姓名:糜建立 (博士生导师)
职称: 研究员
1. 能源材料(如热电、锂电、固态电解质等)的结构与性能;
2. 纳米材料的新型合成和可控生长。
2003/09 - 2008/06,浙江大学,材料科学与工程系,博士
1999/09 - 2003/06,浙江大学,材料科学与工程系,学士
2013/08 - 至今,江苏大学新材料研究院,研究员
2008/10 - 2013/08,丹麦奥胡斯大学化学系,博士后
项 目:
1. 国家青年自然科学基金(**),2015.01-2017.12;
2. 江苏省****资助基金,2015.10-2018.09;
3. 江苏省青年自然科学基金(BK**),2014.07-2017.06;
4. 江苏大学“骨干教师培养工程”青年学术带头人培育人选资助项目;
5. 江苏大学高级人才科研启动基金项目。
奖 项:
1. 江苏省****,2015;
2. 教育部自然科学奖二等奖,纳米复合热电材料的制备与输运性能,2015(排名第5)。
美国化学学会American Chemical Society会员;
为ACS Nano, Applied Physics Letters, CrystEngComm, Materials Letters, Journal of Materials Research等核心期刊担任审稿人。
近年来在Advanced Materials,Advanced Energy Materials, ACS Nano,Nano Letters,Nature Communications,Physical Review Letters,Chemistry of Materials等国际核心期刊(SCI)发表学术论文50余篇,被引1100余次。
1. J.L. Mi, P. N?rby, M. Bremholm, J. Becker and B.B. Iversen, Formation mechanism of bimetallic PtRu alloy nanoparticles in solvothermal synthesis, Nanoscale (2015) 16170-16174.
2. J.L. Mi, K.M.?. Jensen, C. Tyrsted, M. Bremholm and B.B. Iversen, In situ total X-ray scattering study of the formation mechanism and structural defects in anatase TiO2 nanoparticles under hydrothermal conditions, CrystEngComm 17 (2015) 6868-6877.
3. H.Q. Feng, C.Y. Wu, P. Zhang, J.L. Mi* and M.D. Dong*, Facile hydrothermal synthesis and formation mechanisms of Bi2Te3, Sb2Te3 and Bi2Te3–Sb2Te3 nanowires, RSC Advances 5 (2015) 100309–100315.
4. P. Zhang, X.L. Hou, L. Liu, J.L. Mi* and M.D. Dong*, Two-dimensional pi-conjugated metal bis(dithiolene) complex nanosheets as selective catalysts for oxygen reduction reaction, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 119 (2015) 28028?28037
5. L. Zhang, K. Yang, J.L. Mi, L. Lu , L.R. Zhao, L.M. Wang, Y.M. Li and H. Zeng, Na3PSe4: A novel chalcogenide solid electrolyte with high ionic conductivity, Advanced Energy Materials 5 (2015) **
6. J.L. Mi, H.F. Clausen, M. Bremholm, P. Hernandez-Fernandez, J. Becker and B.B. Iversen, In-situ PXRD study of formation and growth of carbon supported Pt nanoparticles and the pulsed flow supercritical synthesis, Chemistry of Materials 27 (2015) 450-456.
7. M. Michiardi, M. Bianchi, M. Dendzik, J.A. Miwa, M. Hoesch, T.K. Kim, P. Matzen, J.L. Mi, M. Bremholm, B.B. Iversen and P. Hofmann, Strongly anisotropic spin-orbit splitting in a two-dimensional electron gas, Physical Review B 91 (2015) 035445.
8. P. Zhang, X.L. Hou, J.L. Mi, L. Liu and M.D. Dong, Oxygen reduction reaction on M-S4 embedded graphene: A density functional theory study, Chemical Physics Letters 641 (2015) 112-116.
9. J.L. Mi, Y. B. Shen, J. Becker, M. Bremholm and B.B. Iversen, Controlling allotropism in ruthenium nanoparticles: a pulsed-flow supercritical synthesis and in situ synchrotron x-ray diffraction study, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 118 (2014) 11104-11110.
10. L. Barreto, L. Kuhnemund, F. Edler, C. Tegenkamp, J.L. Mi, M. Bremholm, B.B. Iversen, C. Frydendahl, M. Bianchi and P. Holfmann, Surface-dominated transport on a bulk topological insulator, Nano Letters 14 (2014) 3755?3760.
11. P. Loptien, L. Zhou, J. Wiebe, A.A. Khajetoorians, J.L. Mi, B.B. Iversen, P. Hofmann and R. Wiesendanger, Screening and atomic-scale engineering of the potential at a topological insulator surface, Physical Review B 89 (2014) 085401.
