姓 名 殷杰 出生年月 1982.08
政治面貌 党员 最高学位 博士
职 称 副教授/博导 任职年月 2015.07
职 务 系副主任 任职年月 2017.3
所在学科 土木工程 博导/硕导 博导
2016/07 – 2016/12,美国威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校(University of Wisconsin-Madison)访问****
2014/09 – 2015/09,美国威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校(University of Wisconsin-Madison)访问****
2004/09 – 2009/06,河海大学,岩土工程研究所硕博连读,博士
2000/09 – 2004/06,河海大学,土木工程学院,学士
2015/07 – 至今, 江苏大学,土木工程与力学学院土木工程系,副教授
2009/06 – 2015/07,江苏大学,土木工程与力学学院土木工程系,讲师
国际期刊杂志《Construction and Building Materials》《Acta Geotecnica》《Composites part part B-Engineering》《Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering》《Geotechinical Testing Journal》《Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering》《Cold Regions Science and Technology》《Environmental Earth Sciences》《Marine Georesources and Geotechnology》《KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering》《Advances in Civil Engineering》《Vadose Zone Journal》《Polymers》等,国内期刊《东南大学学报》《防灾减灾工程学报》等期刊审稿专家。美国土木工程师学会会员 (M.ASCE), 国际土力学及岩土工程学会会员,中国地震学会近岸与离岸工程灾害环境防护专业委员会委员,江苏省土木建筑学会地基基础专业委员会委员,江苏省海洋学会海洋土木工程与技术专业委员会委员。
Engineering Geology and Soil Mechanics,Foundation Engineering,Building Structures Inspection
高等土力学 高等混凝土结构理论
Advanced Soil Mechanics, Advanced theory of concrete structures
研究领域 1.天然沉积土的基本特性与本构关系;
4. FRP材料的工程力学特性研究。
2020.1-2023.12 主持国家自然科学基金面上项目:考虑温度效应的加筋RAP填料蠕变机理与本构理论研究(**)
2015.1-2017.12 主持国家自然科学基金青年基金项目:结构性软黏土K0固结不排水强度定量评价与屈服破坏机理分析(**)
2018.12-2019.12 主持江苏省高校生态建材与环保装备协同创新中心暨江苏省新型环保重点实验室联合开放基金项目:废旧沥青路面再生利用技术(JH201839)
2012.1-2013.12 主持岩石与堤坝工程教育部重点实验室开放基金项目:天然结构性软黏土的本构关系研究(GH201104)
2009.9-2011.8 主持江苏大学高级专业人才科研启动项目(10JDG079)
2019.9-2021.6 参与项目:Permeability of Base Aggregate and Sand, sponsored by National Road Research Alliance, MnDOT.
2019.4-2020.10参与项目:Use of Recycled Materials as Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE) Retaining Wall Reinforced Backfills, Phase II: Full-Scale Testing
2014.9-2015.8参与项目:Engineering properties of foundry sands for use in highway embankment fill, sponsored by The University of Wisconsin
2014.9-2015.8参与项目:Use of Recycled Materials as Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE) Retaining Wall Reinforced Backfills, sponsored by National Center for Freight and Infrastructure Research and Education (CFIRE)
论文 (更新至2021年1月)
1. Jie Yin*, A-long Zhao, Wen-xia Han, Jian Xiao, Shoaib Ahmed, Yong-hong Miao (2021.1). Experimental investigation on strength behavior of reconstituted Zhenjiang clay under different consolidation stress paths. Arabian Journal of Geosciences. DOI: 10.1007/s12517-020-06424-1. (SCI, IF=1.327).
1. Jie Yin*, Yong Tang, Yong-hong Miao, Ruo-yu Sheng (2020.8). An Experimental Investigation on Dynamic Characteristics of Soft Soils Treated by Vibration-Drainage Method. Advances in Civil Engineering, 2020(2):1-12. DOI: 10.1155/2020/**. (SCI, IF=1.176).
