

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-03-06


(导师:Yoseph Imry教授,2016年沃尔夫物理奖得主)和加拿大多伦多大学(导师:
Sajeev John教授,光子晶体创始人之一)从事博士后研究。2015年起任苏州大学物理学院
教授。发表80多篇同行评审学术论文。含Nature Physics 1篇,Physics Reports 1篇、Nature
Commun. 4篇、Phys. Rev. Lett.和Laser & Photonics Reviews各2篇、Phys. Rev. X、ACS
Nano和Advanced Science各1篇以及其它Phys. Rev.系列28篇等。研究成果被Science、
Rev. Mod. Phys.、Physics Reports、Nature子刊、Phys. Rev. Lett.等一流杂志上发表的论文

国际电磁研究进展会议(PIERS 2016, 2018, 2019)分会场组织者和主席。
《Chinese Physics Letter》,《Chines Physics B》,《中国物理学报》和《物理》杂志青年编辑


[1] Y. Liu, S. Leung, F.-F. Li, Z.-K. Lin, X. Tao, Y. Poo*,andJ.-H. Jiang*, Bulk-disclination correspondence in topological crystalline insulators. Nature 589, 381-385 (2021).
[2] H.-X. Wang, Z.-K. Lin, B. Jiang, G.-Y. Guo, andJ.-H. Jiang*, Higher-order Weyl semimetals. Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 146401 (2020).
[3] X. Zhou, Z.-K. Lin, W. Lu, Y. Lai, B. Hou, andJ.-H. Jiang*, Twisted quadrupole topological photonic crsytals. Laser Photon. Rev. 14, ** (2020).
[4]X. Zhang, H.-X. Wang, Z.-K. Lin, Y. Tian, B. Xie, M.-H. Lu*, Y.-F. Chen, andJ.-H. Jiang*, Second-order topology and mulitidimensional topological transitions in sonic crystals, Nature Physics15, 582-588 (2019).
[5] X. Zhang, Z.-K. Lin, H.-X. Wang, Z. Xiong, Y. Tian, M.-H. Lu*, Y.-F. Chen*, andJ.-H. Jiang*, Symmetry-protected hierarchy of anomalous multipole topological band gaps in nonsymmorphic metacrsytals. Nature Communications 11, 65 (2020).
[6] X. Zhang, B.-Y. Xie, H. F. Wang, X. Xu, Y. Tian, J.-H. Jiang*, M.-H. Lu*, and Y.-F. Chen*, Dimensional hierarchy of higher-order topology in three-dimensional sonic crystals. Nature Communications 10, 5331 (2019)
[7] Fei-Fei Li, Hai-Xiao Wang, Zhan Xiong, Qun Lou, Ping Chen, Rui-Xin Wu, Yin Poo*,andJian-Hua Jiang*, Topological light-trapping on a dislocation, Nature Communications9, 2462 (2018)
[8]Jian-Hua Jiang, Bijay Kumar Agarwalla, and Dvira Segal*, Phys. Rev. Lett.115, 040601 (2015)
[9]Jian-Hua Jiang*and Sajeev John, Photonic Crystal Architecture for Room-Temperature Equilibrium Bose-Einstein Condensation of Exciton Polaritons, Phys. Rev. X4,031025(2014)
[10]Jian-Hua Jiang*, Ora Entin-Wohlman, and Yoseph Imry, Thermoelectric three-terminal hopping transport through one-dimensional nanosystems, Phys. Rev. B85, 075412 (2012)

Group long-term goals: Inelastic thermoelectricity, Topological phenomena in classical waves and cold atoms,
Quantum light-matter interactions, Nonequilibrium quantum statistical physics, handling complexity in physics, materials and interfaces.



