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1980.9-1984.6苏州大学化学(教育)本科毕业,1984.9-1988.6苏州大学化学系助教,1988.9-1993.6年南京大学配位化学研究所获博士学位(导师:忻新泉教授),1993.9-1995.4苏州大学化学系讲师,1995.4-1996.3日本名古屋大学化学系日本学术振兴会(JSPS)博士后(导师:Kazuyuki Tatsumi教授),1996.4-1997.3年日本名古屋大学化学系JSPS博士后(导师:Ryoji Noyori教授, 2001年诺贝尔化学奖获得者),1997.4-1998.8年日本名古屋大学Center of Excellence博士后(导师:Kazuyuki Tatsumi教授),1998.8-1999.8美国哈佛大学化学与化学生物系博士后(导师:Richard H. Holm教授),1999.8-2001.3日本名古屋大学物质科学国际研究中心博士后(导师:Kazuyuki Tatsumi教授),2001.3苏州大学化学化工学院任研究员,博士生导师。历任化学化工学院副院长(2003.4-2007.12)、院长(2007.12-2008.7),材料与化学化工学部执行主任、主任(2008.7-2011.12)、党委书记(2011.12-2013.8),研究生院常务副院长兼学位办主任(2013.9-2016.2),研究生院院长兼学位办主任(2016.2-2017.12),校学位评定委员会副主席兼秘书处秘书长(2018.1-至今)。现为苏州大学讲席教授、Foreign Fellow of European Academy of Sciences (FFEurASc) (2018年-至今),英国皇家化学会会士(FRSC) (2014年-至今)、中国化学会无机化学学科委员会委员(2009.12-至今)、中国化学会晶体化学专业委员会委员(2009.12-至今)及副主任委员(2019.12-至今)、中国化学会分子筛专业委员会委员(2019.12-至今)、江苏省化学化工学会第十、十一、十二届理事会理事(2009.4-至今)。2001年以来,主持9项国家自然科学基金项目及二十多项省部级基金项目。在国内外核心化学期刊如Chem. Soc. Rev.,J. Am. Chem. Soc.,Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., Coord. Chem. Rev.等发表正式论文430多篇,发表SCI检索论文被他引6500多次。获中国发明专利授权22项。被评为教育部全国优秀教师(2004年)、国家****科学基金(2005年)、国务院政府特殊津贴(2005年)、江苏省有突出贡献的中青年专家(2006年)、新世纪百千****才工程国家级人选(2007年)、江苏省高校“青蓝工程”科技创新团队培养对象(2008年)、苏州大学首批东吴****(2008年)、全国五一劳动奖章(2011年)、教育部****奖励计划****(2011年)、江苏省第三期“333工程”突出贡献奖(2011年)、江苏省第四期“333高层次人才培养工程”第二层次中青年科技领军人才(2011年)、卢嘉锡优秀导师奖(2016年)。获教育部科技进步一等奖(1995年),教育部高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖(自然科学)(2011年)、江苏省科学技术进步奖(2010年)、中国石油和化学工业协会科学技术进步奖二等奖(2009年)。目前为英国皇家化学会期刊Dalton Transactions国际顾问编委(2010年-至今)、Nature Publishing Group之Scientific Reports国际顾问编委(2015年-至今)等。
1.Assembly of a supramolecular cube, [(Cp*WS3Cu3)8Cl8(CN)12Li4] from a preformed incomplete cubane-like compound [PPh4][Cp*WS3(CuCN)3],J. P. Lang*, Q. F. Xu, Z. N. Chen, B. F. Abrahams,J. Am. Chem. Soc.,2003,125, 12682.
2.Structural aspects of copper(I) and silver(I) sulfide clusters of pentamethylcyclopentadienyl trisulfido tungsten(VI) and molybdenum(VI),J. P. Lang*, S. J. Ji, Q. F. Xu, Q. Shen, K. Tatsumi,Coord. Chem. Rev.,2003, 241, 47.
