

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-03-14

E-mail:liulang@jiangnan.edu.cn or liulang@uw.edu

副教授,硕士生导师。江苏省2014年“双创博士”,江南大学2017年,2018-2019年度“至善青年****”。 2018年11月至2020年8月美国华盛顿大学物理系访问****。以第一作者在 Physical Review C 等杂志发表论文二十余篇,其中关于162Dy热原子核性质的文章获得第九届无锡市优秀科技论文二等奖。担任Chinese Physics C 审稿人。主持或完成国家自然科学基金面上项目,青年项目,参与江南大学重点自主科研项目。
Associate professor, master's supervisor. In 2014, Jiangsu Province "Dr. of Shuangchuang", "Honor Young Scholar" of Jiangnan University in 2017, 2018-2019. As the first author, he has published more than 20 papers in Physical Review C and other journals. Among them, his article on the properties of the 162Dy thermal nucleus won the second prize of the 9th Wuxi Excellent Scientific Paper. Served as a reviewer for Chinese Physics C. From November 2018 to August 2020, he was a visiting scholar in the Department of Physics, University of Washington, USA. Preside over or complete the general projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, youth projects, and participate in the key independent scientific research projects of Jiangnan University.
1998年9月 ---- 2002年7月 南京大学物理系 学士学位
2003年9月 ---- 2006年7月 北京大学物理学院 硕士学位
2007年10月 ---- 2010年10月 东京大学物理系 博士学位
2010年11月 ---- 2012年12月 北京大学物理学院 博士后研究
2013年3月 ---- 2015年8月 江南大学理学院 讲师
2015年8月 ---- 2018年11月 江南大学理学院 副教授
2018年11月 ---- 2020年8月 美国华盛顿大学物理系 访问****
1998/10 – 2002/07 Bachelor Physics Department, Nanjing University
2003/09 – 2006/07 Master Physics School, Peking University
2007/10 – 2010/10 Ph.D. Department of Physics, University of Tokyo
2011/01 – 2012/12 Postdoctor School of Physics, Peking University
2013/03 – 2015/08 Lecturer School of Science, Jiangnan University
2015/08 – now Associate Professor School of Science, Jiangnan University
2018/11 – 2020/08 Visiting Scholar Department of Physics, University of Washington