长期以来人们对热电转换机理的理论研究停留在弹性输运近似的框架下。近年来,我们和瑞士的同行较早研究了非弹性热电输运的物理和性质。我们提出了非弹性热电输运的几个经典的模型,澄清了其中的物理机制,并率先指出了非弹性热电效应的一系列优势。我们通过一系列的研究建立了非弹性热电输运的理论基础。并先后提出利用多端输运、非线性、合作效应等方式提升和扩展热电效应的性能和应用价值。先后提出了热电交叉整流和线性热三极管效应等非弹性热电效应独特的物理应用。作为这一系列研究的副产品,我们还发现能量合作效应,独立地发现了能量转换的普适性规律,推广了最大功产生原理(Jacobi’s law)。我们的研究还拓展到热电输运性质的介观涨落特性,并发现了效率涨落的一些普适性规律。

职称: 教授
院部/部门: 物理科学与技术学院
学历: 博士
学位: 博士研究生
毕业学校: 中国科学技术大学
毕业专业: 凝聚态物理(理论)

通讯地址: 江苏省苏州市十梓街1号苏州大学物理学院
邮政编码: 215006
电子邮箱: jianhuajiang@suda.edu.cn
联系电话: **
办公地点: 本部致远楼415-3

Copyright ? 2011-2014苏州大学版权所有苏州大学信息化建设与管理中心技术支持

***Our research on photoniccrystals highlighted by Phys.org (国际媒体报道我们的研究成果)


RPI news



*** Our researches on Topological Classical Waves

npj Quamtum materials 2, 54 (2017)

*** Our researches on thermoelectrics

Phys. Rev. Applied7, 064001 (2017)

Talks & Conferences:

Talk at Institute of theoretical Physics, Beijing, China, 2017, Title: ’Inelasticthermoelectricity and beyond’.
Talk at Peking University, China, 2017. Title: ’Dirac Physics and Topology inPhotonics’.
Invited talk at Chinese Physical Society Autumn meeting 2017, Chengdu, China.Title: ’Inelastic thermoelectricity: new opportunities in an old field’.
Invited talk at ’Open quantum systems’ workshop at International Center forTheoretical Science, Tata Institute of Fundamental Researches, India, 2017. Title:’Dirac Physics and Topology in Photonics’.
Invited talk at the fourth Chinese annual statistical physics conference, 2017, Xi-An, China. Title: ‘Optimal efficiency and power: universality and fluctuations’.
Talk at Department of Physics, Nanjing Normal University, China, 2017. Title:’Dirac Physics and Topology in Photonics’.
Talk at Department of Physics, University of Toronto, Canada, 2017. Title: ’DiracPhysics and Topology in Photonics’.
Talk at Department of Chermistry, University of Toronto, Canada, 2017. Title:’Simulation of Dirac physics and fermionic band topology in electromagnetism’.
Talk at University of Calgary, Canada, 2017. Title: ’Simulation of Dirac physicsand fermionic band topology in electromagnetism’.
Talk at Beijing Normal University, China, 2017. Title: ’Recent trends in meso-scopic thermoelectricity’.
Talk at Xi’An Jiaotong–Liverpool University, China, 2016. Title: ’Optimal effi-ciency and power: universality and fluctuations’.
Talk at Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel, 2016. Title: ’Optimal efficiency andpower: universality and fluctuations; emphasizing inelastic thermoelectricity’.
Talk at Wuhan University, China 2016. Title: ’Topological Photonic Crystal fromSymmorphic and Nonsymmorphic Symmetry.’
Talk at Institute of Physics, Beijing, China 2016. Title: ’Topological PhotonicCrystal from Symmorphic and Nonsymmorphic Symmetry.’
Talk at Nanjing University, Nanjing, China 2016. Title: ’Topological PhotonicCrystal from Symmorphic and Nonsymmorphic Symmetry.’
Invited talk at PIERS 2016 Shanghai, China 2016. Title: ’Quantum Simulationof Topological Energy Bands and Strong-Correlation in Photonics.’
Talk at East China Normal University, Shanghai, China 2016. Title: ’Semicon-ductor nanostructures for quantum photonics and renewable energy.’
Talk at Tongji University, Shanghai, China, 2016. Title: ’Topological photoniccrystals in two-dimensions and three-dimensions.’
Talk at Institute of Physics, Beijing, China 2015. Title: ’Optimal efficiency andpower: universality and fluctuations.’
Talk at Nanjing University, Nanjing, China 2015. Title: ’Semiconductor nanos-tructures for quantum photonics and renewable energy.’
Invited talk at Department of Physics, Rochester University, Rochester, NY, USA,2015. Title: ‘Thermoelectric phenomena in mesoscopic systems: inelastic effectsand universal properties.’
Talk at School of Physical Science and Technology, Shoochow University, Suzhou,China, 2014. Title: ’Photonic architectures for long-lived room-temperature Bose-Einstein Condensation’.
Talk at School of Physical Science and Electronic Technology, South China Uni-versity of Technology, Guangzhou, China, 2014. Title: ’Photonic architectures forlong-lived room-temperature Bose-Einstein Condensation’.
Talk at Department of Physics, Tongji University, Shanghai, China, 2014. Title:’Thermodynamic bounds and general properties of optimal efficiency and power’.
Talk at School of Materials Science and Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai,China, 2013. Title: ’Collective Thermoelectric Effect in Three-Terminal Thermo-electric Systems and Beyond’.
Talk at Department of Physics, Tongji University, Shanghai, China, 2013. Title:’Collective Thermoelectric Effect in Three-Terminal Thermoelectric Systems andBeyond’.

