2012年7月毕业于武汉理工大学材料科学与工程学院,获工学博士学位(博士生导师:陈红教授)。2012年8月加入苏州大学材料与化学化工学部高分子科学与工程系,并于2015年7月晋升为副教授。先后担任国际期刊Polymer Chemistry和Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces编辑助理。
Xiaoli Liu, Associate Professor
Brief Introduction
September, 2009 - June, 2012, Wuhan University of Technology, Ph.D.
August, 2012 - June, 2015, Soochow University, lecturer.
July, 2015 - present, Soochow University, associate professor.
职称: 副教授
院部/部门: 材料与化学化工学部
毕业学校: 武汉理工大学
毕业专业: 生物材料学
电子邮箱: liuxiaoli@suda.edu.cn
办公地点: 材料与化学化工学部912-909
Copyright ? 2011-2014苏州大学版权所有苏州大学信息化建设与管理中心技术支持
Surfacemodification strategies for control of protein and cell interactions
Designof blood compatible materials
Synthesisof heparin-like materials
Multifunctionalblood contact materials
Copyright ? 2011-2014苏州大学版权所有苏州大学信息化建设与管理中心技术支持
Gu, H., Chen, X.,Yu, Q.,Liu, X.*, Zhan, W.,Chen, H.*, and Brash, J.L., A multifunctional surface for blood contact withfibrinolytic activity, ability to promote endothelial cell adhesion and inhibitsmooth muscle cell adhesion.Journalof Materials Chemistry B, 2017.5(3):604-611.
Gu, H., Chen, X.,Liu, X.*, Zhan, W., Lyu, Z., Yu,Q., Wu, Z.*, and Chen, H., A hemocompatible polyurethane surface having dualfibrinolytic and nitric oxide generating functions.Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2017.5(5): 980-987.
Wang, M.,Liu, X.*, Lyu, Z., Gu, H., Li, D., and Chen, H.,Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) and GAG mimetics regulate the behavior of stem celldifferentiation.Colloids andSurfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2017.150:175-182.
Shi, X., Zhan, W., Chen*, G.,Yu, Q., Liu, Q., Du, H., Cao, L.,Liu,X., Yuan, L., and Chen*, H., Regulation of Protein Binding Capabilityof Surfaces via Host–Guest Interactions: Effects of Localized and AverageLigand Density.Langmuir, 2015.31(22): 6172-6178.
Liu, Q., Li, D.*, Zhan, W.,Luan, Y., Du, H.,Liu, X.,Brash, J.L., and Chen, H.*, Surface having dual affinity for plasminogen andtissue plasminogen activator: in situ plasmin generation and clot lysis.Journal of Materials Chemistry B,2015.3(34): 6939-6944.
Jiang, W.,Liu, X., Wu, D., Wang, H.*, Wang, Y., Chen, H., and Yuan, L.*,A simple, rapid one-step ELISA using antibody–antibody complex.Biotechnology and AppliedBiochemistry, 2015.62(1): 126-131.
Xu, H., Luan, Y., Wu, Z., Li,X., Yuan, Y.,Liu, X., Yuan,L., Li, D.*, and Chen, H.*, Incorporation of Lysine-Containing Copolymer withPolyurethane Affording Biomaterial with Specific Adsorption of Plasminogen.Chinese Journal of Chemistry, 2014.32(1): 44-50.
Wang, L., Yuan, L., Wang, H.*,Liu, X., Li, X., and Chen, H.*,new strategy for reversible modulation of protein activity throughsite-specific conjugation of small molecule and polymer.Bioconjugate Chemistry, 2014.25(7): 1252-60.
Luan, Y., Li, D.*, Wang, Y.,Liu, X., Brash, J.L., and Chen,H.*,125I-Radiolabeling, Surface Plasmon Resonance, and QuartzCrystal Microbalance with Dissipation: Three Tools to Compare ProteinAdsorption on Surfaces of Different Wettability.Langmuir, 2014.30(4):1029-1035.
Liu, X., Yuan, L., Li, D., Tang, Z., Wang, Y., Chen, G., Chen, H.*, andBrash, J.L.*, Blood compatible materials: state of the art.Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2014.2(35): 5718-5738.
Du, J.,Liu, X.*,Liu, W., Wu, Z.*, and Chen, H., One-step preparation of vinyl-functionalizedmaterial surfaces: a versatile platform for surface modification.Science China Chemistry, 2014.57: 654-660.
Zheng, J., Li, D.*, Yuan, L.,Liu,X., and Chen, H.*, Lotus-Leaf-Like Topography Predominates over AdsorbedECM Proteins in Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyhexanoate) Surface/CellInteractions.ACS Applied Materials& Interfaces, 2013.5(12):5882-5887.
Wang, H.*, Jiang, W., Wang, Y.,Liu,X., Yao, J., Yuan, L., Wu, Z., Li, D., Song, B., and Chen, H.*,Catalase-like and Peroxidase-like Catalytic Activities of Silicon NanowireArrays.Langmuir, 2013.29(1): 3-7.
