

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-03-28

姓 名 鞠玮 性 别 男
出生年月 1988年1月 籍贯 山东莒南县
民 族 汉族 政治面貌 中共党员
最后学历 博士研究生毕业 最后学位 理学博士
技术职称 副教授 导师类别 硕导
行政职务 Email wju@cumt.edu.cn
工作单位 中国矿业大学 邮政编码 221116
通讯地址 江苏省徐州市大学路1号
单位电话 **

现担任Journal of Environmental and Earth Sciences期刊编委,《煤炭科学技术》青年专家学术委员会委员,是AAPG Bulletin、Fuel、Marine and Petroleum Geology、Energy Science and Engineering、Geological Journal、Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering和石油与天然气地质等国内外主流学术期刊的审稿专家。

2019,Journal of Environmental and Earth Sciences编委,《煤炭科学技术》青年专家学术委员会委员
2018,中国矿业大学最受学生欢迎教师,中国矿业大学本科实习教学改革优秀案例二等奖,中国矿业大学2018届本科毕业设计(论文)优秀指导教师,Interdisciplinary Contest in Modeling (Honorable Mention) 指导老师,中国矿业大学教学成果奖二等奖,入选中国矿业大学优秀教学科研群体,获中国矿业大学资源与地球科学学院青年教师教学奖,中国矿业大学职工考核优秀



