

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-03-06


现为苏州大学****,博士生导师,苏州大学医学部公共卫生学院遗传流行病学与基因组学中心主任,曾为美国密苏里大学博士后、助理教授(研究)。以骨质疏松症为主要研究对象,以阐明骨质疏松症的遗传致病机理与环境风险因素为主要目标。从事分子遗传、遗传流行病学、统计遗传学、基因组与功能基因学、生物信息学等交叉科学的综合研究。在Endocr Rev(SCI影响因子20)、Am J Hum Genet(IF:10.6)、Hum Mol Genet(IF:7.6)、J Bone Miner Res(IF:6.4)等杂志发表论文84篇,其中第一、并列第一、通讯作者的SCI收录论文36篇,SCI一区论文14篇,SCI二区论文20篇,论文被引用总计达1000余次(SCI数据库),个人影响指数17(有17篇论文之上被引用17次以上)。近年来,曾经主持国家自然科学基金3项,目前正在主持一项国家自然科学基金面上项目“启动子区域遗传多态性位点与骨质疏松关联机制研究”。 作为副主编在高等教育出版社出版两本骨学著作《骨生物学前沿》、《骨质疏松学前沿》。2003年获湖南省科技进步二等奖;2005年教育部提名国家科学技术奖自然科学奖二等奖。


职称: ****
院部/部门: 医学部公共卫生学院

电子邮箱: leisf@suda.edu.cn
联系电话: **
办公地点: 医学部公共卫生学院401-1422

Copyright ? 2011-2014苏州大学版权所有苏州大学信息化建设与管理中心技术支持

3、雷署丰,国际骨质疏松高级研讨会2003 IOC优秀青年****奖三等奖2003.10















张 垒博士、特聘副教授(硕导)




朱 虹硕士、讲师

陆 鑫硕士、助理实验员

博士研究生:朱晓炜、朱 虹

硕士研究生:林 相、邱映华、 夏 伟、王 岚、邴鹏飞、何 培、谢芳菲

Copyright ? 2011-2014苏州大学版权所有苏州大学信息化建设与管理中心技术支持


1LinX, Deng FY, Mo XB, Wu LF, Lei SF*. Functional Relevance forMultipleSclerosis-associated Genetic Variants. Immunogenetics 2014 in press.

2QiuYH, Deng FY, Li MJ, LeiSF*. Identification of Novel Risk Genes Associated withType 1 DiabetesMellitus Using a Genome-wide Gene-Based Association Analysis.Journal ofDiabetes Investigation, 2004 in press. (*Corresponding authors)

3ZhuXW, Deng FY, LeiSF*. Meta-Analysis of Atherogenic Index of Plasma and OtherLipidParameters in Relation to Risk of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. PrimaryDiabetes Care. 2014 in press. (*Correspondingauthors)

4LeiSF, Deng FY. Identification of susceptibility genes forsystemic lupuserythematosus with a genome-wide gene-based association study.2014.Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology.2014;43(5):426-8.

5ZhuH, Deng FY, Mo XB, Qiu YH, Lei SF*. Pharmacogenetics and pharmacogenomics forrheumatoid arthritisresponsiveness to methotrexate treatment: The 2013 update.Pharmacogenomics.2014 Mar; 15(4):551-566. (*Correspondingauthors)

6DengFY, Lei SF*,Zhang YH, Zhang ZL. Integrative analyses for detection offunctional mechanismsunderlying associations for rheumatoid arthritis. 2013.Journal ofRheumatology. 2013 Jul;40(7):1063-8. (*Corresponding authors)

7DengFY, Lei SF*,Zhang YH, Zhang ZL, Guo YF. Functional relevance for associationsbetweengenetic variants and systemic lupus erythematosus. 2013 PLoS One.e53037.(*Corresponding authors)

8ZhongK*, Lei SF*,Yang F, Chen XD, Tan LJ, Zhu XZ, Tian Q and Deng HW. Thedifferences ofsarcopenia related phenotypes:Effects of gender and population.European Reviewof Aging and Physical Activity. 2012; 9(1)-63-69. (*Co-1stauthors).

9LeiSF*, Shen H, Yang TL, Guo Y, Dong SS, Xu XH, Deng FY, Tian Q,Liu YJ, Liu YZ, LiJ, Deng HW*. Genome-Wide Association Study Identifies HMGN3Locus for Spine BoneSize Variation in Chinese. Human Genetics. **:463–469. (*Correspondingauthors)

10DengFY, Lei SF*Chen XD, Tan LJ, Zhu XZ and Deng HW*. An Integrative StudyAscertained SOD2 asa Susceptibility Gene for Osteoporosis in Chinese. J BoneMiner Res. 2011Nov;26(11):2695-701. (*Corresponding authors).