3.{[WS4Cu4(4,4’-bpy)4][WS4Cu4I4(4,4’-bpy)2]---An unusual 3D porous coordination polymer formed from the preformed cluster [Et4N]4[WS4Cu4I6],J. P. Lang*, Q. F. Xu, R. X. Yuan, B. F. Abrahams,Angew. Chem., Int. Ed.,2004,43, 4741.
4.Construction of polymeric and oligomeric lanthanide(III) thiolates from preformed complexes [(TMS)2N]3Ln(μ-Cl)Li (THF)3(Ln = Pr, Nd, Sm; (TMS)2N = bis(trimethylsilyl)amide), H. X. Li, Z. G. Ren, Y. Zhang, W. H. Zhang,J. P. Lang*, Q. Shen,J. Am. Chem. Soc.,2005,127, 1122.
5.Lanthanide chalcogenolate complexes: syntheses, structures and applications in organic chemistry, H. X. Li, Y. J. Zhu, M. L. Cheng, Z. G. Ren,J. P. Lang*, Q. Shen,Coord. Chem. Rev.,2006,250, 2059.
6.Unique formation of two high-nuclearity metallamacrocycles from a mononuclear complex [Zn(dmpzdtc)2] (dmpzdtc = 3,5-dimethylpyrazole-1-dithio carboxylate)viaCS2elimination, X. H. Li, H. Z. Wu, W. H. Zhang, Z. G. Ren, Y. Zhang,J. P. Lang*,Chem. Commun.,2007, 5052.
7.Synthetic and structural chemistry of group 11 and 12 metal complexes of the zwitterionic ammonium thiolate ligands, X. Y. Tang, H. X. Li, J. X. Chen, Z. G. Ren,J. P. Lang*,Coord. Chem. Rev.,2008,252, 2026.
8.Single-crystal-to-single-crystal transformations of two 3D coordination polymers through regioselective [2+2] photo- dimerization reactions, D. Liu, Z. G. Ren, H. X. Li,J. P. Lang*, N. Y. Li, B. F. Abrahams,Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.,2010,49, 4767.
9.Single-crystal-to-single-crystal structural transformation of two sandwich-like Cu(II) pyrazolate complexes and their excellent catalytic performances for MMA polymerization, H. X. Li, Z. G. Ren, D. Liu, Y. Chen, L. L. Liu,J. P. Lang*, Z. P. Cheng, X. L. Zhu*, B. F. Abrahams,Chem. Commun., 2010,46, 8430.
10.Highly efficient separation of naphthalene and anthracene in the solid state by a reusable porous coordination polymer through a single-crystal-to-single-crystal transformation, D. Liu,J. P. Lang*, B. F. Abrahams,J. Am. Chem. Soc.,2011,133, 11042.
11.A Mn(III)-superoxo complex of a zwitterionic calix[4]arene with an unprecedented linear end-on Mn(III)-O2arrangement and good catalytic performance for alkene epoxidation, L. L. Liu, H. X. Li, L. M. Wan, Z. G. Ren, H. F. Wang,J. P. Lang*,Chem. Commun.,2011,47, 11146.
12.Activation and amplification of the third-order NLO and luminescent responses of a cluster precursor by a supramolecular approach,X. Chen, H. X. Li, Z. Y. Zhang, W. Zhao,J. P. Lang*, B. F. Abrahams,Chem. Commun.,2012,48, 4480.
13.Stepwise ligand transformations through [2+2] photodimerization and hydrothermal in situ oxidation reactions, D. Liu,J. P. Lang*, B. F. Abrahams,Chem. Commun.,2013,49, 2682.
14.[Cu30I16(mtpmt)12(μ10-S4)]: An unusual 30-membered copper(I) cluster derived fromtheC-S bond cleavage and its use in heterogeneous catalysis,H. X. Li*, H. Y. Li, Z. L. Xu, W. X. Wang,J. P. Lang*,Chem. Commun.,2013,49, 4259.
