姓名:曹顺生 (博士生导师)
职称: 教授
2016/09-现在, 江苏大学,材料科学与工程学院,教授
项 目:
(1). 国家自然科学基金面上项目,**,2019/01-2022/12、65万、主持。
(2). 欧盟委员会,第七框架“玛丽?居里”行动计划,275336、2011/10-2013/10、175万、主持。
(3). 江苏省“六大人才”高峰项目,XCL-018,2018/01-2020/12、C类,主持
(4). 江苏省自然科学基金,BK**,2014/07-2017/06、10万,主持。
(5). 江苏省双创博士(科技副总),2016/01-2017/12、15万,主持。
(6). 复旦大学聚合物分子工程国家重点实验室开放基金,2015/01-2015/12, 3万,主持。
(7). 江苏大学,高层次人才启动基金,06jdg054,2007/01-2010/12、8万、主持。
(8). 江苏明月光电科技有限公司,技术应用,、10万、主持。
(9). 江苏大学,教改项目,JGYB**、 2009/07-2011/06、主持。
(10). 江苏大学,教改项目,JGY**、 2007/06-20090/06、主持。
奖 项:
2 Elsevier Publisher, Molecularly Imprinted Catalysts: Synthesis and Applications,共同主编
2 Bentham Science Publisher “Frontiers in Biomaterials:The Design, Synthetic Strategies and Biocompatibility of Polymer Scaffolds for Biomedical Application”英文学术专著第一主编
1. Publications
(40) Y. Zhang, J. Chen*, H. Tang, Y. Xiao, S. Qiu, S. Li, S. Cao*. Hierarchically-structured SiO2-Ag@TiO2 hollow spheres with excellent photocatalytic activity and recyclability. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2018, 354,17–26
(39). J. Shao, W. Sheng, * M. Wang, S. Li, J. Chen, Y. Zhang, S. Cao. * In situ synthesis of carbon-doped TiO2 single-crystal nanorods with a remarkably photocatalytic efficiency. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental , 2017, 209, 311–319
(38) Y. Zhang, Y. Zhao, S. Cao,* Z. Yin, L. Cheng, L. Wu*. Design and Synthesis of Hierarchical SiO2@C/TiO2 Hollow Spheres for High-Performance Supercapacitors. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2017, 9, 29982?29991
(37). Y. Zhang, J. Chen, L. Hua, S. Li,* X. Zhang, W. Sheng, S. Cao.* High photocatalytic activity of hierarchical SiO2@C-doped TiO2 hollow spheres in UV and visible light towards degradation of Rhodamine B. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2017, 340, 309–318
(36). S. Cao, J. Chang, L. Fang, L. Wu*. Metal Nanoparticles Confined in the Nanospace of Double-Shelled Hollow Silica Spheres for Highly Efficient and Selective Catalysis. Chemistry of Materials. 2016, 28, 5596?5600
(35). Y. Zhang, Z. Zhao, J. Chen, L.Cheng,J. Chang, W. Sheng, C. Hu, S. Cao*. C-doped Hollow TiO2 Spheres: In situ Synthesis, Controlled Shell Thickness, and Superior Visible-light Photocatalytic Activity. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2015,165,715-722 (ESI高引论文)
(34). S. Cao,* J. Chen, Y. Ge, L. Fang, Y. Zhang, A. P. F. Turner *. A self-switchable Ag nanoreactor exhibiting outstanding catalytic properties. Chemical Communications, 2014, 50, 118-120
(33). S. Cao,* Y. Zhang, L. Zhu, J. Chen, L. Fang,F. Dan, H. Zhu and Y. Ge*. Stimuli-Responsive Controlled Release and Molecular Transport from Hierarchical Hollow Silica/Polyelectrolyte Multilayer Formulations. Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2014,2,7243-7249
(32). S. Cao,* L. Fang, Z. Zhao, Y. Ge,* S. Piletsky, A. P. F. Turner.* Hierarchically Structured Hollow Silica Spheres for High Efficiency Immobilization of Enzymes. Advanced Functional Materials, 2013, 23,2162-2167 (Inside Front Cover)
(31). S. Cao,* Z. Zhao, X. Jin, W. Sheng, S. Li,* Y. Ge, M. Dong, L. Fang. Unique double-shelled hollow silica microspheres: template-guided self-assembly, tunable pore size, high thermal stability, and their application in removal of neutral red. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2011, 21, 19124-19131
