

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-03-14


2006年被比利时鲁汶大学纳米与微米材料与器件研究中心聘为助理研究员(Assistante de Recherche);
2007年被比利时教育部及鲁汶大学聘为副研究员(Chargé de Recherche);

1. 发展高分子微纳米加工方法,包括电子束光刻,纳米压印,激光直写等;
2. 关注高分子微纳加工过程中聚集态结构的演变规律;
3. 研究高分子材料的结构-性质关系;
4. 构筑有序高分子材料与器件。






6. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,**,聚偏氟乙烯及其共聚物的极化取向控制与性质提高,2015/01-2018/12,在研,主持。
5. 国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划),2012CB821505,高分子非晶液-固转变的基本问题研究,2012/01-2016/08,在研,参加。
4. 国家自然科学基金重点项目,**,复杂大分子可控组装的理论与模拟,2011/01-2014/12, 已结题,参加。
3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,**,共轭聚合物的分子链和超分子结构取向、形态与性质的纳米调控研究,2011/01-2013/12,已结题,主持。
2. 教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金,基于纳米压印技术的功能高分子的纳米结构化与纳米图案化,2011/01-2013/12,已结题,主持。
1. 江苏省自然科学基金面上项目,BK**,光电功能高分子材料的纳米结构调控与性能优化,2010/07-2013/06,已结题,主持。



[56] Ronggang Cai, Hailu G. Kassa, Rachid Haouari, Alessio Marrani, Yves H. Geerts, Christian Ruzié, Albert J. J. M. van Breemen, Gerwin H. Gelinck, Bernard Nysten, Zhijun Hu, Alain M. Jonas, Organic ferroelectric/semiconducting nanowire hybrid layer for memory storage,Nanoscale2016, 8, 5968-5976.

[55] Yangjiang Wu, Xiaohui Li, Alain M. Jonas, Zhijun Hu, Two-step polarization switching in ferroelectric polymers,Physical Review Letters2015, 115, 267601.
[54] Shuanghua Wei, Yuyue Zhang, Jie Liu, Xiaohui Li, Yangjiang Wu, Hong Wei, Yuyan Weng, Xu Gao, Yuning Li, Sui-Dong Wang, Zhijun Hu, Large Modulation of Charge Transport Anisotropy by Controlling the Alignment of pi-pi Stacks in Diketopyrrolopyrrole-Based Polymers,Advanced Materials Interfaces2015, 2, **.
[53] Yong Ma, Hong-Xia Chen, Feng Zhou, Hua Li, Huilong Dong, You-Yong Li, Zhi-Jun Hu, Qing-Feng Xu, Jian-Mei Lu, Metal complex modified azo polymers for multilevel organic memories,Nanoscale2015,7, 7659-7664.
[52] Guangzhu Ding, Chao Li, Xiaohui Li, Yangjiang Wu, Jieping Liu, Yaowen Li, Zhijun Hu, Yongfang Li, Quantitative analysis of the size effect of room temperature nanoimprinted P3HT nanopillar arrays on the photovoltaic performance,Nanoscale2015, 7, 11024-11032.
[51] Guangzhu Ding, Qianqian Jin, Qing Chen, Zhijun Hu, Jieping Liu, The Fabrication of Ordered Bulk Heterojunction Solar Cell by Nanoimprinting Lithography Method Using Patterned Silk Fibroin Mold at Room Temperature,Nanoscale Res. Lett.2015, 10, 491.

