姓名:刘桂武 (博士生导师)
职称: 教授
1997.09-2001.07 南昌航空大学,金属材料与热处理,本科生
2002.09-2005.03 南昌航空大学,环境工程,硕士生
2005.03-2008.07 西安交通大学,材料科学与工程,博士生
2001.07-2002.08 江西赣州有色金属研究所(南方稀土公司),助工
2008.09-2009.09 意大利 IENI-CNR,访问
2009.09-2011.06 西安交通大学,力学,博士后
2011.06-2013.06 西安交通大学,材料学院,副教授,博导(2012)
2014.01-2016.11 苏州攀特电陶科技股份有限公司/江苏大学,博士后
2013.06-至今 江苏大学,材料学院,资格教授/教授(2015),博导
项 目:
奖 项:
2. 入选2014年江苏省“六大人才高峰”计划
3. 获2010-2011年西安交通大学一等优秀博士后研究人员
4. 2014年陕西省科技成果“金属/陶瓷结构复合关键技术及其应用”(第一完成人)
5. 2015江苏省教育类双创团队、2016江苏省青蓝工程科技创新团队、2017年江苏省六大人才高峰创新人才团队核心成员
6. 江苏大学2013年度“青年学术带头人”、2015年度“青年拔尖人才”
7. 获2018年中国硅酸盐学会特陶技术奖
国家自然科学基金,国家留学基金委、中国博士后基金(同行)评审专家、教育部专家信息库专家,并担任ACS Appl Mater Interfaces、 Electrochim Acta、J Eur Ceram Soc、Mater Sci Eng A、Mater Des、J Mater Sci、Mater lett、Ceram Int等期刊论文的审稿人,材料导报编委, 江苏省硅酸盐学会常务理事,中国硅酸盐学会特种陶瓷分会青工委委员。
[44]Liu GW, Zhang XZ, Yang J, Qiao GJ. Recent advances in joining of SiC-based materials (monolithic SiC and SiCf/SiC composites): Joining techniques, joint strength and interfacial behavior, Journal of Advanced Ceramics, 2019, in press
[43]Yi M, Zhang XZ, Ge CX, Liu GW, Xu SJ, Zhong DM, Qiao GJ. Oxidation behavior of in situ synthesized (TiB+TiC)/Ti-6Al-4V composites from Ti-B4C-C and Ti-TiB2-TiC systems, Journal of Materials Research, in press
[42]Wan YM, Yang J, Hou HG, Xu SJ, Liu GW, Hussain S, Qiao GJ. Synthesis and microstructures of La1-xCaxCrO3 perovskite powders for optical properties,Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, in press
[41]Yang J, Yan JN, Liu GW, Shi ZQ, Qiao GJ. Improved thermoelectric properties of n-type Bi2S3 via grain boundary engineering and in-situ nanoprecipitates, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2019, 34(9): 1214–1221
[40]Yang J, Yu LX, Yan JN, Liu GW, Shi ZQ, Qiao GJ. Thermoelectric properties of n-type CuxBi2S3 materials fabricated by plasma activated sintering, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2019, 780: 35–40.
[39]Li HH, Xu WL, Qu YH, Wang MS, Liu GW, Qiao GJ. Enhanced photoelectrochemical performance of In2O3 nanocubes with oxygen vacancies via hydrogenation, Inorganic Chemistry Communications, 2019, 102: 70–74.
[38]Bai SF, Hussain S, Ge CS, Javed MS, Shah S, Liu GW, Qiao GJ. Unique Oblate-like ZnWO4 nanostructures for electrochemical energy storage performances, Materials Letters, 2019, 240: 103–107
[37]Yan JN , Yang J, Ge BZ, Liu GW, Shi ZQ, Duan ZW, Qiao GJ*, Effect of silver and iodine co-doping on the thermoelectric properties of n-type Bi2S3 , Journal of Electronic Materials, 2019, 48(1), 503–508.
[36]Zhang XZ, Liu GW, Tao JN, Guo YJ, Wang JJ, Qiao GJ. Brazing of WC–8Co cemented carbide to steel using Cu–Ni–Al alloys as filler metal: Microstructures and joint mechanical behavior, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2018, 34(7): 1180–1188.
[35]Zhang XZ, Liu GW, Wang TT, Yang J, Guo YJ, Shao HC, Qiao GJ. Wetting and brazing of Ni–coated WC-8Co cemented carbide using Cu-19Ni-5Al alloy as filler metal: Microstructural evolution and joint mechanical properties, Journal of Materials Research, 2018, 33(11): 1671–1680
[34]Zhang XZ, Wu XL, Liu GW*, Luo WQ, Guo YJ, Shao HC, Qiao GJ*, The wetting of molten Sn–3.5Ag–0.5Cu on Ni–P(–SiC) coatings deposited on high volume faction SiC/Al composite, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2018, 22: 1784–1792
[33]Yi M, Zhang XZ, Wang B, Liu GW, Shao HC, Qiao GJ. Comparative investigation on microstructures and mechanical properties of (TiB+TiC)/Ti-6Al-4V composites from Ti-B4C-C and Ti-TiB2-TiC systems, Materials Characterization, 2018, 140: 281–289
[32]Ge CX, Wang MS, Hussain S, Xu ZW, Liu GW, Qiao GJ. Electron transport and electrochromic properties of sol-gel WO3 thin films: Effect of crystallinity, Thin Solid Films, 2018, 653: 119–125.