2. Jie Yin*, Ming-ming Hu, Gui-zhong Xu, Wen-xia Han & Yong-hong Miao (2020.5): Effect of salinity on rheological and strength properties of cement-stabilized clay minerals, Marine Georesources & Geotechnology, 2020, 38(5): 611-620. DOI: 10.1080/**X.2019.**. (SCI, IF=1.716).
3. Gui-Zhong Xu, Zhe-yuan Feng, Jie Yin*, Wen-xia Han, Yong-hong Miao (2020.9). Effect of Salinity on Rheological Behavior of Cement-Treated Dredged Clays as Fills. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 2020, 32(9), **. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)MT.1943-5533.**. (SCI, IF=2.169).
4. Gui-Zhong Xu, Jie Yin*, Xu-Song Feng, Feng Ji (2020.6). An Improved Method for Dewatering Sewage Sludge Using Intermittent Vacuum Loading with Wheat Straw as Vertical Drains. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 24(3): 2017-2025. DOI: 10.1007/s12205-020-2216-2. (SCI, IF=1.515)
5. Yong-hong Miao, Ruo-yu Sheng, Jie Yin*, Fan-bo Zhou, Jian-Fei Lu (2020.2). Dynamic Characteristics of Saturated Soft Clays under Cyclic Loading in Drained Condition. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 2020, 24(2): 443-450. DOI: 10.1007/s12205-020-1539-3. (SCI, IF=1.515)
6. Gui-Zhong Xu, Cheng-Chun Qiu*, Miao-Miao Song, Yu-Peng Cao, Jie Yin (2020.7). Flocculant effects on fluidity and strength behavior of cemented dredged clay with high water content, Marine Georesources & Geotechnology, DOI: 10.1080/**X.2020.**. (SCI, IF=1.716).
1. Jie Yin*, Wen-xia Han, Gui-zhong Xu, Ming-ming Hu & Yong-hong Miao (2019.10). Effect of salinity on the strength behavior of cement-treated dredged materials at high water content. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 2019, 23(10): 4288-4296. DOI: 10.1007/s12205-019-0695-9. (SCI, IF=1.515)
2. Hai Qian*, Ding Zhou, Jie Yin*, Yuexiang Qiu (2019.10).. A theoretical investigation on thermal response of laminated open cylindrical panel. Archive of applied mechanics, DOI: 10.1007/s00419-019-01621-1. (SCI, IF=1.578)
3. Yong-hong Miao, Ping-ping Zuo, Jie Yin*, Shoaib Ahmed, Guo-long Bai & Jian-Fei Lu (2019.9). An Improved CPTu-based Method to Estimate Jacked Pile Bearing Capacity and its Reliability Assessment. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering. 2019, 23(9): 3864-3874. DOI: 10.1007/s12205-019-2053-3. (SCI, IF=1.428)
4. Yong-hong Miao, Fan-bo Zhou, Jie Yin*, Yan-chang Sun, Rui-bing Li & Jian-fei Lu (2019.6), Effects of frequency and confining pressure on consolidation drainage behavior of soft marine clays, Marine Georesources and Geotechniques. 2019, 37(6): 746-754 DOI: 10.1080/**x.2018.**. (SCI, IF=1.716).
5. Dan Liu, Jie Yin*, Rong-gui Liu, Shu Ping & Gui-hua Xie (2019.4), Effect of temperature on resistivity of CFRP materials with added carbon powder or nano-silica. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 23(4):1707-1716. DOI: 10.1007/s12205-019-1043-9. (SCI, IF=1.515)
1. Jie Yin, Ali Soleimanbeigi*, William J. Likos, and Tuncer B. Edil (2018.2). Creep Response of Compacted Waste Foundry Sands for Use as Roadway Embankment Fill. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 144(2): ** (SCI, IF=2.464).