[50] Yanfang Shi, Xiaohui Li, Guangzhu Ding, Yangjiang Wu, Yuyan Weng, Zhijun Hu, Control of β-Sheet Crystal Orientation and Elastic Modulus in Silk Protein by Nanoconfinement,Macromolecules2014, 47, 7987-7992.
[49] Xuejiao Du, Yanyun Wang, Lin Yuan, Yuyan Weng, Gaojian Chen, Zhijun Hu, Guiding the behaviors of human umbilical vein endothelial cells with patterned silk fibroin films,Colloids and surfaces B: Biointerfaces2014, 122, 79-84.
[48] Ronggang Cai, Hailu G. Kassa, Alessio Marrani, Albert J. J. M. van Breemen, Gerwin H. Gelinck, Bernard Nysten, Zhijun Hu, Alain M. Jonas, An organic ferroelectric field effect transistor with poly(vinylidene fluoride-cotrifluoroethylene) nanostripes as gate dielectric,Appl. Phys. Lett.2014, 105, 113113.
[47] Hailu G. Kassa, Laurianne Nougaret, Ronggang Cai, Alessio Marrani, Bernard Nysten, Zhijun Hu, Alain M. Jonas, The Ferro- to Paraelectric Curie Transition of a Strongly Confined Ferroelectric Polymer,Macromolecules2014, 47, 4711-4717.
[46] Jing Zhang, Weidong Zhang, Nianchen Zhou, Yuyan Weng, Zhijun Hu, Photoresponsive superhydrophobic surfaces from one-pot solution spin coating mediated by polydopamine,RSC Advances 2014, 4, 24973-24977.
[45] Jinling Wang, Hui Zhu, Gaojian Chen, Zhijun Hu, Yuyan Weng, Xinbo Wang, Weidong Zhang, Controlled Synthesis and Self-Assembly of Dopamine-Containing Copolymer for Honeycomb-Like Porous Hybrid Particles,Macromolecular Rapid Communications2014, 35, 1061-1067.
[44] Donghai Du, Hongying Wen, Zhijun Hu, Yuyan Weng, Weidong Zhang, Fabrication of highly ordered/switchable polymer nanogratings for nano-actuators using nanoimprint lithography,Nanotechnology2014, 25, 185503.
[43] Laurianne Nougaret, Hailu G Kassa, Ronggang Cai, Tilia Patois, Bernard Nysten, Albert Jjm van Breemen, Gerwin H Gelinck, Dago M de Leeuw, Alessio Marrani, Zhijun Hu, Alain M Jonas, Nanoscale Design of Multifunctional Organic Layers for Low-Power High-Density Memory Devices,ACS Nano2014, 8, 3498-3505.
[42] Hongying Wen, Weidong Zhang, Yuyan Weng, Zhijun Hu, Photomechanical bending of linear azobenzene polymer,RSC Advances2014, 4, 11776-11781.
[41] Yangjiang Wu, Xiaohui Li, Yuyan Weng, Zhijun Hu, Alain M. Jonas, Orientation of lamellar crystals and its correlation with switching behavior in ferroelectric P(VDF-TrFE) ultra-thin films,Polymer2014, 55, 970-977.

[40] Hailu G. Kassa, Ronggang Cai, Alessio Marrani, Bernard Nysten, Zhijun Hu, Alain M. Jonas, Structure and Ferroelectric Properties of Nanoimprinted Poly(vinylidene fluoride-ran-trifluoroethylene),Macromolecules2013, 46, 8569-8579.
[39] Guangzhu Ding, Yangjiang Wu, Yuyan Weng, Weidong Zhang, Zhijun Hu, Solvent-Assistant Room Temperature Nanoimprinting-Induced Molecular Orientation in Poly(3-hexylthiophene) Nanopillars,Macromolecules2013, 46, 8638-8643.
[38] Yangjiang Wu, Qingzhao Gu, Guangzhu Ding, Fuqiang Tong, Zhijun Hu, Alain M. Jonas, Confinement Induced Preferential Orientation of Crystals and Enhancement of Properties in Ferroelectric Polymer Nanowires,Acs Macro Letters2013, 2, 535-538.
[37] Jiangyu Li, Nianchen Zhou, Zhengbiao Zhang, Ying Xu, Xinrong Chen, Yingfeng Tu, Zhijun Hu, Xiulin Zhu, A Smart Cyclic Azobenzene as Pendant Groups on Polymer Chains: Topological Effect of the Cyclization on Thermal and Photoresponsive Properties of the Azobenzene and the Polymer,Chemistry - An Asian Journal2013, 8, 1095-1100.
[36] Pei-Yang Gu, Cai-Jian Lu, Zhi-Jun Hu, Na-Jun Li, Ting-ting Zhao, Qing-Feng Xu, Qing-Hua Xu, Jian-Dong Zhang, Jian-Mei Lu, The AIEE effect and two-photon absorption (TPA) enhancement induced by polymerization: Synthesis of a monomer with ICT and AIE effects and its homopolymer by ATRP and a study of their photophysical properties,Journal of Materials Chemistry C2013, 1, 2599-2606.
[35] Jun Li, Weidong Zhang, Zhijun Hu, Xiong-Jie Jiang, To Nga, Pui-Chi Lo, Wei Zhang, Gaojian Chen, Novel phthalocyanine and PEG-methacrylates based temperature-responsive polymers for targeted photodynamic therapy,Polymer Chemistry2013, 4, 782-788.

