

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-03-06

  主讲《作物栽培学》、《农科英语阅读与写作》、《农业科技写作》和《Crop Science》等课程。先后指导硕士研究生33名(含农业推广硕士7人、国外留学生1人),指导留学博士生7名。指导的本科生获扬州大学大学生科技创新基金项目2项。主持扬州大学教改课题2项、江苏省研究生培养创新工程项目1项。主持国家级创新型人才国际培养项目2项,获“扬州大学课堂教学质量奖”和“扬州大学优秀班主任”等荣誉称号。
  从事作物栽培逆境生理研究,主要研究方向为作物盐分逆境生理和作物高效安全生产技术创新及应用。先后主持国家重点研发计划课题、国家自然科学基金(3项)、教育部留学回国人员基金、江苏省重点研发计划项目、江苏省农业科技支撑计划等科研项目20余项。在Crop Science、Agronomy Journal、Crop & Pasture Science、Canadian Journal of Plant Science等国内外主流期刊上发表研究论文100余篇。研究成果获“加拿大农业与农业食品部研究贡献奖”。
  Email:gszhou@yzu.edu.cn; zgs6653@163.com
Guisheng ZHOU
Ph. D, Full Professor in Crop Stress Physiology
Deputy Director
Institutes of Agricultural Science and Technology Development, Yangzhou University
Joint International Laboratory of Agriculture and Agri-Product Safety of Ministry of Education of China, Yangzhou University
Joint Laboratory in Agricultural Sciences between Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada and Yangzhou University
Contacting information:
Email: gszhou@yzu.edu.cn; zgs6653@163.com
Tel: 86-
Add: International Building, Wenhui Road Campus, Yangzhou University
Yangzhou 225009, Jiangsu Province, China
Ph. D.2002-2006, Agricultural College, Yangzhou University, P. R. China
Thesis:Cotton Fibre Development and Optimization of Key Cultivation Measures in High-quality Cotton
M.Sci. (Agronomy)1997-2000, Department of Agronomy,Agricultural College, Yangzhou University, P. R. China
Thesis: Induction and Regulation of Fertilizer/DPC Chemical Regulations Combinations on Boll weight Enhancement
B. Sci. (Agronomy)1990-1994, Department of Agronomy, Agricultural College, Yangzhou University, P. R. China
Thesis:Comparison of Yield and Yield Component between Japanese and Chinese Rice Cultivars
2016-present Full professor and deputy director, abiotic stress of crop physiology, Joint International Laboratory of Agriculture and Agri-product Safety of Ministry of Education of China, Yangzhou University
The courses I teach to undergraduates and postgraduates include cotton production and crop science.
2014-2016 Full professor, cultivation of cotton and salt-tolerant energy crops, Agricultural College, Yangzhou University
The courses I teach to undergraduates and postgraduates include cotton production, crop production, and scientific reading and writing in English.
2009-2010 Post-doc Research, Eastern Cereal and Oilseed Research Centre, the Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Ottawa, Canada
Research title: Physiological mechanisms of salt tolerance and other abiotic stresses in field crops. Supervised by senior research scientist Dr. Baoluo Ma
2008-2014 Associate professor, crop stress physiology (cotton, energy crops), Agricultural College, Yangzhou University
The courses I teach to undergraduates and postgraduates include cotton cultivation, crop production, and scientific reading and writing in English (English and Chinese bilingual teaching).
2002-2008 Lecturer, cultivation of cotton and salt-tolerant energy crops, Agricultural College, Yangzhou University
2000-2002Teaching assistant, cotton cultivation, Agricultural College, Yangzhou University
The courses I teach to undergraduate students include test of cotton fibre quality, cotton cultivation.
1994-1997Translator and interpreter, Yangzhou Commission of Foreign Trade and Economy
More than 30 master students and Ph. D students have been supervised since 2008.
Unless specially stated, I hosted all the following research projects as the principal investigator.
2019-2022 Awarded China National Key Research and Development Program Research Grant (RMB 3.50 million) for an international collaboration project “Introduction, selection of forage germplasm ang breeding and high-yielding production”. As the co-principal investigator.
2019-2021 Awarded Rural Revitalization of Yangzhou University Grant (RMB 200 k for two years 201-2020) for a project “Increasing annual forage productivity in Jiangsu Province”
2019-2021 Awarded Jiangsu Provincial Agricultural Industrialization Grant (RMB 200K for two years 2019-2020) for a project “Research on increasing forage annual productivity in Southern China”
2018-2020 AwardChina National Key Research and Development Program research grant(RMB¥4.62 million for 3 years 2018-2020) for a project “Research on key technology and model construction of cost-saving and yield-increase in rice and wheat annual production in East Jianghuai Region”
2016-2019 Awarded Jiangsu Provincial Key Research and Development Program research grant (RMB¥500K for 3 years 2017-2018) for a project(BE**)“Breeding and ecological plantation of forage crops grown in saline soil”
More than 120 publications have been published since 2003 in academic journals. Representative publications are listed as follows. The authors marked with * are the corresponding author(s).
