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2000.7-2002.3 河北大学数学与系统科学学院 助教2005.5-2007.3 东南大学数学系 讲师2007.4-2018.4 东南大学数学系 副教授2018.5-至今 东南大学数学学院 教授2013.2-2014.2 美国佛罗里达大学工业与系统工程系 访问****
1993.9-1997.7 河北大学数学系 学士学位1997.9-2000.6 山东大学数学与系统科学学院 硕士学位2002.4-2005.5 香港城市大学数学系 博士学位

34. Zhang Qiao , Guan Xiucui*, PardalosPanos M. Maximum shortest path interdiction problem by upgrading edges on trees under weighted l1 norm[J]. Journal of Global Optimization:1-29.Published online 12 September, 2020. DOI:10.1007/s10898-020-00958-0

33. Zhang Binwu, Guan Xiucui*, PardalosPanos M., et al. The lower bounded inverse optimal value problem on minimum spanning tree under unit l ∞norm[J]. Journal of Global Optimization:1-21.Published online 12 September, 2020. DOI:10.1007/s10898-020-00947-3
32.Guan Xiucui*, Liu Chao, Zhang Qiao. The critical node problem based on connectivity index and properties of components on trees[J]. Asia Pacific Journal of Operational Research, 2020, published online.DOI:10.1142/S02**414
31. Zhang Binwu, Guan, Xiucui*, Zhang Qiao. Inverse optimal value problem on minimum spanning tree under unit l∞norm[J]. Optimization Letters,14(8), 2301-2322, 2020.
30. Binwu Zhang, Xiucui Guan*, Panos Pardalos, Chunyuan He, An algorithm for the shortest path improvement problem on rooted trees under the unit Hamming distance, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications. 178(2): 538-559 DOI: 10.1007/s10957-018-1221-9. 1 August 2018.
29. Zhang Binwu, Guan xiucui*, Pardalos, P.M., Chunyuan He, An Algorithm for Solving the Shortest Path Improvement Problem on Rooted Trees Under Unit Hamming Distance, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol. 178, No. 2, 538–559, 2018.8. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10957-018-1221-9
28. Guan xiucui*, He, X.Y., Pardalos, P.M., Zhang, B.W.: Inverse max+sum spanning tree problem under hamming distance by modifying the sum-cost vector. J. Global Optim. 69(4), 911-925 (2017) WOS:0004**
27. Binwu Zhang, Xiucui Guan *, Qin Wang, Chunyuan He, Samson Hansen Sackey, The complexity analysis of the shortest path improvement problem under the Hamming distance, Pacific Journal of Optimization, 11(4), 605-618, 2015.

26. Xiucui Guan*, Panos M. Pardalos, Xia Zuo, Inverse Max+Sum spanning tree problem by modifying the sum-cost vector under weighted l∞Norm, Journal of Global Optimization (ISSN:0925-5001), 61(1), 165-182, 2015. (IDS 号:AX4PG)
25. Zuo Xia, Guan Xiucui,A special case of inverse max+sum spanning tree problem by modifying the sum-weight vector, Journal of Nanjing University (Mathematical Biquarterly), Vol. 30, No. 2, 205-214, 2013. 11. (in Chinese)
24. Zhang Binwu, Guan Xiucui, Chunyuan He, ShuguoWang, Algorithms for the Shortest Path Improvement Problems under Unit Hamming Distance, Journal of Applied Mathematics, Volume2013, Article ID847317, 8 pages, (2013). (SCI IDS No. 230PE)
23. Yang Liping, Guan Xiucui, 2-median location improvement problems under weighted l1 norm and l∞ norm on trees, Journal of Southeast University (English Edition), Vol. 29, No. 3, 346-351, 2013. (EI)

