姓名:周志平 (博士生导师)
职称: 教授
项 目:
奖 项:
国家自然科学二得奖(2009年);上海市自然科学一等奖(2007年);镇江市有突出贡献的中青年专家(1997年);江苏省高等学校跨世纪学术带头人培养人选(1996年);江苏省“333工程” 跨世纪学术、技术带头人培养人选(1997年);冯新德高分子奖(2012年)。
1.Temperature Dependence of Polypropylene Configurations, Macromol. Theory Simul. 2014, 2, 76-83.
2.The radius of gyration of the products of the hyperbranched polymerization, Macromol. Theory Simul. 2014,3,218-226
3.Narrowly dispersed imprinted microspheres with hydrophilic polymer brushes for selective removal of sulfamethazine,RSC Advances,2014, 4, 1965-1973。
4.Rational design and preparation for novel denitrogenation adsorbents by computational simulation and improved atom transfer radical polymerization, New J. Chem., 2013, 37, 2758-2767.
5.Rational preparation of dibenzothiophene-imprinted polymers by surface imprinting technique combined with atom transfer radical polymerization, Appl. Surf. Sci., 2013, 282, 809-819.
6.Preparation of indole surface molecularly imprinted polymer by atom transfer radical emulsion polymerization and its adsorption performance, J.Mater.Res., 2013, 28, 2666-2676.
7.Synthesis of hyperbranched multi-arm star copolymers and their application as a drug-delivery system, Advances in polymer technology 2013, 32(4), UNSP 21375.
8.Preparation and characterization of magnetic molecularly imprinted polymers for selective recognition of 3-methylindole, J Applied Polymer Science, 2013, 130(4), 2859-2866.
10.温敏性聚己内酯-聚N-异丙基丙烯酰胺作为抗癌药物载体的制备与药物释放的研究功能材料, 2013, 44(3), 435-441
11.Kinetic Analysis of the Amphiphilic Star Block Copolymerization, Macromol. Theory Simul. 2012, 21, 83–89.
12.Kinetic analysis of AB2 polycondensation in the presence of multifunctional cores with various reactivities, Polymer 2012,v 53, n 15, p 3386-3391.
13.Kinetic model of semibatch polymerization with ABg monomer and Bf core, Advanced Materials Research, v 554-556, p 172-176, 2012, Advances in Chemistry Research II
14.Synthesis and characterization of a surface molecular imprinted polymer as a new adsorbent for the removal of dibenzothiophene, Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data 2012, v 57, n 6, p 1713-1720.
15.Preparation of molecularly imprinted nanoparticles with superparamagnetic susceptibility through atom transfer radical emulsion polymerization for the selective recognition of tetracycline from aqueous medium, Journal of Hazardous Materials 2012, v205-206, p 179-188.
16.Preparation and evaluation of hollow molecular imprinted polymer for adsorption of dibenzothiophene, Applied Surface Science 2012, v 258, n 17, p 6583-6589.
17.Kinetic analysis of A2+AB2 polymerization approach,Macromol. Theory Simul. 2012, 21, 648–655.
18.Degree of branching of the hyperbranched polymers resulted from AB2 polycondensation with substitution effect,Chinese Journal of Polymer Science,Chinese Journal of Polymer Science. 2011 29 (5): 569-574.
19.Studies on the solubility of bonded-rare earth complexes and fluorescence properties of their copolymers, Advanced Materials Research 2011, v 284-286, p 1890-1893.
20.Kinetic treatment for the copolycondensation of A2 and CB2 monomers with non-equal reactivity, Polymer 2011, 52, 5387-5392.
21.新型功能性介孔吸附材料的表征与吸附性能研究,江苏大学学报 2010,31(1),45-48.
22.Effect of slow monomer addition on molecular parameters of hyperbranched polymers synthesized in the presence of multifunctional core molecules. Sci China Chem 2010, 53(4), 891-897.
23.Kinetic analysis of co-polycondensation of AB2 and AB type monomers in presence of multi-functional cores,Polymer 51 (2010) 2763-2768.
25.多孔苯乙烯-二乙烯基苯共聚物的制备及其孔结构研究,高分子材料科学与工程 2010, 26(11):71-74.
26.Kinetic theory of self-condensing vinyl polymerization,Sci China Chem 2010, 53(12), 2429-2439.
27.复合材料PAA-PNIPA/APS-SBA-15的制备及其药物缓释性能,江苏大学学报 2010,31(5),544-548.
28.Effect of Multifunctional Initiator on Self-Condensing Vinyl Polymerization with Non-equal Molar Ratio of Stimulus to Monomer, Macromolecules 2009, 42(12): 4047-4052.
29.pH值敏感介孔纳米复合材料SBA-15/PAA的制备与性能研究,功能材料 2009,40(7), 1211-1214.
30.Theoretical investigation on the polyaddition of A2 and CB2 monomers with non-equal reactivity, Polymer 2009, 50: 5608–5612.
31. A General Model for the Kinetics of Self-Condensing Vinyl Polymerization, Macromolecules 2008, 41(12), 4429~4434.
32.Kinetic analysis of self-condensing vinyl polymerization with unequal reactivities, Chinese Science Bulletin 2008, 53(22), 3516-3521.
33.非等速率自缩合乙烯基聚合反应产物的支化度, 化学学报 2008, 66(22), 2547-2552.
34.Thermodynamic Characteristics of Chain Molecules in the Nematic State: PVT Studies of Main-Chain Liquid Crystal Comprising a Long Oxyethylene-Type Spacer, Macromolecules 2007, 40, 1746-1753.
35.ABg型缩聚形成的超支化聚合物的支化度与分子形态,化学学报 2007 (Acta Chimica Sinica 2007), 65(20), 2343-2348.
36. Distribution functions of hyperbranched polymers formed by AB2 type polycondensation with substitution effect, Polymer 2006, 47: 1473-1479.
37.Hydrophobic Functionalization of Mesoporous SBA-15 with Polyisoprene as a New Drug Delivery System, Chemistry Letters 2006, 35(12): 1426-1427.
38.On the applicability of the van der Waals potential to chain molecule liquids, Polymer 2005, 46, 4368-4372.
39.Stepwise Phase Transtions of Chain Molecules: Crystallization/Melting via a Nematic Liquid-Crystalline Phase, Adv. Polym. Sci. 2005, 181: 121-152.
40.Kinetic Analysis of Co-condensation Polymerization of AB2 and AB Monomers, Chin J. Polym. Sci. 2004, 22, 155-167.
41.A RIS Treatment of the Mean-square Dipole Moment of PMMA Chains in Consideration of the Pendant Ester Group Orientations, Polymer 2004, 45, 1313-1320
42.Mean-square radius of gyration and degree of branching of highly branched copolymers resulting from the copolymerization of AB2 with AB monomers, Macromol. Theory Simul. 2004, 13: 724-730.
本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-03-07
相关话题/江苏大学 材料科学与工程学院
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