

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-03-14


教育经历:学士,1998.9-2002.6,应用数学,东南大学 ,学士,2002.6,应用数学,东南大学



在数值代数、最优化及数据科学相关的研究上,发表近50篇SCI学术论文。其中有发表于计算数学和机器学习领域权威期刊《Mathematics of Computation》、《Numerische Mathematik》、《Journal of Scientific Computing》、《IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis》,《IEEETransactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence》,《Bioinformatics》以及十余篇发表于美国工业与应用数学协会(Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics,SIAM)旗下的杂志等。

1. 2012年第四届中国数学会计算数学分会颁发的“应用数值代数奖’’
2. 2017年上海财经大学第四届学术奖
3. 2018年世界华人数学家联盟最佳论文奖-若琳奖
4. 2019年世界华人数学家联盟最佳论文奖-若琳奖
5. 2019年上海市自然科学三等奖(第一完成人)

lTaylor & Francis Group出版社下《Cogent Mathematics & Statistics》编委
lSCI期刊《Operators and Matrices》编委



2、若干与极小化Rayleigh商相 关的非线性特征值问题的研究,2017.1-2020.12,2017.1,张雷洪,国家自然科学面上基金,上海财经大学,数学,48,**,国家自然科学基金委,1
3、正交约束优化问题的非光滑 算法,2014.1-2017.12,杨卫红,国家自然科学面上基金,复旦大学,数学,50,**,国家自然科学面上基金,2