2. Jian-fei Lu*, Jie Yin, and Jun Shuai (2018.2). A model for predicting the frost-heave effect of a pile embedded in the frozen soil. Cold Regions Science and Technology.2017, 146: 214-222 (SCI, IF=1.909)
1. Jie Yin, Ali Soleimanbeigi*, William J. Likos, and Tuncer B. Edil (2017.4). Effects of Temperature on Creep Behavior of Compacted Recycled Asphalt Pavement. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 143(4):**. (SCI, IF=2.464).
2. Jie Yin*, Rong-gui Liu*, Jun-jie Huang, Ge Liang, Dan Liu, Gui-hua Xie (2017.8). Comparative study on piezoresistive properties of CFRP tendons prepared by two different methods. Composites Part B: Engineering, 2017(129): 124-132. (SCI, IF=4.727)
3. Gui-hua Xie, Jie Yin*, Rong-gui Liu, Bei Chen, and Dong-sheng Cai (2017.2). Experimental and numerical investigation on the static and dynamic behaviors of cable-stayed bridges with CFRP cables. Composites Part B: Engineering 2017(111):235-242. ( SCI, IF=4.727)
4. Rong-gui Liu, Shu Ping, Jie Yin*, Jun-jie Huang, Dan Liu, Gui-hua Xie (2017.9). Analysis of parameters and influence factors on a piezoresistance model of CFRP materials [J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2017(157): 546-553. (SCI, IF=3.169)
5. Hua Yu, Jie Yin, Ali Soleimanbeigi*, William J. Likos (2017.10). Effects of Curing Time and Fly Ash Content on Properties of Stabilized Dredged Material. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering. 2017,29(10). (SCI, IF=1.644)
1.Jie Yin*, Ali Soleimanbeigi, William J. Likos, and Tuncer B. Edil (2016.2), Compression Behavior of Foundry Sands. Geotechnical and Structural Engineering Congress 2016.2, 1392-1403.(EI)
2.Jie Yin*, Ali Soleimanbeigi, Benjamin J. Warren, William J. Likos, and Tuncer B. (2016.2), Edil.Creep behavior of recycled asphalt pavement compacted at elevated temperatures. Geotechnical and Structural Engineering Congress 2016.2, 1426-1434.(EI)
3.Rong-gui Liu, Zhao-hui Xu, Jie Yin*, Jun-jie Huang, Dan Liu, Gui-hua Xie(2016.7). A coupled mechanical and electrical model concerning piezoresistive effect of CFRP materials. Composites Part B: Engineering. 2016(96): 125-135.( SCI, IF=4.727)
4.Dong-sheng Cai, Zhao-hui Xu, Jie Yin*, Rong-gui Liu , Ge Liang(2016.6), A numerical investigation on the performance of composite anchors for CFRP tendons. Construction and Building Materials, 2016(112): 845-855. (SCI, IF=3.169)
1.Dong-sheng Cai, Jie Yin*, Rong-gui Liu (2015.10), Experimental and analytical investigation into the stress performance of composite anchors for CFRP tendons. Composites Part B: Engineering, 2015, 79:530-534. (SCI, IF=4.727)
2.Gui-zhong Xu*, Yu-feng Gao, Jie Yin, Rui-min Yang, Jun-jun Ni, (2015.8), Compression behavior of dredged slurries at high water contents. Marine Georesources & Geotechnology, 33(2) 99-108.(SCI, IF=1.159)
3.Gui-Zhong Xu*, Jie Yin (2015.11), Compression behavior of secondary clay minerals at high initial water contents, Marine Georesources & Geotechnology,34(8):721-728. (SCI, IF=1.159)
Before 2014(*为通讯作者)
1. Zhen-Shun Hong*, Jie Yin, Yu-Jun Cui(2010.10). Compression behaviour of reconstituted soils at high initial water contents, Géotechnique, 60(9): 691-700.( SCI, IF=2.395)
主编全英文教材:Engineering Geology and Soil Mechanics,工程地质与土力学,江苏大学出版社,2020
参编研究生教材:高等混凝土结构理论-第13章 桩基工程。主编:陆春华,操礼林,江苏大学出版社,2020.