22.Guan Xiucui, Zhang Binwu, Inverse 1-median Problem on trees under Weighted Hamming Distance, Journal of Global Optimization, 2012, 54(1), 75-82, DOI:10.1007/s10898-011-9742-x. (EI Accession no: IP**) (SCI IDS No. 985SE)
21. Xiucui Guan, Yangbo Cao. Constrained and bicriteria inverse bottleneck optimization problems under weighted Hamming distance, Optimization, 2012, 61(2), 129-142. (SCI IDS No. 919IO)
20. Wang Xifeng, Li Bixin, Liao Li, Xie Chunli, Guan Xiucui,Inverse optimization problem based Web services selection, Journal of Southeast University (Natural Science Edition), 41(3), 2011, 438-442. (EI Accession no: 937) (in Chinese)
19. Liu LipingGuan Xiucui, “Inverse Linear Program by Modifying the Right-hand Side Vector under l1 Norm”,Proceedings - 4th International Joint Conference on Computational Sciences and Optimization, CSO 2011, 471-475, 2011. (EI Accession no:201**)
18. Xiucui Guan, Binwu Zhang. Inverse 1-median Problem on Trees under Weighted l-infty Norm. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6124( 2010), 150-160.
17. Yangbo Cao, Xiucui Guan. A Class of Constrained Inverse Bottleneck Optimization Problems under Weighted Hamming Distance. Proceedings of the Second International Joint Conference on Computational Sciences and Optimization, IEEE Computer society, 2( 2009), 859-863.
16. Xiucui Guanand Jianzhong Zhang, Improving Multicut in Directed Trees by Upgrading Nodes. European Journal of Operational Research, No.3, 183(2007), 971-980. 2007.12, IDS: 197XK, ISSN: 0377-2217Impact Factor: 2.159
15. Xiucui Guanand Jianzhong Zhang, Inverse Constrained Bottleneck Problems Under Weighted l-infinity Norm, Computers and Operations Research, No.11, 34(2007), 3243-3254. 2007.11, IDS: 173MV, ISSN: 0305-0548, Impact Factor: 1.769
14. Xiucui Guanand Jianzhong Zhang, A Class of Node Based Bottleneck Improvement Problems. European Journal of Operational Research, 174, 3 (2006), 1540-1552.
13. Xiucui Guanand Jie Su, Further Research on Node Based Bottleneck Improvement Problem for Multicut, Lecture Notes in Computer Science,International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Kunming, 4113(2006), 895--900.
12. Jie Su and Xiucui Guan,Multi-objective Optimal Strategy for Individual Consumption-Investment with Fuzzy Coefficients, Lecture Notes in Computer Science,International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Kunming, 4113(2006), 919--924.
11. Xiucui Guanand Jianzhong Zhang, Inverse Bottleneck Optimization Problems on Networks, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Algorithmic Aspects in Information and Management, Hong Kong, 4041(2006), 220--230.
10. X.C. Guanand J.Z. Zhang, Inverse Constrained Bottleneck Problems on Networks. Technical Workshop on Optimization: Theories and Applications, as a part of International Conference on Computational Science and its Applications, Singapore, May 09-12, 2005. Lecture Notes on Computer Science, 3483(2005), 161-171.
9. X.C. Guanand J.Z. Zhang, Improving multicut in directed trees by upgrading nodes. Modelling, Computation and Optimization in Information Systems and Management Sciences. Edited by H.A. Le Thi and T. Pham Dinh, 173-180. 2004.
8. X.C. Guan,A class of inverse minimum spanning tree problems and their solution methods. OR Transactions, 8(2004), 37-44.
7. X.C. Guan, Z.Y. Diao, Restricted inverse and extended inverse semidefinite programming problems, OR Transactions, 6(2002), 19-26.
6. X.C. Guanand Z.Y. Diao, The quadratic semidefinite programming problem and its projection and contraction algorithm, Numerical Mathematics: A Journal of Chinese Universities, 2(2002), 97-108.(in Chinese)
5. X.C. Guan, A Simplification of the General Inverse Linear Programming Problem, Operations Research and Management Science, 11( 2002), 35-40. (in Chinese)
4. X.C. Guanand Z.Y. Diao, The Restricted Inverse General Linear Programming Problem, Operations Research and Management Science, 9(2000), 8-13. (in Chinese)
3. X.C. Guanand Z.Y. Diao, Predictor-correct interior point method for solving the inverse general linear programming problem, Journal of Shandong University, 35( 2000), 21-27. (in Chinese)
2. X.C. Guanand Z.Y. Diao, The inverse semedefinite programming problems, Mathematics in Economics, 16( 1999), 52-59. (in Chinese)
1. P.G. Wang, X.C. Guan, Q.X. Wang, Construction of Judgement Matrix in AHP, System Engineering Theory and Application, 8(1998), 134-138. (in Chinese)

1. 2015.1-2018.12 国家自然科学基金面上项目 主持 68万元

2. 2009.1-2011.12 国家自然科学基金青年项目 主持 17万元

3. 2007.1-2007.12 国家自然科学基金天元项目 主持 3万元

4. 2009.9-2012.8 东南大学优秀青年教师教学科研资助项目 主持 15万元

5. 2008.7-2012.12 东南大学国家自然科学基金预研项目 主持 2万元

Member, Pacific Optimization Research Activity Group

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