论文:1、A generalized quasi-Newton equation and computational experience,Journal of Computational Mathematics,SCI,2006,Lei-Hong Zhang,Ping-Qi Pan,Lei-Hong Zhang, pp.665-674.,1
2、A continuous Newton-type method for unconstrained optimization,Pacific Journal of Optimization,SCIE,2008,Lei-Hong Zhang,C. T. Kelley,Li-Zhi Liao,C. T. Kelley
3、A generalized projective dynamic for solving extreme and interior eigenvalue problems,Discrete and Continuous Dynamical System - Series B, ,SCI,2008,Lei-Hong Zhang,Li-Zhi Liao,Li-Zhi Liao,10(2008), pp.997-1019.,1
4、Fast Algorithms for the generalized Foley-Sammon discriminant analysis,SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications,SCI,2010,Lei-Hong Zhang,Li-Zhi Liao,Michael K. Ng,Lei-Hong Zhang,31 (2010), pp.1584-1605.
5、Riemannian Newton method for the multivariate eigenvalue problem,SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications,SCI,2010,Lei-Hong Zhang,Lei-Hong Zhang,31(2010), pp.2972-2996.,1
6、Uncorrelated trace ratio LDA for undersampled problems,Pattern Recognition Letters,SCI,2011,Lei-Hong Zhang,Lei-Hong Zhang,32(2011), pp.476-484.,1
7、Towards the global solution of the maximal correlation problem,Journal of Global Optimization,SCI,2011,Lei-Hong Zhang,Li-Zhi Liao,Li-Ming Sun,49(2011), pp.91-107.,1
8、On sparse linear discriminant analysis for high-dimensional data classification,Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications,SCI,2011,Michael K. Ng,Li-Zhi Liao,Lei-Hong Zhang,18(2011), pp.223-235.,3
9、Computing absolute maximum correlation,IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis,SCI,2012,Lei-Hong Zhang,Moody T. Chu,32(2012), pp.163-184.,1
10、Riemannian trust-region method for the maximal correlation problem,Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization,SCI,2012,Lei-Hong Zhang,33:3(2012), pp. 338-362.,1
11、An alternating variable method for the maximal correlation problem,Journal of Global Optimization,SCI,2012,Lei-Hong Zhang,Li-Zhi Liao,54(2012), pp.199-218.,1
12、Superlinear convergence of a general algorithm for the generalized Foley-Sammon discriminant analysis,Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications,SCI,2013,Lei-Hong Zhang,Li-Zhi Liao,Michael K. Ng,157(2013), pp. 853-865.,1
13、On optimizing the sum of the Rayleigh quotient and the generalized Rayleigh quotient on the unit sphere,Computational Optimization and Applications,SCI,2013,Lei-Hong Zhang,Lei-Hong Zhang,54(2013), pp.111-139.,1
14、 Perturbation analysis for the trace quotient problem,Linear and Multilinear Algebra,SCI,2013,Lei-Hong Zhang,Wei Hong Yang,Lei-Hong Zhang,61:12(2013), pp.1629-1640.,1
15、An efficient algorithm for second- order !cone linear complementarity problems,Mathematics of Computation,SCI,2013,Lei-Hong Zhang,Wei Hong Yang,Wei-Hong Yang,83(2013), pp.1701-1726.,1
16、On an efficient implementation of the face algorithm for linear programming,Journal of Computational Mathematics,SCI,2013,Lei-Hong Zhang,Wei Hong Yang,Li-Zhi Liao,Lei-Hong Zhang,31:4(2013), pp.335-354.,1
17、Optimality conditions of the nonlinear programming on Riemannian manifolds,Pacific Journal of Optimization,SCIE,2014,Wei Hong Yang,Lei-Hong Zhang,Ruyi Song,10(2014), pp.415-434.,2/3
18、On the local and superlinear convergence of a parameterized DFP method,Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization,SCI,2014,Lei-Hong Zhang,Ping-Qi Pan,Shi-Pei Zhang,Lei-Hong Zhang,35:1(2014), pp.111-132.,1
19、A note on the trace ratio optimization problem,Optimization Letters,SCI,2014,Lei-Hong Zhang,Wei Hong Yang,Li-Zhi Liao,Lei-Hong Zhang,8(2014), pp.1637–1645.,1
20、On the self-consistent-field iteration for maximizing the sum of the Rayleigh quotients,Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics,,SCI,2014,Lei-Hong Zhang,Lei-Hong Zhang,257(2014), pp.14-28.,1
21、Maximization of the sum of the trace ratio on the Stiefel manifold, I: Theory,SCIENCE CHINA Mathematics,SCI,2014,Lei-Hong Zhang,Ren-Cang Li,57(2014), pp. 2495– 2508.,1
22、Rayleigh-Ritz approximation for the linear response eigenvalue problem,SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications,SCI,2014,Lei-Hong Zhang,Jungong Xue,Ren-Cang Li,35:2(2014), pp. 765-782.,1
23、Global and local convergence of a nonmonotone SQP method for constrained nonlinear optimization,Computational Optimization and Applications,,SCI,2014,Chungen Shen,Lei-Hong Zhang,Bo Wang,59(2014), pp. 435-473.,2
24、An efficient matrix splitting method for the second-order cone complementarity problem,SIAM Journal on Optimization,SCI,2014,Lei-Hong Zhang,Wei Hong Yang,Lei-Hong Zhang,24:3(2014), pp. 1178-1205.,1
25、Convergence of block Lanczos method for eigenvalue clusters,Numerische Mathematik,SCI,2015,Ren-Cang Li,Lei-Hong Zhang,131(2015), pp. 83-113.,2/2
26、Backward perturbation analysis and residual bounds of the linear response eigenvalue problem,BIT Numerical Mathematics,SCI,2015,Lei-Hong Zhang,Wen-Wei Lin,Ren-Cang Li,,55(2015), pp. 869-896.,1