[31]Hou HG, Shao HC, Zhang XZ, Liu GW, Hussain S, Qiao GJ. RGO-loaded flower-like ZnCo2O4 nanohybrid as counter electrode for dye-sensitized solar cells, Materials letters, 2018, 225: 5–8
[30]Huang ZK, Liu H, Liu GW, Wang TT, Zhang XZ, Wu J, Wan YG, Qiao GJ. Influences of surface polarity and Pd ion implantation on the wettability of Al-12Si(-2Mg)/SiC systems, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2018,211:329-334
[29]Huang ZK, Zhang XZ, Wang TT, Liu GW, Shao HC, Wang YG, Qiao GJ. Effects of Pd ion implantation and Si addition on wettability of Al/SiC system, Surface & Coatings Technology, 2018, 335: 198–204.
[28]Huang ZK, Xu WL, Liu GW*, Wang TT, Zhang XZ*, Qiao GJ, Wetting and interfacial behavior of molten Al-Si alloys on SiC monocrystal substrates: effects of Cu or Zn addition and Pd ion implantation, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2018, 29(20): 17416–17424.
[27]Wang TT, Liu GW, Huang ZK, Zhang XZ, Xu ZW, Qiao GJ. Wettability of Si and Al-12Si alloy on Pd-implanted 6H-SiC, Chinese Physics B, 2018, 27(4): 046101.
[26]Yang J, Zhang XZ, Ge BZ, Yan JN, Liu GW, Shi ZQ, Qiao GJ. Effect of Zn migration on the thermoelectric properties of Zn4Sb3 material, Ceramics International, 2017, 43(17): 15275–15280.
[25]Yang J, Liu GW, Shi ZQ, Lin JP, Ma X, Xu ZW, Qiao GJ. An insight into β-Zn4Sb3 from its crystal structure, thermoelectric performance, thermal stability and graded material, Materials Today Energy, 2017, 3: 73–82.
[24]Zhang XZ, Liu GW, Tao JN, Shao HC, Fu H, Pan TZ, Qiao GJ. Vacuum brazing of WC-8Co cemented carbides to carbon steel using pure Cu and Ag–28Cu as filler metals, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2017, 62(2): 488–494.
[23]Xu R, Li HH, Zhang WW, Liu GW, Xu ZW, Shao HC, Qiao GJ. Fabrication of In2O3/In2S3/Ag nanocubes for efficient photoelectrochemical water splitting. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2016, 18: 2710–2717.
[22]Wang K, Ye ZG, Liu CQ, Xi D, Shi ZQ, Zhou CJ, Xia HY, Liu GW, Qiao GJ. Morphology-controllable synthesis of cobalt telluride branched heterostructures on carbon fibre paper as electrocatalysts for hydrogen evolution reaction. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2016, 8(5): 2910–2916.
[21]Zhou CJ, Dun CC, Wang K, Zhang X, Shi ZQ, Liu GW, Hewitt CA, Qiao GJ, Carroll DL. General method of synthesis ultrathin ternary metal chalcogenide nanowires for potential thermoelectric applications. Nano Energy, 2016, 30: 709–716.
[20]Ye ZG, Wang BF, Liu GW, Dong YH, Cui X, Peng XY, Zou AH, Li DS. Micropore-dominant vanadium and iron co-doped MnO2 hybrid film electrodes for high-performance supercapacitors. Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2016,163(13): A2725–A2732.
[19]Wang K, Zhou CJ, Xi D, Shi ZQ, He C, Xia HY, Liu GW, Qiao GJ. Component-controllable synthesis of Co(SxSe1?x)2 nanowires supported by carbon fibre paper as high-performance electrode for hydrogen evolution reaction. Nano Energy, 2015, 18:1–11.
[18]Zhou CJ, Dun CC, Wang Q, Wang K, Shi ZQ, Carroll DL, Liu GW, Qiao GJ. Nanowires as build block to fabricate flexible thermoelectric fabric: the case of copper telluride nanowires. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2015, 7(38):21015–21020.
[17]Xu SJ, Luo YF, Liu GW, Qiao GJ, Zhong W, Xiao ZH, Luo YP, Ou H. Bifacial dye-sensitized solar cells using highly transparent PEDOT:PSS films as counter electrodes. Electrochimica Acta, 2015, 156: 20?28.