Talk at the Chemical Physics Theory Group, Department of Chemistry, Universityof Toronto, Toronto, Canada, 2013. Title: ’Thermoelectric effects: new aspectsfrom inelastic processes’.
Talk at Department of Physics, Tongji University, Shanghai, China, 2013. Title:’Thermoelectric effects: new aspects from inelastic processes’.
Talk at the Istitute for Advanced Study, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China,2013. Title: ’Thermoelectric effects: new aspects from inelastic processes’.
Talk at the scientific retreat of the Department of Condensed Matter Physics,Mishkenot Sha’ananim, Jerusalem, Israel, 2011. Title: ‘Three-Terminal Thermo-electric Hopping Transport in 1D Nanosystems’.
Talk at Institute fu ?r Theoretical Physics at Regensburg University, Regensburg,Germany, 2011. Title: ’Non-Abelian states fromk-space vortices’.
Talk at the Department of Condensed Matter Physics, Weizmann Institute ofScience, Rehovot, Israel, 2010. Title: ’Spin Dynamics in III-V Semiconductors’.
Poster at the 5th International School and Conference on Spintronics and Quan-tum Information Technology, Krak ?ow, Poland, 2009. Title: ’Electron-spin relax-ation in bulk III-V semiconductors from a fully microscopic kinetic spin Blochequation approach’. Contributing authors: J. H. Jiang and M. W. Wu.
Invited talk at the 13th National Conference on Magnetism, Yichang, Hubei,China, 2008. Title: ’Effects of intense terahertz fields on spin dynamics in semi-conductor nanostructures’. Contributing authors: J. H. Jiang and M. W. Wu.Also contribute to the talk ‘Electron spin relaxation in paramagnetic GaMnAsquantum wells’ (Contributing authors: Y. Zhou, J. H. Jiang and M. W. Wu) inthe same conference.
Invitedtalkatthe16thNationalConferenceonPhysicsofSemiconductors,LanzhouUniversity, Lanzhou, China, 2007. Title: ’Reexamination of Spin Decoherence inSemiconductor Quantum Dots from Equation-of-Motion Approach’. Contributingauthors: J. H. Jiang and M. W. Wu.
Talk at the 16th National Conference on Physics of Semiconductors, LanzhouUniversity, Lanzhou, China, 2007. Title: ’Spin Relaxation in an InAs QuantumDot in the presence of Terahertz Driving Fields’. Contributing authors: J. H.Jiang and M. W. Wu.
Talk at the 14th National Conference on Theoretical Condensed Matter Physicsand Statistical Physics, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, China, 2006. Title:’Intense terahertz laser fields on a quantum dot with Rashba spin-orbit coupling’.Contributing authors: J. H. Jiang and M. W. Wu.
Also contribute to the talk ’Spin filtering with remote control’ (Contributing au-thors: X. Y. Feng, J. H. Jiang, and M. W. Wu) in the same conference.