[34] Hao Zhang, Nianchen Zhou, Xing Zhu, Xinrong Chen, Zhengbiao Zhang, Wei Zhang, Jian Zhu, Zhijun Hu, Xiulin Zhu, Cyclic Side-Chain Phenylazo Naphthalene Polymers: Enhanced Fluorescence Emission and Surface Relief Grating Formation,Macromolecular Rapid Communications2012, 33, 1845-1851.
[33] Pei-Yang Gu, Cai-Jian Lu, Fei-Long Ye, Jian-Feng Ge, Qing-Feng Xu, Zhi-Jun Hu, Na-Jun Li, Jian-Mei Lu, Initiator-lightened polymers: Preparation of end-functionalized polymers by ATRP and their intramolecular charge transfer and aggregation-induced emission,Chemical Communications2012, 48, 10234-10236.
[32] Weidong Zhang, Gaojian Chen, Zhijun Hu, Wei Zhang, Zhengbiao Zhang, Xiulin Zhu, Precisely controlled copper(0)-catalyzed one-pot reaction: Concurrent living radical polymerization and click chemistry,Journal of Polymer Science Part A Polymer Chemistry2012, 50, 3656-3663.
[31] Peng Zhang, Haiyinghuang, Tianbai He, Zhijun Hu, Long-Range Ordered Crystallization Structure in the Micromolded Diblock Copolymer Thin Film,ACS Macro Letters2012, 1, 1007-1011.

[30] Zhijun Hu, Alain M. Jonas, Patterning and Ordering with Nanoimprint Lithography, In book: Handbook of Nanophysics, Chapter: 18, Publisher: Taylor and Francis, pp.18.1-18.18

[29] Xinli Xiao, Zongbao Wang, Zhijun Hu, Tianbai He, Single Crystals of Polythiophene with Different Molecular Conformations Obtained by Tetrahydrofuran Vapor Annealing and Controlling Solvent Evaporation, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2010, 114, 7452-7460.
[28] Zhijun Hu, Alain M. Jonas, Control of crystal orientation in soft nanostructures by nanoimprint lithography,Soft Matter2010, 6, 21-28.

[27] Xinli Xiao, Zhijun Hu, Zongbao Wang, Tianbai He, Study on the Single Crystals of Poly(3-octylthiophene) Induced by Solvent-Vapor Annealing,The Journal of Physical Chemistry B2009, 113, 14604-14610.
[26] Zhijun Hu, Mingwen Tian, Bernard Nysten, Alain M Jonas, Regular Arrays of Highly Ordered Ferroelectric Polymer Nanostructures for Non-Volatile Low-Voltage Memories,Nature Materials2009, 8, 62-67.

[25] Alain M Jonas, Zhijun Hu, Karine Glinel, Wilhelm T S Huck, Effect of Nanoconfinement on the Collapse Transition of Responsive Polymer Brushes,Nano Letters2008, 8, 3819-3824.
[24] Alain M. Jonas, Zhijun Hu, Karine Glinel, Wilhelm T. S. Huck, Chain Entropy and Wetting Energy Control the Shape of Nanopatterned Polymer Brushes,Macromolecules2008, 41, 6859-6863.
[23] Zongbao Wang, Giovanni C. Alfonso, Zhijun Hu, Jidong Zhang, Tianbai He, Rhythmic Growth-Induced Ring-Banded Spherulites with Radial Periodic Variation of Thicknesses Grown from Poly(ε-caprolactone) Solution with Constant Concentration,Macromolecules2008, 41, 7584-7595.

[22] Zongbao Wang, Zhijun Hu, Yongzhong Chen, Yumei Gong, Haiying Huang, Tianbai He, Rhythmic Growth-Induced Concentric Ring-Banded Structures in Poly(ε-caprolactone) Solution-Casting Films Obtained at the Slow Solvent Evaporation Rate,Macromolecules2007, 40, 4381-4385.
[21] Zhijun Hu, Wendy Verheijen, Johan Hofkens, Alain M Jonas, Jean-Fran?ois Gohy, Formation of Vesicles in Block Copolymer-Fluorinated Surfactant Complexes,Langmuir2007, 23, 116-122.
[20] Zhijun Hu, Beno?t Muls, Lo?k Gence, Dana A Serban, Johan Hofkens, Sorin Melinte, Bernard Nysten, Sophie Demoustier-Champagne, Alain M Jonas, High-Throughput Fabrication of Organic Nanowire Devices with Preferential Internal Alignment and Improved Performance,Nano Letters2007, 7, 3639-3644.

[19] Yumei Gong, Haiying Huang, Zhijun Hu, Yongzhong Chen, Dongju Chen, Zongbao Wang, Tianbai He, Inverted to Normal Phase Transition in Solution-Cast Polystyrene?Poly(methyl methacrylate) Block Copolymer Thin Films,Macromolecules2006, 39, 3369-3376.

[18] Zhijun Hu, Gabriel Baralia, Vincent Bayot, Jean-Fran?ois Gohy, Alain M Jonas, Nanoscale Control of Polymer Crystallization by Nanoimprint Lithography,Nano Letters2005, 5, 1738-1743.
[17] Yumei Gong, Zhijun Hu, Yongzhong Chen, Haiying Huang, Tianbai He, Ring-Shaped Morphology in Solution-Cast Polystyrene?Poly(methyl methacrylate) Block Copolymer Thin Films,Langmuir2005, 21, 11870-11877.
[16] Zhijun Hu, Alain M Jonas, Sunil K Varshney, Jean-Fran?ois Gohy, Dilution-Induced Spheres-to-Vesicles Morphological Transition in Micelles from Block Copolymer/Surfactant Complexes,Journal of the American Chemical Society2005, 127, 6526-6527.

