本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-03-13
E-mail: jsdai@ujs.edu.cn
? 贝叶斯分析
? 凸优化理论
? 多输入多输出(MIMO)系统
? 稀疏信号检测
? 波达方向(DOA)估计
? 人工智能与模式识别
? 2001年09月-2005年06月,本科,南京工业大学,电子信息工程系
? 2005年09月-2010年06月,博士,中国科学技术大学,信号与信息处理
? 2009年01月-2009年10月,研究助理,香港大学,电机电子工程学系
? 2010年11月-2011年01月,研究助理,香港大学,电机电子工程学系
? 2013年06月-2017年04月,博士后(江苏省双创博士),阳立电子(苏州)有限公司
? 2017年04月-2018年04月,访问****,香港科技大学,电子与计算机工程系
? 2010年06月-至今,讲师/副教授/教授,江苏大学,电气信息工程学院
? 2012.1-2014.12,国家自然科学基金青年基金,基于方向导数理论的线性MIMO通信系统预编码技术的研究,主持
? 2016.1-2019.12,国家自然科学基金面上项目,基于稀疏表示的大规模MIMO系统信道估计和传输方案设计的研究,主持
Selected Publication List:
[1] Jisheng Dai, An Liu, and Vincent K. N. Lau, "FDD massive MIMO channel estimation with arbitrary 2D-array geometry", IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 2018, 66(10), pp. 2584-2599.
[2] Jisheng Dai and Hing Cheung So, "Sparse Bayesian learning approach for outlier-resistant direction-of-arrival estimation", IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 2018, 66(3), pp. 744-756.
[3] Shun Liu, Xu Sun, Weichao Xu, Yun Zhang, and Jisheng Dai, "Null Distribution of Volume Under Ordered Three-Class ROC Surface (VUS) with Continuous Measurements", IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 2018, 25(12), pp. 1855-1859.
[4] Fangfang Chen, Jisheng Dai, Nan Hu, and Zhongfu Ye, "Sparse Bayesian learning for off-grid DOA estimation with nested arrays", Digital Signal Processing, 2018, 82, pp. 187-193.
[5] Jisheng Dai, Xu Bao, Weichao Xu, and Chunqi Chang, "Root sparse Bayesian learning for off-Grid DOA estimation", IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 2017, 24(1), pp. 46-50.
[6] Jisheng Dai, Weichao Xu, Zhongfu Ye, Nan Hu, and Chunqi Chang, "Homotopy approach for energy efficient MIMO systems with zero-forcing transceivers", IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2017, 66(2), pp. 1233-1247.
[7] Jisheng Dai, Weichao Xu, Zhongfu Ye, and Chunqi Chang, "Effective subset approach for SVMpath singularities", Pattern Recognition Letters, 2017, 100(12), pp. 51-58.
[8] Nan Hu, Bing Sun, Yi Zhang, Jisheng Dai, Jiajun Wang, and Chunqi Chang, "Underdetermined doa estimation method for wideband signals using joint nonnegative sparse bayesian learning", IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 2017, 24(5), pp. 535-539.
[9] Chung Buiquang, Zhongfu Ye, Jisheng Dai, and Yawar Ali Sheikh, "CFO robust blind receivers for MIMO-OFDM systems based on PARALIND factorizations", Digital Signal Processing, 2017, 69, pp. 187-193.
[10] Nan Hu, Bing Sun, Jiajun Wang, Jisheng Dai, and Chunqi Chang, "Source localization for sparse array using nonnegative sparse Bayesian learning", Signal Processing, 2016, 127, pp. 37-43.
[11] Jisheng Dai and Xu Bao, "Robust piecewise linear algorithm for point-to-point MIMO systems", IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, 2015, 4(3), pp. 337-340.
[12] Jisheng Dai, Nan Hu, Weichao Xu, and Chunqi Chang, "Sparse Bayesian learning for DOA estimation with mutual coupling", Sensors, 2015, 15(10), pp. 26267-26280.
[13] Jisheng Dai, Weichao Xu, Jin Zhang, and Chunqi Chang, "Homotopy algorithm for l1-norm minimization problems", IET Signal Processing, 2015, 9(1), pp. 1-9.
