
学术报告——Ocular Imaging Research_苏州生物医学工程技术研究所

苏州生物医学工程技术研究所 免费考研网/2018-05-14

报告人: Dr Jimmy Liu ,新加坡ATLANTIA实验室主任




  In the talk, Dr Liu will update his ocular imaging research work conducted with ophthalmologists in the past one year. He will introduce the current issues, technologies and approaches in this inter-disciplinary research area. Jimmy will also share how his ocular imaging research efforts are noticed by the cardiologists and dermatologists, which results in the expansion of his research to other medical imaging research area such as coronary vessel and skin medical image analysis using the technologies developed from the ocular imaging.


  Dr Jimmy Liu is the founding head of ocular imaging iMED program in the institute for infocomm research http://imed.i2r.a-star.edu.sg. In 2013, Dr Liu established AVATA clinical research joint lab with Singapore National Health Group and ATLANTIA industrial joint research lab with Japanese TOPCON Corporation. Translational and licensing efforts of the ocular image research are greatly boosted through the AVATA (I2R and National Health Group Advanced Vision and Technology Alliance) and ATLANTIA (Advanced Technological Laboratory for A*STAR and TOPCON Innovation Alliance) joint labs. He is also the adjunct associate professor in SCE, NTU, Adjunct Principle Scientist in Singapore Eye Research Institute and the Singapore Chapter Chair for IEEE EMBS (Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society).




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