


姓名:朱明库 学位:博士学位
E-mail: mingkuzhu007@126.com

研究工作主要以甘薯和番茄为材料,应用转基因、分子生物学和组学等技术手段,主要研究(1)作物抵御高盐等逆境的分子调控机理;(2)番茄果实的发育调控等领域。近几年在国内外期刊发表相关研究论文 40
余篇,其中以第一或通讯作者在 Journal of experimental botany、Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 等期刊发表 SCI 论文 16
篇,论文累计他引 800 余次。目前主持国家自然科学基金、江苏省自然科学基金、江苏省高校自然科学基金、江苏师范大学 A 类博士科研基金各 1
项。入选江苏省高层次创新创业人才引进计划“科技副总”,担任 BMC plant biology, Journal of Plant Sciences期刊编辑,Journal of
Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Frontiers in plant science, Crop Science, Plos one, Plant and cell
reports 等 10 余个期刊审稿人。

2015/07–至今,江苏师范大学 生命科学学院
2018/08-2019/09,美国普渡大学 访问学者

2. 番茄果实成熟:模式植物番茄果实的成熟调控机制

1、国家自然科学基金青年项目:甘薯盐诱导高表达基因 IbNAC4 的分离及其耐盐机理研究、2018/01-2020/12、24 万、在研、主持;
2、江苏省自然科学基金青年项目:甘薯盐胁迫响应转录因子 IbNAC3 的功能分析及调控机理研究、2016.07–2019.06、20 万、结题、主持;
3、江苏省高校自然科学基金面上项目:甘薯盐胁迫响应转录因子 IbNAC4 的功能和调控机理研究、2016.09–2018.08、7 万、结题、主持;
4、江苏师范大学优秀博士科研支持项目:番茄根特异转录因子 SlNAC10 在胁迫响应中的功能分析及调控机理研究、2015.12–2018.12、20 万、结题、主持;
5、国家自然科学基金青年项目:番茄果实成熟相关转录因子 SlFRR1 的功能分析及调控机理研究、2012.1–2014.12、22 万、结题、参与;
2016.5-2018.5,0.4 万元.

【代表性论文】# Co-author,* Correspondent author
[1]. Meng Xiaoqing, Liu Siyuan, Dong Tingting, Li Zongyun, Ma Daifu, Pan Shenyuan*, Zhu Mingku
(朱明库)*. Identification, expression analysis and functional characterization of salt
stress-responsive genes of AP2/ERF transcription factors in sweetpotato. Crop Science. 2020.
[2]. Meng Xiaoqing, Liu Siyuan, Dong Tingting, Xu Tao, Ma Daifu, Pan Shenyuan, Li
Zongyun*, Zhu Mingku (朱明库)*. Comparative transcriptome and proteome analysis of
salt-tolerant and salt-sensitive sweetpotato and overexpression of IbNAC7 confers
salt tolerance in Arabidopsis. Frontiers in plant science. 2020, 11: 1342.
[3]. Meng Xiaoqing#, Cai Jing#, Deng Lei, Li Ge, Sun Jian, Han Yonghua, Dong Tingting, Liu
Yang, Xu Tao, Liu Siyuan, Li Zongyun*, Zhu Mingku (朱明库)*. SlSTE1 promotes abscisic acid-dependent
salt stress-responsive pathways via improving ion homeostasis and reactive