(30). S. Li,* S. Cao, M. J. Whitcombe, S. A. Piletsky. Size matters: challenges in imprinting macromolecules. Progress in Polymer Science, 2014, 39,145-163
(29). S. Li,* Y. Ge,* A. Tiwari, S. Cao. A Temperature-Responsive Nanoreactor. Small, 2010, 6, 2453-2459
(28). Y. Xiao, X. Sun, L. Li, J. Chen, * S. Zhao, C. Jiang, L. Yang, L. Cheng, S. Cao.* Simultaneous formation of a C/N-TiO2 hollow photocatalyst with efficient photocatalytic performance and recyclability. Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 2019, 40,
(27) Z. Yin, S. Qiu, W. Chen, H. Li,* L. Cheng, S. Cao.* Highly photocatalytic activity from tri-modified TiO2 hollow spheres. Materials Letters, 2018, 214, 202–204
(26). L. Cheng, S. Qiu, J. Chen,* J. Shao, S. Cao*. A Practical Pathway for the preparation of Fe2O3 decorated TiO2 photocatalyst with enhanced visible-light photoactivity. Materials Chemistry and Physics,2017, 190, 53-61
(25). J. R. Chen, F. Qiu, * Y. Zhang, S. Cao. Carbon-Doped Hollow Titania with Tuneable Shell Architecture for Supercapacitors. Australian Journal of Chemistry, 2016, 69, 183-190
(24). J. R. Chen, F. Qiu,* W. Xu, S. Cao, H. Zhu.* Recent Progress in Enhancing Photocatalytic Efficiency of TiO2-based Materials. Applied Catalysis A: General, 2015, 495,131–140 (ESI高引论文)
(23). J. R. Chen, F. Qiu,* Y. Zhang, J. Liang, H. Zhu,* S. Cao. Enhanced supercapacitor performances using C-doped porous TiO2 electrodes. Applied Surface Science, 2015,365, 553–560
(22). J. Chen, F. Long, Y. Zhang, H. Zhu, S. Cao,* Silica-based Scaffold: Fabrication, Synthesis and Application. Editors. S. Cao, H.Zhu. Bentham Science Publishers , 2014, Chapter-11,305-324
(21). W. Wu, L. Fang, S. Cao,* Z. Zhao. Low-cost hollow silica supports for environmental pollution: high removal capacity and low desorption rate of neutral red. Australian Journal of Chemistry,2012, 65, 327-332
(20). W. Wu, S. Cao,* X. Yuan, Z. Zhao, L. Fang. Sodium silicate route: fabricating high monodisperse hollow silica spheres by a facile method. Journal of Porous Materials, 2012, 19, 913-919
(19). S. Cao,* J. Chen, W. Sheng, W. Wu, Z. Zhao, F. Long. The Fabrication and Development of Molecularly Imprinted Polymer-based Sensors for Environmental Application. Eds. S. Li, Y. Ge, S. Piletsky. J. Lunec, Molecularly Imprinted Sensors: Overview and Applications. Elsevier Publisher, 2012, Chapter-3, 57-72
(18). S. Cao,* J. Chen, X. Jin, W. Wu, Z. Zhao. Enzyme-based biosensor: Synthesis and Applications, Eds. S. Li, J. Singh, H. Li, I. A. Banerjee. Biosensor Nanomaterials. Wiley-VCH Publisher, 2011, Chapter-5, 95-115
(17). W. Wu, X. Yuan, S. Cao,* Y. Ge, S. Li, Z. Zhao, L. Fang. One-pot pathway: fabricating ordered hollow silica spheres using sodium silicate as the precursor. Australian Journal of Chemistry , 2011, 64, 1541-1546
(16). J. Chen, *W. Huang, J. Han, S. Cao. The Characterization and Application of Biological Remediation Technology for Organic Contaminants. International Journal of Environmental Research. 2011, 5, 515-530
(15). S. Cao,*X. Jin, X. Yuan, W. Wu, J. Hu, W. Sheng. A Facile Method for the Preparation of Well-Defined Hollow Silica Spheres with Controlled Shell Thickness. Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 2010, 48, 1332-1338
(14). X. Jin, S. Cao,* X. Yuan, W. Wu, J. Hu, W. Sheng. The Preparation of Monodispersed Cationic Polystyrene and its Application to the Synthesis of Hollow Silica Spheres. Australian Journal of Chemistry, 2010, 63, 1418-1422
