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Dr. AliciaHENNIG
Office:Room A519, Department of Philosophy, School of Humanities, Wenke Building A,Jiulonghu Campus, Southeast University, Nanjing,Jiangsu Province, China
Email :alicia.hennig@t-online.de
Personalwebsite: https://newvirtues.com
ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Alicia_Hennig
SSRN: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/cf_dev/AbsByAuth.cfm?per_id=**
Doctorate, AppliedPhilosophy & Ethics, Business Ethics (Technische Universit?t Darmstadt), Germany2015.
MA,Philosophy (business ethics, social & moral philosophy), Sociology (elitesociology) and Psychology (organisational psychology) (Technische Universit?tDarmstadt), Germany 2008.
Research expertise:
BusinessEthics (Western and Chinese perspectives and approaches; CSR andSustainability; Ethics in the Financial Sector), Political Philosophy, Social& Moral Philosophy
BusinessEthics courses (Western Economic Thought, CSR Communication and ReputationRisk, Ethics in Finance, Sustainability), Human Resource courses (InternationalHuman Resource Management), Management Courses (Issues in ContemporaryManagement)
Dr. Alicia HENNIGjoined the Department of Philosophy and Science at Southeast University inOctober 2018 as Associate Research Professor. Previously, she held a positionas Assistant Professor of Business Ethics at the Harbin Institute ofTechnology, Shenzhen Campus, China. Dr. HENNIG is also a visiting researcherand lecturer at Greenwich Business School, Greenwich University, London, UK.
In April2015 Dr. HENNIG finished her doctorate in Political Philosophy and BusinessEthics at Technische Universit?t Darmstadt, Germany with secondary supervision fromThomas Pogge (Yale University, CT, US). During her doctorate, she worked as afreelancer for Deutsche Bank’s Group Sustainability department for about threeyears. In addition, she held a position for five years as a Research Assistantat the East-West Centre for Business Studies and Cultural Science led byCarsten Herrmann-Pillath at the Frankfurt School of Finance and Management,Germany. There, she started to publish first working papers on Chinese businessculture in 2009. Dr. HENNIG also gained working experience in China through anumber of internships between 2005 and 2009 at a Chinese company in Jiangsuprovince, as well as at a German Multinational Company in Shanghai.
Aftercompleting her doctorate related to Business Ethics from a Western perspective,she started focusing on Chinese philosophy, particularly Daoism, and its potentialapplication in business, management and corporate sustainability in the searchof new and innovative approaches.
Dr. HENNIG mainlypublishes in English and German language. Next to a number of working papers,she has so far published three academic papers in international journals andone chapter publication.
Hennig,Alicia. 2017. Three Approaches to Virtue in Business – Aristotle,Confucius and Laozi, Frontiers of Philosophy in China, 11(4): 556-586.
Hennig,Alicia. 2017. Applying Laozi's Dao De Jing in Business, Philosophyof Management, 16(1): 19–33.
Hennig,Alicia. 2016. Daoism in Management, Philosophy of Management, 1-22.
Hennig,Alicia. 2013. The Ethical Background of Business in China – AnOutline. 194-207. In Khan and Amann: World Humanism: Cross-culturalPerspectives on Ethical Practices in Organizations, Palgrave Macmillan.
She isfurthermore co-editor of a special issue for the Journal of Business Ethics andreviewer at several reputable journals in her field of research (Journal ofBusiness Ethics (JBE), Business Ethics: A European Review (BEER), Philosophy ofManagement (PHOM), Cross-Cultural and Strategic Management).
Dr. HENNIG isregularly presenting her research at numerous international conferences(Academy of Management, US; European Business Ethics Network Annual Conference;Philosophy of Management Annual Conference at Greenwich Business School, LondonUK; International Symposium on Ethics, Business and Society at IESE BusinessSchool, Barcelona, Spain amongst others). She has been an invited lecturer atvarious reputable universities globally (Yale University, CT, US; University ofBritish Columbia (UBC), Vancouver, Canada; University of Technology (UTS),Sydney, Australia; California Polytechnic State University (CalPoly),California, US; Nottingham University, Ningbo, China amongst others) and at anumber of international companies (Deutsche Bank, Germany; Barclays, UK;Citibank, US; UBS, Switzerland).

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