oxygen species scavenging in tomato. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology.
2020. doi.org/10.1111/jipb.12987.
[4] Zhengmei Yang, Panpan Zhu, Hunseung Kang, Lin Liu, Qinghe Cao, Jian Sun, Tingting Dong, Mingku
Zhu (朱明库), Zongyun Li*, Tao Xu*. High-throughput deep sequencing reveals the important
role that microRNAs play in the salt response in sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.). BMC genomics
2020, 21, 1-16.
[5] Tang Cheng, Han Rongpeng, Zhou Zhengkun, Yang Yiyu, Zhu Mingku (朱明库), Xu Tao, Wang Aimin, Li
Zongyun*, Dong Tingting*. Identification of candidate miRNAs related in storage root
development of sweet potato by high throughput sequencing. Journal of Plant Physiology,
2020, 251: 153224.
[6] Chen Yao, Zhang Yanjie, Nawaz Ghazala, Zhao Chenxu, Li Yuxia, Dong Tingting, Zhu Mingku
(朱明库), Du Ximeng, Zhang Lei, Li Zongyun*, Xu Tao*. Exogenous Melatonin Attenuates
Post-Harvest Decay by Increasing Antioxidant Activity in Wax Apple (Syzygium samarangense).
Frontiers in Plant Science, 2020, 11.
[7] Dong Tingting*, Han Rongpeng, Yu Jiawen, Zhu Mingku (朱明库), Zhang Yi, Gong Ying, Li
Zongyun*. Anthocyanins accumulation and molecular analysis of correlated genes by metabolome and
transcriptome in green and purple asparaguses (Asparagus officinalis, L.). Food Chemistry
2019, 271, 18-28.
[8] Li Ge, Meng Xiaoqing, Zhu Mingku* (朱明库), Li Zongyun*. Research Progress of
Betalain in Response to Adverse Stresses and Evolutionary Relationship Compared with
Anthocyanin. Molecules 2019, 24, 3078.
[9] Lu Yan, Sun Jian, Yang Zhengmei, Zhao Chenxu, Zhu Mingku (朱明库), Ma Daifu, Dong Tingting, Zhou
Zhengkun, Liu Meiyan, Yang Dongjing. Genome-wide identification and expression analysis of
glycine-rich RNA-binding protein family in sweet potato wild relative Ipomoea trifida. Gene 2019,
686, 177-186.
[10] Meng Xiaoqing, Li Ge, Gu Lingya, Sun Yu, Li Zongyun, Liu Jingran, Wu Xiaoqing,
Dong Tingting*, Zhu Mingku (朱明库)*. Comparative Metabolomic and Transcriptome Analysis
Reveal Distinct Flavonoid Biosynthesis Regulation Between Petals of White and Purple
Phalaenopsis amabilis. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation 2019, 1-18.
[11] Sun Jianying, Dong Xiaofeng, Cao Qinghe, Xu Tao, Zhu Mingku (朱明库), Sun Jian, Dong Tingting,
Ma Daifu, Han Yonghua, Li Zongyun*. A systematic comparison of eight new plastome sequences from
Ipomoea L. PeerJ 2019, 7, e6563.
[12] Zhang Jianling, Wang Yicong, Naeem Muhammad, Zhu Mingku (朱明库), Li Jing, Yu Xiaohui, Hu Zongli,
Chen Guoping*. An AGAMOUS MADS-box protein, SlMBP3, regulates the speed of placenta
liquefaction and controls seed formation in tomato. Journal of Experimental Botany 2019,
70, 909-924.
[13] Dong Tingting#*, Zhu Mingku# (朱明库), Yu Jiawen, Han Rongpeng, Tang Cheng, Xu Tao, Liu Jingran,
Li Zongyun*. RNA-Seq and iTRAQ reveal multiple pathways involved in storage root formation and
development in sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.). BMC plant biology 2019b, 19, 136.

[14] Cai Jing#, Meng Xiaoqing#, Li Ge, Dong Tingting, Sun Jian, Xu Tao, Li Zongyun, Han Yonghua,
Zhu Mingku* (朱明库). Identification, expression analysis, and function evaluation of 42 tomato
DEAD-box RNA helicase genes in growth development and stress response. Acta Physiologiae
Plantarum 2018, 40, 94.
[15] Zhu Mingku# * (朱明库), Meng Xiaoqing#, Cai Jing, Li Ge, Dong Tingting, Li Zongyun. Basic leucine
zipper transcription factor SlbZIP1 mediates salt and drought stress tolerance in tomato. BMC plant
biology 2018, 18, 83.
[16] Zhang Lincheng#, Zhu Mingku# (朱明库), Ren Lijun#, Li Anzhou, Chen Guoping*, Hu Zongli*. The
SlFSR gene controls fruit shelf-life in tomato. Journal of Experimental Botany 2018b, 69,
[17] Dong TingTing*, Song WeiHan, Tan ChuanTing, Zhou Zhilin, Yu JiaWen, Han
RongPeng, Zhu MingKu (朱明库), Li ZongYun*. Molecular characterization of nine sweet potato (Ipomoea
batatas Lam.) MADS-box transcription factors during storage root development and
following abiotic stress. Plant breeding 2018, 137, 790-804.
[18] Meng Xiaoqing#, Li Ge#, Yu Jing, Cai Jing, Dong Tingting, Sun Jian, Xu Tao, Li
Zongyun, Pan Shenyuan, Ma Daifu*, Zhu Mingku* (朱明库). Isolation, Expression Analysis, and Function
Evaluation of 12 Novel Stress-Responsive Genes of NAC Transcription Factors in Sweetpotato. Crop
Science 2018, 58, 1328-1341.
[19] Yu Yicheng, Wang Aimin, Li Xiang, Kou Meng, Wang Wenjun, Chen Xianyang, Xu Tao, Zhu Mingku
( 朱明库 ), Ma Daifu, Li Zongyun*, Jian Sun. Melatonin-stimulated triacylglycerol
breakdown and energy turnover under salinity stress contributes to the maintenance of
plasma membrane H+–ATPase activity and K+/Na+ homeostasis in sweet potato. Frontiers in
Plant Science 2018, 9, 256.
[20] Zhang Jianling, Hu Zongli, Wang Yunshu, Yu Xiaohui, Liao Changguang, Zhu Mingku (朱明库), Chen
Guoping*. Suppression of a tomato SEPALLATA MADS-box gene, SlCMB1, generates altered
inflorescence architecture and enlarged sepals. Plant Science 2018a, 272, 75-87.
[21] Zhu Mingku# (朱明库), Meng Xiaoqing#, Chen Guoping, Dong Tingting, Yu Xiaohui, Cai Jing, Hu
Zongli*. Physiological, biochemical, and molecular differences in chloroplast synthesis
between leaf and corolla of cabbage (Brassica rapa L. var. chinensis) and rapeseed (Brassica napus
L.). Plant Growth Regulation. 2017, 82 (1): 91-101.
[22] Wang Lingling, Hu Zongli, Zhu Mingku (朱明库), Zhu Zhiguo, Hu Jingtao, Qanmber Ghulam, Chen
Guoping*. The abiotic stress-responsive NAC transcription factor SlNAC11 is involved in drought and
salt response in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.). Plant Cell Tissue & Organ Culture. 2017, 129
(1): 161-174.
[23] Wang Aimin, Zhu Mingku (朱明库), Luo Yonghai, Liu Yaju, Li Rensai, Kou Meng, Wang
Xin, Zhang Yungang, Meng Xiaoqing, Zheng Yuanlin*. A sweet potato cinnamate 4-hydroxylase
gene, IbC4H , increases phenolics content and enhances drought tolerance in tobacco. Acta
Physiologiae Plantarum. 2017, 39 (12): 276.
[24] Guo Jun-E, Hu Zongli, Zhu Mingku (朱明库), Li Fenfen, Zhu Zhiguo, Lu Yu, Chen

