本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-03-13
姓 名 :刘晓光
性 别 :女
出生日期 :1966
职 称 :教授
电 话 :
传 真 :
E-mail :xgliu66@yahoo.com
1994, 4—2000, 7:任河北农业大学讲师、副教授,从事植物病理学教学科研工作
2000, 8—2006, 8:任山东农业大学副教授、教授(博导),从事植物病理学教学科研工作
2006, 9—至今: 任江苏大学微生物学教授(博导),从事相关教学科研工作
2002, 10-2003, 7: 以色列希伯莱大学农业生物技术中心访问****
2005, 7—2005, 8:以色列希伯莱大学农业生物技术中心,及植物病理和微生物系合作研究
2008, 2009年暑期:英国诺丁汉大学生物分子科学中心访问学习、合作研究
2012, 11—2014, 11:获欧盟Marie Curie International Incoming Fellowship, 在英国诺丁汉大学作为Marie Curie Researcher 工作2年。
硕士研究生:Global Regulatory Network and Signal Transduction in Bacteria; 高级植物病理学;植物病害生物防治
本 科 生:普通植物病理学;园艺、园林植物病理学,食用菌栽培学;植物病理学专业英语等
1. 植物相关细菌全局调控机制及其与寄主植物互作的分子机理和超微结构观察
2. 生防菌的分子机理及其调控机制
3. 遗传操纵改良多功能微生物农药
参编“Prospects and Applications for Plant-Associated Microbes : A laboratory manual Part B: Fungi”中2个章节. Eds. A M Pirttila and S Sorvari, 2011,BBi (BioBien Innovations, Finland) ISBN 978-952-99302-6-5
1)《植物病理学原理》,宗兆锋主编, 2008,中国农业出版社(第二版)
· Liu X*, Wu Y, Chen Y, Xu F, Halliday N, Gao K, Chan KG, Camara M (2016) RpoS differentially affects the general stress response and biofilm formation in the endophytic Serratia plymuthica G3. Res Microbiol. 167:168-177.
· Li J, Yang Y, Dubern J, Li H, Halliday N, Chernin L, Gao K, Cámara M, Liu X* (2015) Regulation of GacA in Pseudomonas chlororaphis strains shows a niche specificity. PLoS ONE. 10(9):e**.
· Zhou M, Gao K, Zeng J, Yu X, Wu Y, Ge J, Duan Y, Liu X* (2012) Role of the RNA-binding protein Hfq in Serratia plymuthica. Front Biosci (Elite Ed). 4:1263-75.
· Duan Y, Zou M, Guo S, Ding L, Gao K, Liu X* (2012) Cloning and preliminary identification of SptR, a LuxR-like regulator from Serratia plymuthica. Afri J Mmicrobiol Res. 6(34):6333-6339.
· Liu X*, Jia J, Popat R, Ortori CA, Li J, Diggle SP, Gao K, Cámara M. Characterisation of two quorum sensing systems in the endophytic Serratia plymuthica strain G3: differential control of motility and biofilm formation according to life-style. BMC Microbiol. 2011,11(1):26.
· Cao J, Shi F, Liu X, Huang G, Zhou M. Phylogenetic analysis and evolution of aromatic amino acid hydroxylase. FEBS Lett. 2010, 584:4775-4782.
· Cao J, Shi F, Liu X, Jia J, Zeng J, Huang G. Genome-Wide Identification and Evolutionary Analysis ofArabidopsis Sm Genes Family, J Biomol Struct Dyn 2011,28(4), 535-544 .
· Ovadis M, Liu X, Gavriel S, Ismailov Z, Chet I and Chernin L. The global regulator genes from biocontrol strain Serratia plymuthica IC1270: cloning, sequencing, and functional studies. J Bacteriol. 2004. 186:4986-4993 (联合第一作者).
· Liu X, Bimerew M, MaY, Müller H, Ovadis M, Eberl L, Berg G, Chernin L Quorum-sensing signaling is required for production of the antibiotic pyrrolnitrin in a rhizospheric biocontrol strain of Serratia plymuthica. FEMS Microbiology Letters 2007, 270: 299–305.
· Pang Y, Liu X*, Ma Y, Chernin L, Berg G,Gao K. Induction of systemic resistance, root colonisation and biocontrol activities of the rhizospheric strain of Serratia plymuthica are dependent on N-acyl homoserine lactones. Eur J Plant Pathol. 2009, 124:261–268.
· Liu X*, Jia J, Atkinson S, Camara M, Gao K, Li H, Cao J. Biocontrol potential of an endophytic Serratia sp. G3 and its mode of action. World J Microbiol Biotech. 2010,26:1465-1471.
· Zaitseva JV, Voloshinaa PV, Liu X, Ovadis MI , Berg G, Chernin LS, Khmel IA. Involvement of the global regulators GrrS, RpoS, and SplIR in formation of biofilms in Serratia plymuthica. Russian Journal of Genetics, 2010. 46( 5): 541–545.