Muhi Eldeen Hussien Ibrahim, Adam Yousif Adam Ali, Aboagla Mohammed Ibrahim Elsiddig, Guisheng Zhou*, Nimir Eltyb Ahmed Nimir, Irshad Ahmad, Mohamed Suliman Eltyeb Suliman, Safiya Babiker Mustafa Elradi, Ebtehal Gabralla Ibrahim Salih. 2020 Biochar improved sorghum germination and seedling growth under salinity stress. Agronomy Journal. (accepted)
Xiurong Jiao, Hui Pan, Guanglong Zhu, Jiali Shang, Zhongya Ji, Irshad Ahmad, Guisheng Zhou*, Malcolm Morrison*. Patterns of cadmium uptake and accumulation by exclusion and inclusion soybean cultivars. Agronomy Journal, 2020, doi.org/10.1002/agj2.20072
Adam Yousif Adam Ali, Muhi Eldeen Hussien Ibrahim, Guisheng Zhou*, Nimir Eltyb Ahmed Nimir, Xiurong Jiao, Guanglong Zhu, Aboagla Mohammed Ibrahim Elsiddig, Mohamed Suliman Eltyed Suliman, Safiya Babiker Mustafa Elradi, Wang Yue. Exogenous jasmonic acid and humic acid increased salinity tolerance of sorghum. Agronomy Journal, 2020, doi.org/10.1002/agj2.20072
Guanglong Zhu, Haitong Lu, Xiaoxu Shi, Yue Wang, Wenfang Zhi, Xubing Chen, Jiawei Liu, Zhen Ren, Yu Shi, Zhongya Ji, Xiurong Jiao, Muhi Eldeen Hussien Ibrahim, Nimir Eltyb Ahmed Nimir, Guisheng Zhou*. Nitrogen management enhanced plant growth, antioxidant ability, and grain yield of rice under salinity stress[J]. Agronomy Journal, 2020, 112(1):550-563.
Jianjun Wang, Quan Sun, Jiali Shang, Jiahua Zhang, Fei Wu, Guisheng Zhou, Qigen Dai. A new approach for estimating soil salinity using a low-cost soil sensor in situ: a case study in saline regions of china’s east coast [J]. Remote Sensing, 2020, 12(2).
Xiurong Jiao, Wenfang Zhi, Guijuan Liu, Guanglong Zhu, Gongneng Feng, Nimir, Ahmad I, Guisheng Zhou*. Responses of Foreign GA3Application on Seedling Growth of Castor Bean (Ricinus communis L.) under Salinity Stress Conditions [J]. Agronomy-Basel, 2019, 9(6).
Xudong Song, Guisheng Zhou*, Baoluo Ma, Wei Wu, Adam, Guanglong Zhu, Weikai Yan, Xiurong Jiao.Nitrogen application improved photosynthetic productivity, chlorophyll fluorescence, yield and yield components of two oat genotypes under saline conditions [J]. Agronomy-Basel, 2019, 9(3).
Xiaoqian Guo, Guisheng Zhou*, Guanglong Zhu, Xiurong Jiao. Effects of calcium on emergence and seedling growth of castor bean under salinity stress [J].Current Science, 2019, 116(12):2028-2035.
Guanglong Zhu, Jie Yin, Xiaoqian Guo, Xubing Chen, Wenfang Zhi, Jiawei Liu, Guisheng Zhou*, Haitong Lu. Gibberellic Acid Amended Antioxidant Enzyme and Osmotic Regulation to Improve Salt Tolerance of Okra at Early Growth Stage [J].International Journal of Agriculture and Biology, 2019, 22(2):270-276.
Guanglong Zhu, Linlin An, Xiurong Jiao, Xubing Chen, Guisheng Zhou*, Neil McLauglin. Effects of gibberellic acid on water uptake and germination of sweet sorghum seeds under salinity stress [J]. Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research, 2019, 79(3):415-424.
Ahmad, Guisheng Zhou*, Guanglong Zhu, Ahmad, Xudong Song, Jamal, Ibrahim, Nimir. Response of boll development to macronutrients application in different cotton genotypes [J].Agronomy-Basel, 2019, 9(6).
