


姓名:赵伟职称:讲师 所属部分:资源循环科学与工程系 联系方式:苏州市相城区济学路 8 号苏大阳澄湖校区 Tel:18202437339 E-mail:zhaowei0312@suda.edu.cn 学习工作经历 赵伟,男,1991 年出生,讲师。2013 年在安徽工业大获得学士学位,2015 年于东北大学获工学硕士学位,2019 年于东北大学获工学博士学位。2019 年 9 月-至今苏州大学沙钢钢铁学院讲师,苏州大学材料科学与工程流动站博士后。先后在在国内外核心期刊如 Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B、Powder Technology、钢铁等发表论文 20 余篇,其中一作 SCI/EI 检索论文 10 篇;申请国家发明专利 10 余项,已授权 6 项。 主要研究方向 1. 低碳高炉炼铁 2. 固废资源高效增值利用 承担科研项目 1. 主持江苏省博士后科研项目 1 项,参与国家自然科学基金项目 2 项,校企合作项目 3 项。 代表性论著 1. Zhao W, Chu M S, et al. Reduction behavior of vanadium-titanium magnetite carbon composite hot briquette in Blast Furnace process. Powder Technology, 2019, (342): 214-223. 2. Zhao W, Chu M S, et al. High-temperature interactions between vanadium-titanium magnetite carbon composite hot briquette and pellets with simulating BF conditions. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, 2019, 50(4): 1878-1895. 3. Zhao W, Chu M S, et al. Effect of introducing coke into ore layer on softening-melting-dropping characteristics of vanadium-titanium mixed burden under simulating BF conditions. ISIJ International, 2018, 58(11): 1989-1998. 4. Zhao W, Chu M S, et al. Volumetric shrinkage characteristics and kinetics analysis of vanadium titanomagnetite carbon composite hot briquette during isothermal reduction. ISIJ International, 2018, 58(5): 823-832. 5. Zhao W, Chu M S, et al. Preparation and optimization of vanadium titanomagnetite carbon composite hot briquette: a new type of blast furnace burden. JOM, 2017, 69(10): 1989-1998. 6. Zhao W, Chu M S, et al. Investigation of Reduction mechanism and kinetics of vanadium titanomagnetite carbon composite hot briquette at 1173-1373K. Steel Research International, 2017, 88(5): 1-9. 7. Zhao W, Chu M S, et al. Novel blast furnace operation process involving charging with low-titanium vanadium-titanium magnetite carbon composite hot briquette. International Journal of Mineral, Metallurgy and Materials, 2016, 23(5): 501-510. 8. Zhao W, Chu M S, et al. Effect of MgO addition on the metallurgical properties of vanadium-titanium pellet with simulating blast furnace conditions. Ironmaking & Steelmaking, 2020, 47(4): 388-397. 9. Zhao W, Chu M S, et al. Interface behavior and interaction mechanism between vanadium-titanium magnetite carbon composite briquette and sinter in softening-melting-dripping process. ISIJ International, 2020, 61(1). (Accepted) 10. 赵伟, 储满生, 等. 基于田口法的钒钛磁铁矿热压块抗压强度的优化. 东北大学学报(自然科学版), 2015, 36(10): 1441?1444. 获奖情况 1. Effect of MgO content in sinter on the softening-melting behavior of mixed burden made from chromium-bearing vanadium titanium magnetite,辽宁省自然科学学术成果奖,三等,排四, 2016 年。

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