本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-02-16
Shaofang Li is an associate professor at the Department of Finance and received her PhD in economics from the University of Ljubljana. Her research interests include financial risk management, asset pricing, behaviorfinance, green finance, and quantitative finance. Her articles were publishedin several international journals, including International Review of Financial Analysis, Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money,Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, and books (e.g.,Financial Institutions in the Global Financial Crisisat Springer). Her work was presented at many international conferences,including EFA, EMFA, MFA. She also serves as a referee for journals including International Review of Economics and Finance, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, Applied Economics, and Applied Economics Letters.
研究方向(Reseach Interests)
代表性论文(Published Papers):
[1]Shaofang Li.Banking Sector Reform,Competition and Bank Stability: An Empirical
Analysis of Transition Countries.Emerging Markets Finance and Trade (SSCI), 2019, 55(10).
[2]Shaofang Li.The Impact of Bank Regulation and Supervision on Competition:Evidence from Emerging Economies.Emerging Markets Finance andTrade(SSCI), 2019, 55(10).
[3]Shaofang Li,Chao Liu. Quality of Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure and Cost of Equity Capital: Lessons from China. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade (SSCI), 2018, 54:11, 2472-2494.
[4]Shaofang Li, Matej Marinc. Economies of scale and scope in financial market infrastructures.Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money(SSCI),2018 (53), 17-49.
[5]Shaofang Li,Matej Marinc. Competition in Clearing and Settlement Industry. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money (SSCI), 2016 (40),134-162.
[6] Marko Ko?ak, Shaofang Li, Igor Loncarski, and Matej Marinc. Quality of Bank Capital and Bank Lending Behavior in the Global Financial Crisis. International Review of Financial Analysis(SSCI),2015 (37), 168-183.
[7]Shaofang Li, Matej Marinc. The Use of Financial Derivatives and Risks of U.S. Bank
Holding Companies. International Review of Financial Analysis (SSCI),2014 (35), 46-71.
[8]李绍芳,刘晓星.中国金融机构关联网络与系统性金融风险.金融经济学研究(CSSCI),2018,33(5): 34-48.
[9]李绍芳,刘晓星.金融系统压力:指数化测度及其溢出效应研究.系统工程理论与实践(CSSCI),2020,40(5): 1089-1112.
[1]Shaofang Li. 2018. Financial Institutions inthe Global Financial Crisis. Springer.
[1] 国家自然科学基金青年项目,《异质信念与资产价格泡沫:关联机制及其模型构建》,2019/01-2021/12,主持,在研。
会议论文(Conference proceedings):
[1]Shaofang Li. Banking sector reform, competition and bank stability. Proceedings of theINFORMS, Phenix, November 4 - 7, 2018.
[2]Shaofang Li, Matej Marinc. Mandatory clearing of derivatives and systemic risk of bankholding companies. Proceedings of the 第十四届中国金融学年会, 上海, October 27 - 29, 2017.
[3]Shaofang Li, Matej Marinc. Mandatory clearing of derivatives and systemic risk of bankholding companies. Proceedings of the 26th European Financial Management Association (EFMA)annual meeting, Athens, Greece, June 28 - July 1, 2017.
[4]Shaofang Li, Matej Marinc. Economies of scale and scope in financial marketsinfrastructures. Proceedings of the INFINITI Conference on International Finance Asia-Pacific, University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 7-8 December 2016.
[5]Shaofang Li, Matej Marinc. Mandatory clearing of derivatives and systemic risk of bankholding companies. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference of the Financial Engineering and Banking Society (FEBS), Malaga, 10-12 June, 2016.
[6]Shaofang Li, Matej Marinc. Competition in the clearing and settlement industry. Proceedings of the 13th INFINITI Conference on International Finance, Ljubljana, 8-9 June 2015.
[7]Shaofang Li, Matej Marinc. Do banks really use financial derivatives for hedging?.Proceedings of the 12th INFINITI Conference on International Finance, Prato, Italy, 9-10 June 2014.
工作论文(Working papers):
[1]Shaofang Li, Matej Marinc. Mandatory Clearing of Derivatives and Systemic Risk of Bank Holding Companies.
[2]Shaofang Li, Xiaolin Liu.Bank Regulation, Competition, and Bank Efficiency: Evidence from the Asia Pacific Region.
[3]Shaofang Li.The Use of Derivatives and Bank Risk-taking: Evidence from Bank Holding Companies
[4]Shaofang Li.Quality of Bank Capital, Competition, and Risk-Taking:Some International Evidence
[5]Shaofang Li.The Impact of Capital Structure and Institutional Environment on Bank Competition: A Cross-country Analysis
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