Ibrahim, Xinkai Zhu*, Guisheng Zhou*, Ali, Ahmad, Elsiddig, Guanglong Zhu, Nimir. Promoting salt tolerance in wheat seedlings by application of nitrogen fertilizer [J]. Pakistan Journal of Botany, 2019, 51(6):1995-2002.
Muhi Eldeen Hussien Ibrahim, Xinkai Zhu*, Guisheng Zhou*, Adam Yousif Adam Ali, Aboagla Mohammed Ibrahim Elsiddig & Gafar Ali Farah. 2019 Response of some wheat varieties to gibberellic acid under saline conditions. Agrosystems, Geosciences & Environment 2019, 2 (1):1-7.
Jianjun Wang, Qixing Dai, Jiali Shang, Xiuliang Jin, Quan Sun, Guisheng Zhou, Qigen Dai*. Field-scale rice yield estimation using Sentinel-1A synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data in coastal saline region of Jiangsu Province, China [J]. Remote Sensing, 2019, 11(19).
Guo, XQ; Zhu, GL; Jiao, XR; Zhou, GS*. Effects of nitrogen application and planting density on growth and yield of Sesbania pea grown in saline soil. Current Science, 2019, 116(5):758-764
Ibrahim, MEH; Zhu, XK; Zhou, GS*; Ali, AYA; Ahmad, I; Farah, GA. Nitrogen fertilizer alleviated negative impacts of NaCl on some physiological parameters of wheat. Pakistan Journal of Botany,2018, 50(4): 2097-2104
Ibrahim, MEH; Zhu, XK; Zhou, GS*; Ali, AYA; Ahmad, I; Elsiddig, AMI. Nitrogen fertilizer reduces the impact of sodium chloride on wheat yield. Agronomy Journal, 2018, 110(5): 1731-1737
Wang, JJ; Ge, H; Dai, QG; Ahmad, I; Dai, QX; Zhou, GS; Qin, MR; Gu, CH. Unsupervised discrimination between lodged and non-lodged winter wheat: a case study using a low-cost unmanned aerial vehicle. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2018, 39(8): 2079-2088
Guo, XQ; Zhu, GL; Jiao, XR; Zhou, GS*. Effects of nitrogen application and planting density on growth and yield of Sesbania pea grown in saline soil. Current Science, 2019, 116(5):758-764
Ibrahim, MEH; Zhu, XK; Zhou, GS*; Ali, AYA; Ahmad, I; Elsiddig, AMI. Nitrogen fertilizer reduces the impact of sodium chloride on wheat yield. Agronomy Journal, 2018, 110(5): 1731-1737
Zhu, DW; Zhang, HC; Guo, BW; Xu, K; Dai, QG; Wei, CX; Zhou, GS; Huo, ZY. Physicochemical properties of indica japonica hybrid rice starch from Chinese varieties. Food Hydrocolloids, 2016, 63:356-363
Nimir Eltyb Ahmed Nimir, Shiyuan Lu, Guisheng Zhou,* B. L. Ma, Wenshan Guo, and Yonghui Wang. Exogenous hormones alleviated salinity and temperature stresses on germination and early seedling growth of sweet sorghum. Agronomy Journal, 2014, 106:2305–2315
Guisheng Zhou*, Nimir Nimir, Shiyuan Lu, Fuyan Zhai and Yonghui Wang. Gibberellic acid and salinity affected growth and antioxidant enzyme activities in castor bean plants at early growth stage. Agronomy Journal 2014, 106: 4: 1340-1348
Guisheng Zhou*, B.L.Ma, Jun Li, Chaonian Feng, Jianfei Lu, Pei Qin. Determining salinity threshold level for castor been emergence and stand establishment. Crop Science, 2010, 50(5): 2030-2036.
Guisheng Zhou*, Yurong Xia, B.L.Ma, Chaonian Feng Pei Qin.Culture of seashore mallow under different salinity levels using plastic nutrient-rich matrices and transplantation. Agronomy Journal, 2010, 102(2): 395-402
Guisheng Zhou*, B.L.Ma. Calcium addition affects germination and early seedling growth of sweet sorghum under saline conditions. Agricultural Science & Technology, 2012, 13(12): 1667-1670.
Guisheng Zhou*, Yan Lin, Chen Tong, Linlin An, Guijuan Liu. Effects of Nitrogen Applied Amount on Growth Characteristics, Boll Development and Lint Yield of High Quality Cotton. Agricultural Science & Technology, 2011, 12(11): 1667-1670.
