- and Cadmium-Contaminated Soil from Abandoned Industrial Site. Separation and Purification Technology, 98 (19), 216-220.
4. Ping Lu, Qiyan Feng, and Tao Yuan, (2012). Electrokinetic Remediation of Chrromium and Cadmium Contaminated Soil. Advanced Science, Engineering and Medicine, 4 (4): 329-333.
5. Yan Zhang, Qiyan Feng, Qingjun Meng, Ping Lu, and Lei Meng, (2012). Distribution and Bioavailability of Metals in Subsidence Land in a Coal Mine China, Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 89 (6), 1225-1230.
6. Ping Lu, Tao Yuan, Qiyan Feng, Aiqin Xu, and Jiayuan Li, (2013). Review of Swimming-Associated Cryptosporidiosis and Cryptosporidium oocysts Removals from Swimming Pools. Water Quality Research Journal of Canada, 48 (1) 30-39.
7. Tao Yuan, Baoping Han, and Ping Lu, (2013) Modeling of Particle Stability and Coagulant Dosage in Conventional Water Treatment, Journal of Food Agriculture and Environment, 11 (2), 1098-1100.
8. Tao Yuan, Ping Lu*, Qiyan Feng, Ting Li, Yue Sun, (2013). Evaluation of swimming pool water chemical characteristics and polydimethyldiallylammoniumchloride coagulation with inactive Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts in pool water. Asian Journal of Chemistry, 25 (18): 10482-10484.
9. Ping Lu, Tao Yuan, Qiyan Feng, Yue Sun (2014). Environmental concerns of shale gas production in China. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 36(6): 638-642.
10. Tao Yuan,Ping Lu, et. al., (2014). Using of polydiallyldimethylammonium chloride for removal Cryptosporidium from the public recreational water venue. Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research, 6 (6): 39-43.
11. Ping Lu, Tao Yuan, Qiyan Feng, Jing Li, Yue Sun, Ting Li (2014). Pilot-scale studies on Cryptosporidium oocysts surrogate removal from swimming pool. Chinese Journal of Environmental Engineering, 8 (7): 2822-2826, (in Chinese).
12.Tao Yuan,Ping Lu, et. al.,(2015). Review on Shale Gas Produced Water Chemical Characteristic and Treatment Techniques. Nature Environment and Pollution Technology, 14 (1).
13. Ping Lu*, James E. Amburgey. (2016). A pilot-scale study of Cryptosporidium-sized microsphere removals from swimming pools via sand filtration. Journal of Water and Health, 14 (1): 109-120.


主讲课程《Sustainable Development and Environmental Protection》,和《环境科学概论》


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