Wang, Y., Zhou, F.,Liu,X.*, Yuan, L., Li, D., Wang, Y., and Chen, H.*, Aptamer-ModifiedMicro/Nanostructured Surfaces: Efficient Capture of Ramos Cells in SerumEnvironment.ACS Applied Materials& Interfaces, 2013.5(9):3816-3823.
Tong, W.,Liu, X.,Pan, F., Wu, Z.*, and Jiang, W., Protein adsorption and cell adhesion onRGD-functionalized silicon substrate surfaces.Chinese Journal Of Polymer Science, 2013.31(3): 495-502.
Tang, Z.,Liu, X.,Luan, Y., Liu, W., Wu, Z., Li, D.*, and Chen, H.*, Regulation of fibrinolyticprotein adsorption on polyurethane surfaces by modification withlysine-containing copolymers.PolymerChemistry, 2013.4(22): 5597-5602.
Tang, Z., Li, D.,Liu, X.,Wu, Z.*, Liu, W., Brash, J.L., and Chen, H.*, Vinyl-monomer with lysine sidechains for preparing copolymer surfaces with fibrinolytic activity.Polymer Chemistry, 2013.4(5): 1583-1589.
Sun, K.,Liu, X.,Wang, Y., and Wu, Z.*, A polymer-based turn-on fluorescent sensor for specificdetection of hydrogen sulfide.RSCAdvances, 2013.3(34): 14543-14548.
Liu, X., Xu, Y., Wu, Z.*, and Chen, H.*, Poly(N-vinylpyrrolidone)-ModifiedSurfaces for Biomedical Applications.Macromolecular Bioscience, 2013.13(2):147-154.
Liu, X., Tong, W., Wu, Z.*, and Jiang, W., Poly(N-vinylpyrrolidone)-graftedpoly(dimethylsiloxane) surfaces with tunable microtopography andanti-biofouling properties.RSCAdvances, 2013.3(14): 4716-4722.
Liu, H., Lv, Z., Ding, K.,Liu,X., Yuan, L., Chen, H.*, and Li, X.*, Incorporation of tyrosinephosphate into tetraphenylethylene affords an amphiphilic molecule for alkalinephosphatase detection, hydrogelation and calcium mineralization.Journal of Materials Chemistry B,2013.1(41): 5550-5556.
Wu, Z., Tong, W., Jiang, W.,Liu,X., Wang, Y., and Chen, H.*, Poly(N-vinylpyrrolidone)-modifiedpoly(dimethylsiloxane) elastomers as anti-biofouling materials.Colloids and Surfaces B:Biointerfaces, 2012.96(1): 37-43.
Wu, Z., Chen, H.*,Liu, X.,and Brash, J.L.*, Protein-resistant and fibrinolytic polyurethane surfaces.Macromolecular Bioscience, 2012.12(1): 126-131.
Wu, Z., Chen, H.*,Liu, X.,and Brash, J.L., Hemocompatible polyurethane surfaces.Polymers for Advanced Technologies, 2012.23(11): 1500-1502.
Liu, X., Wu, Z.*, Li, D., and Chen, H., Poly(N-vinylpyrrolidone)-modifiedsurfaces repel plasma protein adsorption.Chinese Journal Of Polymer Science, 2012.30(2):235-241.
Liu, X., Sun, K., Wu, Z.*, Lu, J., Song, B., Tong, W., Shi, X., and Chen,H.*, Facile Synthesis of Thermally Stable Poly(N-vinylpyrrolidone)-ModifiedGold Surfaces by Surface-Initiated Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization.Langmuir, 2012.28(25): 9451-9459.
Huang, H.*, Xie, J.,Liu, X., Yuan, L., Wang, S.,Guo, S., Yu, H., Chen, H.*, Zhang, Y., and Wu, X., Conformational Changes ofProtein Adsorbed on Tailored Flat Substrates with Different
Liu, X., Wu, Z.*, Zhou, F., Li, D., and Chen, H.*,Poly(vinylpyrrolidone-b-styrene) block copolymers tethered surfaces for proteinadsorption and cell adhesion regulation.Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2010.79(2): 452-459.
Wu, Z., Chen, H.*,Liu, X.,Zhang, Y., Li, D., and Huang, H., Protein Adsorption onPoly(N-vinylpyrrolidone)-Modified Silicon Surfaces Prepared bySurface-Initiated Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization.Langmuir, 2009.25(5):2900-2906.
Wu, Z., Chen, H.*, Huang, H., Zhao, T.,Liu, X., Li, D., and Yu, Q., A facile approach to modifypolyurethane surfaces for biomaterial applications.Macromolecular Bioscience, 2009.9(12): 1165-1168.
李丹,吴静娴,刘小莉,栾亚菲,陈红*,血液接触材料表面抗血栓改性新策略:构建纤溶活性表面,高分子学报,2016. (7): 850-859.
Copyright ? 2011-2014苏州大学版权所有苏州大学信息化建设与管理中心技术支持
Copyright ? 2011-2014苏州大学版权所有苏州大学信息化建设与管理中心技术支持
本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-03-06
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