[14] Xu Bao, Guanding Yu, Jisheng Dai, and Xiaorong Zhu. "Li-Fi: Light fidelity-a survey." Wireless Networks, 2015, 21(6), pp. 1879-1889.
[15] Jisheng Dai and Xu Bao, "Homotopy algorithm for energy-efficient MIMO systems with joint power constraints", IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, 2014, 3(2), pp. 121-124.
[16] Jisheng Dai and Chunqi Chang, "Power allocation for maximizing the MAC capacity via majorization", EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, 2014, 113, pp. 1-9.
[17] Jisheng Dai, Xu Bao, Nan Hu, Chunqi Chang, and Weichao Xu, "A recursive RARE algorithm for DOA estimation with unknown mutual coupling", IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 2014, 13, pp. 1593-1596.
[18] Jisheng Dai, Chunqi Chang, Fei Mai, Dean Zhao, and Weichao Xu, "On the SVMpath singularity", IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 2013, 24(11), pp. 1736-1748.
[19] Jisheng Dai, Xin Xu, and Dean Zhao, "Direction-of-arrival estimation via real-valued sparse representation", IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 2013, 12, pp. 376-379.
[20] Weichao Xu, Jisheng Dai, Y. S. Hung, and Qinruo Wang, "Estimating the area under a receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve: Parametric and nonparametric ways", Signal Processing, 2012, 91(11), pp. 3111-3123.
[21] Jisheng Dai, Chunqi Chang, Weichao Xu, and Zhongfu Ye, "Linear precoder optimization for MIMO systems with joint power constraints", IEEE Transactions on Communications, 2012, 60(8), pp. 2240-2254.
[22] Jisheng Dai and Fei Mai, "On the SVMpath initialization", Signal Processing, 2012, 92(5), pp. 1258-1267.
[23] Jisheng Dai, Dean Zhao, and Xiaofu Ji, "A sparse representation method for DOA estimation with unknown mutual coupling", IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 2012, 11, pp. 1210-1213.
[24] Jisheng Dai, Weichao Xu, and Dean Zhao, "Real-valued DOA estimation for uniform linear array with unknown mutual coupling", Signal Processing, 2012, 92(9), pp. 2056-2065.
[25] Jisheng Dai and Zhongfu Ye, "Spatial Smoothing for DOA Estimation of Coherent Signals in the Presence of Unknown Mutual Coupling", IET Signal Processing, 2011, 5(4), pp. 418-425.
[26] Jisheng Dai and Dean Zhao, "Linear MIMO transceivers design with weighted MMSE criterion", Chinese Journal of Electronics, 2011, 20(1), pp. 58-62.
[27] Jin Zhang, Jisheng Dai, and Zhongfu Ye, "An extended TOPS algorithm based on incoherent signal subspace method." Signal Processing, 2010, 90(12), pp. 3317-3324.
[28] Jisheng Dai, Chunqi Chang, Zhongfu Ye, and Yeung Sam Hung, "An efficient greedy scheduler for zero-forcing dirty-paper Coding", IEEE Transactions on Communications, 2009, 57(7), pp. 1939-1943.
[29] Jisheng Dai, Zhongfu Ye, and Xu Xu, "Power allocation for maximizing the minimum rate with QoS-constraints", IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2009, 58(9), pp. 4989-4996.
[30] Jisheng Dai and Zhongfu Ye, "Optimal designs for linear MIMO transceivers using directional derivative", IET Communications, 2009, 3(9), pp. 1452-1462.
[31] Zhongfu Ye, Jisheng Dai, Xu Xu, and Xiaopei Wu, “DOA estimation for uniform linear array with mutual coupling”, IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 2009, 45(1), pp. 280–288.
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刘星桥教授、博导江苏省镇江市学府路301号江苏大学电气信息学院PHONE:**FAX:E-mail:lxq1000@sina.com.cn研究领域及研究兴趣:永磁直线伺服电机的磁场优化及控制策略研究;多电机解耦控制系统;软开关PWMDC-DC功率变换器;农业设施智能控制系统,无线传感器网络智能检测。 ...江苏大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-03-13