12. A. Eich, M. Michiardi, G. Bihlmayer, X.G. Zhu, J.L. Mi, B.B. Iversen, R. Wiesendanger, P. Hofmann, A.A. Khajetoorians and J. Wiebe, Intra-and interband electron scattering in a hybrid topological insulator: Bismuth bilayer on Bi2Se3, Physical Review B 90 (2014) 155414.
13. X.F. Meng, J.L. Mi, Q. Li, C. Bortolini and M.D. Dong, One dimensional BaxSr1?xEryFe12?yO19 fibers with magnetic crystalline nanoparticles, Materials Research Express 1 (2014) 036106.
14. P. Zhang, X.L. Hou, J.L. Mi, Q. Jiang, H. Aslanb and M.D. Dong, Curvature effect of SiC nanotubes and sheets for CO2 capture and reduction, RSC Advances 4 (2014) 48994-48999.
15. P. Zhang, X.L. Hou, J.L. Mi, Y.Q. He, L. Lin, Q. Jiang and M.D. Dong, From two-dimension to one-dimension: the curvature effect of silicon-doped graphene and carbon nanotubes for oxygen reduction reaction, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 16 (2014) 17479-17486.
16. J.L. Mi, M. Bremholm, M. Bianchi, K. Borup, S. Johnsen, M. S?ndergaard, D.D. Guan, R.C. Hatch, P. Hofmann and B.B. Iversen, Phase separation and bulk p-n transition in single crystals of Bi2Te2Se topological insulator, Advanced Materials 25 (2013) 889-893.
17. J.L. Mi, S. Johnsen, C. Clausen, P. Hald, L. S? and B.B. Iversen, Highly controlled crystallite size and crystallinity of pure and iron-doped anatase-TiO2 nanocrystals by continuous flow supercritical synthesis, Journal of Materials Research 28 (2013) 333-339.
18. T. Schlenk, M. Bianchi, A. Eich, O. Pietzsch, M. Koleini, T.O. Wehling, T. Frauenheim, A. Balatsky, J.L. Mi, B.B. Iversen, J. Wiebe, A.A. Khajetoorians, Ph. Hofmann, R. Wiesendanger, Controllable magnetic doping of the surface state of a topological insulator, Physical Review Letters 110 (2013) 126804.
19. N. Lock, E. M.L. Jensen, J.L. Mi, A. Mamakhel, K. Norén, B.B. Iversen, Cupper doped TiO2 nanopraticles characterized by X-ray absorption spectroscopy, total scatteriang and powder diffraction – correlation between structure and optical properties, Dalton Transactions (2013) 9555-9564.
20. I.A. Nechaev, R.C. Hatch, M. Bianchi, D. Guan, C. Friedrich, J.L. Mi, B.B. Iversen, S. Blügel, Ph. Hofmann, E.V. Chulkov, Evidence for a direct band gap in the topological insulator Bi2Se3 from theory and experiment, Physical Review B 87 (2013) 121111.
21. L. Barreto, M. Bianchi, D.D. Guan, R. Hatch, J.L. Mi, B.B. Iversen and P. Holfmann, Electron-phonon coupling in the two-dimensional electron gas on Bi2Se3, Physica Status Solidi RRL 7 (2013) 136-138.
22. D.D. dos Reis, L. Barreto, M. Bianchi, G.A.S. Ribeiro, E.A. Soares, W.S. e Silva, V. E. de Carvalho, J. Rawle, M. Hoesch, C. Nicklin, W.P. Fernandes, J.L. Mi, B.B. Iversen and P. Hofmann, Surface structure of Bi2Se3(111) determined by low-energy electron diffraction and surface x-ray diffraction, Physical Review B 88 (2013) 041404.
23. J.L. Mi, C. Clausen, M. Bremholm, N. Lock, K.M.?. Jensen, M. Christensen and B.B. Iversen, Rapid hydrothermal preparation of rutile TiO2 nanoparticles by simultaneous transformation of primary brookite and anatase: An in situ synchrotron PXRD study, Crystal Growth & Design 12 (2012) 6092-6097.
24. J.L. Mi, T.N. Jensen, P. Hald, J. Overgaard, M. Christensen and B.B. Iversen, Glucose-assisted continuous flow synthesis of Bi2Te3 nanoparticles in supercritical/near-critical water, The Journal of Supercritical Fluids 67 (2012) 84-88.
25. M. Bianchi, R.C. Hatch, Z.S. Li, P. Hofmann, F. Song, J.L. Mi, B.B. Iversen, M.Z. Abd El-Fattah, P. L?ptien, L. Zhou, A.A. Khajetoorians, J. Wiebe, R. Wiesendanger and J.W. Wells, Robust surface doping of Bi2Se3 by Rubidium intercalation, ACS Nano 6 (2012) 7009-7015.
