本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-03-07
Name: Hany ElMesiry
Data of Birth: (24/9/1977)
Job Titles: (Lecture/Associate Professor/Professor) (Master advisor/ Ph.D. advisor): Professor, Ph.D.
Technical Position: (Dean/Director)
所在学科Subject: (Power Engineering and Engineering Thermophysics)
Academic Participation: 1-Numerous sci impurity reviewers
2-International Scientific Committee of IPN Education Group
Email box: elmesiry@ujs.edu.cn
Research Interest:
1. Solar energy
2. Renewable energy
3. Biomass energy
4. Design and development of dryers for drying waste agricultural and food products.
5. Research on energy-saving drying technology of heat pump
1. Efficient Use of Non-Conventional Source of Power with Emphasis on Use of Solar Energy. Sponsored by: The National Agric. Research Project (NARP) (**.: popJK542). From March., 2000 to Oct., 2002.
2. Pre-Cooling and Grading of Fruits and Vegetable Crops. Sponsored by: The Academy of Scientific Research and Technology (**:20muog). Ministry of High Education and Scientific Research, from June, 2004 to April, 2006.
3. Study of Physical Properties and Characteristics of Some Agricultural Crops. Sponsored by: The Academy of Scientific Research and Technology (**: POWEDR). Ministry of High Education and Scientific Research, from May. 2007 to Oct., 2009.
4. Impact of post-harvest factors on quality of fruits and vegetables Energy Food and Water Engineering Research Group, Department of Bioresources Engineering, School of Engineering.
5. Apply solar energy in food drying technology (525871: HGF), Department of Food science, University of Pretoria, DST-NRF Centre of Excellence in Food Security
Published Paper:
1. Applications of Non-destructive Technologies for Agricultural and Food Products Quality Inspection.Sensors,2019, 19(4), p.846.
2. Effect of infrared drying with multifrequency ultrasound pretreatments on the stability of phytochemical properties, antioxidant potential, and textural quality of dried sweet potatoes.Journal of Food Biochemistry,2019, 43(4), p.12809. DOI: 10.1111/jfbc.12809
3. Bio-Optimization of Chemical Parameters and Earthworm Biomass for Efficient Vermicomposting of Different Palm Oil Mill Waste Mixtures.International journal of environmental research and public health,2019, 16(12), p.2092.
4. Rapid Detection of Rice Disease Using Microscopy Image identification based on the synergistic judgment of TS features and DT‐CM method.Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 2019, DOI 10.1002/jsfa.9943.
5. Multi‐frequency ultrasound and sequential infrared drying on drying kinetics, thermodynamic properties, and quality assessment of sweet potatoes.Journal of Food Process Engineering, 2019, p.13127. DOI: 10.1111/jfpe.13127.
6. Performance of a convective and combined infrared- convective heated conveyor-belt dryer. Journal of food Science and Technology. 2014, DOI 10.1007/s13197-014-1347-1.
7. Comparison of gas-fired hot-air dryer with an electrically-heated hot-air dryer in terms of drying process, energy consumption and quality of dried onion slice. African Journal of Agricultural research.2012,7 (31): 4440-4452.
8. The drying of onion slices in two types of hot-air convective dryers. African Journal of Agricultural research. 2012, 7(30): 4284-4296.
Academic and research achievements:
1. Member of the Misr Society of Agricultural Engineering, Egypt.
2. Member of the Council Scientists of Egypt, Cairo-Egypt and Council Representative in Republic of South Africa.
3. A senior member of the Asia-Pacific Chemical, Biological& Environmental Engineering Society (APCBEES).
4. Member of the Saudi Biological Society, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia.
5. Fellow, African Scientific Institute, South Africa
6. International Scientific Committee of IPN Education Group (Malaysia)
7. Member of the South African Institute of Agricultural Engineers (SAIAE)
1. The best articles in the food policy, security and safety issue session at the First International Conference “Food and Agriculture: new Approaches” National Research Centre, Cairo, Egypt, December 2 - 4, 2013.
2. The best paper at the International Conference on Agriculture, Biotechnology, Biological and Biosystem Engineering, Jakarta, Indonesia, 12 – 13 December, 2014.
3. The Session chair during the International Conference on Agriculture, Biotechnology, Biological and Biosystem Engineering, Jakarta, Indonesia, 12 – 13 December, 2014.
4. The Session chair and international committee during the International Conference on Agriculture and Environment for Sustainable Development, Cairo, Egypt, 25 – 27 May, 2015.
5. Keynote speaker and session chair during the International Conference on Food processing and Technology, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 25-26 March, 2016.
6. The Session chair and Keynote speaker during the 3rd International Conference on Agricultural, Biotechnology, Biological and Bio-system Engineering, Jakarta, Indonesia, 12-14 December, 2016.
Chairman of Society of Agricultural Mechanization (SAM), Overseas Education College (OEC), Jiangsu University.
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