[16]Zhao ST, Zhang XZ, Liu GW, Valenza F, Muolo ML, Qiao GJ, Passerone A. Wetting and interfacial behavior of molten Cu on Co-Si(-Mo) coated SiC. Ceramics International, 2015, 41(10):13493–13501.
[15]Wang W, Zhou CJ, Liu GW, Qiao GJ. Molten salt synthesis of mullite whiskers on the surface of SiC ceramics. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2014, 582: 96?100.
[14]Ye ZG, Liu GW, Huang GB, Wang K, Qiao GJ. Nano-wedged IrO2/MnO2 hybrid film electrode for electrochemical supercapacitors, ECS Electrochemistry Letters, 2013, 2(12), A118–A120
[13]Han Y, Liu GW, Zou DN, Liu R, Qiao GJ. Deformation behavior and microstructural evolution of as-cast 904L austenitic stainless steel during hot compression. Materials Science and Engineering A, 2013, 565, 342–350.
[12]Han Y, Liu GW, Qiao GJ, Sun JP, Zou DN. Investigation on hot deformation of 20%Cr-25%Ni superaustenitic stainless steel with starting columnar dendritic microstructure based on kinetic analysis and processing map, Materials Science and Technology, 2013, 29(3): 300–308.
[11]Xu SJ, Liu GW, Li J, Qiao GJ. Incorporating conductor paste in a low-temperature fabrication process for large mesoporous carbon counter electrode in dye-sensitized solar cells. Electrochimica Acta, 2012, 76(1): 504–511.
[10]Liu GW, Han Y, Shi ZQ, Sun JP, Zou DN, Qiao GJ. Hot deformation and optimization of process parameters of an as-cast 6Mo superaustenitic stainless steel: a study with processing map. Materials & Design, 2014, 53: 662–672.
[9]Liu GW, Jian WZ, Jin HY, Shi ZQ, Qiao GJ. A high dielectric constant in nano-TiO2 ceramic prepared by a rapid and high-pressure sintering process. Scripta Materialia, 2011, 65(7): 588–593.
[8]Liu GW, Jian WZ, Jin HY, Shi ZQ, Qiao GJ. Dielectric behavior of TiO2 ceramic prepared by plasma activated sintering. Materials letters, 2011, 65(23-24): 3468–3471.
[7]Liu GW, Qiao GJ, Wang HJ, Wang JP, Lu TJ. Bonding mechanisms and shear properties of alumina ceramic/stainless steel brazed joint. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2011, 20(9): 1563–1568.
[6]Liu GW, Valenza F, Muolo ML, Passerone A. SiC/SiC and SiC/Kovar joining by Ni-Si and Mo interlayers. Journal of Materials Science, 2010, 45(16): 4299–4307.
[5]Liu GW, Li J, Qiao GJ, Xu SJ, Wang HJ, Lu TJ. Hierarchical macroporous carbon processed with ethylene glycol and starch as double porogens. Materials Letters, 2010, 64(24): 2696–2699.
[4]Liu GW, Muolo ML, Valenza F, Passerone A. Survey on wetting of SiC by molten metals. Ceramics International, 2010, 36(4): 1177–1188.
[3]Liu GW, Li W, Qiao GJ, Wang HJ, Yang JF, Lu TJ. Microstructure and interfacial behavior of zirconia/stainless steel joint prepared by pressureless active brazing. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2009, 470(1-2): 163–167.
[2]Liu GW, Valenza F, Muolo, ML, Qiao GJ, Passerone A. Wetting and interfacial behavior of Ni-Si alloy on different substrates. Journal of Materials Science, 2009, 44(22): 5990–5997.
[1]Liu GW, Qiao GJ, Wang HJ, Yang JF, Lu TJ. Pressureless brazing of zirconia to stainless steel with Ag-Cu filler metal and TiH2 powder. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2008, 28(14): 2701–2708.
[10]刘桂武, 方国祥, 乔冠军, 等.一种混合式超硬珩磨油石的制备方法, ZL7.2
[11]刘桂武, 方国祥, 乔冠军, 等. 一种金刚石珩磨油石的制备方法, ZL3.2
[12]刘桂武, 陶俊楠, 张阔, 等. 一种金刚石熔盐镀钨的方法, ZL7.7
[13]刘桂武, 张相召, 乔冠军, 等. 一种用于硬质合金的铜基钎料及钎焊工艺, ZL7.5
[21]乔冠军,侯海港,刘桂武,等. 一种温度探测用长波通红外滤光片及其制备方法, ZL0.3
[24]邵海成,刘桂武,乔冠军,等.一种电机用炭/炭 石墨/铜电刷的制备方法,ZL5.8
[25]邵海成,乔冠军,刘桂武,等.一种电力机车用炭/炭 石墨/铜受电弓滑板的制备方法,ZL1.9
本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-03-07
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