26. J. Honolka, A.A. Khajetoorians, V. Sessi, T.O. Wehling, S. Stepanow, J.L. Mi, B.B. Iversen, T. Schlenk, J. Wiebe, N. Brookes, A. I. Lichtenstein, Ph. Hofmann, K. Kern and R. Wiesendanger, In-plane magnetic anisotropy of Fe atoms on Bi2Se3 (111), Physical Review Letters 108 (2012) 256811.
27. M.R.V. J?rgensen, I. Skovsen, H.F. Clausen, J.L. Mi, M. Christensen, E. Nishibori, M.A. Spackman and B.B. Iversen, Application of atomic Hirshfeld surface analysis to intermetallic systems: is Mn in cubic CeMnNi4 a thermoelectric rattler atom? Inorganic Chemistry 51 (2012) 1916-1924.
28. H.H. Xie, J.L. Mi, L.P. Hu, N. Lock, M. Christensen, C.G. Fu, B.B. Iversen, X.B. Zhao and T.J. Zhu, Interrelation between atomic switching disorder and thermoelectric properties of ZrNiSn half-Heusler compounds, CrystEngComm 14 (2012) 4467-4471.
29. C.H. Li, Y.H. Luo, X.Z. Guo, D.M. Li, J.L. Mi, L. S?, P. Hald, Q.B. Meng and B.B. Iversen, Mesoporous TiO2 aggregate photoanode with high specific surface area and strong light scattering for dye-sensitized solar cells, Journal of Solid State Chemistry 196 (2012) 504-510
30. Y.Z. Fan, G.P. Chen, D.M. Li, Y.H. Luo, N. Lock, A. P. Jensen, A. Mamakhel, J.L. Mi, S.B. Iversen, Q.B. Meng and B.B. Iversen, Highly selective deethylation of rhodamine B on TiO2 prepared in supercritical fluids, International Journal of Photoenergy 2012 (2012) 173865.
31. M. Bianchi, R.C. Hatch, D.D. Guan, T. Planke, J.L. Mi, B.B. Iversen and P. Hofmann, The electronic structure of clean and adsorbate-covered Bi2Se3: an angle-resolved photoemission study, Semiconductor Science and Technology 27 (2012) 124001.
32. J.L. Mi, T.N. Jensen, M. Christensen, C. Tyrsted, J.E. J?rgensen and B.B. Iversen, High-temperature and high-pressure aqueous solution formation, growth, crystal Structure, and magnetic properties of BiFeO3 Nanocrystals, Chemistry of Materials 23 (2011) 1158-1165.
33. J.L. Mi, M. Christensen, E. Nishibori and B.B. Iversen, Multitemperature crystal structures and physical properties of the partially filled thermoelectric skutterudites M0.1Co4Sb12 (M=La, Ce, Nd, Sm, Yb and Eu), Physical Review B 84 (2011) 064114.
34. M. Bianchi, R.C. Hatch, J.L. Mi, B.B. Iversen and P. Hofmann, Simultaneous quantization of bulk conduction and valence states through adsorption of nonmagnetic impurities on Bi2Se3, Physical Review Letters 107 (2011) 086802.
35. P.D.C. King, R.C. Hatch, M. Bianchi, R. Ovsyannikov, C. Lupulescu, G. Landolt, B. Slomski, J.H. Dil, D.Guan, J.L. Mi, E.D.L. Rienks, J. Fink, A. Lindblad, S. Svensson, S. Bao, G. Balakrishnan, B.B. Iversen, J. Osterwalder, W. Eberhardt, F. Baumberger and P. Hofmann, Large tuneable Rashba spin splitting of a two-dimensional electron gas in Bi2Se3, Physical Review Letters 107 (2011) 096802.
36. R.C. Hatch, M. Bianchi, D.D. Guan, S.N. Bao, J.L. Mi, B.B. Iversen, L. Nilsson, L. Hornek?r and P. Hofmann, Stability of the Bi2Se3(111) topological state: electron-phonon and electron-defect scattering, Physical Review B 83 (2011) 241303.
37. Y.H. Zhang, G.Y. Xu, J.L. Mi, F. Han, Z. Wang and C.C. Ge, Hydrothermal synthesis and thermoelectric properties of nanostructured Bi0.5Sb1.5Te3 compounds, Materials Research Bulletin 46 (2011) 760-764.
38. J.L. Mi, N. Lock, T. Sun, M. Christensen, M. S?ndergaard, P. Hald, H.H. Hng, J. Ma and B.B. Iversen, Biomolecule-assisted hydrothermal synthesis and self-assembly of Bi2Te3 nanostring-cluster hierarchical structure, ACS Nano 4 (2010) 2523-2530.