Ph.D candidators:
Mr. Hai-Xiao Wang (王海啸)
Ms. Zhan Xiong (熊展)
Mr. Jin-Cheng Lu (陆金成)

Master candidators:
Ms. Xuan Zhu (朱旋)
Ms. Rongqian Wang (王荣倩)
Mr. Zhikang Lin (林志康)

Copyright ? 2011-2014苏州大学版权所有苏州大学信息化建设与管理中心技术支持

1、Second order topology and multidimensional topological transitions in sonic crystals,Nature Physics,SCI,2019/6,Xiujuan Zhang,Nanjing University,Jian-Hua Jiang,Soochow University,15/6/582
2、Quantum-dot circuit-QED thermoelectric diodes and transistors,Physical Review B,SCI,2019/1/15,Jinchneg Lu,Soochow University,Jian-Hua Jiang,Soochow University,99/3/035129

Review Articles

1. M. W. Wu, J. H. Jiang, and M. Q. Weng, Spin dynamics in semiconductors,
Physics Reports 493, 61-236 (2010)
2. J.-H. Jiang and Yoseph Imry, Linear and Nonlinear Mesoscopic Thermoelectric
Transport with Coupling to Heat Baths, Comptes Rendus 17, 1047-1059 (2016)
(Invited review).

Research Articles

1. B. K. Agarwalla, J. H. Jiang, and D. Segal, Quantum efficiency bound for
continuous heat engines coupled to noncanonical reservoirs, Physical Review B
96, 104304 (2017).
2. J.-H. Jiang and Y. Imry, Enhancing thermoelectric performance by nonlinear
eects,Physical Review Applied 7, 064001 (2017).
3. J. Lu, R. Wang, Y. Liu, and J.-H. Jiang, Thermoelectric Cooperative Eect in
Three-Terminal Elastic Transport through a Quantum Dot, J. Appl. Phys. 122,
044301 (2017).
4. H.-X. Wang, Y. Chen, Z. H. Hang, H.Y. Kee, J.-H. Jiang, Type-II Dirac pho-
tons,NPJ Quantum Materials 2, 54 (2017).
5. Hai-Xiao Wang, Alan Zhan, Ya-Dong Xu, HuanYang Chen, W. L. You, Arka
Majumdar, and J.-H. Jiang, Quantum Many-Body Simulation using Cavity
Coupled Monolayer Excitons, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter accepted
6. Yadong Xu, J.-H. Jiang, and Huanyang Chen, Stable lossless polaritons on non-
Hermitian optical interfaces,Phys. Rev. B (Rapid Communication) 95, 041409
7. B. J. Frey, P. Kuang, M.-L. Hsieh, S.-Y. Lin, J.-H. Jiang, and S. John, Effec-
tively inifnite optical path-lengh created using a simple cubic photonic crystal for
extreme light trapping, Scientic Reports 7, 4171 (2017).
8. J. H. Jiang, X. G. Xu, L. Gilburd, and G. C.Walker, Optical hot-spots in boron-
nitride nanotubes at mid infrared frequencies: one-dimensional, Optics Express
25, 25059 (2017).
9. J. H. Jiang, P. Vasudev, and S. John, Photonic-band-gap architectures for long-
lifetime room-temperature polariton condensation in GaAs quantum wells, Phys.
Rev. A accepted.
10. Yuting Yang, Yun Fei Xu, Tao Xu, Hai-Xiao Wang, Jian-Hua Jiang, Xiao Hu,
and Zhi Hong Hang, Visualization of unidirectional optical waveguide using topo-
logical photonic crystals made of dielectric material, arXiv preprint arXiv:1610.07780
11. Lijie Li and J.-H. Jiang, Staircase Quantum Dots Conguration in Nanowires
for Optimized Thermoelectric Power, Scientic Reports 6, 31974 (2016).
12. F. Zhuo, Z. Z. Sun, and J.-H. Jiang, Cooperative Spin Caloritronic Devices,