1. 原子核物理的第一性原理研究。我及我的合作者将手征微扰理论得到的原子核相互作用,通过幺正关联算符方法(Unitary Correlation Operator Method, UCOM),相似重整化群方法(Similarity Renormalization Group, SRG) 等进行变换,应用到蒙特卡罗壳模型,对奇特原子核进行计算,并能够提供误差估计和精度预测。
2. 热原子核性质。在原子核协变密度泛函理论的框架下,我们采用严格保持粒子数守恒的类壳模型方法 (Shell-model-like approach, SLAP) 处理对关联, 基于系宗理论引入温度,研究原子核在有限温度下的热力学性质,例如热容、熵等,并探索对关联对原子核热力学性质的影响。我和我的合作者还致力于发展基于原子核协变密度泛函理论的,能够微观自洽研究热原子核性质的有限温类壳模型。
3. 原子核的超流性对原子核集体运动,例如反磁转动的影响。与经典的刚体转动不同,原子核的反磁转动是发生在近球形原子核的一种量子转动,它反映了原子核的内部结构,以及在该结构下发生的角动量变化。而在一定的转动频率下,原子核通常要经历从超流相到正常相的转变,研究对关联在这其中扮演的角色也是一个非常有趣的课题。
Nuclear physics is a discipline that involves the evolution of the universe, the formation of elements, and the basic structure of matter. I am mainly engaged in the theoretical research of nuclear physics, and my research interests and fields mainly include:
1. First-principles study of nuclear physics. My collaborators and I transformed the nucleus interactions obtained by the chiral perturbation theory through the Unitary Correlation Operator Method (UCOM), the Similarity Renormalization Group (SRG), etc. , Applied to the Monte Carlo shell model to calculate exotic nuclei, and can provide error estimates and precision predictions.
2. Thermal nuclei properties. Under the framework of nuclear covariant density functional theory, we adopt the Shell-model-like approach (SLAP) that strictly maintains the conservation of the number of particles to deal with pair correlations. Introducing temperature based on the theory of ensemble, we study the finite temperature of nuclei with the thermodynamic properties, such as heat capacity, entropy, etc., and explore the impact of correlation on the thermodynamic properties of atomic nuclei. My collaborators and I are also committed to developing a finite temperature shell-model-like approach based on the covariant density functional theory of atomic nuclei that can study the properties of hot atomic nuclei in a microscopic and self-consistent manner.
3. The effect of superfluidity of atomic nuclei on collective motion of atomic nuclei, such as antimagnetic rotation. Different from the classic rigid body rotation, the antimagnetic rotation of the nucleus is a kind of quantum rotation that occurs in the nearly spherical nucleus, which reflects the internal structure of the nucleus and the angular momentum change that occurs under this structure. At a certain rotational frequency, the nucleus usually undergoes a transition from a superfluid phase to a normal phase. Research on the role of correlation in this is also a very interesting topic.
[1] L. Liu*, “Shell-Model-Like Approach Based on Cranking Covariant Density Functional Theory to the Antimagnetic Rotation Band in 101Pd”, Phys. Rev. C 99, 024317 (2019).
[2] R. An, L. Geng*, S. Zhang, and L. Liu, “Particle Number Conserving BCS Approach in the Relativistic Mean Field Model and Its Application to 32–74Ca”, Chin. Phys. C 42, 11 (2018).
[3] L. Liu and Z. H. Zhang and P. W. Zhao*. “Thermodynamics of pairing transition in hot nuclei”, Physical Review C 92: 044304 (2015).
[4] L. Liu*. “Ab initio Monte Carlo shell model calculations for 7Li and 9Li low-lying spectra”, Chinese Physics C 39(6): 064101 (2015).
[5] L. Liu*. “No-core Monte Carlo shell model calculations with unitary correlation operator method and similarity renormalization group”, Chinese Physics C 39(5): 054103 (2015).
[6] M. J. Cheng and L. Liu* and Y. X. Zhang. “Particle-number fluctuation of pairing correlations for Dy isotopes”, Chinese Physics C 39(10): 104102 (2015).
[7] L. Liu and P. W. Zhao*. “Exact treatment of pairing correlations in Yb isotopes with covariant density functional theory”, Chinese Physics C 38(7): 074103 (2014).
[8] L. Liu*. and J. Li. “Nuclear Magnetic Moments for Jπ = 2+1 state of 10Be with ab initio Monte Carlo shell model calculation”, SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy 57(2): 239--243 (2014).
[9] L. Liu*. “Ab Initio MCSM Calculation for Reduced Matrix Elements of E2 Operator for A = 10 Nuclei”, Chinese Physical Letters 31(8): 082102 (2014).
[10] L. Liu*, T. Otsuka, N. Shimizu, Y. Utsuno, and R. Roth. “No-core Monte Carlo shell-model calculation for 10Be and 12Be low-lying spectra”. Physical Review C 86, 014302 (2012).
[11] L. Liu and P. W. Zhao*. “Nuclear currents and antimagnetic rotation”. SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy 55(12): 2420--2424 (2012).
[12] L. Liu* and P.W. Zhao*. “α-cluster structure of 12C and 16O in covariant density functional theory with shell-model-like approach”. Chinese Phys. C, 36 (9): 818--822 (2012).
[13] J. Meng*, J. Y. Guo, L. Liu, and S. Q. Zhang. “Shell-model-like Approach (SLAP) for the Nuclear Properties in Relativistic Mean Field Theory”. Frontiers of Physics in China, 1(1):38--46 (2006).
[14] L. Liu, J. Meng*, and S. Q. Zhang. “Properties of Sn isotopes in the self-consistent RMF+SLAP for pairing correlations”. High Energy Physic and Nuclear Physics, 30(4):299--305 (2006).
[15] S. F. Ban*, L. S. Geng, L. Liu, et al. “Recent progress in relativistic many-body approach”. International Journal of Modern Physics E-Nuclear Physics, 15: 1447--1464 (2006).

1. 2018-2021 国家自然科学基金面上项目 负责人
2. 2014-2016 国家自然科学基金青年项目 负责人
3. 2015江南大学重点自主科研项目一项 参与人


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