Guisheng Zhou*, Wangding Zhang, Chen Tong, Yan Lin, Linlin An, Guijuan Liu. Effects of External Chemical Regulation on Bt Transgenic Cotton Plants under Combined Stress of High Temperature and Water Deficit. Agronomy Science & Technology, 2011, 12(12): 1814-1817.
Guisheng Zhou*,Jun Li, Chen Tong, Weiwei Dong, Yurong Xia, Jianfei Lu, Chaonian Feng.Characteristics of phosphorus absorption in castor plants grown on medium coastal saline soil under different planting densities and nitrogen application quantity. Chinese Journal of Oil Crop Sciences, 2011, 33(5): 482-486.
Guisheng Zhou*, Weiwei Dong, Yurong Xia, Jun Li, Jianfei Lu, Chaonian Feng. Effects of density and nitrogen application amount on yield and nutrient absorption of castor plant grown in saline soil along coastal mudflat. Chinese Journal of Oil Crop Sciences, 2011, 33(3): 270-274.
Guisheng Zhou*,Jianfei Lu, Chaonian Feng, Pei Qin. Response of growth characteristics, yield and yield components in seashore mallow to saline stress. Chinese Journal of Oil Crop Sciences, 2009, 31(2): 202-206.
Guisheng Zhou*, Shuwen Wan, Weiwei Dong, Jun Li, Jianfei Lu, Chaonian Feng, Pei Qin. Impact of nitrogen application amount on dry matter accumulation, yield and yield components in castor-oil plant. Chinese Journal of Oil Crop Sciences, 2009, 31(1): 39-43.
Guisheng Zhou*, Fucai Zhou, Yiming Xie, Chaonian Feng, Yizhong Yang. Effects ofTemperature Stress on Bt Insecticidal Protein Expression in Bt Transgenic Cotton Leaves and Death Rate of Cotton Bollworm. Cotton Science, 2009, 21(4): 302-306.
Guisheng Zhou*, Chaonian Feng, Yiming Xie, Wangding Zhang,Jianping Yu, Gang Chen. Effects of Temperature and Light on Fiber Quality in Upland High Quality Cotton. Cotton Science, 2008, 20(2): 151-153.
Guisheng Zhou*, Jun Li, Chen Tong, Chunlin Zhou, Weiwei Dong, Yan Li, Yurong Xia, Chaonian Feng. Growth characteristics and aboveground dry matter accumulation of castor plant grown on medium saline soil. Journal of Yangzhou University (Agricultural and Life Science Edition), 2011. 32(1): 30-34, 40.
Guisheng Zhou*, Chen Tong, Jun Li, Weiwei Dong, Yurong Xia, Jianfei Lu, Chaonian Feng. Characteristics of Potassium Absorption of Castor Plants Growm on Medium Saline Soil. Journal of Inner Mongolia Agricultural University (Natural Science Edition), 2011, 32(4): 95-99.
Guisheng Zhou*, Yan Lin, Chen Tong, Jun Li, Hui Wu. Effects of Potassium and Mepiquat Chloride on Plant Type and Yield of High-Quality Cotton. Hubei Agricultural Sciences, 2011, 50(23): 4801-4803.
Zhou G S*, Lu J F, Chen P, Dong W W, Qin P, Wan S W. The Status quo of Research of Bio-energy PlantK. virginicain China. World Agriculture, 2008, 2:10-11 (in Chinese)
Dong W W, Zhou G S*, Lu J F, Qin P, Wan S W. Discussion on the Status quo and Development Trend of Castor-oil Energy Plant Cultivation Technology. Journal of Anhui Agri. Sci, 2008, 36 (6):2290-2291 (in Chinese with English abstract)
Zhou G S*, Feng C N, Zhou Q. Physiological activities and Expression of insecticidal protein inBacillus thuringiensistransgenic cotton leaves subjected to high and low temperatures. Frontiers of Agriculture in China,2007,1 (4): 382-388
More than 40 presentations have been given since 2007. Most of them were given at National Conferences for Crop Production, both in China, Canada and Australia. Ten lectures have been given to the training class for professors and governmental officers from the Republic of Sudan.
Crop Science Society of America
American Society of Agronomy
The journals I have reviewed manuscripts for:
Cotton Science
China Cotton
Jiangsu Agricultural Sciences
Anhui Agricultural Sciences
Journal of Yangzhou University (Edition of life and agricultural science)
Agricultural Science and Technology
Crop Science
Agronomy Journal
Crop & Pasture Science
Industrial Crops and Products
Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science
Chinese Oil Crop Science
Journal of Integrative Agriculture
Journal of Sustainability Science and Management
Master and Ph. D dissertation evaluation assigned by Ministry of Education of China
Evaluation of professional promotion assigned by Chinese and international universities

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