[15] Minlu Zhang, Zhijun Hu, Tianbai He, Conducting Probe Atomic Force Microscopy Investigation of Anisotropic Charge Transport in Solution Cast PBD Single Crystals Induced by an External Field,The Journal of Physical Chemistry B2004, 108, 19198-19204.
[14] Haiying Huang, Zhijun Hu, Yongzhong Chen, Fajun Zhang, Yumei Gong, Tianbai He, Chi Wu, Effects of Casting Solvents on the Formation of Inverted Phase in Block Copolymer Thin Films,Macromolecules2004, 37, 6523-6530.
[13] Yongzhong Chen, Haiying Huang, Zhijun Hu, Tianbai He, Lateral Nanopatterns in Thin Diblock Copolymer Films Induced by Selective Solvents,Langmuir2004, 20, 3805-3808.
[12] Zhijun Hu, Haiying Huang, Fajun Zhang, Binyang Du, Tianbai He, Thickness-Dependent Molecular Chain and Lamellar Crystal Orientation in Ultrathin Poly(di-n-hexylsilane) Films,Langmuir2004, 20, 3271-3277.
[11] Zhijun Hu, Fajun Zhang, Haiying Huang, Minlu Zhang, Tianbai He, Morphology and Structure of Poly(di-n-butylsilane) Single Crystals Prepared by Controlling Kinetic Process of Solvent Evaporation,Macromolecules2004, 37, 3310-3318.

[10] Fajun Zhang, Haiying Huang, Zhijun Hu, Yongzhong Chen, Tianbai He, Crystallization of Weakly Segregated Poly (styrene-b-ε-caprolactone) Diblock Copolymer in Thin Films,Langmuir2003, 19, 10100-10108.
[9] Zhijun Hu, Fajun Zhang, Binyang Du, Haiying Huang, Tianbai He, Morphology and Structures of Self-Assembled Symmetric Poly(di-n-alkylsilanes),Langmuir2003, 19, 9013-9017,
[8] Fajun Zhang, Yongzhong Chen, Haiying Huang, Zhijun Hu, Tianbai He, Boundary Effect of Relief Structure on Crystallization of Diblock Copolymer in Thin Films,Langmuir2003, 19, 5563-5566.
[7] Min Li, Zhijun Hu, Gang Chen, Xinfang Chen, Phase behavior of side‐chain liquid‐crystalline elastomers and their precursors containing para‐nitro azobenzene,Journal of Applied Polymer Science2003, 88, 2275-2279.
[6]Haiying Huang, Fajun Zhang, Zhijun Hu, Binyang Du, Tianbai He, Fuk Kay Lee, Yongjian Wang, Ophelia K. C. Tsui, Study on the Origin of Inverted Phase in Drying Solution-Cast Block Copolymer Films,Macromolecules2003, 36, 4084-4092.

[5]Zhijun Hu, Binyang Du, Fajun Zhang, Fengchao Xie, Tianbai He, In situ study of nanostructure and morphological development during the crystal–mesophase transition of poly(di-n-hexylsilane) and poly(di-n-butylsilane) by X-ray and hot-stage AFM,Polymer2002, 43, 6005-6012.
[4]Fajun Zhang, Jieping Liu, Qiang Fu, Haiying Huang, Zhijun Hu, Shuang Yao, Xiuyu Cai, Tianbai He, Polydispersity of ethylene sequence length in metallocene ethylene/?-olefin copolymers. I. Characterized by thermal-fractionation technique,Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics2002, 40, 818-821.

[3] Fengchao Xie, Zhijun Hu, Jieping Liu, Xiaoniu Yang, Donghang Yan, Tianbai He, Ruqing Zheng, S.Z.D. Cheng, V. Percec, Electrostatic-field-induced chain alignment of liquid crystalline copolyether TPP thin films,Polymer2001, 42, 4039-4044.
[2] Fengchao Xie, Zhijun Hu, Jieping Liu, Donghang Yan, Tianbai He, Bojie Wang, Ruqing Zheng, Stephen Z. D. Cheng, Virgil Percec,Macromolecular Rapid Communications2001, 22, 396-400.
[1] Zhimou Wu, Fengchao Xie, Zhijun Hu, Jieping Liu, Binyang Du, Tianbai He, Phase structure and transitions in a poly(methyloctadecylsilane) oligomer,Polymer2001, 42, 1047-1053.



1. 本科生,《大学物理》
2. 研究生,《软物质物理》,《软物质研究前沿》

1. 物理学
2. 化学
3. 光学工程


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