

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-03-06






1. Zhang YN, Wu P, Jeantet R, Dupont D, Delaplace G, Chen XD,Xiao J*. Howmotility canenhance mass transfer and absorption in the duodenum:Taking the structure ofthe villi into account.Chem. Eng. Sci.2020; 213: 115406-1-13.
2. ZouSY, Zha JP,Xiao J*,Chen XD. How eyelashes can protect the eye through inhibiting ocular waterevaporation: A chemical engineering perspective.J. R. Soc. Interface2019; 16: **-1-12.
3. Wei YC, Woo MW, Selomulya C, Wu WD,XiaoJ*, Chen XD*. Numerical simulation of mono-dispersedroplet spray dryer under the influenceof nozzle motion.Powder Technology2019; 355: 93-105.
4. George OA,Xiao J*,Mercade-Prieto R*, Fu N, Chen XD*. Numericalprobing of suspended lactose droplet drying experiment.Journal of FoodEngineering2019; 254: 51-63.
5. XiaoJ*,Yang SJ, George OA, Putranto A,Wu WD, Chen XD*. Numerical simulation of mono-disperse droplet spraydryer: Coupling distinctively different sized chambers.Chem. Eng. Sci.2019; 200: 12-26.
6. PanF, Chen XD,Mercade-Prieto R*,Xiao J*. Numericalsimulationof milk fouling: Taking fouling layer domain and localizedsurfacereaction kinetics into account.Chem. Eng. Sci.2019; 197:306-316.
7. Delaplace G*, Gu YY, Liu MH, Jeantet R,Xiao J*,Chen XD. Homogenizationof liquids inside a new soft elastic reactor:Revealing mixing behavior throughdimensional analysis.Chem.Eng. Sci.2018; 192:1071-1080.
8. XiaoJ*, Pan F,Xia HT, Zou SY, Zhang H, George O, Zhou F, Huang YL.Computational study ofsingle droplet deposition on randomly roughsurfaces: Surface morphologicaleffect on droplet impactdynamics.Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.2018;57(22): 7664-7675.
9. XiaoJ*, Zou C,Liu MH, Zhang GD, Delaplace G, Jeantet R, Chen XD*. Mixing in asoft-elastic reactor (SER) characterized using an RGB based image analysismethod.Chem. Eng. Sci.2018; 181:272-285.
10. Xiao J*, Li Y, George OA, LiZH, Yang SJ, Woo MW, Wu WD, Chen XD*. Numerical investigation ofdroplet pre-dispersion in a monodisperse droplet spray dryer.Particuology2018; 38: 44-60.
11. Xiao J*, Li ZH, Han J, Pan F, Woo MW, Chen XD*.A systematic investigation of the fouling induction phenomena with artificialcrystal structures and distributions.Chem. Eng. Sci.2017; 168: 137-155.
12. George OA,Xiao J*, Rodrigo CS,Mercade-Prieto R, Sempere J, Chen XD*. Detailed numerical analysisof evaporation of a micrometer water droplet suspended on a glass filament.Chem. Eng.Sci.2017;165:33-47.
13. Gao Q,Xiao J*,Chen XD*. Understanding hydrotropism: A chemical Engineeringperspective.AIChE J.2016; 62(4): 1331-1346.
14. George OA, Chen XD*,Xiao J*, Woo M, CheL.An effective rate approach tomodelling single-stage spray drying.AIChE J.2015; 61(12): 4140-4151.
15. Xiao J*, Chen XD*.Multiscale modeling for surface composition of spray-dried two-componentpowders.AIChE J. 2014; 60:2416-2427.
16. Xiao J, Huang YL.Technologyintegration for sustainable manufacturing: An applied study on integratedprofitable pollutionprevention in surface finishing systems.Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.2012;51: 11434-11444.
17. XiaoJ,Chaudhuri S.Design of anti-icingcoatings using supercooled droplets as nano-to-microscale probes.Langmuir2012; 28:4434-4446.
18. Xiao J, Chaudhuri S. Predictive modeling of localizedcorrosion: An application to aluminum alloys.ElectrochimicaActa2011; 56: 5630-5641.
19. Xiao J, Huang YL, Manke C.Computational design of thermoset nanocomposite coatings: Methodologicalstudy on coating development and testing.Chem.Eng. Sci.2010; 65: 753-771.
20. Xiao J,Huang YL, Manke C.Computational design of polymer nanocomposite coatings: A multiscalehierarchical approach forbarrier property prediction.Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.2010; 49:7718-7727.
21. Xiao J,Huang YL.Microstructure-property-quality-correlatedpaint design: an LMC-based approach.AIChEJ.2009;55: 132-149.
22. Xiao J, Huang YL, Lou HH.A probability distribution estimation basedmethod for dynamic optimization.AIChEJ.2007;53:1805-1816.
23. Xiao J, Huang YL, Qian Y, Lou HH.Integrated product and process control of single-input-single-outputsystems.AIChEJ.2007;53:891-901.
24. XiaoJ,Li J,Xu Q, Huang YL, Lou HH.ACS-baseddynamicoptimization for curing of polymeric coating.AIChEJ.2006;52:1410-1422.
25. XiaoJ, Li J,Lou HH, Huang YL. Cure-window-based proactive quality control in topcoat curing.Ind. Eng. Chem.Res.2006;45: 2351-2360.

相关话题/材料 化学化工