

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-02-16

朱蕾(Zhu Lei)

籍贯:山东省 政治面貌:中共党员
联系电话: +86 **

哲学博士,新加坡国立大学,土木与环境系,管理科学与工程(2011.01 2016.03)
硕士,东南大学,管理科学与工程(2005.09 – 2008.03)
本科,东南大学,土木工程管理(2001.09 – 2005.07)

其他研究领域:项目绩效/生产力评估和改进(Project Performance & Productivity Improvement)、项目信息系统(BIM)、精益建设(LeanConstruction)。

项目标题:Improvement of Capital Project Predictability and Construction Productivity for Process Construction and Maintenance Project (R-296-000-162-597)。本项目是由新加坡经济发展局(Economic Development Board (EDB) of Singapore)资助,与美国建筑行业协会(USAConstruction Industry Institute (CII))合作国际科研项目。项目经费约340****民币(68万新币),三年研究期(10/2015-7/2018)。项目主要目的在于(1)测量新加坡石油化工和能源行业的生产力水平;(2)提出一系列的措施提升生产力水平并且建立行业生产力标准。2015年12月至今,本人作为项目主要负责人之一,主要负责作业分析(Activity Analysis)和生产力基准测试(10-10 Program & Productivity Benchmarking)部分的工作。
项目标题:Consultancy Service for the Development of Construction Productivity Research &Development (R&D) Roadmap。本项目由新加坡建设局(Singapore Building and Construction Authority (BCA))资助。项目主要目的在于(1)发现阻碍建筑生产力的关键因素;(2)鉴别能够为建筑业应用来提高建筑生产力的关键研发技术。2015年9月到2015年11月,本人作为项目参与人,负责主要智能施工技术(Smart Construction Technologies)信息收集和其在新加坡应用面临机遇和挑战的相关研究采访。

4.论文发表a)期刊论文(IF = 论文影响因子;* 通讯作者)ZhuL.*, and Chua D.K.H. (2018). “Identifying Critical Bankability Criteria for PPP Projects: The Case of China”, Advances in Civil Engineering, 2018, 10.1155/2018/**. (SCI Index IF = 0.827)
Hwang, B.G., Shan, M.*, Zhu L.,and Lim, W.C. (2018). “Cost Control in Megaprojects: Efficacy, Tools and Techniques, Key Knowledge Areas, and Project Comparisons”, International Journal of Construction Management,10.1080/**.2018.**.
Hwang, B.G, Krishnankutty, P.*, Zhu L., Caldas, C. H., Shounak A., and Mulva, S. (2018) “Improving Labour Productivity in Process Construction Maintenance and Shutdown/Turnaround Projects”, International Journal of Construction Management, 10.1080/**.2018.**.
Wu, H.Y.*, Du, J., and Zhu, L. (2018). “Influencing Factors on Profit Distribution of Public Private Partnership Projects: Private Sector's Perspective”, Advances in Civil Engineering,2018, 10.1155/2018/**(SCI Index, IF = 0.97)
Zhu, L., Shan, M., and Hwang, B.G.* (2018). “Overview of Design for Maintainability in Building and Construction Research”, Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 32(1), 10.1061/(ASCE)CF.1943-5509.000111(SCI Index, IF = 1.192)
Shan, M.,* Hwang, B.G., and Zhu, L.(2017). “A Global Review of Sustainable Construction Project Financing: Policies, Practices, and Research Efforts”, Sustainability, 9(12), 10.3390/su** (SCI Index, IF = 1.789)
Hwang, B.G., Zhu, L.*,and Tan, J.S.H., (2017). “Green Business Park Project Management: Barriers and Solutions for Sustainable Development”, Journal of Cleaner Production, 153, 209-219, 10.1016/j.jclepro.2017.03.210(SCI Index, IF = 4.959)
Hwang, B.G., Zhu, L.*,Wang, Y.L., and Cheong, X.Y., (2017).“Green Building Construction Projects in Singapore: Cost Premiums and Cost Performance”, Project Management Journal, 48(4), 67-79,(SSCI Index, IF =1.765)
Hwang, B.G., Zhu, L.*,and Tan, J.S.H., (2017).“Identifying Critical Success Factors for Green Business Parks: the Case Study of Singapore”, Journal of Management in Engineering, 33(5), 10.1061/(ASCE)ME.1943-5479.** (SCI, IF = 1.840)
Hwang, B.G., Zhu, L.*,and Ming, J.T.T., (2017).Productivity Improvement Strategies for Green Construction Projects: Performance Comparison and Critical Factors, Journal of Sustainable Building Technology & Urban Development,8(1), 45-53
Hwang, B.G., Zhu, L.*,and Ming, J. T. T., (2016). “Factors Affecting Productivity in Green Building Construction Projects: The Case of Singapore”, Journal of Management in Engineering,33(3), 10.1061/(ASCE)ME.1943-5479.**(SCI, IF = 1.840)
Zhu, L.*, Zhao, X., and Chua, D. K. H., (2016). Agent-Based Debt Terms' Bargaining Model to Improve Negotiation Inefficiency in PPP Projects. Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 30(6),10.1061/(ASCE)CP.1943-5487.**(SCI, IF = 1.855)
朱蕾*,祁艳. “FIDIC 金皮书 – DBO合同研究”.建筑, 2008, 20期, 36-37
朱蕾*,袁竞峰,杜静. “基于PPP合同行政属性的政府介入权研究”. 建筑经济,2007, 10期, 92-95[中文核心期刊]
朱蕾*,杜静,王睿. “基于《PFI合同标准》的PFI合同结构研究”. 基建优化,2007, 28(6), 86-89
朱蕾*,杜静.“ 精益建设过程中持续流的应用研究”. 建筑管理现代化, 2006, 9, 9-12