11LiuSL, Lei SF*,Yang F, Li X, Liu R, Nie S, Liu XG, Yang TL, Guo Y, Deng FY, TianQ, Li J, LiuYZ, Liu YZ, Shen H, Deng HW*. Copy number variation in CNP267 regionmay beassociated with hip bone size. PLoS ONE 2011;6(7):e22035.(*Correspondingauthors).

12LeiSF, Papasian CJ, Deng HW. Polymorphisms in predicted miRNAbinding sites andosteoporosis. J Bone Miner Res. 2011 Jan;26(1):72-8.

13LeiSF,Tan LJ, Liu XG, Wang L, Yan H, Guo YF, Liu YZ, Xiong DH, Li J, Yang TL,ChenXD, Guo Y, Deng FY, Zhang YP, Zhu XZ, Levy S, Papasian CJ, Hamilton JJ,ReckerRR, Deng HW. Genome-wide association study identifies two novel locicontainingFLNB and SBF2 genes underlying stature variation. Hum Mol Genet. 2009May1;18(9):1661-9. Epub 2008 Nov 27.

14LeiSF,Wu S, Li LM, Deng FY, Xiao SM, Jiang C, Chen Y, Jiang H, Yang F, Tan LJ, SunX,Zhu XZ, Liu MY, Liu YZ, Chen XD, and Deng HW. An in Vivo Genome WideGeneExpression Study of Circulating Monocytes suggested GBP1, STAT1 and CXCL10asnovel risk genes for the differentiation of peak bone mass. Bone 2009May;44:1010-1014.

15LeiSF,Deng FY, Xiao P, Deng HY, Recker RR, Deng HW. Bivariate whole-genomelinkagescan for total body fat mass and bone geometry. Journal Genetics andGenomics2009; 36(2):89-97.

16LeiSF,Yang TL, Tan LJ, Chen XD, Guo Y, Zhang L, Liu XG, Yan H, Pan F, Zhang ZX,Peng YM, Zhou Q, He LN, Zhu XZ, Deng FY, Cheng J, Liu YZ, Papasian CJ andDengHW. Genome-wide association scan for stature in Chinese: Evidence forethnicspecific loci. Human Genetics 2009 Feb;125(1):1-9.

17LiLM*, Lei SF*, Chen XD, Tan LJ, Deng FY, Zhu XZ,Deng HW. Anthropometric indicesas the predictors of trunk obesity in Chineseyoung adults: Evaluation usingreceiver operating characteristic curves. AnnHum Biol 2008; 35(3):342 - 348(*Co-1st authors).

18JiangC*, Lei SF*, Liu MY, XiaoSM, Chen XD, Deng FY, Xu H, Tan LJ, Yang YJ, Wang YB,Sun X, Guo YF, Guo JJ andDeng HW. Evaluating the correlation and prediction oftrunk fat mass with fiveanthropometric indices in Chinese females aged 20-40years. Nutrition,Metabolism&Cardiovascular Diseases.2007;17(9):676-83.(*Co-1stauthors).

19LeiSF,Jiang H, Deng HW. Searching for genes underlying susceptibility toosteoporoticfracture: Current progress and future prospects. Osteoporos Int2007;18:1157–1175.

20WuS*, Lei SF*, Chen XD, Tan LJ, Jian WX, Deng FY,Sun X, Xiao SM, Jiang C, Guo YF,Zhu XZ, Deng HW. The contributions of leantissue mass and fat mass to bonegeometric adaptation at the femoral neck inChinese overweight adults. Ann HumBiol. 2007 May-Jun;34(3):344-53.(*Co-1stauthors).

21XiongDH*, Lei SF*, Yang F, Wang L, Peng YM, Wang W,Recker RR, Deng HW. Low-densityLipoprotein Receptor-Related Protein 5 (LRP5)Gene Polymorphisms Were Associatedwith Bone Mass in Both Chinese andCaucasians. J Bone Miner Res. 2007Mar;22(3):385-93. (*Co-1st authors).

22LeiSF,Chen Y, Li LM, Xiong DH, Deng HW. Ethnic difference inosteoporosis-relatedphenotypes and its potential underlying geneticdetermination. JMusculoskelet Neuronal Interact. 2006; 6(1):36-46.

23JiangH*, Lei SF*, Xiao SM,Chen Y, Sun X, Yang F, Li LM, Wu S, Deng HW. Associationand linkage analysisof the COLlA1 and AHSG gene polymorphisms with femoral neckbone geometricparameters in both Caucasian and Chinese nuclear families. ActaPharmacol Sin.2007 Mar;28(3):375-81. (*Co-1st authors)

24YangF*, Lv JH*, Lei SF*, Chen XD, Liu MY, Jian WX,Xu H, Tan LJ, Deng FY, Yang YJ,Wang YB, Sun X, Xiao SM, Jiang C, Guo YF, Guo JJ,Li YN, Zhu XZ, Papasian CJ,Drees B and Deng HW. Receiver operatingcharacteristic analysis of body massindex, waist circumference andwaist-to-hip ratio for obesity: Screening inChinese adult males and females.Clinical Nutrition 2006; 25(6): 1030-1039.(*Co-1st authors).

