

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-02-16

潘金龙,男,博士、教授、博士生导师。土木工程学院建筑工程系教师。先后主持国家十三五重点研发计划课题和子课题、973重大基础研究计划子课题、国家自然科学基金、外国青年****基金合作项目、江苏省自然科学基金、教育部科学技术研究项目、教育部博士点基金(新教师),中冶三五重大专项等十多项;参与十二五国家科技支撑计划、江苏省基础研究计划、企事业单位委托项目等纵课题若干项。2009年入选东南大学优秀青年教师资助计划,2009年获得Elsevier 2005-2009最佳论文引用奖,2010年入选教育部科技创新团队(成员),2011年入选江苏省“六大人才高峰”计划, 2011年入选江苏省科技创新团队(成员)。2011年获得教育部科技进步一等奖。2012年获得国家科技进步二等奖。2016年获得江苏省****基金。2019年获得教育部科技进步二等奖。发表学术论文100余篇,授权发明专利21项,主参编教材5部,参编行业标准1部。2019年指导学生SRTP获得全国高等学校土木工程专业本科生优秀创新实践成果奖一等奖,2013年、2014年指导学生SRTP获得全国高等学校土木工程专业本科生优秀创新实践成果奖二等奖,2014年指导本科生参加江苏省高校第十一届大学生物理及实验科技作品创新竞赛获得论文类省级二等奖。现为国际混凝土及混凝土结构断裂力学协会(IA-FraMCoS)会员, 国际土木工程FRP学会的会员(IIFC), 中国材料学会会员,中国土木工程学会纤维混凝土委员会委员,江苏省复合材料学会结构复合材料委员会委员等。

联系地址:土木楼704室,南京市江宁区,东南大学路2号,邮编:211189, 电话:
2002.08-2005.11, 香港科技大学, 土木及环境工程学系, 博士
1999.09-2002.03, 浙江大学, 建筑工程学院,硕士
1995.09-1999.06, 浙江大学, 建筑工程学院,学士
2011- , 东南大学, 土木工程学院,教授
2006-2011,东南大学, 土木工程学院,副教授
2005-2006, 香港科技大学,土木及环境工程学系,博士后

-----------------------English Version------------------
Dr. PAN Jinlong
Professor, Ph.D.
Department of Architectural Engineering
School of Civil Engineering
Office:Civil Engineering Building, Room 704
Telephone: +86
Email: cejlpan@seu.edu.cn, **@qq.com
Address:2#, Southeast University Road, Zip Code: 211189
Welcome distinguished students or post-doctors to join us!