39. J.L. Mi, M. Christensen, C. Tyrsted, K.?. Jensen, J. Becker, P. Hald and B.B. Iversen, Formation and growth of Bi2Te3 in biomolecule-assisted near-critical water: in-situ synchrotron radiation study, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 114 (2010) 12133-12138.
40. J.L. Mi, M. Christensen, E. Nishibori, V. Kuznetsov, D.M. Rowe and B.B. Iversen, Multitemperature synchrotron powder diffraction and thermoelectric properties of the skutterudite La0.1Co4Sb12, Journal of Applied Physics 107 (2010) 113507.
41. M. Bianchi, D.D. Guan, S.N. Bao, J.L. Mi, B.B. Iversen, P.D.C. King and P. Hofmann, Coexistence of the topological state and a two-dimensional electron gas on the surface of Bi2Se3, Nature Communications 1 (2010) 128.
本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-03-07
相关话题/江苏大学 材料科学与工程学院
姓名:潘秋红 (硕士生导师) 职称:副教授 地址:江苏大学材料学院045#信箱 Telephone: Fax: E-mail:panhong9004@163.com 研究方向:高性能有色金属材料轻合加工技术 教育经历:1994年毕业于昆明工学院,获学士学位2008年毕业于江苏大学,获硕士学位 教学经 ...江苏大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-03-07江苏大学材料科学与工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-闵春英
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姓名:乔冠军 (博士生导师) 职称:教授 地址:江苏镇江学府路301号 Telephone: Fax: E-mail:gjqiao@ujs.edu.cn 研究方向:从事无机非金属材料的多功能设计与优化研究,主要研究方向:1)先进陶瓷及其复合材料2)热电、光电功能材料与器件 教育经历:1985.9-1 ...江苏大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-03-07江苏大学材料科学与工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-庞胜利
姓名:庞胜利 (硕士生导师) 职称:助理研究员 地址:江苏省镇江市学府路301号 Telephone:** Fax: E-mail:slpang@ujs.edu.cn 研究方向:能量转化与储存关键材料(固体氧化物燃料电池阴极材料,锂离子电池正极材料等)及电化学 教育经历:2007/09-2012/1 ...江苏大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-03-07江苏大学材料科学与工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-沈湘黔
姓名:沈湘黔 (博士生导师) 职称:教授 地址:江苏省镇江市学府路301号 Telephone: Fax: E-mail:shenxq@mail.ujs.edu.cn 研究方向:能源材料与器件,纳米材料制备技术,材料物理化学 教育经历:1997/04-2000/07,拉夫堡大学(英国),高分子材料科 ...江苏大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-03-07江苏大学材料科学与工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-邵红红
姓名:邵红红 (硕士生导师) 职称:教授 地址:镇江市学府路301号 Telephone:** Fax: E-mail:@ujs.edu.cn 研究方向:1金属材料强韧化2金属材料表面处理3薄膜材料制备及表征 教育经历:1978年镇江农业机械学院,机械制造工程系大学学习.1988年江苏工学院机械制造 ...江苏大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-03-07江苏大学材料科学与工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-施忠良
姓名:施忠良 (硕士生导师) 职称:教授 地址: Telephone:** Fax: E-mail:szl@ujs.edu.cn 研究方向:一、多孔新材料(金属、陶瓷、碳和复合材料)及其产品的研发与制造的应用基础研究1.孔径可控的泡沫(多孔)新材料及其结构设计与应用基础研究。2.泡沫(多孔)新材料衍 ...江苏大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-03-07江苏大学材料科学与工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-盛维琛
姓名:盛维琛 (硕士生导师) 职称:副教授 地址:江苏大学材料学院206A Telephone:** Fax: E-mail:shengweichen@ujs.edu.cn 研究方向:目前研究主要集中于:1)基于高分子复合/杂化的光/电/热功能材料结构设计、调控与应用;2)聚合物宏观形貌结构和/或微 ...江苏大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-03-07江苏大学材料科学与工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-宋娟
姓名:宋娟 (硕士生导师) 职称:讲师 地址:江苏省镇江市学府路301号江苏大学材料学院 Telephone: Fax: E-mail:ddvsh@163.com 研究方向:飞秒激光与物质相互作用飞秒激光微纳加工 教育经历:2005.9-2008.7中国科学院上海光学精密机械研究所光学工程博士200 ...江苏大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-03-07江苏大学材料科学与工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-司乃潮
姓名:司乃潮 (博士生导师) 职称:教授 地址:材料楼526室 Telephone:** Fax: E-mail:snc@ujs.edu.cn 研究方向:长期致力于新型合金材料,特别是对高强度铝合金、高强度铸铁以及奥贝球铁在汽车发动机上的应用以及复合稀土精炼变质剂和耐热疲劳钢的研究有较大的突破,并在 ...江苏大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-03-07