· Cao R, Liu X, Gao K, Mendgen K, Kang Z, Gao J, Dai Y, Wang X. (2009) Mycoparasitism of endophytic fungi isolated from reed on soilborne phytopathogenic fungi and production of cell wall-degrading enzymes in vitro. Curr Microbiol. 59:584–592.
· Gao K., Liu X*, Kang Z, Mendgen K. (2005) Mycoparasitism of Rhizoctonia solani by endophyticChaetomium spirale ND35: ultrastructure and cytochemistry of the interaction. J. Phytopathol.153: 280-290.
· Gao K, Liu X, Liu Y, Wang S, Zhu T. (2002) Potential of Trichoderma harzianum and T. atroviride to controlBotryosphaeria berengeriana f.sp. piricola, the cause of apple ring rot. J. Phytopathol.150: 271-276.
· Gao K,Liu X. (2001) Antagonism of Trichoderma spp. to the apple tree canker pathogen, Valsa mali. Arch. Phytopathol, 34:21-31, in German.
· 高克祥,刘晓光*,Friesem D.,Chernin L, 时呈奎.生防因子螺旋毛壳ND35的细胞壁降解酶与重寄生作用 (in English)。林业科学, 2005, 41(1) : 205-210.
· 郭晓,高克祥,印敬明,白复芹,马迎新,于丹,刘晓光*.螺旋毛壳ND35 β-1,3-葡聚糖酶的诱导、性质及其抑菌作用。植物病理学报 2005, 35(6):493-503.
· Gao K, Pang Y, Qin H, Liu X*, Kang Z*.Synergistic antifungal activity of antibiotics and hydrolytic enzymes from endophytic Chaetomium spirale ND35. 植物病理学报2006, 36(4):347-358.
· 刘晓光,高克祥, 康振生,何邦令.生防菌诱导植物系统抗性及其生化和细胞学机制应用生态学报2007,18(8):1861-1868.
· 李惠,刘晓光*,高克祥,贾金丽. 内生细菌Pseudomonas sp.G5 phzIR 基因的克隆与表达生物工程学报, 2009,25(6):1-8.
· 马迎新, 刘晓光*, 高克祥, 秦乃花, 庞延东, 时呈奎. 根际细菌Serratia plymuthica HRO-C48 的生防作用初探. 云南农业大学学报2007,22(1): 49-53.
· 秦乃花, 刘晓光*,高克祥,孟庆果,李惠,庞延东.根际细菌与壳聚糖组合的生物防治潜能. 安徽农业科学2008, 13:5503-5504, 5506.
· 曹荣花, 刘晓光, 高克祥, Mendgen K, 康振生. 芦苇内生真菌Choiromyces aboriginum Mü1w1c6的拮抗作用及其生物防治潜力. 植物保护学报, 2008,35 (2):107-112.
· 万慧,刘晓光,曹荣花,高克祥,宋勇. 螺旋毛壳ND35抗生素的产生及其在病害生物防治中的作用. 植物保护学报,2007,34(1):51-56.
· 白复芹,刘晓光,李惠,于丹,李静,高克祥螺旋毛壳ND35几丁质酶的纯化和性质莱阳农学院学报2006, 23(4):268-271.
· 印敬明,刘晓光,万慧,肖守华,高克祥,王庆华螺旋毛壳(Chaetomium spirale)ND35 防病促生作用初探莱阳农学院学报2006, 23(4):272-275.
· 孟庆果,刘晓光,高克祥,康振生,王海清.球毛壳ND35对杨树的定殖及酶活性的影响.植物保护学报,2009,36(1):91-92.
· Liu X*, Guo S, Wu Y, Dun Y, Heeb S, Cámara M. Transcriptional regulators of the LysR and TyrR family are involved in controlling the biosynthesis of IAA inSerratia plymuthica. the SGM (The Society for General Microbiology) Annual Conference 2014,Liverpool, UK (Oral )
· Wu Y, GuoS, Yu X, Atkinson S, Heeb S, Cámara M,Liu X*. Integrated regulation of pyrrolnitrin production in the endophyticSerratia plymuthica G3. The 10th International Congress of Plant Pathology (ICPP) 2013, China (Poster)
· Wu Y, Gao K, Duan Y, Cámara M,Liu X*. Role of the GGDEF/EAL domain protein PigX inSerratia plymuthica .The 10th ICPP, 2013, China (Poster)
· Liu X*, Gao K, Cámara M. The role of microbial enzymes in the biocontrol of plant diseases. In the Inaugural Symposium on Enzymes & Biocatalysis. 2010, Shanghai, China (Oral).
· Liu X*, Li H, Gao K et al. Characterization of a new endophyticSerratia plymuthica strain G3, with ability to induce systemic resistance to grey mold on bean. In the International Conference on Plant Vascular Biology and Agriculture, 2009, Chongqin, China (Poster).