Wei Ju, Bo Jiang, Yong Qin, Caifang Wu, Geoff Wang, Zhenghui Qu, Ming Li, 2019. The present-day in-situ stress field within coalbed methane reservoirs, Yuwang Block, Laochang Basin, south China. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 102, 61-73. SCI
Wei Ju, Jilin Wang, Huihuang Fang, Weifeng Sun, 2019. Paleotectonic stress field modeling and prediction of natural fractures in the Lower Silurian Longmaxi shale reservoirs, Nanchuan region, South China. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 100, 20-30. SCI
Wei Ju, Yuan You, Yilin Chen, Shengbin Feng, Haoran Xu, Yue Zhao, Bo Liu, 2019. Nanoscale pore structure and fractal characteristics of the continental Yanchang Formation Chang 7 shale in the southwestern Ordos Basin, central China. Energy Science and Engineering, 7(4), 1188-1200. doi: 10.1002/ese3.339. SCI
Changgui Li, Bo Jiang, Wei Ju, Guoxi Cheng, Yu Song, 2019. Characteristics of tectonic deformation in the Daning-Jixian region, eastern Ordos Basin: Implications for the exploration and development of coalbed methane. Energy Exploration and Exploitation, 37(3), 907-921.
Junjian Zhang, Chongtao Wei, Wei Ju, Gaoyuan Yan, Guanwen Lu, Xiaowei Hou, Kai Zheng, 2019. Stress sensitivity characterization and heterogeneous variation of the pore-fracture system in middle-high rank coals reservoir based on NMR experiments. Fuel, 238, 331-344.
Junjian Zhang, Chongtao Wei, Junlong Zhao, Wei Ju, Yilin Chen, Landry Soh Tamehe, 2019. Comparative evaluation of the compressibility of middle and high rank coals by different experimental methods. Fuel, 245, 39-51.
Zhaobiao Yang, Hui Peng, Zhengguang Zhang, Wei Ju, Geng Li, Cunlei Li, 2019. Atmospheric-variational pressure-saturated water characteristics of medium-high rank coal reservoir based on NMR technology. Fuel, 256, 115976.
Wei Ju, Bo Jiang, Qi Miao, Jilin Wang, Zhenghui Qu, Ming Li, 2018. Variation of in situ stress regime in coal reservoirs, eastern Yunnan region, South China: Implications for coalbed methane production. AAPG Bulletin, 102(11), 2283-2303. SCI
Wei Ju, Jian Shen, Yong Qin, Shangzhi Meng, Chao Li, Guozhang Li, Guang Yang, 2018. In-situ stress distribution and coalbed methane reservoir permeability in the Linxing area, eastern Ordos Basin, China. Frontiers of Earth Science, 12(3), 545-554. SCI
Wei Ju, Zhaoliang Li, Weifeng Sun, Haoran Xu, 2018. In-situ stress orientations in the Xiagou tight oil reservoir of Qingxi Oilfield, Jiuxi Basin, northwestern China. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 98, 258-269. SCI
Wei Ju, Caifang Wu, Weifeng Sun, 2018. Effects of mechanical layering on hydraulic fracturing in shale gas reservoirs based on numerical models. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 11(12), 323(1-11). SCI
Wei Ju, Ke Wang, 2018. A preliminary study of the present-day in-situ stress state in the Ahe tight gas reservoir, Dibei Gasfield, Kuqa Depression. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 96, 154-165. SCI
Wei Ju, Ke Wang, Guiting Hou, Weifeng Sun, Xuan Yu, 2018. Prediction of natural fractures in the Lower Jurassic Ahe Formation of the Dibei Gasfield, Kuqa Depression, Tarim Basin, NW China. Geosciences Journal, 22(2), 241-252. SCI
Wei Ju, Zhaobiao Yang, Yong Qin, Tongsheng Yi, Zhengguang Zhang, 2018. Characteristics of in-situ stress state and prediction of the permeability in the Upper Permian coalbed methane reservoir, western Guizhou region, SW China. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 165, 199-211. SCI
Huihuang Fang, Shuxun Sang, Jilin Wang, Wei Ju, 2018. Pore characteristics and its significance on shale gas reservoir: A case study of the Longmaxi shale in the Nanchuan region, Chongqing, South China. International Journal of Oil, Gas and Coal Technology, 18(3/4), 512-536.
Jian Shen, Yong Qin, Yepeng Li, Yanhui Yang, Wei Ju, Chunli Yang, Geoff Wang, 2018. In situ stress field in the FZ Block of Qinshui Basin, China: Implications for the permeability and coalbed methane production. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 170, 744-754.
Wei Ju, Jian Shen, Yong Qin, Shangzhi Meng, Caifang Wu, Yulin Shen, Zhaobiao Yang, Guozhang Li, Chao Li, 2017. In-situ stress state in the Linxing region, eastern Ordos Basin, China: Implications for unconventional gas exploration and production. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 86, 66-78. SCI
Wei Ju, Weifeng Sun, Xiaojing Ma, 2017. Tectonic stress pattern in the Chinese Mainland from the inversion of focal mechanism data. Journal of Earth System Science, 126, 41, 1-22. SCI
Wei Ju, Guiting Hou, K.R. Hari, 2017. Dyke emplacement in the Narmada rift zone and implications for the evolution of the Deccan Traps. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 445, 297-315.