15.[PyH][{TpMo(μ3-S)3Cu3(μ3-S')}4(μ12-I)]: A unique tetracubane-type Mo/Cu/S cluster formed from the S-S cleavage and the iodide templation and its enhanced NLO performance, Z. H. Wei, C. Y. Ni, L. K. Zhou, H. X. Li, Z. G. Ren,J. P. Lang*, Z. R. Sun*,Chem. Commun.,2013,49, 4836.
16.[Pb(Tab)2(4,4’-Bipy)](PF6)2: two-step ambient temperature quantitative solid-state synthesis, structure and dielectric properties, F. Wang, C. Y. Ni, Q. Liu, F. L. Li, J. Shi, H. X. Li,J. P. Lang*,Chem. Commun.,2013,49, 9248.
17.Single-crystal-to-single-crystal transformation of a two-dimensional coordination polymer through highly selective [2+2] photodimerization of a conjugated dialkene, D. Liu, H. F. Wang,J. P. Lang*, B. F. Abrahams,Chem. Commun.,2014,50, 3173.
18.In-situX-ray diffraction snapshoting: Determination of the kinetics of a [2+2] photocycloaddition reaction within a single crystal of a Ni(II) coordination polymer, F. L. Hu, S. L. Wang,J. P. Lang*, B. F. Abrahams,Scientific Reports,2014,4, 6815.
19.Heterobimetallic transition metal clusters and cluster-supported coordination polymers derived from Tp- and Tp*-based Mo(W) sulfido precursors, W. H. Zhang, Q. Liu,J. P. Lang*,Coord. Chem. Rev.,2015,293-294, 187.
20.Fabrication ofCu2O@CuO-supported Au-Pd alloy nanoparticleswith high catalytic activity through the galvanic replacement reaction, W. Yao, F. L. Li, H. X. Li*,J. P. Lang*,J. Mater. Chem. A,2015,3, 4578.
21.Facile synthesis of one Ag(I)-doped coordination polymer with enhanced catalytic performance in the photodegradation of azo dyes in water, F. Wang, F. L. Li, M. M. Xu, H. Yu*, J. G. Zhang, H. T. Xia,J. P. Lang*,J. Mater. Chem. A.,2015,3, 5908.
22.One silver(I)/tetraphosphine coordination polymer showing good catalytic performance in the photodegradation of nitroaromatics in polluted water, X. Y. Wu, H. X. Qi, J. J. Ning, J. F. Wang, Z. G. Ren*,J. P. Lang*,Appl. Cata. B Environ.,2015,168, 98.
23.One 1D anionic coordination polymer showing superior Congo Red sorption and its dye composite exhibiting remarkably enhanced photocurrent response, B. Wu, W. H. Zhang*, Z. G. Ren,J. P. Lang*,Chem. Commun.,2015,51, 14893.
24.Rational construction of functional Mo(W)-Cu-S coordination oligomers and polymers from preformed cluster precursors,W. H. Zhang, Z. G. Ren,J. P. Lang*,Chem. Soc. Rev.,2016,45, 4995.
25.Controlled formation of chiral networks and their reversible chiroptical switching behavior by UV/microwave irradiation, F. L. Hu, H. F. Wang, D. Guo, H. Zhang,J. P. Lang*, J. E. Beves*,Chem. Commun.,2016,52, 7990.
26.Versatilethiomolybdate (thiotungstate)-copper-sulfide clusters and multidimensional polymerslinked by cyanides, Q. Liu, W. H. Zhang*,J. P. Lang*,Coord. Chem. Rev.,2017,350, 248.
27.A crystalline zinc(II) complex showing hollow hexagonal tubular morphology evolution, selective dye absorption and unique response to UV irradiation, Y. X. Shi, W. X. Li, H. H. Chen, D. J. Young, W. H. Zhang*,J. P. Lang*,Chem. Commun.,2017,53, 5515.
28.Nanoscale trimetallic metal-organic frameworks enable efficient oxygen evolution electrocatalysis, F. L. Li, Q. Shao, X. Q. Huang*,J. P. Lang*,Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.,2018,57, 1888.