27、Maximization of the sum of the trace ratio on the Stiefel manifold, II: Computation,SCIENCE CHINA Mathematics,SCI,2015,Lei-Hong Zhang,Ren-Cang Li,58(2015), pp.1549-1566.,1
28、A Krylov subspace method for the large-scale second-order cone complementarity problem,SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing,SCI,2015,Lei-Hong Zhang,Wei Hong Yang,Chungen Shen,37:4(2015), pp. A2046-A2075.,1/4
29、A stabilized filter SQP algorithm for nonlinear programming,Journal of Global Optimization,SCI,2016,Chungen Shen,Lei-Hong Zhang,Wei Liu,65:4(2016), pp. 677-708.,2
30、A filter active-Set algorithm for ball/sphere constrained optimization problem,SIAM Journal on Optimization,SCI,2016,Chungen Shen,Lei-Hong Zhang,Wei Hong Yang,26:3(2016), pp.1429-1464.,2/3
31、Solution analysis for the pseudomonotone second-order cone linear complementarity problem,Optimization,SCI,2016,Wei Hong Yang,Lei-Hong Zhang,Chungen Shen,65:9(2016), pp.1703-1715.,2/3
32、Error bounds for approximate deflating subspaces of linear response eigenvalue problem,Linear Algebra and its applications,SCI,2017,Weiguo Wang,Lei-Hong Zhang,Ren-Cang Li,,528(2017), pp.273-289.,2/3
33、On the range of the pseudomonotone second-order cone linear complementarity problem,Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications,SCI,2017,Weiguo Wang,Lei-Hong Zhang,Chungen Shen,173:2(2017), pp. 504-522.,2/3
34、On the generalized Lanczos trust-region method,SIAM Journal on Optimization,SCI,2017,Lei-Hong Zhang,Chungen Shen,Ren-Cang Li,, 27:3(2017), pp. 2110-2142.,1
35、A Block Lanczos-type Method for the Linear Response Eigenvalue Problem,Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis,SCI,2017,Zhongming Teng,Lei-Hong Zhang,46(2017), pp. 505-523.,2/2
36、A Lanczos method for large-scale extreme Lorentz eigenvalue problems,SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications,SCI,2018,Lei-Hong Zhang,Chungen Shen,Wei Hong Yang,39:2(2018), pp. 611-631.,1
37、A Review of “Linear Programming Computation” by Ping-Qi Pan,European Journal of Operational Research,SCI,2018,Yangyang Shi,Lei-Hong Zhang,Wenxin Zhu,267:3(2018), pp. 1182-1183.,2/3
38、A nested Lanczos method for the trust-region subproblem,SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing,SCI,2018,Lei-Hong Zhang,Chungen Shen,Ren-Cang Li,,40:4(2018), pp. A2005–A2032.,1
39、Error bounds of the truncated Lanczos approach for the trust-region subproblem,Frontiers of Mathematics in China,SCIE,2018,Lei-Hong Zhang,Wei Hong Yang,Chungen Shen,13:2(2018), pp. 459-481.,1
40、A projected preconditioning CG method for the linear response eigenvalue problem,Numerical Algebra, Control and Optimization,2018, Xing Li,Chungen Shen,Lei-Hong Zhang,Lei-Hong Zhang,8:4(2018), pp. 389-412.,3/3
41、On an Eigenvector- Dependent Nonlinear Eigenvalue Problem,SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications,SCI,2018,Yunfeng Cai,Lei-Hong Zhang,Zhaojun Bai,39:3(2018), pp. 1360-1382.,2/4
42、An Efficient Numerical Method for the Symmetric Positive Definite Second Order Cone Linear Complementarity Problem,Journal of Scientific Computing,SCI,2019,Xiang Wang,Xing Li,Lei-Hong Zhang,79:1608-1629.,3/4
43、 Simultaneous clustering of multiview biomedical data using manifold optimization,Bioinformatics,SCI,2019,Yun Yu,Lei-Hong Zhang,Shuqin Zhang,(2019) 35:4029-4037.,2/3
44、Krylov subspace methods for the trust-region subproblem and beyond,in ICCM proceedings 2018 at NTU,2020,Lei-Hong Zhang,Ren-Cang Li,Lei-Hong Zhang,苏州大学,1
45、Orthogonal Canonical Correlation Analysis and Applications,Optimization Methods and Software,SCI,2020,Li Wang,Lei-Hong Zhang,Zhaojun Bai,35:4(2020): 787-807.,2/4
46、An eigenvalue-based method for the unbalanced Procrustes problem,SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications,SCI,2020,Lei-Hong Zhang,苏州大学,Wei Hong Yang,Chungen Shen,Lei-Hong Zhang,苏州大学,Vol. 41, No. 3, pp. 957-983,1
47、A Self-Consistent-Field Iteration for Orthogonal Canonical Correlation Analysis,IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI),SCI,2020,Lei-Hong Zhang,苏州大学,Li Wang,Zhaojun Bai,1/4
48、An accelerated active-set algorithm for a quadratic semidefinite program with general constraints,Computational Optimization and Applications,SCI,2020,Chungen Shen,Yunlong Wang,Wenjuan Xue,4/4
49、A nonlinear eigenvalue problem associated with the sum-of-Rayleigh-quotients maximization,CSIAM Transaction on Applied Mathematic,2020,Lei-Hong Zhang,苏州大学,Rui Chang,Lei-Hong Zhang,苏州大学
50、An Active-Set Newton algorithm for L1 regularized optimization problems with bound constraints,Journal of Scientific Computing,SCI,2020,Shengen Shen,Wenjuan Xue,Lei-Hong Zhang,3/4

软件著作 著作: 专利 专利:

荣誉及奖励:1、第四届 应用数值代数奖 ,张雷洪,2012.10
3、2018年世界华人数学家联盟最佳论文奖 若琳奖,张雷洪,2018
4、2019世界华人数学家联盟最佳论文奖 若琳奖,张雷洪,2019

招生信息: 招生信息(旧版):

相关话题/苏州大学 数学