Guoping*. The tomato histone deacetylase SlHDA1 contributes to the repression of fruit
ripening and carotenoid accumulation. Scientific reports. 2017, 7(1): 7930.
[25] Dong Tingting, Hu Zongli, Deng Lei, Wang Yi, Zhu Mingku (朱明库), Zhang Jianling, Chen Guoping*.
A tomato MADS-box transcription factor, SlMADS1, acts as a negative regulator of fruit
ripening. Plant Physiology. 2013, 163: 1026-1036.
[26] Zhang Yanjie, Hu Zongli, Zhu Mingku (朱明库), Zhu Zhiguo, Wang Zhijin, Tian Shibing,
Chen Guoping*. Anthocyanin accumulation and molecular analysis of correlated genes in
purple kohlrabi (Brassica oleracea var. gongylodes L.). Journal of agricultural and food
chemistry. 2015, 63: 4160-4169.
[27] Zhou Shuang, Hu Zongli, Zhu Mingku (朱明库), Zhang Bin, Deng Lei, Pan Yu, Chen Guoping*.
Biochemical and molecular analysis of a temperature-sensitive albino mutant in kale named
“White Dove”. Plant Growth Regulation. 2013, 71: 281-294.
[28] Zhu Mingku (朱明库), Chen Guoping, Dong Tingting, Wang Lingling, Zhang Jianling, Zhao Zhiping, Hu
Zongli*. SlDEAD31, a Putative DEAD-Box RNA Helicase Gene, Regulates Salt and Drought Tolerance
and Stress-Related Genes in Tomato. PloS one. 2015, 10: e0133849.
[29] Zhu Mingku (朱明库), Chen Guoping, Zhang Jianling, Zhang Yanjie, Xie Qiaoli, Zhao Zhiping, Pan
Yu, Hu Zongli*. The abiotic stress-responsive NAC-type transcription factor SlNAC4
regulates salt and drought tolerance and stress-related genes in tomato (Solanum
lycopersicum). Plant cell reports. 2014, 33: 1851-1863.
[30] Zhu Mingku (朱明库), Chen Guoping, Zhou Shuang, Tu Yun, Wang Yi, Dong Tingting, Hu Zongli*. A
new tomato NAC (NAM/ATAF1/2/CUC2) transcription factor, SlNAC4, functions as a positive
regulator of fruit ripening and carotenoid accumulation. Plant and Cell Physiology. 2014, 55:
[31] Zhu Mingku (朱明库), Hu Zongli, Zhou Shuang, Wang Lingling, Dong Tingting, Pan Yu, Chen Guoping*.
Molecular characterization of six tissue-specific or stress-inducible genes of NAC transcription
factor family in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum). Journal of Plant Growth Regulation. 2014,
33: 730-744.
[32] Zhu Mingku (朱明库), Li Yali, Chen Guoping, Ren Lijun, Xie Qiaoli, Zhao Zhiping, Hu Zongli*.
Silencing SlELP2L, a tomato Elongator complex protein 2-like gene, inhibits leaf growth,
accelerates leaf, sepal senescence, and produces dark-green fruit. Scientific reports.
2015, 5.

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