本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-03-06
一、 主要研究方向/ Research Interests
l 非线性动力学/ Nonlinear dynamics
? Horava-Lifshitz宇宙模型的全局动力学/ Global dynamics of Horava-Lifshitz cosmological model
? 三体问题/ three-body problem
l 木星和土星卫星的分布规律/ Distribution of Jupiter and Saturn’s moons
l 微分方程及其应用/ Differential equations and their applications
二、教育背景/ Educations
l 2012年6月,获工学博士学位,北京工业大学机械工程与应用电子技术学院工程力学专业。导师:张伟教授
June 2012, Ph.D. in Engineering Mechanics, Beijing University of Technology, China. Advisor: Prof. Wei Zhang
l 2008年7月,获理学硕士学位,安徽师范大学数学计算机科学学院应用数学专业。导师:鲁世平教授
July 2008, M.S. in Applied Mathematics, Anhui Normal University, China. Advisor: Prof. Shiping Lu
l 2005年7月,获理学学士学位,安徽师范大学数学与应用数学专业。
July 2005, B.S. in Mathematics & Applied Mathematics, Anhui Normal University, China
三、工作经历/ Work Experiences
l 2016年09月~至今,扬州大学,数学科学学院,副教授
From 09/2016 to now, Associate Professor, School of Mathematical Science, Yangzhou University, China
l 2019年02月~2020年08月,客座研究员,西班牙巴塞罗那自治大学,数学研究中心。合作****:Prof. J. Llibre
From 02/2019 to 08/2020, Investigador Invitado Vinculado, Departament de Matemàtiques, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain. Host: Prof. J. Llibre
l 2018年01月~2018年02月,研究助理,香港理工大学,土木及环境工程学系。合作****:Dr. S.K. Lai
From 01/2018 to 02/2018, Research Associate, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong. Host: Dr. S.K. Lai
l 2017年01月~2017年02月,研究助理,香港理工大学,土木及环境工程学系。合作****:Dr. S.K. Lai
From 01/2017 to 02/2017, Research Associate, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong. Host: Dr. S.K. Lai
l 2014年8月~2015年3月,访问****,美国弗吉尼亚理工大学,工程科学和力学系。合作****:Shane Ross
From 08/2014 to 03/2015, Visiting Scholar, Department of Engineering Science and Mechanics, Virginia Tech, USA. Host: Prof. Shane Ross
l 2012年11月~2016年8月,扬州大学,数学科学学院,讲师。
From 11/2012 to 08/2016, Lecturer, School of Mathematical Science, Yangzhou University, China
四、目前主讲课程/ Courses Teaching
l 常微分方程/ Ordinary Differential Equations
l 概率论与数理统计/ Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics
l 非线性动力学/ Nonlinear Dynamics
五、发表论文/ Publications
1. 期刊论文/ Journal Papers
l Periodic orbits of the two fixed centers problem with a variational gravitational field,Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, Accepted, (2020), F.B. Gao* and J. Llibre.
l Revisiting the distributions of Jupiter’s irregular moons: II. orbital characteristics,Bulgarian Astronomical Journal, Accepted, (2020), F.B. Gao* and X. Liu.
l Revisiting the distributions of Jupiter’s irregular moons: I. physical characteristics,Bulgarian Astronomical Journal, Accepted, (2020), F.B. Gao* and X. Liu.
l Bifurcation analysis and periodic solutions of the HD 191408 system with triaxial and radiative perturbations,Universe, 6(2020): 35, F.B. Gao* and R.F. Wang.
l Global dynamics of Horava-Lifshitz cosmology with non-zero curvature and a wide range of potentials,European Physical Journal C, 80(2020): 137, F.B. Gao* and J. Llibre. (Nature Index Journal)
l Bifurcation and chaotic analysis for cable vibration of a cable-stayed bridge,International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 20(2)(2020): **, F.B. Gao*, R.F. Wang and S.K. Lai.
l Global dynamics of the Horava-Lifshitz cosmological system,General Relativity and Gravitation, 51(2019):152. F.B. Gao and J. Llibre*.
l Analytical analysis of large-amplitude oscillation in triple-well non-natural systems,Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, 14(9)(2019): 091002, S.K. Lai*, X. Yang and F.B. Gao.
l Distribution inference for physical and orbital properties of the Jupiter’s moons,Advances in Astronomy, 2018(2018):**.F.B. Gao*, X.H. Zhu, X. Liu and R.F. Wang.
l Numerical study of the zero velocity surface and transfer trajectory of a circular restricted five-body problem,Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2018(2018):**. R.F. Wang, F.B. Gao*.
