


姓名:许松松职称:讲师 所属部分:金属材料工程系 联系方式:苏州市相城区济学路 8 号苏大阳澄湖校区 Tel:13861317071 Fax:- E-mail:ssxu@suda.edu.cn 学习工作经历 许松松,男,1990 年出生,讲师。2014 年在哈尔滨理工大学获得学士学位,2020 年于哈尔滨工程大学获工学博士学位。2020 年 7 月起在苏州大学任教。2020 年被聘为苏州大学沙钢钢铁学院讲师。先后在在国内外核心期刊如 Inter. J. Plast., Mater. Res. Lett., J. Alloy. Compd., Mat. Sci. Eng. A 等期刊等发表论文 20 余篇。 主要研究方向 1. 高性能纳米相强化合金设计与制备 2. 高强高韧变形铝合金开发 3. 三维原子探针(3D-APT)、小角中子散射(SANS)和原位中子衍射技术在合金中的应用 代表性论著 1. Songsong Xu, Z.W. Zhang*, C. T. Liu*, et al. Precipitation kinetics and mechanical properties of nanostructured steels with Mo additions[J]. Materials Research Letters, 2020, 8: 187-194. (SCI 一区,IF=6.6) 2. Songsong Xu, C.T. Liu, Zhongwu Zhang*, et al. Nanoscale precipitation and its influence on strengthening mechanisms in an ultra-high strength low-carbon steel[J]. International journal of plasticity. 2019, 113: 99-110. (SCI 一区,IF=6.49) 3. Songsong Xu, C.T. Liu, Z.W. Zhang*, et al. Mechanical properties and deformation mechanisms of a novel austenite-martensite dual phase steel[J]. International Journal of Plasticity, 2020, 128: 102677. (SCI 一区,IF=6.49). 4. Songsong Xu, Zhongwu Zhang*, et al. Independence of work hardening and precipitation strengthening in a nanocluster strengthened steel[J]. Journal of alloys and compounds. 2017, 712: 573-578. (SCI 一区,IF=4.65) 5. Songsong Xu, Zhongwu Zhang*, et al. Effects of Solid Solution Treatment on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties in the Ultra-High Strength Steel Strengthened by Nanoscale Particles[J]. TMS 2017, Springer International Publishing. 2017: 233-241. (SCI) 6. Songsong Xu, Zhongwu Zhang*, et al. Effects of matrix microstructure on the nanoscale precipitation and precipitation strengthening in an ultra-high strength steel[J], TMS 2018, Springer International Publishing. 2018: 157-163.

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