Wei Ju, Jilin Wang, Huihuang Fang, Yunpeng Gong, Shanjin Zhang, 2017. Paleostress reconstructions and stress regimes in the Nanchuan region of Sichuan Basin, South China: implications for hydrocarbon exploration. Geosciences Journal, 21(4), 553-564. SCI
Wei Ju, Caifang Wu, Ke Wang, Weifeng Sun, Chao Li, Xixi Chang, 2017. Prediction of tectonic fractures in low permeability sandstone reservoirs: A case study of the Es3m reservoir in the Block Shishen 100 and adjacent regions, Dongying Depression. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 156, 884-895. SCI
Wei Ju, Weifeng Sun, Jinhui Luo, 2017. Characteristics of global strong earthquakes and their implications for the present-day stress pattern. Journal of Earth System Science, 126(7), 100(1-23). SCI
Huihuang Fang, Shuxun Sang, Jilin Wang, Shiqi Liu, Wei Ju, 2017. Simulation of paleotectonic stress fields and distribution prediction of tectonic fractures at the Hudi Coal Mine, Qinshui Basin. Acta Geologica Sinica (English Editon), 91(6), 2007-2023. SCI
Wei Ju, Weifeng Sun, 2016. Tectonic fractures in the Lower Cretaceous Xiagou Formation of Qingxi Oilfield, Jiuxi Basin, NW China Part one: Characteristics and controlling factors. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 146, 617-625. SCI
Wei Ju, Weifeng Sun, 2016. Tectonic fractures in the Lower Cretaceous Xiagou Formation of Qingxi Oilfield, Jiuxi Basin, NW China. Part two: Numerical simulation of tectonic stress field and prediction of tectonic fractures. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 146, 626-636. SCI
Wei Ju, Weifeng Sun, Xiaojing Ma, Hui Jiang, 2016. Tectonic stress accumulation in Bohai-Zhangjiakou Seismotectonic Zone based on 3D visco-elastic modelling. Journal of Earth System Science, 125(5), 1021-1031. SCI
王金月,鞠玮(通讯作者),申建,孙维凤,2016. 鄂尔多斯盆地定边地区延长组长71储层构造裂缝分布预测. 地质与勘探,52(5),966-973.
Wei Ju, Weifeng Sun, Guiting Hou, 2015. Insights into the tectonic fractures in the Yanchang Formation interbedded sandstone-mudstone of the Ordos Basin based on core data and geomechanical models. Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition), 89(6), 1986-1997. SCI
赵文韬,侯贵廷,鞠玮,任康绪,2015. 库车东部碎屑岩地层曲率对裂缝发育的影响. 北京大学学报(自然科学版),51(6),1059-1068.
赵文韬,侯贵廷,张居增,冯胜斌,鞠玮,尤源,于璇,詹彦,2015. 层厚与岩性控制裂缝发育的力学机理研究—以鄂尔多斯盆地延长组为例. 北京大学学报(自然科学版),51(6),1047-1058.
Wei Ju, Guiting Hou, Bo Zhang, 2014. Insights into the damage zones in fault-bend folds from geomechanical models and field data. Tectonophysics, 610, 182-194. SCI
Wei Ju, Guiting Hou, 2014. Late Permian to Triassic intraplate orogeny of the southern Tianshan and adjacent regions, NW China. Geoscience Frontiers, 5(1), 83-93. SCI
鞠玮,侯贵廷,冯胜斌,赵文韬,张居增,尤源,詹彦,于璇,2014. 鄂尔多斯盆地庆城-合水地区延长组长63储层构造裂缝定量预测. 地学前缘,21(6),310-320. EI
鞠玮,侯贵廷,黄少英,任康绪,2014. 断层相关褶皱对砂岩构造裂缝发育的控制约束.高校地质学报,20(1),105-113.
鞠玮,侯贵廷,黄少英,任康绪,2014. 库车拗陷依南-吐孜地区阿合组砂岩构造裂缝评价.北京大学学报(自然科学版),50(5),859-866.
詹彦,侯贵廷,孙雄伟,鞠玮,申银民,赵文韬,任康绪,张鹏,2014. 库车坳陷东部侏罗系砂岩构造裂缝定量预测. 高校地质学报,20(2),294-302.
牛小兵,侯贵廷,张居增,冯胜斌,赵文韬,尤源,鞠玮,王芳,张鹏,2014. 鄂尔多斯盆地长6-长7段致密砂岩岩心裂缝评价标准及应用. 大地构造与成矿学,38(3),571-579. EI
Wei Ju, Guiting Hou, K.R. Hari, 2013. Mechanics of mafic dyke swarms in the Deccan Large Igneous Province: Palaeostress field modeling.Journal of Geodynamics, 66, 79-91. SCI
鞠玮,侯贵廷,黄少英,任康绪,2013. 库车拗陷依南-吐孜地区下侏罗统阿合组砂岩构造裂缝分布预测. 大地构造与成矿学,37(4),592-602. EI
赵文韬,侯贵廷,孙雄伟,鞠玮,申银民,任康绪,叶茂林,2013. 库车东部碎屑岩层厚和岩性对裂缝发育的影响. 大地构造与成矿学,37(4),603-610.
潘文庆,侯贵廷,齐英敏,张鹏,陈永权,鞠玮,2013. 碳酸盐岩构造裂缝发育模式探讨. 地学前缘,20(5),188-195.
张鹏,侯贵廷,潘文庆,齐英敏,张庆莲,孟庆峰,鞠玮,2013. 塔里木盆地北缘碳酸盐岩野外构造裂缝发育规律研究. 高校地质学报,19(4),580-587.
Wei Ju, Guiting Hou, Le Li, Fangfeng Xiao, 2012. End Late Paleozoic tectonic stress field in the southern edge of Junggar Basin. Geoscience Frontiers, 3(5), 707-715. SCI
张庆莲,侯贵廷,潘文庆,韩剑发,李乐,鞠玮,2012. 皮羌走滑断裂控制构造裂缝发育的力学机制模拟. 地质力学学报,18(2),110-119.
杨海军,侯贵廷,肖中尧,黄少英,任康绪,鞠玮,张鹏,赵文韬,詹彦,2012. 致密砂岩构造裂缝的评价标准及应用—以库车坳陷东部致密砂岩为例. 地球科学前沿,2,117-124.
鞠玮,侯贵廷,潘文庆,韩剑发,琚岩,2011. 塔中I号断裂带北段构造裂缝面密度与分形统计. 地学前缘,18(3),317-323.
鞠玮,侯贵廷,肖芳锋,2011. 墨西哥湾盆地陆棚区油气田数量与储量规模的分形分析. 北京大学学报(自然科学版),47(6),1149-1154.
Jianfa Han, Guiting Hou, Bing Jing, Yan Ju, Le Li, Wei Ju, 2011. The relationship between thrust faults and structural fractures in the Tarim Basin, China. Advances in Petroleum Exploration and Development, 2(2), 37-40.
张庆莲,侯贵廷,潘文庆,韩剑发,琚岩,李乐,鞠玮,舒武林,2011. 构造裂缝的分形研究. 应用基础与工程科学学报,19(6),853-861.
李乐,侯贵廷,潘文庆,琚岩,张庆莲,舒武林,肖芳锋,鞠玮,2011. 塔里木盆地巴楚地区二叠纪以来构造应力场解析. 地质力学学报,17(3),262-273.

侯贵廷,孙雄伟,鞠玮,2018. 库车拗陷致密砂岩裂缝定量解析. 北京:科学出版社,pp. 164.


鞠玮,孙维凤,罗金辉,2019.04.16. 一种褶皱发育区储层裂缝预测方法及装置. 中国发明专利,专利号:ZL8.5.
鞠玮,申建,吴财芳,2019. 储层岩石力学参数三维建模软件(RMPM 3D). 中国计算机软件著作权,登记号:2019SR**.



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