29.Stereoselective solid-state synthesis of substituted cyclobutanes assisted by pseudorotaxane-like MOFs, F. L. Hu, M. Yan, C. Zhu, B. F. Abrahams, P. Braunstein,J. P. Lang*,Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.,2018,57, 12696.
30.Rectangle and [2]catenane from cluster modular construction, X. T. Qiu, R. Yao, W. F. Zhou, M. D. Liu, Q. Liu, Y. L. Song, D. J. Young, W. H. Zhang*,J. P. Lang*,Chem. Commun.,2018,54, 4168.
31.Covalent switching, involving divinylbenzene ligands within 3D coordination polymers, indicated by changes in fluorescence, N. Y. Li, D. Liu, B. F. Abrahams,J. P. Lang*,Chem. Commun.,2018,54, 5831.
32.F. L. Li, P. T. Wang, X. Q. Huang*, D. J. Young, H. F. Wang*, P. Braunstein,J. P. Lang*, Large-scalable, bottom-up synthesis of binary metal-organic framework nanosheets for water electrooxidation,Angew. Chem., Int. Ed.,2019,58, 7051.
33.Fabrication of new photoactuators: macroscopic photomechanical responses of metal-organic frameworks to irradiation by UV light,Y. X. Shi, W. H. Zhang, B. F. Abrahams, P. Braunstein,J. P. Lang*,Angew. Chem., Int. Ed.,2019,58, 9453.
34.Metal complexes with the zwitterion 4-(trimethylammonio)benzenethiolate: Synthesis, Structures and applications,S. J. Bao, C. Y. Liu, M. Zhang, X. R. Chen, H. Yu*, H. X. Li*, P. Braunstein,J. P. Lang*,Coord. Chem. Rev.,2019,397, 28.
35.Reversible dielectric switching behavior of a 1D coordination polymer induced by photo and thermal irradiation, J. Y. Sima, H. X. Li*, D. J. Young, P. Braunstein,J. P. Lang*,Chem. Commun.,2019,55, 3532-3535.
36.Photo-induced nonlinear negative expansion behavior in metal?organic frameworks,Y. X. Shi, H. H. Chen, W. X. Li, W. H. Zhang, G. S. Day,J. P. Lang*, H. C. Zhou*,Chem. Eur. J.,2019,25, 8543.
37. Exogenous Photosensitizer?, Metal?, and Base-Free Visible-Light Promoted C?H Thiolation via Reverse Hydrogen Atom Transfer, Z.-M. Xu, H.-X. Li*, D. J. Young, D.-L. Zhu, H.-Y. Li, J.-P. Lang*, Org. Lett.2019, 21, 237.
38. Visible-Light-Enhanced Suzuki–Miyaura Reactions of Aryl Chlorides in Water with Pd NPs Supported on a Conjugated Nanoporous Polycarbazole, B. Guo, H.-X. Li*, C.-H. Zha, D. J. Young, H.-Y. Li, J.-P. Lang*, ChemSusChem2019, 12, 1421.
39. Morphology-dependent third-order optical nonlinearity of a 2D Co-based metal–organic framework with a porphyrinic skeleton, R.-J. Niu, W.-F. Zhou, Y. Liu, J.-Y. Yang*, W.-H. Zhang*, J.-P. Lang*, D. J. Young, Chem. Commun.2019, 55, 4873.
40. Metal complexes with the zwitterion 4-(trimethylammonio)benzenethiolate: Synthesis, structures and applications, S.-J. Bao, C.-Y. Liu, M. Zhang, X.-R. Chen, H. Yu*, H.-X. Li*, P. Braunstein, J.-P. Lang*, Coord. Chem. Rev., 2019, 397, 28.
41. Coordination-Driven Stereospecific Control Strategy for Pure Cycloisomers in Solid-State Diene Photocycloaddition, M.-F. Wang, Y. Mi, F.-L. Hu*, Z. Niu*, X.-H. Yin, Q. Huang, H.-F. Wang, J.-P. Lang*, J. Am. Chem. Soc.2020, 142, 700.
本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-03-06
相关话题/化学化工 材料
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