· Liu X, Müller H, Westendorf C, Bimerew M, Schmidt S, Eberl L, Berg G, Chernin L. Quorum sensing signaling is responsible for biocontrol activity ofSerratia plymuthica strains. The 7th “Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria” Workshop. 2006, the Netherlands (Poster).
· Liu X, Ma Y, Bimerew M, Müller H,Ovadis M, Berg G, Eberl L, Chernin L. Pyrrolnitrin antibiotic production is controlled by quorum-sensing network in the biocontrol strainSerratia plymuthica HRO-C48. In the 11th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology. 2006. Vienna, Austria
· Liu X, de Boer W, Berg G, and Chernin L. N-acyl homoserine lactones produced by strains ofCollimonas,Herbaspirillum, andSerratia species, in Proceedings of the ASM Conference on Cell-Cell Communication in Bacteria, 2004, Canada.
· Liu X, Kholmeckaya M, Veselova M, et al. Production of N-acyl homoserine lactone signal molecules in Gram-negative soil-borne and plant-associated bacteria, in Proceedings of the15th IPPC (International Plant Protection Congress), 2004, Beijing.
· Liu X*, Gao K, Wang M et al. Biocontrol activity of the endophytic fungus,Chaetomium spirale strain ND35 against the canker diseases of trees. In Proceedings of the 15th IPPC, 2004, Beijing (Oral).
· Liu X. Detection of N-acyl-homoserine lactone signal molecules and regulation of expression of antifungal factors in biocontrol strainsSerratia plymuthica in the Workshop on “ Bacteria Genetics?Global Regulationof Gene Expression in Bacteria.” Organized by ICGEB, 2004, Italy (Oral).
v 2012-2014获欧盟Marie Curie International Incoming Fellowship,完成为期2年的研究计划 “Determination of novel molecular cross-signalling mechanisms between bacteria and plants leading to enhanced crop production” (PROAGROBAC)
v 先后主持完成5项国家自然科学基金项目(NSFC):
· 功能鉴定 Serratia plymuthica 硝吡咯菌素生物合成基因簇及其调控(**)
· Serratia plymuthica HRO-C48由 AHL介导的群体感应系统-2的鉴定及其调控机制(**)
· 植物相关细菌生防活性和生长促进特性的阈值敏感调控(**)
· 毛壳菌β-1,3-葡聚糖酶的诱导及其在重寄生中的作用(**)
· 主持国际合作项目NSFC-RS (Royal Society of UK) joint project “Characterisation of the quorum sensing signaling systems in Serratia plymuthica” ()
v 江苏大学高级人才启动基金项目: 根际促生菌Serratia plymuthica诱导抗性的机制及其调控 (07JDG030)
v 参研农业部公益性行业专项:蔬菜卵菌病害综合防控技术研究与示范—新型生防制剂研制与应用技术研究 ()
v 参研公益性行业科研专项:苦瓜枯萎病综合治理技术方案研究(-12)
v 参研山东省科技发展计划重点项目:内生毛壳菌促生抗病育苗栽培新技术研究及应用(2010GNC10911)
v 参研863计划:热稳定纤维素酶饲料添加剂关键技术研究与新产品开发(2003AA241162)
v 参研国际合作项目,与以色列、英国、德国、奥地利、瑞士等多国科学家建立了良好的合作关系。
1) “Biological control of vegetable and fruit fungal diseases by bacterial antagonists”(US-Israel Cooperative Development Research Program,Economic Growth,US Agency for International Development, Grant no. CA16-012)
2) “Genetic manipulation of plant growth-promoting bacteria to enhance biocontrol of fungal diseases”(Sino-Israel Agricultural Research Fund, Grant no. 823-0164-01)。
v 国家“八五”和“九五”攻关项目“杨树冰核细菌溃疡病防治技术的研究”,获2004年黑龙江省科技进步二等奖(第八位)
v “大兴安岭落叶松火烧原木腐朽规律及检测技术的研究”获1996年度林业部科技进步三等奖(第五位)
v “杨树细菌溃疡病综合防治技术的研究” 获1995年度黑龙江省科技进步三等奖(第六位)
v 主持的河北省自然科学基金和河北省博士基金项目“杨树内生菌优势种群动态及拮抗真菌的筛选”,获2000年河北省林业科技进步一等奖(第一位)
v 荣获CSC 中国——以色列政府互换奖学金
v 入选江苏省六大人才高峰计划
v 荣获欧盟玛丽居里IIF奖(Marie Curie International Incoming Fellowship)
v 植物内生真菌球毛壳ND35产生抗生物质的制备方法. 专利号:ZL 2.9
v 防治辣椒疫病的生防菌株HTC及其应用. 专利号:ZL 2013 1 **.7
v 防治辣椒疫病的生防菌株G1及其应用. 专利号:ZL 2013 1 **.X
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