本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-03-13
成亮博士,江苏****,六大人才高峰,江苏省双创团队核心成员,江苏大学研究员、博导,澳大利亚Curtin大学兼职研究员。2012年取得环境工程博士学位(澳大利亚Murdoch大学),先后在Murdoch大学,Curtin大学,南洋理工大学从事博士后研究。从事微生物矿化土壤固结研究近10年。目前科研方向主要集中在微生物岩土工程、微生物环境岩土工程、微生物环境工程、微生物材料等方面。迄今在Cement and Concrete Composite, Water Research, Bioresource Technology, Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Geotechnique, Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering,等杂志共发表SCI论文40余篇。新加坡、澳大利亚PCT专利各一项,中国专利4项。2018年获得Canadian Science Publishing颁发的首届Fredlund Award。2014获得加拿大岩土工程协会颁发R M Quigley Awards并授予2013年加拿大岩土杂志最佳论文(honorable mention)。
2017年10月-至今江苏大学,环境与安全工程学院,澳大利亚Curtin University,土木工程学院,研究员(兼职)
2015年1月-2016年10月澳大利亚Curtin University,土木工程学院,博士后研究员
2012年12月-2015年1月澳大利亚Murdoch University,科学与工程学院,博士后研究员
2009-2012澳大利亚Murdoch University,科学与工程学院,博士学位(环境工程)
Australian Water Association: Professional Member,
IWA: Member
2018: Fredlund Award (Canadian Journal Publishing颁发)
2014: R M Quigley Awards (获得加拿大岩土工程协会颁发)
1.Pan, X., Chu, J., Yang, Y.,Cheng, L. (2020) A new biogrouting method for fine to coarse sand. Acta Geotechnica, doi.org/10.1007/s11440-019-00872-0. (IF 3.27)
2.Liang Cheng, Takamitsu Kobayashi, and Mohamed A. Shahin (2020) Microbially induced calcite precipitation for production of “bio-bricks” treated at partial saturation condition. Construction and Building Materials, 231,117095, (IF 4.04).
3.Wu, C., Chu, J.,Cheng, L., Wu, S (2019) Biogrouting of Aggregates Using Premixed Injection Method with or without pH Adjustment. ASCE-Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering. (IF 1.98)
4.Xiao, Y., Stuedlein, A.W., Ran, J.,Cheng, L., Van Paassen, L.A., Chu, J (2019) Effect of Particle Shape on Strength and Stiffness of Biocemented Glass Beads. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering.(IF 2.7)
5.Yang Yang, Chu Jian, Liu Hanlong, Xiao Yang,Cheng Liang.(2019) Seepage control in sand using bioslurry. Construction and Building Materials 212: 342-349. (IF 4.04)
6.Cheng, L.,Yang, Y., Chu, J*. (2019) In-situ microbially induced Ca2+-alginate polymeric sealant for seepage control in porous materials. Microbial Biotechnology. 12(2):324-333(IF 4.86).
7.Md Iqbal Hossain,,Liang Cheng*,Ralf Cord-Ruwisch. (2019)Energy efficient COD and N-removal from high-strength wastewater by a passively aerated GAO dominated biofilm. Bioresource Technology. 283, 148-158. (IF 6.67)
8.Mujah, D.,Cheng, L.#andShahin, M. A., (2019)Microstructural and geo-mechanical study on bio-cemented sand for optimization of MICP process. ASCE-Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering. 31(4): **-1-9.(IF 1.98)
9. Wu Chuangzhou, Chu Jian, Wu Shifan,Cheng Liang, Leon Van Paassen, (2019). Microbially induced calcite precipitation along a circular flow channel under a constant flow condition, Acta Geotechnica, DOI: 10.1007/s11440-018-0747-1.(IF 3.27)
10.Cheng, L.,Mohamed Shahin, Chu, J*. (2019). Soil biocementation using a new one-phase low pH injection method. Acta Geotechnica.14(3) 615-626.(IF 3.27)
Liang Cheng,Raphael Marie - Guillaume Flavigny, Md Iqbal Hossain, Wipa Charles and Ralf Cord-Ruwisch, (2018) Proof of concept of wastewater treatment via passive aeration SND using a novel zeolite amended biofilm reactor, water science and technology. 78 (10): 2204-2213.(IF 1.624)
Hao, Y.,Cheng, L*.,Shahin, A. M., Hao, H. (2018) Enhancing fiber/matrix bonding in polypropylene fiber reinforced cementitious composites by microbially induced calcite precipitation pre-treatment. Cement and Concrete Composite. 88, 1-7.(IF 5.17)
*Cheng, L.,Shahin, M. (2017)Stabilisation of oil-contaminated soil using microbially induced calcite precipitation via bacterial flocs.Géotechnique letter. 7(2):146-151
*Cheng, L., Shahin, M., Cord-Ruwisch. R. (2017). Surface percolation for soil improvement by bio-cementation utilising in-situ enriched indigenous aerobic and anaerobic ureolytic soil microorganisms. Geomicrobiology Journal, DOI: 10.1080/**.2016.**.
