本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-02-16
Dr. Ionut UNTEA
Office:Room 507, Department of Philosophy, School of Humanities, Wenke Building A, Jiulonghu Campus, Southeast University, Nanjing,Jiangsu Province, China
Email:1 0 8 1 0 9 0 5 5 [a t ) s e u . e d u . c n ; u n t e a _ i o n u t [ a t ) 1 2 6 . c o m
Academia.edu: https://seu.academia.edu/IonutUntea/
ResearchGate : https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Ionut_Untea
PhD, Interdisciplinary, Modern and Contemporary History of Ideas (Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes -EPHE, Paris), France, 2013.
Research Master, Political Studies (Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales -EHESS, Paris), France, 2009.
Research Master, Anglophone Studies (Université Paris III, Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris), France, 2009.
Research Master, History of Philosophy (Université Lyon III, Lyon), France, 2008.
MA, Theology - Doctrines and Cultures (University of Bucharest), Romania, 2007.
BA, Philosophy (University of Bucharest), Romania, 2007.
Research and teaching expertise:
philosophy of culture; issues in moral, political philosophy and philosophy of science from early modern to contemporary times; religion, technology, and society; Thomas Hobbes and his perennial heritage.
Narrative Bio:
Dr. Ionut UNTEA has been appointed Associate Research Professorin the Department of Philosophy and Scienceof Southeast University since September 2016. He has previously taught and done research in France (University of La Rochelle, Institute of International Agro-Development) and Switzerland (University of Geneva).
His interestfor teaching and research in China has been inspired by his work for the article Leviathan, the Bad Emperor and the Challenges of a Global Liberal Society, in Cultures in Movement, Micéala Symington, Martine Raibaud, Ionut Untea, David Waterman (eds.), Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Cambridge, 2015. The article explores similarities between Liberalism and Confucianismas debated by authors like Max Weber, Tu Weiming, Samuel Huntington and Francis Fukuyama. In his research activity as a faculty member of the Department of Philosophy of SEU, Dr. Untea focuses on the topic Coexistence and Communication Initiatives. Since taking the role of Associate Research Professor at SEU, Dr. Untea has been teaching the courses Science and Religion, Western Philosophy(undergraduate level), Intercultural Communication: Identity, Ethics, Semiotics(graduate level) and has also taught three lectures on the Aesthetics of Everyday Life(graduate level).
Dr. Untea publishes mainly in English and French. As of March 2017, he has published a research article on the early modern debates regarding science and religion entitled Matérialisme, eschatologie, nécessité : le projet théologico-politique des millénaristes anglais et le modèle scientifique hobbesien, (Materialism, Eschatology, Necessity: the Theologico-Political Project of the English Millenarianism and the Hobbesian Scientific Model), in Revue des Sciences Philosophiques et Théologiques, Librairie J. Vrin, Paris, Spring 2017; ISSN: 0035-2209, indexed in Arts & Humanities Citation Index - Web of Science(Clarivate Analytics, formerly Thomson Reuters‘ IP & Science branch). Other articles, covering various aspects of Dr. Untea's area of expertise, have been submitted to several international journals.
As a graduate student, PhD candidate, researcher, and faculty member, Dr. Untea has travelled around the world to present his research to critical evaluation during international conferences and seminars. He also enjoys long motorcycle journeys.
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