J. Appl. Phys. under review, arXiv:1602.01285
13. Lin Xu, Hai-Xiao Wang, YaDong Xu, HuanYang Chen, and J.-H. Jiang, Acci-
dental degeneracy and topological phase transitions in two-dimensional core-shell
dielectric photonic crystals, Optics Express 24, 18059 (2016).
14. Hai-Xiao Wang, Lin Xu, H.-Y. Chen, and J.-H. Jiang, Three-dimensional pho-
tonic Dirac points stabilized by point group symmetry,Phys. Rev. B 93, 235155
15. Hai-Xiao Wang, Ya-Dong Xu, Patrice Genevet, J.-H. Jiang, and HuanYang
Chen, Broadband mode conversion via gradient index metamaterials, Scientic
Reports 6, 24529 (2016).
16. S. Feng, J. H. Jiang, A. Al Rashid, and S. John, Biosensor Architecture for
Enhanced Multiplexing of Disease-Markers: Lab-in-a-Photonic-Crystal,Optics
Express 24, 12166 (2016)
17. P. Vasudev, J. H. Jiang, and S. John, Light-trapping for Room Temperature
Bose-Einstein Condensation in InGaAs Quantum Wells, Optics Express 24,
14010 (2016).
18. B. K. Agarwalla, J. H. Jiang, and D. Segal, Full counting statistics of vibrationally-
assisted electronic conduction: transport and fluctuations of the thermoelectric
efficiency,Phys. Rev. B 92, 245418 (2015).
19. B. K. Agarwalla, J.-H. Jiang, and D. Segal, Thermoelectricity in molecular
junctions with harmonic and anharmonic modes, Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 6,
2129 (2015).
20. J. H. Jiang, M. Kulkarni, D. Segal, and Y. Imry, Phonon-thermoelectric tran-
sistors and rectiers,Phys. Rev. B 92, 045309 (2015).
21. J.-H. Jiang, B. K. Agarwalla, and D. Segal, Efficiency Statistics and Bounds
for Systems with Broken Time-Reversal Symmetry,Phys. Rev. Lett. 115,
040601 (2015).
22. B. J. Frey, P. Kuang, S.-Y. Lin, J.-H. Jiang and S. John, Large-scale fabrication
of a simple cubic metal oxide photonic crystal for light trapping applications, J.
Vac. Sci. Technol. B 33, 021804 (2015) (Editor's picks).
23. J. H. Jiang and S. John, Photonic Architectures for Equilibrium High-Temperature
Bose-Einstein Condensation in Dichalcogenide Monolayers,Scientic Reports 4,
7432 (2014).
24. J. H. Jiang and S. John, Photonic Crystal Architecture for Room Temperature
Equilibrium Bose-Einstein Condensation of Exciton Polaritons,Phys. Rev. X
4, 031025 (2014)
25. J. H. Jiang, Enhancing efficiency and power of nanostructured thermoelectrics
in three-terminal geometry by cooperative eects,J. Appl. Phys. 116, 194303
26. J. H. Jiang, Thermodynamic bounds and general properties of optimal efficiency
and power,Phys. Rev. E 90, 042126 (2014).
27. O. Entin-Wohlman, J.-H. Jiang, and Y. Imry, Efficiency and dissipation in a
two-terminal thermoelectric junction, emphasizing small dissipation,Phys. Rev.
E 89, 012123 (2014).
28. X. G. Xuy, J. H. Jiangy(y: equal contribution), L. Gilburd, R. G. Rensing, K. S.
Burch, C. Zhi, Y. Bando, D. Golberg, and G. C.Walker, Mid-infrared Polaritonic
Coupling between Boron Nitride Nanotubes and Graphene,ACS nano 8, 11305
29. X. G. Xu, B. G. Ghamsari, J. H. Jiang, L. Gilburd, G. O. Andreev, C. Zhi,
