本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-03-13
地址:江苏大学 环境与安全工程学院 环境健康与生态安全研究院
[1].Wang Y-F, Dick RP*, Lorenz N, Lee N. Interactions and responses of n-damo archaea, n-damo bacteria and anammox bacteria to various electron acceptors in natural and constructed wetland sediments[J].IntBiodeteriorBiodegrad2019, 144:104749.
[2].Wu R-N, Meng H,Wang Y-F, Gu J-D Functional dominance and community compositions of ammonia-oxidizing archaea in extremely acidic soils of natural forests.ApplMicrobiolBiotechnol2019, 103(10):4229-4240.
[3].Meng H, Zhou Z, Wu R,Wang Y-F, Gu J-D. Diazotrophic microbial community and abundance in acidic subtropical natural and re-vegetated forest soils revealed by high-throughput sequencing ofnifHgene.Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology2019,103(2):995-1005.
[4].Wu, R. N., H. Meng,Y. F. Wang*and J. D. Gu*Effects of reforestation on ammonia-oxidizing microbial community composition and abundance in subtropical acidic forest soils[J].Applied Microbiology & Biotechnology2018, 102(12): 5309-5322.(*Corresponding author)
[5].Meng H, Wu R,Wang Y-F*, Gu J-D*A comparison of denitrifying bacterial community structures and abundance in acidic soils between natural forest and re-vegetated forest of Nanling Nature Reserve in southern China[J].J Environ Manage2017, 198, Part 2:41-49.(*Corresponding author)
[6].Wu R-N, Meng H,Wang Y-F,Lan W, Gu J-D A more comprehensive community of ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA) revealed by genomic DNA and RNA analyses ofamoAgene in subtropical acidic forest soils[J].MicrobEcol2017,74(4): 1-13.
[7].Datta R, Baraniya D,Wang Y-F,Kelkar A, Meena R, Yadav G, Teresa Ceccherini M, Formanek P Amino acid: its dual role as nutrient and scavenger of free radicals in soil[J].Sustainability2017, 9(8):1402
[8].Wang Y-F, Meng H, Gu V, Gu JDMolecular diagnosis of the brown root-rot disease agentPhellinus noxiuson trees and in soil by rDNA ITS analysis[J].Applied Environmental Biotechnology2016, 1(1):81-91
[9].Zhang F-Q, Pan W, Gu J-D*, Xu B, Zhang W-H, Zhu B-Z, Wang Y-X,Wang Y-F*Dominance of ammonia-oxidizing archaea community induced by land use change from Masson pine to eucalypt plantation in subtropical China[J].ApplMicrobiolBiotechnol2016, 100(15): 6859-6869.(*Corresponding author)
[10].Gan X-H, Zhang F-Q, Gu J-D, Guo Y-D, Li Z-Q, Zhang W-Q, Xu X-Y, Zhou Y, Wen X-Y, Xie G-G,Wang Y-F*Differential distribution patterns of ammonia-oxidizing archaea and bacteria in acidic soils of Nanling National Nature Reserve forests in subtropical China[J].Antonie Leeuwenhoek,2016, 109(2):237-251.(*Corresponding author)
[11].Lee K-H#,Wang Y-F#, Wang Y, Gu J-D*, Jiao JJ. Abundance and diversity of aerobic/anaerobic ammonia/ammonium-Oxidizing microorganisms in an ammonium-rich aquitard in the Pearl River Delta of South China[J].MicrobEcol,2016, 76(1): 81-91. (#Co-first author)
[12].Meng H,Wang Y-F,Chan H-W, Wu R-N, Gu J-D Co-occurrence of nitrite-dependent anaerobic ammonium and methane oxidation processes in subtropical acidic forest soils[J].ApplMicrobiolBiotechnol,2016, 100: 7727-7739.
[13].Wang, Y.-F., Zhang, F.-Q., &Gu, J.-D*. Improvement of DGGE analysis by modifications of PCR protocols for analysis of microbial community members with low abundance[J].Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology,2014,98(12): 5655-5663.
[14].Wang, Y.-F., Li, X.-Y., &Gu, J.-D*. Differential responses of ammonia/ammonium-oxidizing prokaryotes in mangrove sediment to amendment of acetate and leaf litter[J].Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology,2014,98(7): 3165-3180.
[15].Wang, Y.-F., &Gu, J.-D*. Effects of allylthiourea, salinity and pH on ammonia/ammonium-oxidizing prokaryotes in mangrove sediment incubated in laboratory microcosms[J].Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology,2014,98(7): 3257-3274.
[16].Lee, K.-H.#,Wang, Y.-F.#, Zhang, G.-X., &Gu, J.-D*. Distribution patterns of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria and anammox bacteria in the freshwater marsh of Honghe wetland in Northeast China[J].Ecotoxicology, 2014, 23:1930-1942. (#Co-first author)
[17].Lee, K.-H.#,Wang, Y.-F.#, Li, H., &Gu, J.-D.* Niche specificity of ammonia oxidizing communities in a freshwater interior city wetland receiving municipal wastewater in Daqing, Northeast China[J].Ecotoxicology, 2014, 23:2081-2091. (#Co-first author)
[18].Wang, Y.-F., &Gu, J.-D.* Higher diversity of ammonia/ammonium-oxidizing prokaryotes in constructed freshwater wetland than natural coastal marine wetland[J].Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology,2013, 97(15): 7015-7033.
[19].Wang, Y.-F., Feng, Y.-Y., Ma, X., &Gu, J.-D.* Seasonal dynamics of ammonia/ammonium-oxidizing prokaryotes in oxic and anoxic wetland sediments of subtropical coastal mangrove[J].Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology,2013, 97(17): 7919-7934.
[20].Yong-Feng Wang, Susan M. Owen, Qing-Jun Li*and JosepPe?uelas. Monoterpene emissions from rubber trees (Heveabrasiliensis) in a changing landscape and climate: Chemical speciation and environmental control[J].Global Change Biology,2007,13(11): 2270 ~2282.
[21].Brad Baker, Curtis Johnson, Zhong-Tao Cai, Bai Jianhui, Qing-Jun Li,Yong-Feng Wang, Alex Guenther, Jim Greenberg, Lee Klinger, Chris Geron, Sue Owen, AlonaLintoc, and Rei Rasmussen. Wet and dry season ecosystem level fluxes of isoprene and monoterpenes from a Southeast Asian secondary forest and rubber tree plantation[J].Atmospheric Environment, 2005,29: 381 ~ 390.
[22].王永峰&李庆军.陆地生态系统植物挥发性有机化合物的排放及其生态学功能研究进展[J].植物生态学报,2005,29(3): 487-496.
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