(13). S. Cao,* J. Chen, X. Yuan, J. Hu, X. Jin, W. Wu. The Preparation, Characterization and Application of pH-sensitive Materials. Smart Polymeric Materials for Biomedical Applications. Nova Publishers, Hauppauge, New York, USA, 2010, Chapter-6, p.87-102
(12). S. Cao*, J. Chen, J. Hu, X. Yuan. The Fabrication and Progress of Hollow Structures. Polymers & Polymer Composites, 2010, 18, 227-235
(11). X. Yuan, X. Li, E. Zhu, J. Hu, S. Cao, W. Sheng. Synthesis and properties of silicone/montmorillonite nanocomposites by in-situ intercalative polymerization. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2010, 79, 373-379
(10). J. Hu, X. Mao, S. Cao, X. Yuan. Recognition of proteins and peptides: Rational development of molecular imprinting technology. Polymer Science-Series A, 2010, 52, 328-339
(9). S. Cao,*B. Liu. The Preparation and Enzyme Immobilization of Hydrophobic Polysiloxane Supports. Macromolecular Bioscience, 2009, 9, 361-368
(8). S. Cao,* J. Chen,* J. Hu. The Fabrication and Progress of Core-shell Materials. Australian Journal of Chemistry, 2009, 62, 1561-1576 (Cover Review)
(7). S. Cao,* B. Liu. The Preparation and Enzyme Immobilization of Hydrophobic Polysiloxane Supports. Macromolecular. Bioscience, 2009, 9, 361–368
(6). S. Cao,* J. Chen, J. Hu, X. Yuan. An overview of Sequential Adsorption Processes and Protein Separation. Current Focus on Colloids and Surfaces, Research Signpost, Trivandrum, Kerala, India, 2009. Chapter-13, 243-264
(5). J. Hu, Z. Tao, S. Cao. Unique structure and property of cyclodextrins and their application in transdermal drug delivery. Methods and Findings in Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology, 2009, 31, 449-456
(4). B. Liu, B. Zhang, S. Cao, X. Bao, X. Hou, H. Chen. Preparation of the stable core-shell latex particles containing organic-siloxane in the shell. Progress in Organic Coatings,2008, 61, 21-27
(3). S. Cao, B. Liu,* X. Deng, R. Luo, H. Chen. A novel approach for the preparation of acrylate–siloxane particles with core–shell structure. Polymer International. 2007, 56,357–363
(2). B. Liu *, S. Cao, X. Deng, S. Li, R. Luo. Adsorption behavior of protein onto siloxane microspheres. Applied Surface Science, 2006, 252, 7830–7836
(1). S. Cao, B. Liu,* X. Deng, S. Li. Core/Shell Particles Containing 3-(Methacryloxypropyl)- Trimethoxysilane in the Shell: Synthesis, Characterization, and Application. Macromolecular . Bioscience. 2005, 5, 669–676
2. E-books
(1). Editors,S. Cao,H.Zhu, Frontiers in Biomaterials: the Design, Synthetic Strategies and Biocompatibility of Polymer Scaffolds for Biomedical Application. Bentham Science Publishers , ISBN:978-1-60805-877-8,2014,1, 1-341
(2). Editors: Songjun Li, S. Cao, S. A. Pilestky, A. P. F. Turner, e-Book proposal for molecularly imprinted catalysts, Elsevier Publisher, 2015,
3. Patents
(1). 张颖,曹顺生,陈娟荣,常俊,程黎,傅行礼。一种原位碳掺杂层次结构的中空二氧化硅/二氧化钛微球的制备方法及其用途。中国发明专利,授权号:ZL 2016 1 004596.8, 2016
(2). 张颖,曹顺生,赵志远,陈娟荣,龚爱华,傅行礼,常俊,程黎。一种原位碳掺杂中空二氧化钛可见光催化剂的制备方法。中国发明专利,授权号:ZL 2015 1 **.X, 2015
(3). 曹顺生,吴维维,陈娟荣,袁新华,金鑫,赵志远。一种高度单分散性中空硅微球的制备方法。中国发明专利,授权号:ZL 2011 1 **.4, 2012
(4). 曹顺生,金鑫,吴维维,袁新华,胡杰,盛维琛。一种基于多孔材料的阳离子聚苯乙烯模板的制备方法。中国发明专利,授权号:ZL 2009 1 **.1,2011
4. 课题组研究生
硕士生:赵仕东,蒋采国,林逢建,张 赛, 汤文杰, 唐涛, 肖颖冠, 孙东晓
硕士生:尹正亮(2018),邱守飞(2018),邵剑(2018),常俊(2017),程黎(2017),张颖(2015),方龙(2014),赵志远(2013),吴维维(2012),金 鑫(2011)
本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-03-07
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