? PhD (Civil Eng) Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, China, 2005
?MSE (Civil Eng) Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, 2002
? BSE (Civil Eng) Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, 1999
Career details:
? Professor, Southeast University, Nanjing, 2011-
? Associate Professor, Southeast University, Nanjing, 2006-2011
? Post-doctor research fellow, HKUST, Hong Kong, 2005-2006
? For undergraduatesElasticity and finite element method; Seismic resistance and disaster prevention of structural engineering
? For graduates:Fiber reinforced polymer composites and structures
Main research interest:
? Advanced cementitious composites and composite structures
? Precast concrete structures and its seismic behavior
?????????D printing building materials and technology
? Fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) composites and its application in Civil Engineering
? Seismic evaluation of buildings
Selected publications
Xu Li, Pan Jinlong*, Cai Jingming, Wu Dan, Li Yue. Mechanical behavior of flat CFST column to steel beam joints under reversed cyclic loading, Engineering Structures, 198, 2019.
Zhu Binrong, Pan Jinlong*, Behzad Nematollahi, Zhou Zhenxin, Zhang Yang, Jay Sanjayan. Development of 3D Printable Engineered Cementitious Composites with Ultra-High Tensile Ductility for Digital Construction, Materials and Design, 181, 2019.
Xu Li, Pan Jinlong*, Seismic performance of Precast RC and RC/ECC composite Columns with Grouted Sleeve Connections, Engineering structures,188:104-110,2019.
Pan Jinlong, Cai JM, Ma H, Leung CKY, Development of Multiscale Fiber-Reinforced Engineered Cementitious Composites with PVA Fiber and CaCO3 Whisker, ASCE journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 30(6): **. 2018.
Jingming Cai,Jinlong Pan, Xiangming Zhou, Flexural Behavior of Basalt FRP reinforced ECC and concrete beams, Construction and Building Materials, 142:423-430, 2017.
Li Xu,Jinlong Panand Junhan Chen, Mechanical Behavior of ECC and ECC/RC Composite Columns under Reversed Cyclic Loading, ASCE journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 29(9):**, 2017.
Fang Yuan, Jinlong Pan*, Christopher K. Y. Leung, Elastoplastic time history analysis of reinforced ECC or ECC/concrete composite frame under earthquake action, Advanced in Structural Engineering, 20(4):491-503, 2017.
Cai Jing-ming, Pan Jinlong*, Performance of steel-reinforced concrete-filled square steel tubular (SRCFSST) columns under axial compression, Journal of Advanced Steel Construction, submitted, 2015.6, accepted on 2016.1.7.
Cai Jingming,Pan Jinlong*, Shan Qifeng, Interaction mechanism of concrete filled steel circle and square tubes under uniaxial compression, Science China Technological Sciences (Science in China Series E), 58(10):1638-1647, 2015.
Cai Jingming, Pan Jinlong*, Wu Yufei, Mechanical behavior of steel-reinforced concrete-filled steel tubular (SRCFST) columns under uniaxial compressive loading, Thin-wall structures, 97:1-10, 2015.
Pan Jinlong*, Gu Jie, Chen Junhan, Theoretical modeling of steel reinforced ECC column under eccentric compressive loading, Science China Technological Sciences (Science in China Series E), 58(5):889-898, 2015.8.
Yuan Fang, Pan Jinlong*, Leung C.K.Y.,Flexural behaviors of FRP reinforced cementitious composite beams,ASCE Journal of Composites for Construction, 17(5): 591-602, 2013.
Yuan Fang, Pan Jinlong*, Dong Luoting, Leung C.K.Y., Mechanical behaviors of steel reinforced ECC or ECC/concrete composite beams under reversed cyclic loading, ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 26(8):**(8), 2014.
Zhou Jiajia, Pan Jinlong*, Leung C.K.Y., Mechanical Behavior of Fiber Reinforced Engineered Cementitious Composites in Uniaxial Compression, ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 27(1):**(1-10), 2015.
Yuan Fang, Pan Jinlong*, Xu Zhun, Leung CKY, A comparison of engineered cementitious composites versus normal concrete in beam-column joints under reversed cyclic loading, Materials and Structures, 2013(46):145-159, 2013.
Zhou Jiajia, Pan Jinlong*, Leung C.K.Y ,Li zongjin, Experimental Study on Mechanical behaviors of Pseudo-Ductile Cementitious Composites under Biaxial Stresses,Science China, Technological Sciences (Science in China Series E), 56(4):963-969, 2013.
Pan Jinlong*, Xu Zhun, Leung CKY, Li Zongjin, Analytical and Numerical Modeling of FRP Deboning from Concrete Substrate under Pure Shearing, Journal of Wuhan University of Technology (Materials Science Edition), 27(1):142-148, 2012.
Pan Jinlong*, Yuan Fang, Luo Min, Leung CKY, Effect of composition on flexural behaviors of engineered cementitious composites, Science China, Technological Sciences (Science in China Series E), 55(1):1-9, 2012.
Pan Jinlong*and Leung C.K.Y., Effect of multiple secondary cracks on FRP debonding from the substrate of reinforced concrete beams, Construction and Building materials, 24(12)2507-2516,2010.
Pan Jinlongand Leung, C.K.Y*. Effect of Tapering on Crack-induced FRP Debonding from Concrete Substrate, ASCE J. of Composites for Construction, 12(1), 15-24, 2008.
Pan Jinlong*, Christopher K.Y. Leung, Effect of concrete composition on interfacial parameters governing FRP debonding from the concrete substrate, Advances in Structural Engineering, 12(5), 627-637, 2009.
Pan Jinlong*, Trevor, C.F. Chung and Christopher K.Y. Leung, FRP debonding from concrete beams under various load uniformities, Advances in Structural Engineering, 12(6): 807-819, 2009.
Pan Jinlongand Leung, C.K.Y*. Debonding along the FRP/Concrete Interface under Combined Pulling/Peeling Effects, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 74(1/2):132-150, 2007.
Pan Jinlong*and Leung, C.K.Y. Effect of Concrete Composition on FRP/Concrete Bond Capacity, ASCE J. of Composites for Construction, 11(6), 611-618, 2007.
?Engineering Fracture mechanics, Most cited articles, 2005-2009
Teaching and Research Excellence Award for Young Faculty Member, Southeast University, Nanjing, China, 2009
Jiangsu Top Talents Program in Six Major Disciplines, Jiangsu Ministry of Construction, Jiangsu, China, 2011
Science & Technology Progress Award of Education Ministry (first class, No.8), 2011
National Science & Technology Progress Award (second class, No. 6), 2012
Distinguished Young Scholar of Jiangsu Province, 2016
Science & Technology Progress Award of Education Ministry (Second class, No.1), 2019

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