参编双语教材:Introduction to Civil Engineering,土木工程导论-Chapter of Geotechnical Engineering-岩土工程章节。主编:刘荣桂,胡白香,江苏大学出版社,2013.8
1.《Engineering Geology and Soil Mechanics工程地质与土力学》获2020年江苏高校外国留学生英文授课省级精品课程;
2. 获2020年首届江苏大学教师教学创新大赛暨江苏省高校教师教学创新大赛选拔赛二等奖;
3. 《Foundation Engineering 基础工程学》获2019年江苏大学国际化专业英语授课精品课程;
4.《Foundation Engineering 基础工程学》教材获得2019年来华留学全英文授课课程教材出版立项资助;
5.《Engineering Geology and Soil Mechanics工程地质与土力学》获2018年江苏省省级全英文授课精品培育课程;
6.《Engineering Geology and Soil Mechanics工程地质与土力学》获2017年江苏大学国际化专业英语授课精品课程;
7.《Engineering Geology and Soil Mechanics工程地质与土力学》教材获得2017年来华留学全英文授课课程教材出版立项资助;
8.《Foundation Engineering基础工程学》获2015年江苏大学国际化专业英语授课精品培育课程。
9. 获2019年国家留学基金委国家公派访问****奖学金。
10. 获2014年江苏省政府公派访问****奖学金。
联系方式 Tel: ;Email:yinjie@ujs.edu.cn
镇江市学府路301号84信箱 江苏大学土木工程与力学学院 212013
上一篇:骆 英
江苏大学土木工程与力学学院导师教师师资介绍简介-殷 杰
本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-03-13
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姓 名陈妤出生年月1982.12政治面貌中共党员最高学位博士研究生职 称副教授任职年月2012.2职 务任职年月所在学科土木工程博导/硕导硕导学习与工作经历 学习经历: 2008.09-2011.12 江苏大学 固体力学 博士 2005.09-2008.06 江苏大学 结构工程 硕士 ...江苏大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-03-13江苏大学土木工程与力学学院导师教师师资介绍简介-冯 侃
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姓 名郝文峰出生年月1985.06政治面貌中共党员最高学位博士职 称副研究员任职年月2015.12职 务无任职年月无所在学科力学博导/硕导博导学习与工作经历学习经历:2010/9–2014/6清华大学固体力学博士2007/9–2010/6江苏大学工程力学硕士2003/9–2007/6三峡大学土 ...江苏大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-03-13江苏大学土木工程与力学学院导师教师师资介绍简介-蔡东升
姓 名蔡东升出生年月197410政治面貌中共党员最高学位博士职 称副教授任职年月201108职 务副主任任职年月201309所在学科土木工程/工程管理博导/硕导硕导学习与工作经历学习经历:工学博士,江苏大学土木工程与力学学院固体力学专业,200709~201312工学硕士,江苏大学理学院固体力 ...江苏大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-03-13江苏大学土木工程与力学学院导师教师师资介绍简介-延永东
姓 名延永东出生年月1982.9政治面貌中共党员最高学位博士职 称副教授任职年月2014.7党政职务系副主任兼土木工程中心实验室主任任职年月2017.6所在学科土木工程博导/硕导硕导学习与工作经历学习经历:2001.9~2005.6武汉大学土木工程专业,本科;2005.9~2011.10浙江大学 ...江苏大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-03-13江苏大学土木工程与力学学院导师教师师资介绍简介-孙 虎
姓 名孙虎出生年月1982年4月政治面貌中共党员最高学位博士职 称副教授任职年月2020.6职 务任职年月所在学科力学博导/硕导硕导学习与工作经历学习经历:2002.09-2006.07,江汉大学,机械设计制造及其自动化,本科2007.09-2009.02,重庆大学,力学,硕士2009.02- ...江苏大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-03-13