l Numerical study on the species of transfer orbit in the circular restricted three-body problem,Astronomy and Astrophysics, 6(1)2018: 1-7.Y. Huang, F. Lin, Y.Q. Shen, R.F. Wang, F.B. Gao*. (in Chinese)
l Study on the distribution law of exam scores of public course “Probability and mathematical statistics” in colleges and universities,Statistics and Application, 6(3)(2017):333-350. J.Y. Li, F.B. Gao*. (in Chinese)
l Periodic solutions for Liénard type equation with time-variable coefficient,Advances in Difference Equations, 2015(2015):125. F.B. Gao*, S.P. Lu, M.H. Yao
l A study on periodic solutions for the circular restricted three-body problem,Astronomical Journal, 148(2014):116. F.B. Gao*and W. Zhang
l A refined asymptotic perturbation method for nonlinear dynamical systems,Archive of Applied Mechanics, 84(2014):591-606. W. Zhang*, H.L. Hu, Y.H. Qian and F.B. Gao
l Nontrivial periodic solutions of ann-dimensional differential system and its application,Abstract and Applied Analysis, 2013(2013):140173. F.B. Gao*
l Periodic solutions and stability of a tethered satellite system,Mechanics Research Communications, 44(2012):24-29. W. Zhang*, F.B. Gao and M.H. Yao
l Periodic solutions for ap-Laplacian-like NFDE system,Journal of the Franklin Institute, 348(2011):1020-1034. F.B. Gao and W. Zhang*
l Periodic solutions for a Rayleigh typep-Laplacian equation with sign-variable coefficient of nonlinear term,Applied Mathematics and Computation, 216(2010):2010-2015. F.B. Gao, S.P. Lu and W. Zhang*
l Periodic solutions forn-dimensional generalized Liénard typep-Laplacian functional differential system,Nonlinear Analysis-Theory Methods & Applications, 71(2009):5906-5914. F.B. Gao, W. Zhang*, S.K. Lai and S.P. Chen
l Existence and uniqueness of periodic solutions for ap-Laplacian Duffing equation with a deviating argument,Nonlinear Analysis-Theory Methods & Applications, 70(2009):3567-3574. F.B. Gao*, S.P. Lu and W. Zhang
l Periodic solutions forp-Laplacian neutral Liénard equation with a sign-variable coefficient,Journal of the Franklin Institute, 346(2009):57-64. F.B. Gao*, S.P. Lu and W. Zhang
l Periodic solutions for a Rayleigh type equation with a variable coefficient ahead of the nonlinear term,Nonlinear Analysis-Real World Applications, 10(2009):254-258. F.B. Gao* and S.P. Lu
l New results on the existence and uniqueness of periodic solutions for Liénard typep-Laplacian equation,Journal of the Franklin Institute, 345(2008) 374-381. F.B. Gao* and S.P. Lu
l Existence of periodic solutions for a Liénard typep-Laplacian differential equation with a deviating argument,Nonlinear Analysis-Theory Methods & Applications,69(2008):4754-4763. F.B. Gao* and S.P. Lu
2. 会议论文/ Conference Papers
l 高发宝, 刘霞, 木星卫星平均轨道距离及平均半长轴的分布规律, 数学力学物理学高新技术交叉研究进展—中国交叉科学学会第十七届学术年会, 78-81, 内蒙古呼伦贝尔, 2018年8月.
l F.B. Gao, W. Zhang and J.E. Chen, Existence of periodic orbits for the CR3BP under a new frame, The 23rd International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 2012.08.19-24, Beijing, 2012.
l F. B. Gao and W. Zhang, New Results on the existence of periodic orbits in the CR3BP, MACE'12 Proceedings of the 2012 Third International Conference on Mechanic Automation and Control Engineering, pp3590-3593, 2012.
l W. Zhang, F. B. Gao and J. H. Zhang, On the existence of periodic orbits in the CR3BP, The 2nd International Conference on Mechanic Automation and Control Engineering 9, pp7504-7507, 2011.
l F. B. Gao, W. Zhang and M. H. Yao, Periodicity and stability of tethered satellite systems-part I: circular orbit case, AIP Conference Proceedings 1233, pp197-202, 2010.
六、承担科研项目/ National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) Projects
l 主持国家自然科学基金面上项目(批准号No.**):受摄限制性三体问题轨道的非线性动力学理论研究,2017.01-2020.12。
NSFC granted No.**, Research on nonlinear dynamics theory of the orbits in perturbed restricted three-body problem, 1/1/2017-12/31/2020, ¥700000, Project leader.
l 主持国家自然科学基金青年项目(批准号No.**):深空探测中限制性三体问题的轨道动力学研究,2014.01-2016.12。
NSFC granted No.**, Study on orbital dynamics of the restricted three-body problem in deep-space exploration, 1/1/2014-12/31/2016, ¥280000, Project leader.
l 参与国家自然科学基金青年项目(批准号No.**):传染病染病区域的扩张特征研究,2016.01-2018.12。
NSFC granted No.**, The study on spreading feature of epidemic area of disease, 1/1/2016-12/31/2018, ¥180,000, Co-Principal Investigator.
l 参与国家自然科学基金面上项目(批准号No.**):种群入侵的扩张准则及边沿特征,2016.01-2019.12。
NSFC granted No.**, The criteria for spreading and characteristic of spreading front in species invasions, 1/1/2016-12/31/2019, ¥550,000, Co-Principal Investigator.
l 参与国家自然科学基金面上项目(批准号No.**):高维非线性系统的分支问题与仿真研究,2015.01-2018.12。
NSFC granted No.**, Investigations for bifurcation problems and simulations of nonlinear systems with higher dimension, 1/1/2015-12/31/2018, ¥580000, Co-Principal Investigator.
l 参与国家自然科学基金面上项目(批准号No.**):传染病扩散的边沿及移动速度研究,2014.01-2017.12。
NSFC granted No.**, Study on the edge and moving speed of the spread of infectious diseases, 1/1/2014-12/31/2017, ¥620000, Co-Principal Investigator.
l 参与国家自然科学基金面上项目(批准号No.**):伸缩式可变体结构的非线性动力学建模、理论分析与实验研究,2011.01-2013.12。
NSFC granted No.**, Nonlinear dynamic modeling, theoretical analysis and experimental research on variable structures, 1/1/2011-12/31/2013, ¥580000, Co-Principal Investigator
七、联系方式/ Contact Information
Address: School of Mathematical Science, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou, Jiangsu Province 225002, China
Personal Home Page (PHP):http://www.gaofabao.com/
E-mails: gaofabao@sina.com or gaofabao@gmail.com
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