25WangYB*, Lei SF*, Dvornyk V, Sun X, Jiang DK, Li MX,Deng HW. The Genetic,Environmental and Phenotypic Correlations of BonePhenotypes at the Spine andHip in Chinese. Ann Hum Biol. 2006; 33(4):500-9.(*Co-1st authors).

26XiaoSM*, Lei SF*, Chen XD, Liu MY, Jian WX, Xu H,Tan LJ, Deng FY, Yang YJ, Wang YB,Xiao S, Jiang C, Guo YF, Guo JJ,Li YN, and Deng HW. Correlation and predictionof trunk fat mass with fouranthropometric indices in Chinese males. BritishJournal of Nutrition. 2006;96:949–955 (*Co-1st authors).

27SunX*, Lei SF*, Deng FY, Wu S,Papacian C, Hamilton J, Recker RR and Deng HW.Genetic and EnvironmentalCorrelations between Bone Geometric Parameters andBody Compositions inCaucasians. Calcif Tissue Int. 2006; 79(1):43-49. (*Co-1stauthors)

28LeiSF,Liu MY, Chen XD, Deng FY, Lv JH, Jian WX, Xu H, Tan LJ, Yang YJ, Wang YB,XiaoSM, Sun X, Jiang C, Guo YF, Guo JJ, Li YN, Liu YJ and Deng HW. Relationshipoftotal body fatness and five anthropometric indices in Chinese aged 20-40y:Different effects of age and gender. Eur J Clin Nutr. 2006 Apr;60(4):511-8.

29LeiSF,Wu S, Dvornyk V, Deng HW. Two strategies to identify genes underlyingcomplexdiseases. Current Genomics 2005; 6(7):551-561 (corresponding author).

30LeiSF,Wang YB, Liu MY, Mo XY, Deng HW. The VDR, COL1A1, PTH and PTHR1 Genepolymorphismsare not associated with bone size and height in Chinese nuclearfamilies.Journal of Bone Mineral Metabolism. 2005;23(6):501-505.

31LeiSF,Liu YZ, Deng FY, Li YM, Li MX, Deng HW. Association and linkage analyses oftheinterleukin-6 gene’s –634C/G polymorphism and bone phenotypes in Chinese.JBone Miner Metab 2005; 23(4):323-328.

32ZhangYY*, Lei SF*, Mo XY*, Wang YB, Li MX, Deng HW.The –1997 G/T Polymorphism in theCOL1A1 upstream regulatory region isassociated with hip bone mineral density inChinese nuclear families. CalcifTissue Int. 2005; 76:107–112. (*Co-1stauthors).

33LeiSF,Zhang YY, Deng FY, Liu MY, Liu XH, Zhou XG, Deng HW. Bone mineral densityandfive prominent candidate genes in Chinese men: associations:Interactioneffects and their implications. Maturitas. 2005 Jun 16;51(2):199–206.

34LeiSF, Deng FY, Xiao SM, Chen XD, Deng HW. Association and haplotype analyses oftheCOL1A2 and ER-a gene polymorphisms with bone size and height in Chinese.Bone 2005; 36:533– 541.

35LeiSF*,Deng FY*, Dvornyk V, Liu MY, Xiao SM, Jiang DK, Deng HW. The (GT)npolymorphismand haplotype of the COL1A2 gene, but not the (AAAG)n polymorphismof the PTHR1gene, are associated with bone mineral density in Chinese. HumGenet. 2005;116(3):200-207. (*Co-1st authors).

36LeiSF,Deng FY, Li MX, Dvornyk V, Deng HW. Bone mineral density in elderlyChinese:effects of age, sex, weight, height, and body mass index. J BoneMinerMetab. 2004 22(1):71-78.
37Lei SF,Deng FY, Liu XH, HuangQR, Qin Y, Zhou Q, Jiang DK, Li YM, Mo XY, Liu MY, ChenXD, Wu XS, Shen H,Dvornyk V, Zhao L, Recker RR, Deng HW. Polymorphisms of fourbone mineraldensity candidate genes in Chinese populations and comparison withotherpopulations of different ethnicity. J Bone Miner Metab. 200321(1):34-42.


Copyright ? 2011-2014苏州大学版权所有苏州大学信息化建设与管理中心技术支持





Copyright ? 2011-2014苏州大学版权所有苏州大学信息化建设与管理中心技术支持

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