

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-03-06

  2008.2-2011.1 中国科学院固体物理研究所,材料物理与化学,工学博士
  2003.8-2006.6 武汉大学,材料物理与化学专业,工学硕士
  1998.8-2002.6 郑州大学,材料科学与工程专业,工学学士
  2. 工作经历
  2006.7-2007.12 华为技术有限公司,工艺研发工程师
  1) 贵金属/石墨烯纳米复合结构的构筑及其在SERS检测芳香族有机污染物中的应用,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2018.1-2021.12,项目编号:**,在研。
  2) 贵金属微纳球壳阵列构筑、表面增强Raman散射性能及对多氯联苯的检测,国家自然科学基金青年项目,2014.1-2016.12,项目编号:**,已结题。
  1. 2010年以来发表的主要论文
  1) H. He,*H. B. Wang,K. Li,J. Zhu,J. S. Liu,X. D. Meng, X. S. Shen,X. H. Zeng,* W. P. Cai, Green and tunable decoration of graphene with spherical nanoparticles based on laser ablation in water: A case of Ag nanoparticle/graphene oxide sheet composites, Langmuir,2016,32,1667-1673.
  2) H. He,* K. Li, J. Dong, J. Xia, Y. Zhang, T. H. Yang, X. L. Zhao, Q. L. Huang, X. H. Zeng,* Mesoporous Au nanotube-constructed three dimensional films with excellent SERS performance based on the nanofiber template-displacement reaction strategy, RSC advances, 2016, 6, 4429-4433.
  3) H. He,H. Q. Li,W. W. Xia,X. S. Shen,M. Zhou, J. R. Han,X. H. Zeng,* W. P. Cai, Electrophoretic fabrication of silver nanostructure/zinc oxide nanorod heterogeneous arrays with excellent SERS performance, Journal of materials chemistry C, 2015, 3, 1724-1731.
  4) H. He, J. Dong, K. Li, M. Zhou, W. W. Xia, X. S. Shen, J. R. Han, X. H. Zeng,* W. P. Cai, Quantum dot-assembled mesoporous CuO nanospheres based on laser ablation in water, RSC advance, 2015, 5, 19479-19483.
  5) B. R. Yu, H. He (co-first author), Y. X. Lin, X. L.. Liu, X. Y. Tian, X. Ding, Fabrication and pseudocapacity behavior of elm flower branch-like nickel@graphene fibers, RSC advances, 2015, 5, 31081-31085.
  6) H. He, Y. X. Lin, G. Q. Liu, W. P. Cai,* Au nanoparticles-built mesoporous films based on co-electrophoresis deposition and selective etching, Electrochemistry communications, 2014, 46, 71-74.
  7) H. He, W. P. Cai,* Z. F. Dai, G. Q. Liu, Porous Ag hollow sphere arrays: template-plasma etching strategy and surface structurally enhanced Raman scattering performance, Nanotechnology, 2013, 24, 465302.
  8) H. He, W. P. Cai,* Y. X. Lin, Z. F. Dai, Ag porous nanotube built 3D films with structural tunability based on the nanofiber template-plasma etching strategy, Langmuir, 2011, 27, 1551-1555.
  9) H. He, W. P. Cai,* Y. X. Lin, B. S. Chen, Au nanochain-built 3D netlike porous films based on laser ablation in water and electrophoretic deposition, Chemical communications, 2010, 46, 7223-7225.
  10) H. He, W. P. Cai,* Y. X. Lin, B. S. Chen, Surface decoration of ZnO nanorod arrays by electrophoresis in the Au colloidal solution prepared by laser ablation in water, Langmuir, 2010, 26, 8925-8932.
  11) X. S. Shen,* C. Mei, H. He, M. Zhou, W. W. Xia, X. H. Zeng,* Spontaneous structure transition in nanoparticle aggregates: from amorphous clusters to supercrystals, CrystEngComm, 2015, 17, 4637-4641.
  12) M. Zhou, F. Lu, X. S. Shen, W. W. Xia, H. He, X. H. Zeng,* One-pot construction of three dimensional CoMoO4/Co3O4 hybrid nanostructures and their application in supercapacitors, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2015, 3, 21201-21210.
  2. 专利
  1) 何辉,李凯,王海波,董晶,曾祥华,一种制备微纳结构石墨烯粉体的方法,授权日期:2017.1.23,专利号:ZL0.0。
  2) 何辉,王海波,李凯,董晶,曾祥华,一种在单层石墨烯膜上可控生长纳米结构的普适方法,授权日期:2016.9.14,专利号:ZL9.7。
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