本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-03-06
Chair Professor
PhD1981Microelectronics, Electrical Engineering, the Slovak Technical University, Bratislava, Czechoslovakia.
MSEE1970Semiconductor Physics and Technology, Electrical Engineering, The Slovak Technical University,
Bratislava, Czechoslovakia.
1983-1984The Lewerhulme Trust Fellowship, British Research Council;University of Salford, England.
1985-1988Vice-chairmanof the National Czechoslovak ExpertAssemblyfor Vacuum Technology and Applications.
2005 – 2012Professor, Physics and Materials Science, City University of Hong Kong. Adjunct Professor, Departmentof Physics and Astronomy, University of Western Ontario, London, Canada.
Prior to 2005Different academic positions (Associate Professor, Adjunct Professor) at the Slovak University ofTechnology(Microelectronics), Czechoslovakia/Slovakia; City University of Hong Kong; Surface Science Western,and Materials Engineering, the University of Western Ontario, Canada; in parallel industrial consultant.
PioneeringCubic boron nitride (cBN), diamond and related materials.
ResearchMaterials with extreme properties, wide gap materials, nanomaterials, organic photovoltaic devices basedon nanomaterials, sensors based on nanomaterials, light emitting devices.
ToolsExpertise in advanced materials characterization, thin films deposition, vacuum technology.
DesignDesigned and constructed more than 20 technological and analyticalconstructioninstruments, some state of art.
Courses:Taught 17 different courses; mostly in thin films, materials characterization, vacuum technology, physics,plasma physics, electronics and molecular physics.
Students:60 PhD and MPhil, 19 postdoctoral fellows.
Publications:h-factor: 52; non-self cited references ~10,000.
Total published articles: ~385 (SCI-listed journals: 262, National journals: 8, Patents: 12, (10 US),
conference articles: 70 (including plenary and invited talks on the largest world diamond conferences USA, Europe, Japan, Taiwan); Monographic international book, pp 1036: 1; text-books: 6; Industrial research reports: rest.
Journal cover pages in Advanced Materials, MRS Bulletin, Applied Physics Letters, Phys. Stat. Solidi a.
I. Bello, Vacuum and Ultravacuum: Physics and Technology, CRC Taylor Francis, Boca Raton, Florida, 2018, pp1136.International book No: 13: 978-1-138-70005-5.
C.Zhu, I. Bello, Z. H. Kang, et al. Carbon Dots as Fillers Inducing Healing/Self-Healing and Anticorrosion Properties in Polymers, Advanced Materials June 2017; doi: 10.1002/adma..
I. Bello, Thin Film Physics and Technology, University Press, Soochow 2018, pp274.
I. Bello, and J.Q. Li, Advanced Materials Characterization, University Press, Soochow, 2018, pp338
I. Bello, Y.M. Chong, Q. Ye, Y. Yang, B. He, O. Kutsay, H.E. Wang, C. Yan, S.K. Jha, J.A. Zapien, W. J. Zhang, Materials with extreme properties: Their structuring and applications,Vacuum 86(2012) 575.
I. Bello, W. J. Zhang, S. T. Lee, Cubic boron nitride/diamond composite layers,US patentUS 7,645,513 B2, Jan 12, 2010.
Y.B. Tang, L.C. Yin, Y. Yang, X. H. Bo, Y.L. Cao, H. E. Wang, W. J. Zhang, I. Bello, S.T. Lee, H. M. Cheng, C. S. Lee, Tunable Band Gaps and p-Type Transport Properties of Boron-Doped Graphenes by Controllable Ion Doping Using Reactive Microwave Plasma,ACS Nano6(2012) 1970.
J. S. Jie, W.J. Zhang, I. Bello, C.S. Lee, S. T. Lee, One-dimensional II-VI nanostructures: Synthesis, properties and optoelectronic applications,Nano Today 5(2010) 313.
W.J. Zhang, C.Y. Chan, X. Meng, M.K. Fung, I. Bello, Y. Lifshitz, S. T. Lee, X. Jiang, “Mechanism of chemical vapor deposition of cubic boron nitride films from fluorine–containing species”,Angew. Chem. Int 44(2005) 4749.
I. Bello, C.Y. Chan, W.J. Zhang, Y.M. Chong, K.M. Leung, S.T. Lee, Y. Lifshitz,Deposition of thick cubic boron nitride films: Route to practical applications,Diamond Relat. Mater. 143(2005) 1154.
I. Bello, Y. M. Chong, K.M. Leung, C.Y. Chan, K.L. Ma, W.J. Zhang, S.T. Lee, A. Layyous, “Cubic boron nitride films for industrial applications”Diamond Relat. Mater. 14(2005) 1784.
W.J. Zhang,I. Bello, Y. Lifshitz, K.M. Chan, X. M. Meng, Y. Wu, C.Y. Chan, S.T. Lee, “Epitaxy on diamond by chemical vapor deposition: A route to high quality cubic boron nitride for electronic applications”,Advanced Materials 16(2004) 1405.
W.J. Zhang,I. Bello,Y. Lifshitz, and S.T. Lee, “Recent Advances in Cubic Boron Nitride Deposition”,MRS Bulletin28(2003) 184.
N.G. Shang, F.Y. Meng, F.C. K. Au, Q.Li, C.S. Lee,I. Bello, S.T. Lee, “Fabrication and field emission of high density silicon cone arrays”,Advanced Material 14(2002) 1308.
Y. Lifshitz, X. F. Duan, N. G. Shang, Q. Li, L. Wan,I. Bello, S. T. Lee, “Epitaxial diamond polytypes on silicon”,Nature 42, (2001) 404.
S. T. Lee, H. Y. Peng, X.T. Zhou, N. Wang, C.S. Lee, I. Bello, Y. Liftshitz, A nucleation site and mechanism leading to epitaxial growth of diamond films,Science287(2000) 104.
I. Bello, M. K. Fung, W. Zhang, C. Sun, K. H. Lai, H. K. Woo, C. S. Lee, and S. T. Lee, “Effects at reactive ion etching of CVD diamond”,Thin Solid Films368(2000) 222.
I. Bello, W. M. Chang, and W. M. Lau, Importance of the molecular identity of ion species in reactive ion etching at low energies,J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 12(1994) 1425.
I. Bello,W. M. Chang, and W. M. Lau, Mechanism of cleaning and etching of Si surfaces with low energy ion bombardment,J. Appl. Phys. 75(1994) 3092.
Bello, W. M. Lau, R. P. W. Lawson, K. K. Foo, Deposition of InN by low energy modulated In and nitrogen ion beams,J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 10(1992) 1642.
Office: Room F101A, Building 910, Institute of Functional Nano and Soft Materials (FUNSOM)
Soochow University, 199 Ren'ai Road , Suzhou Industrial Park, Suzhou, Jiangsu, China 215123
Email:igorbello@suda.edu.cn; Phone: 86-; Fax: 86-
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