*Mujah, D., Shahin, M. A., andCheng, L. (2017). State-of-the-art review of bio-cementation by microbially induced calcite precipitation (MICP) for soil stabilization. Geomicrobiology Journal, DOI: 10.1080/**.2016.**.
*Cheng, L., Shahin, M., Mujah D. (2016). Influence of key environmental conditions on microbially induced cementation for soil stabilisation. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 143 (1), DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)GT.1943-5606.**.
*Cheng, L.,Shahin, M. (2016).Urease active bio-slurry: a novel soil improvement approach based on microbially induced carbonate precipitation. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 53, 1-10.(Selected as the “Editor’s Choice” paper for 2016).
*Cheng. L.,Charles, W., Cord-Ruwisch. R. (2016). Automatic online buffer capacity measurement of wastewater using an electrochemical cell. Environmental Technology, 10, 1-6.
Quek, S.,Cheng L.,Cord-Ruwisch, R. (2015). Microbial Fuel Cell Biosensor for Rapid Assessment of Assimilable Organic Carbon under Marine Conditions. Water Research, 77, 64–71.
Quek, S.,Cheng L.,Cord-Ruwisch, R. (2015).In-line Deoxygenation for Organic Carbon Detections in Seawater using a Marine Microbial Fuel Cell-Biosensor. Bioresource Technology, 10.1016/j.biortech.2015.01.078.
Quek, S. B.,Cheng, L.,Cord-Ruwisch, R. (2014). Detection of low concentration of assimilable organic carbon in seawater prior to reverse osmosis membrane. Desalination and Water Treatment, DOI: 10.1080/**.2014.940224.
*Cheng, L., Shahin, M., Cord-Ruwisch. (2014). Bio-cementation of sandy soil using microbially induced carbonate precipitation (MICP) for marine environments. Géotechnique, 64(12), 1010-1013. (IF:2.395, Citation:13)
*Cheng, L.,Quek, S., Cord-Ruwisch, R. (2014). Hexacyanoferrate-adapted biofilm enables the development of a microbial fuel cell biosensor to detect trace levels of assimiable organic carbon (AOC) in oxygenated seawater. Biotechnology and Bioengineering. 111 (12): 2412-2420. (IF:4.48, Citation:5)
*Cheng, L.,Cord-Ruwisch, R (2014). Upscaling Effects of Soil Improvement by Microbially Induced Calcite Precipitation by Surface Percolation. Geomicrobiology Journal, 31, 396-406.
*Cheng, L.,Cord-Ruwisch, R (2013). Selective enrichment and production of highly urease active bacteria by non-sterile (open) chemostat culture. Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology, 40(10), 1095-1104.
*Cheng, L.,Cord-Ruwisch, R. and Shahin, M. A. (2013). Cementation of sand soil by microbially induced calcite precipitation at various degrees of saturation. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 50 (1), 81-90.(Received the R. M. Quigley Award - Honourable Mention - for the best paper published by the Canadian Geotechnical Journal in 2013).
Cheng. L.,Shahin, M.A., (2018).Microbial Induced Calcite Precipitation (MICP) for Soil Stabilization.Ecological Wisdom in Restoration Engineering, Ed. Varenyam Achal and Abhijit Mukherjee, Springer Nature.
Keynote speaker
“Recent developments in biocement and biogrouting techniques”. Symposium on New Technologies for Urban Geotechnical Constructions. Singapore, 26-27 July 2017.
Cheng Liang,Chu Jian. Microbially Induced Polymeric Sealant For Water Cut off And Seepage Control For Soil Or Rock. Singapore (P)(新加坡PCT)
CHENG Liang,YANG Yang, CHU Jian. Composition And Method For Bio-Active Slurry Induced Water Barrier. P (新加坡)
Ralf Cord-Ruwisch,Liang Cheng,Wipa Charles, etc. A Low-Energy-Cost Biofilm Pollutant Removal System,Australia,(澳大利亚,PCT)
成亮,一种污水处理系统。专利号:ZL 0.6
成亮,一种饮用水制备装置,专利号: ZL3.7
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