姓名:朱琳 (硕士生导师)
职称: 副教授
2008.10-2009.10: 美国佐治亚理工学院,联合培养博士生;
2005.09-2010.03: 天津大学, 硕博连读;
2010.05-2013.3:江苏大学材料学院 讲师;
2013.04-至今: 江苏大学材料学院 副教授;
项 目:
奖 项:
1. Zhu L*, Wang Y, He T, et al. Assessment of Potential Capability of Water Bamboo Leaves on the Adsorption Removal Efficiency of Cationic Dye from Aqueous Solutions. Journal of Polymers and the Environment, 2016,24: 148-158.
2. Wang Y, Zhu L*, Jiang H, et al. Application of longan shell as non-conventional low-cost adsorbent for the removal of cationic dye from aqueous solution. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2016, 159: 254-261.
3. Zhu L*, Wang Y, Hu F, et al. Structural and friction characteristics of g-C3N4/PVDF composites. Applied Surface Science, 345, 349-354,2015.
4. Zhu L*, Wang Y, Yu X, et al. Controllable fabrication of graded and gradient porous polypropylene. Journal of Porous Materials, 22(1), 119-125,2015.
5. Zhu L*, Xie DS, Ma J, Shao J, Shen XQ. Fabrication of polydimethylsiloxane composites with nickel particles and nickel fibers and study of their magnetic properties. Smart Materials and Structures 22(4), 045015, 2013.
6. Zhu L*, Shen XQ, Gu JL, Li C, Xu XH. Analysis of phase structure and evolution of PP/PEOc blends during quiescent molten-state annealing process from SEM patterns. Part I: droplet/matrix morphology. Colloid and Polymer Science 291(4), 1009-1017, 2013.
7. Zhu L*, Yun X, Shen XQ, Ding WX, Zhao HZ, Xu XH. Analysis of phase structure and evolution of PP/PEOc blends during quiescent molten-state annealing process from SEM patterns. Part II: Co-continuous morphology. Colloid and Polymer Science 291(7), 1669-1676, 2013.
8. Zhu L*, Xu XH, Sheng J. Real space and wave–number space studies of the phase structure and morphology of iPP/PEOc blends using phase contrast microscopy. Journal of Composite Materials 46(7), 841-849, 2012.
9. Zhu L*, Song N, Xu XH. Off-line and in-line analysis of phase morphology and evolution during solidification process of PP/PEOc blend in an internal mixer. Polymer Engineering and Science 51(3), 609-616, 2011.
10. Zhu L*, Xu XH, Sheng J. The effect of stretching on the morphological structures and mechanical properties of polypropylene and poly(ethylene-co-octene) blends. Journal of Polymer Research 18(6), 2469-2475, 2011.
11. Zhu L*, Xu XH, Sheng J. Study on phase structure and evolution of PP-PEOc blends during heat preservation process under quiescent condition. Journal of Polymer Research 18(6), 1269-1275, 2011.
12. Zhu L, Fan HN, Yang ZQ, Xu XH*. Evaluation of phase morphology, rheological and mechanical behaviors based on polypropylene toughened with poly(ethylene-co-octene). Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering 49(2), 208-217, 2010.
13. Zhu L, Xu XH*, Ye N, Song N. Influence of composition and phase morphology on rheological properties of polypropylene/poly(ethylene-co-octene) blends. Polymer Composites 31(1), 105-113, 2010.
14. Zhu L, Xu XH, Song N, Tang XY. Optical, rheological, and thermal properties of hollow glass bead filled isotactic polypropylene. Polymer Composites, 2009, 30, 1371-1377.
15. Zhu L, Song N, Xu XH. Real space and wave–number space studies of the phase structure and morphology of iPP/PEOc blends using scanning electron microscopy. Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, 2009, 294, 516-524.
16. Zhu L, Xu XH, Wang FJ, Song N, Sheng J. Characterisation of the thickness of transition layer and its relation to mechanical properties of polypropylene/ poly(ethylene-co-octene) blends, Materials Science and Engineering A, 2008, 494, 449-455.
本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-03-07
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