b)国际会议论文(* 通讯作者)Shan, M., Hwang, B.G.,Zhu, L.,and Cheong, X. (29 June – 1 July 2018). Green Building Construction Projects in Singapore: Cost Premiums and Cost Performance.The 7thWorld Construction Symposium 2018: Built Asset Sustainability: Rethinking Design, Construction and Operations, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Du, J. Wu, H.Y., and Zhu, L.(2-4 April 2018) “Research on the Mode and Benefit of Construction Enterprises Participating in PPP Projects.” 2018 Construction Research Congress (CRC 2018), Louisiana State University, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.
Krishnankutty, P., Hwang, B.G., Zhu, L., and Shan, M. (30-01 December 2017) Critical Review of Design for Maintainability Research in Buildings.” International Conference on Innovative Production and Construction, Curtin University, Perth, Australia.
Hwang, B.G., Zhu, L.*, Tan, J.S.H., Chi, S., and Shan, M. (5-7 June 2017). Project Management Strategies for Green Business Parks: Critical Success Factors, Barriers and Solutions.World Sustainable Built Environment Conference 2017 (WSBE17), Hong Kong.
Hwang, B.G., Shan, M., Phuah, S.L., Chi, S., and Zhu, L.. (5-7 June 2017). Investigating Critical Safety Performance Factors in Green Building Construction Projects: The Case of Singapore.World Sustainable Built Environment Conference 2017 (WSBE17), Hong Kong.
Hwang, B.G., Zhu, L.*,Ming, J.T.T., Krishnankutty, P., and Shan, M. (11-14 December 2016). Productivity Improvement Strategies for Green Construction Projects: Performance Comparison and Critical Factors. International Conference on Sustainable Built Environment (SBE) 16 Seoul, South Korea.
Hwang, B.G., Shan, M., Supa’at, N.N.B., Krishnankutty, P., and Zhu, L.(11-14 December 2016). Critical Risks in Green Commercial Building Projects: The Case of Singapore. International Conference on Sustainable Built Environment (SBE) 16 Seoul, South Korea.
Zhu, L.*,and Chua, D. K. H. (2013). Model for negotiation of refinancing gain from public-private partnership. Life-Cycle and Sustainability of Civil Infrastructure Systems - Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Life-Cycle Civil Engineering, IALCCE 2012, Taylor & Francis Group, London, Vienna, Austria, 710-717. (EI:607)
Attarzadeh, M., Chua, D. K. H., Zhu, L.,and Beer, M. (2013).“Life-cycle financial modelling of long term infrastructure projects PPP-BOT projects under uncertainty and risk.”Life-Cycle and Sustainability of Civil Infrastructure Systems - Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Life-Cycle Civil Engineering, IALCCE 2012, Taylor & Francis Group, London, Vienna, Austria, 991-996. (EI: 644)
Zhu, L.*,and Chua, D. K. H. (2012). Game Theory-based Model for Insurance Pricing in Public-Private-Partnership Project. The 3rd International Annual Conference on Engineering, Project and Production Management EPPM2012, University of Brighton, Brighton, UK, 167-176.
Zhu, L.*,and Chua, D. K. H. (2012). Monte Carlo simulation based bankability analysis of the Public-Private Partnership project. The Twenty-fifths KKCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering, BEXCO, Busan, Korea, 444-447.

c)研究报告和其他Caldas, C.H., Shounak, G.H.A., Hwang, B.G., Krishnankutty, P., Zhu, L., Mulva, S., Oliveira, D., 2016. Activity Analysis Pilot Projects – Singapore Petrochemical Industry. The University of Texas at Austin, National University of Singapore (NUS) and Construction Industry Institute (CII), Singapore, p. 121.
朱蕾, 2018.04, 基础设施项目外部效应的演化机理、多维评价与生态补偿研究, 2018中国建筑学会工程管理研究分会?第六届青年学术论坛暨首届工程管理博士生论坛,中国?海口.

5.教学领域工程经济学(中)/Engineering Economics(英)


7.学术活动a)国际期刊论文审稿人Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management
Journal of Cleaner Production
Advances in Civil Engineering

b)研讨会特约报告Invited Speaker, Activity Analysis Implementation for Productivity Improvement of the Construction & Maintenance Sectors of the Singapore Petrochemical Industry, Training Session held by Petrochemical Corporation of Singapore Pte Ltd, Singapore, April 2016

c)咨询活动Economic Development Board, Singapore & Construction Industry Institute, USA – Management Practices & Productivity Measurement for the Singapore Petro-Chemical Industry.


9.其他专业软件:Microsoft project, Revit, Naviswork, Tekla, Auto-CAD
编程:C#, VBA, 数据库, HTML

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