


姓名:隋裕雷 职称:讲师,硕士生导师 所属部分:资源循环科学与工程系 联系方式:苏州市相城区济学路 8 号苏大阳澄湖校区 Tel: Fax: E-mail:suiyulei@suda.edu.cn 学习工作经历 隋裕雷,男,1989 年出生,工学博士/博士后。2012 年在中南大学获得学士学位,2018年于中南大学/加拿大阿尔伯塔大学获联合培养工学博士学位。2018 年入职苏州大学。先后在国内外核心期刊如Materials Today, Journal of Catalysis、Applied Surface Science、Journal of Alloys and Compounds、Rare Metals 等期刊发表论文 20 篇,其中SCI 检索论文引用次数超过 180 次,他引超过 165 次(截止至 2020 年 8 月)。学术兼职包括:中国有色金属学会会员,Journal of Alloys and Compounds、Journal of Power Sources 等学术期刊审稿人。 主要研究方向 1. 新能源材料 2. 冶金物理化学·复杂难处理资源综合利用 承担科研项目 1. MOF 衍生中空核壳型 Ni-Co-P@TiO2-x 负极材料设计合成与储钠特性研究. 国家自然科学基金项目(No.51904194) 主持 2. 电磁感应强化钒钛磁铁矿还原球团铁颗粒聚集长大研究. 中国博士后基金面上项目 (No.2018M642310) 主持 3. 氧缺陷二氧化钛包覆中空 Ni-Co-P 复合材料设计合成与储钠特性研究. 江苏省高校自然科学面上项目(No.19KJB450001) 主持 4. 新型动力锂离子电池负极材料可控制备及应用研究. 苏州市重点产业技术创新项目 (No.SYG201931) 主持 5. 高性能锂离子电池负极材料 MXene/Si@C 复合体系的构筑及储能特性研究. 国家自然科学基金项目(No.51974190) 参与(排序二) 代表性论著 1. Yulei Sui, Jian Zhou, Xiaowei Wang, Ling Wu*, et al., Recent advances in black phosphorus based materials for electrochemical energy storage, Materials Today, 2020. (IF=26.416) 2. Yulei Sui, Yueying Hao, Xiaoping Zhang, Shengkui Zhong, Jiabin Chen, Jiangpeng Li, Ling Wu*, Spray-drying synthesis of P2-Na2/3Fe1/2Mn1/2O2 with improved electrochemical properties, Advanced Powder Technology, 2020, 31, 190-197. 3. Yulei Sui, Yueying Hao, Gongyu Wen, Yong Hu, Ling Wu*, et al., Synthesis and photocatalytic properties of Fe-doped TiO2 nanoparticles with highly exposed (0?0?1) facets from Ti-bearing tailings, Applied Surface Science, 2019, 475, 880-886. (IF=6.182) 4. Yulei Sui, Ling Wu, et al., Carbon quantum dots/TiO2 nanosheets with dominant (001) facets for enhanced photocatalytic hydrogen evolution, Applied Surface Science, 2019, 480, 810-816. (IF=6.182) 5. Yulei Sui, Wei Chen, Shibao Tang, Ling Wu*, et al., Spray-drying synthesis of LiFeBO3/C hollow spheres with improved electrochemical and storage performances for Li-ion batteries, Frontiers in Chemistry, 2019, 7:379. 6. Yulei Sui, Yufeng Guo, Tao Jiang, Guanzhou Qiu, Separation and recovery of iron and titanium from oxidized vanadium titano-magnetite by gas-based reduction roasting and magnetic separation, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2019, 8, 3036-3043. 7. Yulei Sui, Ling Wu*, et al., Synthesis and electrochemical properties of spherically shaped LiVPO4F/C cathode material by a spray drying–roasting method, Rare Metals, 2019, in press. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12598-019-01340-0 8. Yulei Sui, Qingxia Liu, Tao Jiang, Yufeng Guo, One-step preparation of Ti3+ self-doped TiO2 single crystals with internal-pores and highly exposed {001} facets for improved photocatalytic activity, Applied Surface Science, 2017, 426, 116-122. (IF=6.182) 9. Yulei Sui, Subiao Liu, Tengfei Li, Qingxia Liu, Tao Jiang, Yufeng Guo, Jing-li Luo, Atomically dispersed Pt on specific TiO2 facets for photocatalytic H2 evolution, Journal of Catalysis, 2017, 353, 250-255. (IF=7.888) 10. Yulei Sui, Qingxia Liu, Tao Jiang, Yufeng Guo, Synthesis and photocatalytic properties of Fe-doped nano-TiO2 photocatalysts from Ti-bearing tailings, Applied Surface Science, 2018, 428, 1149-1158. (IF=6.182) 11. Yulei Sui, Yufeng Guo, Tao Jiang, Guanzhou Qiu, Reduction kinetics of oxidized vanadium titano-magnetite pellets using carbon monoxide and hydrogen, Journal of Alloys Compounds, 2017, 706, 546-553. 12. Yulei Sui, Yufeng Guo, A. Y. Travyanov, Tao Jiang, Feng Chen, Guanzhou Qiu, Reduction roasting–magnetic separation of vanadium tailings in presence of sodium sulfate and its mechanisms, Rare Metals, 2016, 35, 954-960. 13. Yulei Sui, Yufeng Guo, Tao Jiang, Xiaolin Xie, Shuai Wang, Fuqiang Zheng, Gas-based reduction of vanadium titano-magnetite concentrate: behavior and mechanisms, International Journal of Minerals Metallurgy and Materials, 2017, 24, 10-17. 14. Yulei Sui, Yufeng Guo, Tao Jiang, Guanzhou Qiu, Sticking behaviour of vanadium titano-magnetite oxidised pellets during gas-based reduction and its prevention, Ironmaking & Steelmaking, 2017, 44, 185-192. 15. Ling Wu, Yueying Hao, Shaonan Shi, Xiaoping Zhang, Huacheng Li, Yulei Sui*, et al., Controllable synthesis of Na3V2(PO4)3/C nanofibers as cathode material for sodium-ion batteries by electrostatic spinning, Frontiers in Chemistry, 2018, 6:617. 16. Shengkui Zhong, Xiaoping Zhang, Jiequn Liu*, Yulei Sui*, Study on xLiVPO4F·yLi 3V2(PO4)3/C composite for high-performance cathode material for lithium-ion batteries, Frontiers in Chemistry, 2020, 8:361. 获奖情况 1. 第三届全国大学生冶金科技竞赛,二等奖,指导教师,2020 年.

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