Y. Bando, D. Golberg, P. Berini, and G. C. Walker, One-dimensional Surface
Phonon Polaritons in Boron Nitride Nanotubes,Nature Communications 5,
4782 (2014)
30. J. H. Jiang, O. Entin-Wohlman, and Y. Imry, Hopping thermoelectric transport
in nite systems: boundary eects,Phys. Rev. B 87, 205420 (2013).
31. J. H. Jiang and S. Wu, Non-Abelian toplogical superconductors from topological
semimetals and related systems under superconducting proximity effect,J. Phys.:
Condens. Matter 25, 055701 (2013)
32. J. H. Jiang, O. Entin-Wohlman, and Y. Imry, Three-terminal semiconductor
junction thermoelectric devices: improving performance,New Journal of Physics
15, 075021 (2013)(In Special Issue: Focus on Thermoelectric Eects in Nanostructures).
33. J. H. Jiang, O. Entin-Wohlman, and Y. Imry, Thermoelectric three-terminal
hopping transport through one-dimensional nanosystems,Phys. Rev. B 85,
075412 (2012).
34. J. H. Jiang, Tunable topological Weyl semimetal from simple cubic lattices with
staggered uxes,Phys. Rev. A 85, 033640 (2012).
35. J. H. Jiang and S. Wu, Spin susceptibility and helical magnetic order at the
edges/surfaces of topological insulators due to Fermi surface nesting,Phys. Rev.
B 83, 205124 (2011).
36. Y. Zhou, J. H. Jiang, and M. W. Wu, Electron spin relaxation in p-type GaAs
quantum wells,New Journal of Physics 11, 113039 (2009).
37. J. H. Jiang, Y. Zhou, T. Korn, C. Schuller, and M. W. Wu, Electron spin
relaxation in paramagnetic Ga(Mn)As quantum wells,Phys. Rev. B 79, 155201
38. J. H. Jiang and M. W. Wu, Electron-spin relaxation in bulk III-V semiconduc-
tors from a fully microscopic kinetic spin Bloch equation approach,Phys. Rev.
B 79, 125206 (2009)
39. J. H. Jiang, M. W. Wu, and Y. Zhou, “Kinetics of spin coherence of electrons
in n-type InAs quantum wells under intense terahertz laser fields,Phys. Rev. B
78, 125309 (2008).
40. J. H. Jiang, Y. Y. Wang, and M. W. Wu, ”Reexamination of spin decoherence in
semiconductor quantum dots from the equation-of-motion approach,Phys. Rev.
B 77, 035323 (2008).
41. D. Stich, J. H. Jiang, T. Korn, R. Schulz, D. Schuh, W. Wegscheider, M. W. Wu,
and C. Schuller, “Detection of large magnetoanisotropy of electron spin dephasing
in a high-mobility two-dimensional electron system in a [001] GaAs/AlxGa1??xAs
quantum well,Phys. Rev. B 76, 073309 (2007)
42. X. Y. Feng, J. H. Jiang, and M. Q. Weng, ”Remote-control spin ltering through
a T-type structure,Appl. Phys. Lett. 90, 142503 (2007).
43. J. H. Jiang and M. W. Wu, “Spin relaxation in an InAs quantum dot in the
presence of terahertz driving fields,Phys. Rev. B 75, 035307 (2007).
44. J. H. Jiang, M. Q. Weng, and M. W. Wu, “Intense terahertz laser elds on a
quantum dot with Rashba spin-orbit coupling,J. Appl. Phys. 100, 063709 (2006).
45. J. H. Jiang, M. W. Wu, M. Nagai, and M. Kuwata-Gonokami, ”Formation and
decay of electron-hole droplets in diamond,Phys. Rev. B 71, 035215 (2005).


1. Y. Imry, O. Entin-Wohlman, J. H. Jiang, “Eciency-enhanced thermoelectric de-
vices, WO Patent A1 (International patent).


1. J. H. Jiang and M. W. Wu, ”Comment on ‘Density dependence of electron-spin
polarization and relaxation in intrinsic GaAs at room temperature' ,J. Phys. D
42, 238001 (2009).
2. J. H. Jiang and M. W. Wu, “Comment on `Photon energy and carrier density
dependence of spin dynamics in bulk CdTe crystal at room temperature' ,Appl.
Phys. Lett. 94, 241112 (2009).

3、 中国科学院院长优秀奖,2009

Copyright ? 2011-2014苏州大学版权所有苏州大学信息化建设与管理中心技术支持



Copyright ? 2011-2014苏州大学版权所有苏州大学信息化建设与管理中心技术支持




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  • 苏州大学物理科学与技术学院导师教师师资介绍简介-康健
    导航个人资料个人概况研究领域开授课程科研项目论文科技成果荣誉及奖励招生信息个人资料直属机构:物理科学与技术学院联系电话:性别:男电子邮箱:jkang@suda.edu.cn专业技术职务:办公地址:凤鸣楼101毕业院校:JohnsHopkinsUniversity通讯地址:学位:博士邮编:学历:传真: ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-03-06
  • 苏州大学物理科学与技术学院导师教师师资介绍简介-倪江锋
    导航个人信息科学研究成果奖励教学招生个人简介课题组FMM(FunctionalMaterialsforMicroenergy)的主要研究方向是电化学功能材料及微型储能器件。微型储能器件由于其在体积、充放电次数、存储寿命等方面的优势,广泛应用于无线传感器、RFID卡、植入式医疗设备等领域。阻碍无线自驱 ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-03-06
  • 苏州大学物理科学与技术学院导师教师师资介绍简介-赵承良
    个人信息科学研究成果奖励教学招生个人信息个人简介赵承良,博士、教授、博士生导师、苏州大学物理科学与技术学院副院长、江苏省高校“青蓝工程”优秀青年骨干教师、江苏省“双创博士”计划入选者、苏州大学“仲英青年****”、荷兰代尔夫特理工大学访问****;曾分别在教育部科技司和苏州高新区挂职,并连续两年被江 ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-03-06
  • 苏州大学物理科学与技术学院导师教师师资介绍简介-丁泓铭
    个人信息科学研究成果奖励教学招生个人信息个人简介2006.9-2010.6南京大学物理学院凝聚态物理本科2010.9-2015.6南京大学物理学院软物质物理硕博连读2015.8-2020.9苏州大学软凝聚态物理及交叉研究中心副教授2020.10-至今苏州大学软凝聚态物理及交叉研究中心****主要从事 ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-03-06
  • 苏州大学物理科学与技术学院导师教师师资介绍简介-江华
    导航个人资料个人概况研究领域开授课程科研项目论文科技成果荣誉及奖励招生信息10访问相关教师个人资料直属机构:物理科学与技术学院联系电话:**性别:男电子邮箱:jianghuaphy@suda.edu.cn专业技术职务:办公地址:致远楼304毕业院校:中国科学院物理研究所通讯地址:学位:理学博士邮编: ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-03-06
  • 苏州大学物理科学与技术学院导师教师师资介绍简介-朱成杰
    导航个人资料个人概况研究领域开授课程科研项目论文科技成果荣誉及奖励招生信息个人资料直属机构:物理科学与技术学院联系电话:性别:男电子邮箱:专业技术职务:办公地址:毕业院校:通讯地址:学位:邮编:学历:传真:教育经历教育经历:工作经历工作经历:个人简历研究领域研究领域:开授课程开授课程:课程 ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-03-06
  • 苏州大学物理科学与技术学院导师教师师资介绍简介-范荣磊
    导航个人概况研究领域开授课程科研项目论文科技成果荣誉及奖励招生信息个人简介范荣磊,助理研究员,2013年-2019年,就读于苏州大学物理科学与技术学院,获得理学博士学院。2017-2018年,国家公派留学在美国密西根大学安娜堡分校联合培养。毕业后留校工作,研究方向为能量存储与转换相关材料的制备及其物 ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-03-06